Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Monday December 30, 2019

Monday December 30, 2019

Blog time Tuesday 1100 at Panera

I got up at 0500 and took Ms P out.  We had a lot of rain last night.  The temperature was in the low 30s with heavy wind.  A return to winter weather.

Drove directly to the Y.  Calisthenics, walk and shower before heading home.  Today Missy and AJ are heading home.  Their plane leaves at 1250.

For breakfast we all headed to Bob Evans.  I had oatmeal with toast and the rest had eggs, potatoes, biscuits and meat.  All very good.

At home loaded the Escape and headed to the airport.  It was raining and windy but the plane took off on time.  Next stop for Missy and AJ is Phoenix.  They have a six hour layover in Phoenix.

At home I settled down to finish blogs and do some year end stuff.  No sooner had I got started then our internet went down.  I fiddled with our modem/router with no luck.

Called ATT and they checked our connection and their system.  Bottom line about 2500 ATT customers in the GR area are without service.  Estimated time the system will be back on is Thursday.  Bummer.

It is amazing how dependent we are on the internet.  No email, no digital news like the WSJ and worst of all no NETFLIX.  

Fixed our apple snack and after we had a light dinner.  Watched the news while eating our after dinner cheese/cracker snack for Nancy and dark chocolate for me.

No streaming service tonight and nothing of interest on the major networks so we channel surfed before finding a rerun on ION.  

Missy did send a text saying they made it to Phoenix.  Bob and Nancy were in bed by 2200.

Sunday December 29, 2019

Sunday December 29, 2019

Blog time 2030, Monday sitting in den

Sunday morning and everyone slept in.  No Church today.

Another nice mild day.  Nancy fixed AJ waffles and bacon for breakfast.  Missy and I headed to the new Starbucks at the end of 28th Street.  I had an oatmeal and Missy had an egg sandwich.  We both thought the food was good.

After breakfast I gave Missy a tour of Ada.  I think she was impressed with all the new construction in the Village.  Dropped her off at Walmart. She plans on walking home.

At home spent some time reading the GRP followed by the first of two afternoon walks  The weather is returning to normal winter temperatures.  Wind and rain/snow tonight.

Nancy took AJ to the Beauty Salon for a shampoo and hair cut.  On the way they ran into Missy walking home from Walmart.  Missy joined them.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  We also had spinach pie and bacon.  Everyone enjoyed our standard Sunday evening meal.

Missy and AJ continued watching “My Life is Murder” in the den.  Nancy and I watched a Netflix show in the living room.  A very relaxing Sunday.

Saturday December 28, 2019

Saturday December 28, 2019

Blog time, 1530, Monday December 30, 2019

Saturday morning and I took Ms P out at 0500.  Back to bed and did not get up until 0800.

Nobody was up so I walked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  We can look to another mild day.  Our GR temperatures the past several days have been close to LAs.

Started eating and much to my surprise Missy walked in.  I bought her an egg sandwich.  It looked good and Missy confirmed it.  Pleasant walk home.  

Missy, AJ and I attended the 1230 movie at Celebration Cinema.  We a saw an animated show called “Spies in Disguise”.  Missy and AJ gave the movie an A.  I gave it a C.

For dinner we had left overs from our Christmas meal.  Left overs are alway good.

Spent a quiet evening watching Apple TV.  Missy and AJ watched “My Life is Murder” staring Lucy Lawless. It is a crime show set in Australia.  Nancy and I watched the final episode of the Crown.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Friday December 27, 2019

Friday December 27, 2019

Up at 0530, took out Ms P, dressed and drove to Y.  The Y was crowded.  Calisthenics, short walk and shower before heading home.

For breakfast Missy, AJ and I headed to IHOP for breakfast.  We all had a pancake breakfast.  

Another mild day ahead.  Our weather has been nearly as warm as Ca. We will pay for it later.

Another quiet day.  We all made a trip to HobbyLobby.  They had their post Christmas sale.  Nothing major purchased.

We had dinner at Russ’s. Missy had a burger and onion rings, the rest of us had soup.  

