Monday, September 30, 2019

Sunday September 29, 2019

Sunday September 29, 2019

Up at 0630, Nancy was already up and had taken Ms P out and fed her.  She said it was cool but no rain.  Nancy is feeling better.  Her stomach discomfort has left.

We bundled up and took a 1.2 mile walk.  Selected a nice flat route for our walk.

I dressed for church and made a quick trip to Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  It was raining hard when we left for Trinity Lutheran.  Despite the rain we had good attendance.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Gas was $2.64 today.

We did not get our GRP delivered today so I drove to D&W and bought one.  Before lunch spent about an hour downstairs checking finances, reading email and digital news.  The rain forced me inside so I had time to read the GRP before lunch.

I thought I might take a walk before lunch but it was still raining hard.  Lunch and then a nap.  

Fixed apple snack before putting on rain gear and taking a mile walk.

Watched the end of the Lions/Chiefs game.  Bad loss for Lions.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had link sausage and spinach pie.
We watched 60 Minutes before switching to Apple TV.  We finished the evening watching episode 1, Season 9 of Doc Martin.  Doc Martin is the best show on TV.

Just a mild mist when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Warmup tomorrow.  The temp might reach 80.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saturday September 28, 2019

Saturday September 28, 2019

Blog time 1100 sitting in den

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  Nancy said they encountered a light mist.  I got up at 0630.  I did my normal calisthenics (50%) first thing.  

The mist prevented us from walking to Panera.  Instead we drove to Bob Evan’s.  Nancy had eggs, bacon, potatoes and two biscuits.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and toast with peanut butter.  Good food.

Nancy wanted to go to Aldi’s but it was too early.  We took a drive around the neighborhood until 0900 when Aldi’s opened.  She bought grapes and crackers.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  Because of the rain I could not go on a bike ride.  I headed to my office and finished yesterday’s blog and started reading the News.

CORRECTION:  In yesterday’s blog I mentioned that during my football playing days I had never had a game delayed or cancelled because of lightning.

I was wrong.  In 1951 my 8th grade football team, McPhee School had a game cancelled.  I try to forget about our team because we were so bad.  We not only did not win a game we did not score a touchdown.  Porky Stemkowski and I were co-captains of this ill fated team.
This and that:

Impeachment dominates the USA news.  However, talk about Global Warming is making headway.  I think that a sensible plan is needed.  A carbon tax, phasing out diesel engines in favor of natural gas would be a good step.  Whatever the mix I think nuclear power has to be included.

Rising sea levels is a big problem.  Places like the Mekong delta, a major rice growing region, would be severely damaged by salt water intrusion.  

On a happier note the rain had stopped by 1130.  I put on my bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.  

As soon as I got home I shaved and showered.  Lunch and then a nap.  

I going to fix our apple snack but Nancy said her stomach was upset and food was the last thing she wanted.  We were going to JT’s Pizza but canceled.

I took a walk and then drove to Subway to get a sandwich.  Nancy headed to bed at 1800.

I did watch some football today.  The UM game was boring but plenty of excitement at the MSU/IU game.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  Nancy was sleeping so Debbie and I talked for 40 minutes.  Alway great!
Watched a new Netflix show Criminal, UK tonight.  I did not like the show.

Headed to bed at 2230. Rain and cool temps for tomorrow.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Friday September 27, 2019

Friday September 27, 2019

Blog time 2130 sitting in den

Nancy and Ms P up at 0530.  I slept in until 0630.  Today I have to be home at 1000.  The refrigerator repair man is coming.

Light rain as I was leaving.  Put on rain suit and headed out, cool temps, mid 50s.  I spotted some wild turkeys on the trail and took several photos.  Also, stopped at Panera to get my thermos filled.  Got home at 0930.  

The repair man arrived at exactly 1000.  He cleaned and checked the refrigerator.  Bottom line we have a leak in the refrigerant system.  New parts will be installed next Wednesday.  Repairs to refrigerators are not cheap.

Finished my calisthenics at home and then showered.  Made a quick trip to Meijer’s to pick up two prescriptions and buys bananas.

Lunch and then started on a walk around the block.  It started to rain so I cut the walk short.

