Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday November 29, 2018

Thursday November 29, 2018

Blog time 1015 at Panera

25 with light snow when first went out this morning.  The roads and walks are still too treacherous to ride my bike.  I did all the calisthenics at home including a 10 minute row.  Showered and then breakfast before walking to Panera.

No swim for Nancy today because she has a 0930 Dentist appointment.  Later today we will go to Costco and then the bank to get some jewelry out of the lock box.  We will attend several Christmas events next week that will necessitate nice jewelry for Nancy.

Today is a sad day for me:  On this date in 1938 my Great Grandfather Sanborn passed.  He was 82.  One of my most cherished possessions is his 1938 diary.  As readers of this blog know I often report on GGF Sanborn’s daily activities.

This and that:

Is the UM basketball team for real?  Another big win against a top ten team.

I cannot name more that two players on any of the Detroit sports teams.  In fact I don’t know the name of any player on either MSU or UM’s basketball team.

The Mueller investigation is getting more coverage lately.  Is anyone really paying attention?  

Michael Cohen, President Trump’s attorney, has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress.  Good grief lying under oath was he asleep in law school?

I hope POTUS does not embarrass the USA at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires.  I think he is beginning to wear thin with other leaders.

As soon as I got home we headed to Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription. We also bought cereal, wine, cheese and lint brushes.  Ms P has been shedding like crazy.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank.  Nancy found some jewelry in the lock box that she had forgotten about.

Quick lunch and then a nap.  I ended the afternoon with a short walk.

We had planned on going out but we both did not want to go out into the cold.  Instead Nancy fixed me a great hot turkey sandwich.  We finished the Thanksgiving Turkey.

Today we had all our daily snacks, apple and cheese.  Watched the news and then an episode of The Five on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of the Finnish mystery Deadwind.  

Temperature was 28 when headed to bed.  Tomorrow begins a warmup.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wednesday November 28, 2018

Wednesday November 28, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Exercises at 50%, leisurely breakfast and then several light chores.

This morning it was cold, 25, but we received no snow overnight.  Still too much ice on roads and walks so today I will walk instead of ride the bike.

Nancy left early for a class at MVP.  Later she will pick up Kathi Kothe and take her shopping.  Since her recent knee procedure Kathi has some mobility issues.  This afternoon Nancy works at the Gardens and this evening we are attending a class at Trinity Lutheran.


In have been writing that on Thanksgiving Day in 1961 I had Thanksgiving dinner at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  This is wrong.  Yesterday I found a letter I wrote my Mother on Nov 29, 1961.  I did not leave the Treasure Island Navy Station near San Francisco until the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I now assume I had Thanksgiving dinner at the Treasure Island BOQ.

Left SF late on Saturday Nov 25 on a four engine prop plane.  This was my longest plane ride ever.  I remember flying along the coast of CA and being amazed at all the lights.  It was a steady stream of lights.  We landed in Hawaii Sunday morning.  I stayed at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Left Monday morning at 1000 for Midway Island arrived at Midway at 1400.  

The grammar and spelling in my letter to my Mother was atrocious.  How did I get through college?  Good thing I married Nancy because she straightened me out.

This and that:

A photo in today’s Alpena News showed an AHS basketball player with a full beard.  In the 50s facial hair was not allowed in High School.  I think it was the custom and not a written rule.

Finally with yesterdays Mississippi Senate race the 2018 election season is over.  About time.

Hooray for the Supreme Court regarding a recent decision regarding an endangered frog.  SCOTUS ruled that the Feds cannot declare an area part of the frog’s habitat if the frogs don’t live there.  That folks is called common sense.

A backpack is the most efficient way to carry things.  I did not start regularly using one until I retired.

Do any of today’s young folk know what a clutch or choke on a car is used for?  What does “three on a tree” or four on the floor” mean?

Does U.K. PM May have any friends?  Or for that matter how about France’s Macron?

The walk home from Panera was kind of treacherous.  A lot of ice on the walks.

Nancy was just leaving for the Gardens when I got home.  I had lunch and then did the trash and recyclables.  Also started a load of laundry before taking a nap.

After the nap I did another load of laundry.  Finished reading the WSJ.

We had an early dinner before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Tonight was lesson four on a class about finding the historical Jesus.  We listen to a taped lecture followed by a discussion.  The discussion is lead by Pastor Bob.   Pastor Bob is very good at explaining the lectures.  I am learning at lot.