We watched some Netflix before turning in.   It has been a relaxing week.  I have not watched the news or thought about current affairs.  Maybe this is what it should be for an old guy.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thursday December 26, 2019

Thursday December 26, 2019

Blog time Saturday sitting in office at 1200

I was first up and took Ms P out.  I even fixed her food.  

Akerke did not want to go to breakfast so Missy and I headed to Panera.  I had oatmeal and Missy had an egg sandwich.  She said the sandwich was good.

After breakfast I dropped Missy off and started some errands.  Stopped at bank to make a transaction.  Also the laundry.

After a quick lunch Missy and AJ and I headed to a movie at Celebration Cinema.  We saw Jumanji.  AJ and Missy gave it an A.  I thought a B was appropriate.

For dinner Nancy fixed Chicken Noodle soup.  It was a hit.  Spent the evening talking and watching some Netflix.  AJ and Missy still have jet lag so were were in bed before 2200.

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Wednesday December 25, 2019:  CHRISTMAS DAY

Blog time 0915 sitting in living room:


Today I slept in until nearly 0700.  Nancy had already been up and fed Ms P.  

She went back to bed and I fixed myself a light breakfast.  Did some typical Wednesday chores, before sitting down in the living room and finished yesterdays blog.

The temperature is 31 and the sun has just come out.  No white Christmas but having sun is good.  Missy and Akerke arrive in GR about 1530 today.  After we get them home we will open presents.

Favorite Christmas Presents;

Small RCA radio for my bedroom.

Red Ryder Daisy BB gun.

High top boots with a special jack knife pocket.

1965 Nancy for our first Christmas bought me a Rolex watch.  I told her (in jest) that if she bought me a Rolex I would buy her a Fur Coat.  I have not yet delivered.

A Great gift that I did not appreciate.  My Dad during the depression operated a big Dragline in a gravel pit.  For Christmas about 1947 he spent hours in the basement making me an exact replica of the dragline he operated.  I could move the dragline because it was on wheels.  The dragline had about four foot of boom.  To operate the machine I sat on a built in seat and through a series of pulleys could lower and raise the bucket by using the manual controls.  The dragline bucket opened and closed, so I could pick up an object on the floor and swing the boom and drop the object in a pail.  It was very clever and all my friends thought it was cool.  However, I did not have much enthusiasm for the machine.  I think Dad was crushed.  Sorry Dad.

This afternoon we talked with my sister, Helen, in Tucson.  Also talked with Debbie and Steve’s family in Long Beach, Ca.  Everyone was having a great Christmas.

Missy and AJ’s plane was delayed in Minneapolis for about an hour.  We finally picked them up at 1700.

As soon as we got home we opened presents.  For dinner Nancy fixed ham with mashed potatoes and green beans.  Dessert was pumpkin pie.  It was a great Christmas meal.

Missy and AJ had been up for about 18 hours so after dinner we all crashed.  Bottom line it was like all Christmas’s Great.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Blog time1150 a Panera

Christmas Eve 2019,  today we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  The major event for Christians all over the world.

Trinity Lutheran has five Christmas Eve services.  We are attending the 1700 service.  It is always a great service.

Folks ask me why several years ago I started regularly going to Church.  My standard reply is “Jesus had it Right”.  Be nice to people, forgive and forget and follow the commandments.  Good advice.

Today took Ms P out at 0600.  For the first time in ages I even fed her.

The pool at MVP is closed for cleaning so Nancy is staying home.  I left home at 0800 just before sunrise at 0810.  It was 32 and foggy, but the bike ride was pleasant.

The Y was jammed.  I had trouble finding a chin-up bar.

Calisthenics/walk and shower before heading to Panera.  Unlike the Y, Panera was empty.

Memories from past Christmas Eves;

In 1957 I was a sophomore at UM and on the wrestling team.  I was selected to go to a Holiday wrestling tournament in Wilkes Barre, Pa.  We were leaving Ann Arbor several days after Christmas.  