At 1500 we headed to Trinity Lutheran to get our pictures taken for the church’s directory.  Nice set of pictures so we ended up buying three that we liked.  Stopped at Forest Hills Foods on way home and bought coleslaw for dinner.

The Impeachment dominates the news.  I don’t look forward to months of toxic bickering.  We all know the Senate will reject impeachment, so what has been gained.  David Brooks on NPR news tonight had a good idea.  Why not just censure the President and then get on with the people’s business.  Let the voters decide President Trump’s fate next November.

Nancy fixed Shepard’s Pie for dinner along with the coleslaw we had just purchased.  Good meal.  We watched the news and at 2000 watched Midsomer Murders.

It has been raining most of the evening.  We keep getting alerts about electrical storms in the area.   When an electrical storms is approaching an outdoor event it is immediately stopped.  I think many HS football games were either delayed or postponed until tomorrow.

In my football playing days in the 50s I cannot remember ever having a game delayed or postponed because of lightning.  I cannot remember any lightning.  Global warming?

I do remember a game being postponed because the visiting team had several students recently get polio.  Every time I read about Parents saying they don’t want their kids getting a polio shot I want to tell them what a devasting disease Polio was.   


Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Ms P got Nancy up at 0530.  I did not get up until 0645.  Nancy headed out at 0715 for her swim at MVP.

This afternoon I have a 1300 appointment with a surgeon.  It is scheduled as a consultation.  I have an enlarged fat deposit in my groin area.  I originally thought it was a hernia but the ultrasound determined it was the fat deposit.

I want to be home by 1130 in order to get my shower and lunch before heading to the doc.  Shortened my calisthenics and bike ride because of the time constraints.

This and that:

Who is the Whistleblower and will he ever show his face?

Will we ever get an infrastructure bill or will congress continue to bicker?

Most homes in my youth had a coal bin.  This was a basement room that held a winter’s worth of coal.  A coal truck would back up to a window in the bin and dump their load.  A huge cloud of coal dust would result.  The coal we used was called lump coal.  Most lumps were about 8-12 inches square.  I would fill the furnace about four time a day.  In the morning I would empty the ashes into a barrel and take outdoors.  Coal was a dirty way to heat a house.

Got home at 1130 and had a quick shower and lunch.  Headed out at 1230 for the Doctor’s office.

After spending almost half an hour filling out forms (what ever happened to your medical history being universal on a computer data base).  The Doctor said the ultrasound test showed a fat deposit that is common with older men.  Might also have a weak hernia.  Bottom line we will watch but no operation is necessary at this time.  I will continue my exercise routine.  If an exercise routine creates some pain I should just back off.  I left the office relieved.

At home finished reading papers and prepared apple snack.  For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill, my favorite neighborhood pub.  We got the last table.  Nancy had a cup of bean soup and I had a lake perch sandwich.  Great sandwich.  

Sitting at an adjoining table was an Albion Classmate of Nancy’s.  She and husband also belong to Trinity Lutheran.

At home we watched the first episode of this year’s NCIS followed by My Life is Murder.    


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wednesday September 25, 2019

Wednesday September 25, 2019

Blog time 1350 sitting in living room

Breakfast Club Wednesday, the alarm goes off at 0515 get up and dressed.  Took Ms P out before leaving.  Pitch black with temperature in low 60s.  On my way downtown I stopped at Panera and got a coffee to go.

We had a good crowd at BC.  Today’s speaker was the Director of UPTOWN GR, a group of neighborhoods in SE GR.  Good talk.

I stopped a the Y on way home.  My weather app said no rain but at the Y I looked out and it was pouring.  I added a mile to my walk waiting for the rain to stop.  It did after about 40 minutes.

Nancy and I got home at the same time.  Nancy told me she had just been to Walmart.  She got a Shingles and Flu shot with no waiting.  I took her advice and headed to Walmart.  I also got the Shingles and Flu shot with no hassle.  The Shingle shot cost $32.50.  Well worth it.  

Also stopped at Meijer’s for some special bread and milk.  Nancy left home at 1230 for the Gardens.  