Got home at 2000.  We finished the evening watching an episode of Scott & Bailey.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Tuesday November 27, 2018

Tuesday November 27, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Up at 0615,  the temp was high 20s but no overnight snow.  Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  Glad to see her back in the water.  Later this morning she has an appointment with her foot doctor.

It looked like Tahoe Drive had not been plowed so I assumed that the walk also had not been plowed.  I did the calisthenics at home.  Also rowed for ten minutes.  I fired up the downstairs shower and the shower head was leaking.  I took a wrench to the head and just made it worse.  Showered upstairs.

Because the walks had not been plowed I was forced to walk in the road.  Not the safest method of travel.

I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  Finished Monday’s blog and read my emails before starting reading the morning papers.

This afternoon I will have to go to Ace Hardware and get some tape to stop the leaking shower head.  With snow on the ground I will put out some corn cobs for the deer.

While at Panera the snow removal folks were busy.  Not only were the roads plowed but the sidewalks also.  The walk home was easy.

Since I haven’t been able to ride the bike my morning routine is an hour shorter.  I got home at 1130.  Put on my winter boots and put out corn for the deer.  I had to scrape away nearly 4 inches snow.  Next I removed the downstairs shower head.  Later I will take it to Ace and ask for advice on correcting the leak.  All these chores before lunch.

Nancy’s foot doctor said that the healing is progressing well.  She has another appointment in six months.

At 1430 I grabbed Ms P and headed to the vet.  Today Ms P is getting her second and last pneumonia shot.  We were in and out of the Vet’s office in ten minutes.

I stopped at Ace Hardware and the nice folks looked over the shower head and said the O ring was shot.  I bought a new O ring and some plumber’s tape.  Total cost $2.00.  

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a salt block.  I put the salt block in the back yard near where I put the corn.  The deer should be happy.

I took a nap followed by a short walk.  This afternoon Nancy fixed turkey rice soup in her insta pot  It was very good.

We watched the news. No NCIS tonight, Rudolph instead.  We switched to Acorn and watched an episode of Vera.

It was snowing at 2200 with a temperature of 25.  The cold will continue through tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday November 26, 2018

Monday November 26, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera

It was snowing hard when I went out at 0615.  I shoveled our courtyard walk.  Snow depth about 1.5”.  The Condo’s snow plowers had not arrived.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP.  I was glad our cars have AWD because Tahoe Drive had not been plowed.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Note, I don’t mentioned stretches anymore.  I stopped doing the stretches several weeks ago and my hip feels better.  I wasted all that money on PT.

After breakfast I bundled up and shoveled the court yard walk again.  The Condo’s snow removal crew had salted our drive but did not plow.  

It took me 20 minutes to walk to Panera.  It was snowing hard with a stiff, 15 mph, wind out of the north.  

This and that;

I think immigration is great for our country.  However,  there must be rules and I think the immigrants storming the border fences should be stopped.  Most should be let in but through an orderly process.

At 1500 today a Space Craft will land on Mars.  Exciting stuff!

The Russian Navy’s move against Ukraine should create alarm in Europe.   The Russians think they can move without push back from the EU.

Will BRexit finally be approved?

The stock market goes down and then up.  Does anyone understand how this monster works?

POTUS still wants to build his wall.  This is a stupid idea.

I still don’t understand bitcoins.

When I was in high school if you earned a letter in a sport you put it on a letter sweater or jacket.  I proudly wore my letter sweater and jacket.  I have not seen any young folks wearing a sweater or jacket.  Do schools still give letters?

It was tough walking through snow on my way home from Panera.  I just purchased some new snow boots and they seem to work well in snow.

No aerobics so far today so when I got home I rowed 10 minutes on the Concept 2 rower.  Rowing is good aerobics.  My watch app says my average heart rate for a 10 minute row is between 130 and 140.  Most experts say us old folks must do some exercise to elevate our heart rate.

Shower and then lunch.  At 1400 I drove to my dentist, Tom Lambert, for a cleaning and checkup.  Everything was ok.  Doc said see you in May.

We had over four inches of snow fall since our drive was salted this morning.  It took several tries for me to get up the drive.  I called the maintenance company and expressed my frustration with their lack of effort plowing drives.  Thirty minutes later our drive was plowed.  The squeaking wheel gets the grease.

I ended the afternoon with a nap.  Quick dinner and at 1830 Nancy and I headed to the Gardens.  We attended a members only viewing of the Christmas lights.  Free food and a cash bar was provided.  I had a wine and Nancy sampled their desserts.

The Christmas decorations were great.  A highlight was decorated trees from many countries.   The lights along the entrance drive were spectacular.