Instead of going home I was going to stay on campus.  Christmas was on Wednesday and vacation started on the previous Friday.  All the dorms were closed except one.  I was given a room but no food service.  The dorm was empty and very lonely.  I had never been this lonely.  On Christmas Eve I bought a ticket at the Greyhound station and headed home.  The bus ride was about 9 hours.  I got home at 2200.  Mom and Dad were playing cards.  They were surprised when I walked in.  I told them I wanted to be home for Christmas.

I have spent only two Christmas Eve’s away from family.  The first was in 1961 while stationed on Midway Island.  The second was Christmas Eve in 1963, I was stationed in Saigon.  It was a warm Christmas Eve.  Our living quarters faced TuDo street, a major street in Saigon.  In the early evening I looked out the window and saw that the street was jammed with families.  They were either going to or coming from mass.  The main Catholic Church in Vietnam was just down the street.  I joined them.  It was fun.  The families were friendly and in a festive mood.

Today I put out corn for the deer and then lunch.  Spent most of the afternoon in the office.  At 1630 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their Christmas Eve service.  As to be expected the Church was packed.  It was a great Christmas Eve.  We sang most of the traditional Christmas Carols.  

The one difference I noted between Christmas Eve service in 2019 compared to 1949 was how casual we have become in our dress.  In 1949 all the men wore suits and ties.  In 2019 no man wore a suit and definitely no ties. I was over dressed with just a sport coat.  

After the service we headed to Bob Evans for a light meal.  Surprised it was closed as were several other restaurants.  We ended up at Shepard’s Grill.  I had a glass of wine and a fried perch sandwich and Nancy had a coke and bowl of bean soup.

At home we watched NCIS and then a Christmas special with Country music performers.  Very relaxing.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Monday December 23, 2019

Monday December 23, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Ms P and I both got up at 0450.  I took her out and headed back to bed.  I had the alarm set for 0515 so I could go swimming.  Shut the alarm off, I really did not want to swim today.

I tried doing some exercises at home and discovered my pulled stomach muscle has healed.  Great news.

Nancy left at 0700.  She is picking up a neighbor before heading to MVP.

Breakfast and then pumped up my bike tires and headed to the Y.  The sun was just coming up so I had all my lights on.   

The Y was crowded with a lot of young folks home for Christmas.  I did my calisthenics/walk today.  I tried using the rowing machine but caused hip pain so stopped.

The Y was crowded but Panera was not.  I think a lot of working folks are taking this week off.

This and that;

How about a moratorium on impeachment news during the holidays.
When I was ten, 1948, I was had some money I earned working on my Grandfather’s farm.  I decided to buy my parents a Christmas gift.  At the Montgomery Wards store I picked up a free copy of Ward’s book about Rudolph.  First time I heard of Rudolph.  My mother liked to enter radio contests.  We were listening to “20 Questions”.  My mother was looking for a question to submit. I was reading the Rudolph book so I suggested Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  She submitted this question but it was not selected.  One year later, 1949, Gene Autry released the song and the rest is history.

Biked home from Panera in bright sun.  Put out corn for deer before lunch.

Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco to purchase some last minute food items.  Nancy also picked up at prescription.

At home fixed our apple snack and then a nap.  We had a light dinner.  

We both watched another episode of DCI Barnes.  I stayed up and watched a CIA show that was terrible.

It was 35 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Mild weather continues, no snow for Christmas.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Sunday December 22, 2019

Weekend update for WE 22DEC19

Saturday December 21, 2019

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and headed back to bed.  I was up at 0630.  Nancy said she did not sleep well so she wanted to stay in bed.   She will not join me on our walk to Panera.

Panera was empty when I arrived at 0800.

Happy Winter Solstice, today is the shortest day of the year.  Nine hours of daylight, but the good news is the days are getting longer.  My biorhythms always go up after the Winter Solstice.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast, and read email and the Alpena News.  I brought Nancy’s thermos so I bought her a hazelnut coffee.  I headed home in bright sun.

Nancy said the Taurus’s heater was acting up.  I grabbed the keys and headed out.  The Taurus is never driven on the freeway or for any length of time.  I got on M6 and opened it up.  Made some adjustments to the heater and got it working fine.  