This afternoon Jacobson Heating and Cooling is scheduled to stop by to preform a furnace PM between 1300 and 1700.  I lucked out he stopped at 1300.  Took about 30 minutes to do the check.  Everything was ok.

Quick lunch and then started Wednesday chores, laundry and trash.  Finished reading the news before taking a nap.

Nancy got home early today from the Gardens, 1600.  We had our apple snack.  I finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

Light dinner and then Nancy’s cheese/cracker snack.  Watched the news and got depressed.  I think the toxicity in Washington is turning everyone off.  The news media does not help.

This evening we watched the final episode of “Country Music”.  Great show and I found myself singing along with the folks in the show.  We were all in bed by 1015.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019

Pitch black when I got up at 0630.  Nancy and Ms P had already been out.  Nancy said it was cool, mid 50s.

Nancy left at 0715 for her swim at MVP.  Breakfast and then headed out at 0820 for the Y.  It was cool but sunny, great day for a ride.  The only critters I saw today were Geese.  We are overrun with Geese.  The Townships should authorize an open hunt for geese.  The local population should be reduced by at least 500.

I am a creature of habit.  So I became confused when all the gym equipment had been moved.  My local workout floor had been moved.  Actually, I found the new layout to be superior.

Sure sigh it is fall, Panera has brought back their soup in a bread bowl.  They also are offering a warm salad.  

This and that:

PM Boris Johnson cannot get a break.  His party is in rebellion and the UK Supreme Court has ruled his suspension of Parliament unlawful.  Will BRexit happen?

I thought the President’s speech to the UN on religious freedom was appropriate.  Very subdued for POTUS.

The House is moving ahead with impeachment inquiry.  
On a lighter note, Nancy told me baked potatoes were on the evening’s menu.  Did you know Mi is a big potato growing state, especially NE Mi?  Alpena High School would give excused absences of five days for students to pick potatoes (boys and girls).  Boys also got 3 days of excused absences each for bird hunting and deer hunting.  How is that for fair?

Showered and shaved before lunch.  Nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed a stuffed chicken breast with baked potatoes and cole slaw.  This evening we watched another episode of Country Music.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Monday September 23, 2019

Monday September 23, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Nancy up at 0600 and I did not rise until 0630.  The rain had stopped and the temperature was a pleasant 62.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP at 0715.  Later this morning she will visit the Apple Store.  The face of her Apple Watch snapped off.  She will have to get someone to snap it back.

This morning we noted a lot of condensation along our refrigerator door.  I just hope it was caused by not properly closing the door.  I will get out the manual later and see if I can find a repair man just in case.

Today is the Fall Equinox.  We have 12h 06’ of day light.  The hours of daylight will continue to decline until December 21 when we bottom out at 9 hours.  

I took Ms P out before biking to Y.  It was cooler than I thought so went back inside and put on long pants and heavier jacket.  Last night’s heavy rain had filled every depression along the bike route with water.

Calisthenics and walk at the Y.  Talked with a meteorologist at Y and he said his rain gage measured over 3” this weekend.  That is a lot of water.

This and that:

Where are all the Robins?  It appears that most of our Robins have left.  Why do we have a State Bird that does not reside in the state all year.  How about Blue Jays or Turkeys?

Headline on the Sports Page of the Detroit News “Dazed and Boo”.

Did not watch Emmy’s.  Today’s report indicates a lot of Politically Correct comments.  Fleabag?

Who cares about WeWork or its founder?

Economists say we are saving more.  Why is this bad?

British Travel Association say that tourists should not take rides on elephants.  Come on, I always wanted to take an elephant ride looking for Tigers.

POTUS and his talk with Ukraine President dominates news.  Why are conversations between heads of state made public.  Other leaders will be reluctant to talk candidly with our President.  A big mess.

Vice President Biden is incensed about the President digging into his and his son
dealings with folks in Ukraine.  However, his son was hired by a Ukraine firm at $50,000 per month.
Under Senator Warrens proposed tax plan, the super rich would pay higher taxes.  Some folks have said the super rich can avoid these taxes by getting a divorce.  Good grief, marriage should be sacred and to think rich folks would even think of dissolving their marriage for a few bucks is inconceivable.