We got home at 2100.  Watched an episode of the Michael Douglas Netflix show before turning in.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday November 25, 2018

Weekend Update, blog time 1735 Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday November 24

Both Debbie and I had set our alarms for 0600.  Don’t want Debbie to miss her flight.

It was mild, high 30s, and misting when first went out.  Took Debbie to airport at 0700.  Not much traffic but I did notice that the airport parking lots were full.  I assume folks will fly back to GR on Sat and Sunday.

Stopped at home and picked up Nancy.  Because of the rain we drove to Panera.  Panera was empty.  We had our standard Saturday breakfast.

After Panera we drove to Kohl’s.  Once again I was surprised that Kohl’s was empty.  Nancy was able to purchase several items.

Last night I spilled wine on my favorite Irish fisherman sweater.  This morning I took the sweater and several other sweaters to the dry cleaners.  

After lunch I put on my rain gear and took a 30 minute walk.  I had to get my 30 minutes outdoors.  Did you get your 30’?

I did take a nap and spent time in office reading Saturday’s papers.  I also watched some of the UM/OSU game.  What a disaster!

For dinner we headed to JT’s for a ham and pineapple pizza.  We were surprised that JT’s was empty.  Folks must be staying home and eating leftovers.

This evening we watched several shows on Netflix and Prime.  Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was still raining.  

Sunday November 25, 2018

Up at 0615 and Nancy and I got ready for our Sunday morning walk around the block.  The rain had finally stopped and the temperature was a mild 40.  This morning’s walk was exactly 1.5miles.

At home I changed into my church clothes.  I don’t know why I call them church clothes because today most folks wear jeans.  Now days folks don’t have a “go to meeting” wardrobe.  In my youth, men wore a suit and tie and women wore dresses and hats.  Times have changed.

From the “this is scary file”; when Nancy and I got in the Escape and started the drive to Trinity Lutheran my watch texted me a message.  It said it was an 11 minute drive to 2700 Fulton and recommended a route.  How did it know I was heading to Trinity, let alone the church’s address.  I don’t know if I want my movements stored on someone’s data base.  Almost like a Police State.

Once again church was very crowded.  I like the informal format of the Celebration service while Nancy likes the traditional service in the Sanctuary.  We might have to split up.

After church we headed to Rite Aid in Gaslight Village.  They had Fiber One cereal on sale, two for one.  We bought six boxes.  I put the cereal on my noontime yogurt.

Next stop was Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.14 per gallon.  Meijer’s was not crowded.

Performed some mild calisthenics before lunch.  After lunch I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs, with bacon and spinach pie.  Great meal.  

We watched sixty minutes before switching to Prime.  Nancy headed to bed early and I stayed up and watched a Finnish Crime show on Netflix.  The show’s dialogue was in Finnish with English sub titles.  

We have had Winter Storm Warnings on TV most of the evening.  It was snowing when took Ms P out at 2200.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Friday November 23, 2018

Friday November 23, 2018

Blog time 1140 sitting in living room.

The 0615 alarm woke me this morning.  Took Ms P out.  It was 28 and dark but later today we are expecting sun and temps near 40.

I went back to bed and slept until 0730.  I did calisthenics (modified) before getting dressed.  Drove to Panera to get Nancy and me a cup of coffee.  Had my traditional week day breakfast.

Nancy and Debbie headed to Meijer’s but purchased nothing. I stayed home and read the papers and worked on my blog. 

Debbie spent a lot of time packing.  She brought a big bag so she could transport some antiques she purchased back home.  She leaves at 1700 today.

I found time for a five mile bike ride.  After lunch I spent time reading the news.

Debbie had a late afternoon flight out of GR.  We drove her to the airport and said our goodbyes.

Two hours later Debbie gave us a call saying her flight was delayed.  The delay meant she could not make her flight in Denver.  She rebooked for a Saturday early morning flight.

We all had a turkey sandwich dinner.  We spent a quiet evening watching Netflix.  

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thursday November 22, 2018

Thursday November 22, 2018

Blog time 1045 Friday sitting in living room

First went out at 0615.  It was cold, mid 20s.

Went back to bed and slept until 0730.  I am getting to like this sleeping in.


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is a family holiday.

I have many fond memories of Thanksgiving.  In our 53 years of marriage Nancy and I have never been apart for Thanksgiving.  I am really thankful for that.  Together we have had Thanksgiving dinner in Redwood City, Ca, Terre Haute, Ind, Alpena, Mi, Santa Clara, Ca and Grand Rapids.  All were memorable.