Kim when cleaning yesterday said the toilet seat in the main bathroom was cracked.  Stopped at Home Depot and found they had plenty of Koehler seats, will purchase later.

Bought gas a Meijer’s. Gas was $2.44 today.  Also purchased bananas, Black Diamond cheese, baguette chips and wine.  Noted gas at Sam’s Club was $2.13 today, $0.30 less than Meijer’s.  Same quality?

At home put corn out for deer.  Both Nancy and I made an online contribution to the Long Beach Poly High School soccer team.  Grandson Lucas plays on the team.  The mascot for LBP team is the jackrabbit..

Quick lunch and then headed back downstairs.  Finished our annual charity contributions.  Walked to the post box to mail our checks.

Nancy fixed Shepard’s Pie for dinner.  A great winter’s dinner.  

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  She gave us her Holiday Plans which includes a trip to Steve’s in Long Beach.

We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders before turning in.  The mild weather continues.

Sunday December 22, 2019

We were both up at 0600.  Today we started the day with a 1.5 mile walk.  

Big crowd at Trinity Lutheran today.  Fourth Sunday of Pentecost. 

After church we headed to Costco so Nancy could check out their list of prepared meals.  Nothing she wanted.

Bought gas for the Escape at Meijer’s today.  Same price as yesterday, $2.44.  Nancy bought a ham for Christmas dinner.

At home changed clothes and then put out corn for deer.  The deer strip every kernel off the cob.  

Nancy wanted to buy some fruit at Horrick’s.  I drove her.  I purchased a 35 pound bag of corn.  A bag lasts about 10 days.

Before lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk. Bright sun and temperature in 50s.  Lunch and watched some of the Lions game before a nap.

Read the GRP before fixing our apple snack.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and bacon.

We called Missy this evening to check on her Christmas Day travel to GR.  Every thing is on schedule.

Reruns on 60 Minutes so we watched two episodes of DCI Banks.  Set the alarm for 0515 so I can get to the pool before it fills up. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Friday December 20, 2019

Friday December 20, 2019

Blog time 1015 at Panera

Up this morning at 0515.  Dressed, grabbed swim gear and headed to the Y.  It was a mild 35 this morning.

Today I was at the pool at 0630, about 15 minutes earlier than yesterday.  The pool was empty.  I had the pick of lanes.  Ten minutes later the pool was full.  Timing is everything.

It was still dark when left Y at 0800.  Exactly 9 hours of daylight today.  Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice so the days will get longer.

At home I grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Ordered an oatmeal breakfast.  Swimming gives me an appetite.

This and that:

Why does the impeachment dominate the news when most folks don’t care.  

Democrats had a debate last night.  Once again who cares?

I am glad the Holiday season is upon us.   This happy season takes our mind off the gloom and doom in DC.

Walked home from Panera in bright sun.  Sun is alway good.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home at 1130.  Decided to finish my Christmas shopping so I drove to Woodland Mall.  Made my last purchase for this season.

At home I spent some time in office finishing some year end stuff.  Took a nap and then fixed our apple snack.

Sat in my easy chair and started reading the news.  I fell asleep and Nancy had to wake me for dinner.

Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  Also had some coleslaw.

Tonight we watched an episode of The Crown.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching an episode of the Outlander.   It had just started when I fell asleep.  Slept through two episodes.  

It was in mid 30s when took Ms P out at 2230.  The weather folks say we are going to have a green Christmas.  Bummer!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Thursday December 19, 2019

Thursday December 19, 2019

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Today I started my new exercise routine.  Up at 0530 dressed, grabbed my swim suit and drove to the Y.  It was 16 degrees and pitch black.

I walked into the pool area at 0630.  Surprise! The pool was full.  I had to wait several minutes before a lane opened up.  Today swam 1,000 yards.  My super-duper Apple Watch told me I did 525 yards of breast stroke and 475 yards freestyle,  my average heart rate was 140.  I think the heart rate is high.

Today Nancy also went swimming but at MVP.  She leaves home at 0700 and usually has no problem finding an open lane.