I did not get home until 1300.  Showered, quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out.  Our goal is to purchase a couple of picture postcards of Michigan.  Granddaughter Alessandra needs them for a school project.  

Stopped at Hallmark store.  No luck, they don’t sell postcards.  Next stop was the gift shop at the Airport.  Nancy was able to purchase two nice cards.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  I stopped at Meijer’s Pharmacy to see about a prescription.  No luck, communication problem between GP and Meijer’s.

Next I stopped at Home Depot to but a thermometer to put in refrigerator.  I want to see how well the cooling system is working.  Home Depot does not stock thermometers.

At home I called GP about sending prescription to Meijer’s.  Then called Miller Appliances and made an appointment for a serviceman to check out refrigerator.

Took a short nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.
Light dinner and then fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker pill snack.  Started watching news and fell asleep.  Slept for 60 minutes.  Why do I get my best sleep in my recliner?

We watched episode 5 of County Music before turning in.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday September 22, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 22Sep19

Blog time 1740 Saturday sitting in office:

We all were up at 0630.  Nancy took Ms P out and I did my calisthenics at 50%.  

Today we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Very humid with temperature in mid 60s.  Panera was not crowded.  Nancy had her coffee and I had my oatmeal.

As soon as we got home we got in Escape and ran errands.  First stop was Mr Thanh’s Tailor Shop so Nancy could pick up a repair job.  Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s and stocked up on frozen dinners, dog food, etc.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took an 11 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.  The trails were crowded with walkers and bikers.

Shaved and showered.  Took a quick trip to D&W’s Post Office so Nancy could mail some packages.

I had lunch and took a short nap. After, spent time in office reading and finishing Friday’s blog.  I watched UM get trashed by UW.  On a positive note Alpena High won their second straight football game Friday night. 

This evening we picked up neighbor Sonya and headed to Pietro’s for dinner.  We had not been to Pietros in over a year.  We had forgotten how good the food was.  We all had an Italian dish.

When our kids were still living at home Pietro’s Back Door was on our list of favorite restaurants.

We got home just in time for Debbie’s FaceTime.  We talked about our past weeks activities.  Started watching Dutch show on Netflix but fell asleep 5 minutes into the show.  When I woke up a second episode was almost finished.  Good grief I slept for 90 minutes.

Still Hot and humid when I took Ms P out at 2300.  Heavy rain most of the night.

Sunday September 22, 2019

Blog continues at 1320 on Sunday sitting in office.  

We both were up at 0600.  Nancy said it was not raining so we dressed for our Sunday walk.  However, it started raining when we headed out.  Nancy said no walk but I put on rain clothes and headed out.  Five minutes into the walk the rain stopped.  Typical weather for today, intermittent rain.

Bought a coffee at Panera before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  In church today the Lutheran Church in Herron, Mi was recognized.  Herron is an old German farming community in Alpena County.

After church stopped at Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.74.  

At home I took the Taurus for a fill up.  Also filled a yard waste bag with the Summer’s hanging plants.  The condo association’s landscape contractor will pick up the bags tomorrow.  After the chores took another short walk.  Want to get my 2 miles in before the rain.

Did some reading in the office before lunch.  Nearly every week Peggy Noonan writes an Op-Ed in the WSJ.  I always read.  Saturday’s was especially good.  I recommend it.

Lunch, more reading and then a nap.  Checked my watch and it said rain in 45 minutes so I took another short walk.  The total distance for my three walks was 2.6 miles.  Did not close my circle but got over 10,000 steps in.  Recent report say that 10,000 steps is not a magic number.  7,500 is a better daily goal.

Good grief the Lions are undefeated.  Tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  You can be sure that I will watch episode 5 of “Country Music” tonight.

Before dinner I fixed our apple snack.  Finished reading the GRP.  Nancy’s scrambled eggs were great as was the bacon, and spinach pie.

The football game delayed the start of 60 Minutes so we only watched the first segment because at 2000 we switched to PBS to watch Country Music.  

It was raining hard when the show started.  The heavy rain would knock out our Direct TV for about five minutes before recovering.  This happened about five time in the next two hours.  Bummer.