I have spent three Thanksgivings away from family.  All were while I was in the Navy;  1961 Pearl Harbor Navy Base, 1962 Midway Island Naval Base and 1963 at Saigon, Vietnam.

Growing up our family always spent Thanksgiving at my Scott Grandparent’s farm, Hubbard Lake, Mi.  About 30 family members were in attendance.  We had several turkeys and all the traditional foods, including pumpkin pies.

Late in the afternoon my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would sing hymns.  Great memories!

This morning I wanted a cup of coffee so I headed to Meijer’s.  Filled the Escape up and bought coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Had my normal breakfast and took a short walk.

Nancy was busy fixing our big feast.  I did participate by stuffing the turkey.  

Debbie wants to become a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.  In order to become a member you must prove a direct line to a member of the Revolutionary army.

I got out the Sanborn genealogy book that my Dad had given me.  I had created a Sanborn family tree using My Heritage software.  All I had to do was find which Sanborn was in the RA.  It really was not difficult because the genealogy book had a special section on RA members.  Bingo! I found Mark Sanborn, born 04 Mar 1750 in Hampton, NH served.  Mark Sanborn is Debbie’s Great Great Great Great Grandfather.  Note that Mark has the same birth date, 04 Mar as my mother.

Debbie opened the DAR website and found Mark Sanborn’s name on the list of RA veterans.  Bottom line:  Debbie, Melissa, Alessandra and my sister Helen can apply for membership.  I will email anyone the family tree.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was great.  Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, green beans, crescent rolls, cranberry sauce and of course pumpkin pie.  As a special treat Nancy fixed me Acorn squash.  Great meal.

A sure sign I am getting old I only watched a several minutes of the Lions game.  Speaking of the Lions Thanksgiving game I went to college with a lot of guys from Detroit.  Most had a family tradition of attending the game.  My classmate with his father, uncles and cousins would attend the game.  The women would stay home preparing the meal.  So after the game the guys would come home to a big meal.  Think this guy only tradition would happen now.  No Way!

Today we heard from Stephen and family and also Melissa and AJ.  

This evening we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin before turning in.

Wednesday November 21, 2018

Wednesday November 21, 2018

Blog time 1930 Thursday sitting in living room

Wednesday, another cold gloomy morning.  Temperature will remain below freezing most of the day.  

Debbie said she wanted breakfast this morning.  She specifically said that she loved the hash browns at Leo’s.  So we headed to Leo’s which is 0.3 miles from the condo.  Nancy is still not eating breakfast so she stayed home.  I had fried eggs, hash browns with toast and 4 link sausages.  Debbie had the same without the sausage.  Great breakfast.

At home we all, including Ms P, headed to the Antique Malls in Lake Odessa, Mi.  Lake Odessa is in Ionia County 30 miles east of GR.  It is Debbie and Nancys favorite place to go Antique shopping.  I was looking for an old fashion telescope, a 1940’s Boy Scout manual and a clothes tree.  Nothing.

Nancy also did not find anything she liked.  Debbie however found many items.  Her favorite was a Tappan salt and pepper shaker.  

Quick lunch and then I headed downstairs to the office.  Spent several hours in the office paying bills and cleaning my office.  It had been several months since the office had a good cleaning.

For dinner we drove to La Laguna our favorite Mexican restaurant.  I like the tamales and Debbie and Nancy had soft shell tacos.  We gave La Laguna a B.

At home we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin.  Busy day so all headed straight to bed.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Tuesday November 20, 2018

Tuesday November 20, 2018

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room

Despite going to bed at 0100 last night I got up before the 0615 alarm.

The temperature was 25, with little wind.  We are letting Debbie sleep in this morning.  I did my calisthenics this morning at home.  Debbie disappointed me last night by saying she no longer eats breakfast.  Bummer!

I hopped on the winter bike and took the direct route to Panera.  I spent 30 minutes finishing yesterdays blog and checking emails.  I headed back home at 0945.  

At 1000 Debbie, Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Costco had only been opened several minutes but it was already crowded.  Purchased pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, green beans and Debbie bought several items of clothing.

Next we stopped at Sam’s Club, bought salad mix and Debbie purchased workout clothes.

Got home at 1230.  I had a quick lunch.  This afternoon we are heading to an Antique Mall on Century Ave in GR.

We spent several hours going through the mall.  Nothing was purchased.

For dinner we headed to Russ’s.  Debbie and Nancy had the chicken rice soup with a burger.  I had corn chowder with a tuna sandwich.  Russ’s has the best soup.

At home we all watched the Michael Douglas show on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed.  Debbie and I watched an episode of Rake.