This evening we are going to a Holiday concert downtown.   The GR Symphony and Cirque de Noel are performing.  We saw this concert last year and it was great.  Might pick up a hamburger at the Amway Grand Sports Bar.

As soon as I got home from the swim grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.  With my new schedule I was home at 1100 or 90 minutes earlier than normal.

Put our corn for deer.  I called Fitzgerald’s to see if the pants I purchased last week were ready.  They said yes.  Drove to Fitzgerald and picked them up.

As soon as I got home I had a quick lunch.  For lunch today Nancy is meeting friends at Houlihan’s.  She has had multiple lunch dates this week.  A real party girl.

I spent most of the afternoon I my office writing checks to the various charities we donate to annually.  

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.   Also fixed apple snack.

At 1800 we headed downtown.  Had a quick bite at the Amway’s Sports Bar.  The place was empty.  Nancy had chili and I had a burger.  The food was very good.

The concert this evening was well attended.  Noted many families with children.  Great concert, the great holiday music put everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Got home at 2200 and headed straight to bed.  The temperature at bed time was 35 so we opened the slider.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wednesday December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said it was very cold and windy,  16 degrees.  A fresh blanket of snow fell overnight.  

Nancy left at 0700 for MVP.  She works this afternoon at the Gardens.  

No Breakfast Club today because of my Doctor’s appointment.  Breakfast and then headed to the Doctors.
After much prodding and poking the Doctor said the pain was not caused by my gallbladder or appendix.  It was a pulled muscle.  The cure:  no pushups or sit-ups for about a month and place a heating pad over the muscle.  Swimming is ok.

After the appointment I headed to the Y.  I walked a mile and showered before driving to Panera.

Finished yesterdays blog and read some headlines.  Got home at 1230 just as Nancy was leaving.  

Put out corn for deer before lunch.  Rope yarn Wednesday so I did a load of laundry and took out trash before a nap.

After nap I took a mile walk.  We burned out a new string of Christmas lights on our deck so I headed to Ace and bought a new string.  The young lady checking me out said that the defective string might have blown a fuse.  Will check this out tomorrow.

Fixed our apple snack.

It is now 1800 and the temperature is 14 with a wind chill of 2.  A warm up starts tomorrow.

Light dinner followed by our nightly snacks.  The evening news said the House’s Impeachment vote will be during prime time and the networks will broadcast the vote.  Does this seem contrived?

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Outlander before heading to bed.  It was too cold to open the slider tonight.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0630.  

Nancy headed out at 0700 for her Tuesday swim.  Later she is having lunch with friends.  Tonight we are going to the monthly neighborhood dinner at Noto’s.

My normal weekday breakfast consists of a sandwich twin, toasted, with peanut butter and a banana.  

It was 26 when I got on my bike and headed to the Y.  My winter route is 4.5 miles.

The sun came out on my ride to Panera.  Sun is always welcome.

This and that:

The lions, red wings and pistons continue to lose.

Impeachment continues to dominate the news.

2019 will go down as the wettest year for GR.  Records go back over 130 years.

The strikes in France have put Macron’s government in jeopardy.  I happen to agree that pension reforms are needed for France.  

The small sticker on an apple are a big nuisance.  The UK in a flash of brilliance has banned the stickers.  Good move.

A heavy smoker used a can of air freshener in his car.  Later he tried to light a cigarette and the car exploded.

Today at the Y I tried to do a pushup and the pain was so bad I stopped.  I think it might be my gallbladder or appendix?  Also could be a pulled muscle.

At home I put out corn for deer.  Called the Doctor’s office about my lower abdomen pain.  I have an appointment tomorrow morning.  Quick lunch.

The downstairs was cold so I shaved and showered upstairs.  After the shower I jumped in bed with the electric blanket on full blast.  Finally I warmed up.

Nancy said she had a great lunch today with friends.

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on our annual charity gifts.  I was surprised I had already made many of this year’s contributions.

At 1800 we headed to Noto’s for the neighborhood dinner.  This is the final dinner of the year.  Good crowd.  The food was especially good.