Nancy’s friend Kathi called during the show and she talked for over an hour.  I told Nancy not to worry we will watch this episode later on our Apple TV.

It was raining too hard at 2200 to take Ms P out.  I read until about 2330.  The rain had stopped so took Ms P out.  Tomorrow should be dry.   


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Friday September 20, 2019

Friday September 20, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Everyone up at 0630.  Nancy takes Ms P out and reports it is mild and humid.  

Nancy has Book Club this noon.  It is her book so she has to lead the discussion.  She has typed notes to help her.  I am impressed with the effort she puts into BC.

Breakfast and then I head out.  Temperature was a pleasant 63 with sun.  Another perfect day for a ride.

All the Y classes were full this morning.  Body pump is very popular.  Exercise classes for preschoolers are also popular.  I just did my calisthenics and walk.

This and that:

Kim is cleaning the house today.  She does good work.

40 inches of rain in three days in Texas.  That is more rain than MI gets in a year.

Climate protests all over the world this weekend.  

Mayor deBlasio of New York is out of the Presidential race.  Good, not one of my favorite Politicians.

My Grandfather and Uncle Bill raised WhitefaceHereford beef cattle.  In the 40 and 50s they were the preferred breed.  I have not seen a herd of Herefords in ages.

I got home at 1230.  Nancy had already left for Book Club.  Kim was still cleaning.  I took a quick shower and headed out.

Stopped at Costco and bought wine and Win Schuler’s soft cheese.  Actually my main reason for visiting Costco was to buy a cup of frozen yogurt for lunch.  Very good.

Nancy said BC went well and her book was well received.  She also commented that most folks were watching and enjoying Country Music on PBS.

I finally sat down in my office and cleaned up my in basket.  Took a short nap and fixed apple snack before dinner.

Nancy fixed Clam Chowder for dinner.  It hit the spot.

After dinner took a short walk and then watched some Apple TV.  We watched a new series just released by Netflix.  It was terrible.  

Finished the evening watching an episode of Wycliffe.  Warm and humid weather continues through tomorrow.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thursday September 19, 2019

Thursday September 19, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

The great fall weather continues.  Sun all day.  Temperature at 0800 was 59 but heading for a high of 83 later.

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600. I got up at 0630.  Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  I left home at 0815.  Super pleasant day for a 7 mile bike ride.

Followed my routine at the Y, calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera.  At Panera finished proof reading yesterday’s blog before posting.  I am alway amazed at how many corrections I have to make.  Maybe POTUS should follow my procedure and let his tweets sit overnight before posting.

This and that:

Sorry to read of the passing of Cokie Roberts.  I always liked her reporting.  Very Professional.  

Canada’s Justin Trudeau is in trouble for wearing black face 18 years ago.  Everyone is now piling on saying “Shame of You”.  Many of us Old Folks did things years ago that are not acceptable today.  What happened to forgiveness?  

Members of the House continue to snipe at each other and POTUS.  In my lifetime I cannot remember when the political environment has been so toxic.  I think Democrats would like the economy to decline so they can blame GOP.    Forget the working folks.  The GOP is no better.  

Before lunch showered and shaved.  After I ran errands.  Stopped at ACE Hardware to get lightbulbs.  I am finally getting comfortable with Lumens as a measurement of brightness.

Next I stopped at D&W’s Satellite Post Office.  Grabbed a Priority Mail package so Nancy can send a package to Grandkids.  

This afternoon also fixed apple snack and took a nap.  At 1730 we headed to Meijer Gardens.  We attended a lecture by a sculptor who has an exhibit that opens tomorrow.  Member get a sneak peak tonight.  

She explained her work which was titled the Womb.  The sculpture consists of thousand of plants tied together with copper wire suspended from ceiling.  Nancy liked both the lecture and the sculpture.  

The Gardens is decorated for the Fall season.  Pumpkins, squash and other gourds are on display.   Looks good.  Nancy and I plan to take an afternoon this Fall to just walk around.

At home we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch some of the football game and finishing reading the WSJ.

Warm weather continues through Saturday.



Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Another nice sunny Fall day.  Everyone up at 0615.  Lately Nancy has had to wake Ms P.  

Nancy headed to MVP and I did some light calisthenics before making a short bike ride to Panera.  Today is my easy Wednesday, no Y.  At Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast.

This and that;

The election in Israel was a dead heat.  Close elections seem to be the recent norm in democratic countries.  Both the USA and U.K. have had very close elections recently.  You would think with millions of voters that a clear winner would emerge.

I did not know that the world’s largest amphibian reside in China.  It is a salamander whose length exceeds five feet and can weigh over 100 pounds.  This critter is certified ugly.  It is prized as tasty delicacy.  Not for me.

Speaking of food it is fall in Michigan.  In the fall my mother would prepare different kinds of local grown squash.  Acorn and butternut are the two I remember.  Mom would cut the acorn squash in half, cook it and we would add butter and brown sugar and it it out of the shell.  Apple, peaches and pears were in season.  Mother would can all three.  We had canned fruit with our evening meal throughout the winter.

I took a different route home from Panera.  Discovered bike path through Cascade Twp’s Burton Park.  Much longer than I thought.  Total miles 11.

At home I showered and had a quick lunch.  Activities this afternoon included;

Changed light bulbs in entrance hall and deck.

Did a load of laundry.

Took out recyclables and trash.

Short nap.

Took shirts to laundry.

Fixed apple snack.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  She said they were busy.  

Light dinner followed by cheese/cracker snack for Nancy.  I took a short walk.

Tonight we watched episode 4 of Country Music on PBS.  I like the show because I know most of the words of the songs. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tuesday September 17, 2019

Tuesday September 17, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600.  It was cool, 57.  I checked my weather app and the humidity was 91%.  I am having problems with the high humidity.

Nancy headed out early this morning for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  I put on my warm high visibility jacket, pumped up bike tires and biked 7 miles to Y.

Every day I notice more leaves getting color.  The walnuts and acorns continue to drop.  Only 12h 24’ of daylight.  Next Monday is the Autumnal Equinox when we should have 12h of daylight.  

Calisthenics and walk at the Y before heading to Panera.  

This and that:

Will the USA retaliate if it is found the attack on the Saudi oil facility was from Iran?  I don’t think so.

The Dems in congress can not make up their minds about impeachment.

Big football game Saturday between Wisconsin and UM.  Who will son, Stephen, cheer on?  He went to both school.  In fact, Steve met Veronica at UW.  
The General Motors strike could have serious impact on Michigan’s economy if it lingers on.  I think the UAW should think long and hard about punishing GM.  Foreign car makers with plants in the USA pay their USA employees less than UAW.

The best part of reading the abbreviated Telegraph in the Apples News app is their Pictures of the Day section.  

Just got a text from Nancy wanting to know if I want to drive her to get some fall flowers.  I said yes.

Quick shave and shower before lunch.  After, we got in the Escape and headed to Huizenga Greenhouse on Eastern Ave.  Nancy wanted to buy four big pots of a fall plant whose name escapes me.  She picked out the plants and loaded them in the Escape.  No cashiers at Huizenga’s, you just wrote a check or put money in a slotted box.  Very trusting folks.  Only in GR would this work.

Next stop was Ken’s Fruit Market on Eastern in Alger Heights.  Nancy bought peaches and apples.

After placing the new plants on our deck I prepared an apple snack for us.  Headed downstairs and checked credit card receipts against postings.  Everything checked.  In fact except for one mistake several years ago I have never found a mistake.  Paid credit card.

Finished the afternoon with short nap.   We left home at 1745, picked up our old neighbor, Sonya, and then headed to Noto’s.  Tonight is the neighborhood monthly dinner.  Only 16 neighbors were in attendance.  It is too bad because the food was really good.  

We got home at 2020 and immediately turned on the TV to watch another episode of Country Music on pbs.  Great show,  I am surprised that I know the words to most of the songs recorded in the 40s and 50s.  I think because we did not have TV and listened to radio to hear current hits.  The only radio station in Alpena played both pop and country hits.

Speaking of listening to music, in 1953 Alpena High School put a juke box in the cafeteria.  It was very popular.  I remember that “Love and Marriage” was so popular they wore out the record.