At home we watched and episode of the “The Kominsky Method”.  I stayed up and watched another episode of the Polish crime show Ultraviolet.  Not a very good episode.

Took Ms P out at 2230 and the temp had dropped to 18.  Tomorrow will be cold.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Monday December 16, 2019

Monday December 16, 2019

I got up at 0550 and took Ms P out.  Temp was in mid 20s.

Back to bed and did not get up until 0645.  Nancy was heading out to MVP for her Healthy Life Styles class.  

This morning I decided to bike to the Y.  I lowered my bike seat so my feet can reach the ground while seated.  I have more control over the bike when my feet serve as outriggers especially during a skid on ice.

I have a new bike speedometer that uses the GPS on my iPhone.  Works fine in nice weather but this morning I put the iphone in an outside pocket. The cold drained the phone’s battery.  The speedometer did not work.  Lesson learned, put iphone in inside pocket.

The Y was jammed this morning.  Where did all these folks come from?

Sad News:  at Panera I checked my messages and I got a message from my sister, Helen, in Tucson.  Yesterday she had to take Don to emergency.  Don’s hemoglobins were low so they had to give him some blood and antibiotics.  

Nancy and I sent our good wishes to Helen.  We wish Don well.

As soon as I got home put out the corn for deer.  The deer must be spying on me.  Within an hour of putting out the corn three deer arrive and start eating.

Lunch and then ran some errands:

Stopped at bank and got money for Kim (normal fee + Christmas bonus) who cleans Friday.  Also some nice crisp bills for gifts.

The Escape had a layer of dirt so stopped at car wash.  Not an original idea at least ten cars in front of me.

Purchased gas at Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.44 per gallon.  Inside I bought some medicine and bananas.

Fixed our apple snack and then took a short nap.  

We had our typical Monday light dinner followed by after dinner snacks.

Watched news and Jeopardy.  The women from Dowagiac finally lost.  Both of us watched an episode of DCI Barnes.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Polish crime show call Ultraviolet.

Mid 20s at bedtime and the weather folks say mid 20s tomorrow.  

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sunday December 15, 2019

Weekend update for WE 15DEC19

Blog time 1130 on Monday at Panera

Saturday December 14, 2019

Nancy was first up this morning.  She said it was 27 but with no wind.  We decided to walk to Panera.

We got to Panera before 0800 and the place was empty.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy had her coffee.  Panera now plays only Christmas music.  Very nice.

Back home Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on an 8 mile bike ride.  Despite the temperature I had a pleasant ride.  All the walks were snow and ice free.

The deer are getting braver.  Three deer usually start on the corn in the early afternoon.  Every day I put out six ears.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Quick lunch and then took a long nap.  Fixed apple snack.

We made a quick trip to Meijer’s to do our normal Sunday shopping.  We cannot shop on Sunday because Nancy’s Book Club is having their Christmas party starting at noon.

As soon as we got home I called JT’s Pizza and ordered a Hawaiian pizza.  This evening we sat in the den and watched a movie called the Irishman on Netflix.  It was a very long movie, 3 hours 30 minutes.  We rated it a B.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening and we got caught up on her holiday plans.

Sunday December 15, 2019

This morning we took our Sunday walk around the neighborhood.  We always comment on how quiet it is on Sunday, no cars, no pedestrians.  Light dusting of snow make our walk festive.

We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  The 0915 service was not crowded.  Pastor Bob explained it was because of the Children’s Christmas program at the 1045 service.  

We headed straight home from church.  Nancy fixed a snack tray and then we headed to the Book Club’s Christmas party at the Moleski’s.  

All BC members attended including Tom Moleski and yours truly.  We had a very pleasant time.  Everyone was in a festive mood.  Good food and wine.  

We got home at 1630.  I even had time for a quick nap.  

I had a yogurt for dinner.  We watched 60 Minutes and an episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  We watched episode 1 of season four.  We had trouble following the story line.  We finally realized that we had not watched season 3.  Bummer.

The temperature will stay in the mid 20s tonight.  Tomorrow should be dark and gloomy but no snow.