Sunday, September 30, 2018

Saturday September 29, 2018

Saturday September 29, 2018

Blog time 1615 sitting in downstairs office with my electric fireplace going full blast.

Today was the coldest morning this fall.  Temperature was in mid 40s.  Nancy and I bundled up for our walk to Panera.  Hats, gloves and the new down jackets we recently bought a Costco.  We looked like twins.

Despite the cool weather we had bright sunshine so the walk was very pleasant.  At Panera we had our standard Saturday fare.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I got in the Escape and headed to Breton Village Auto Wash.  We are going out tonight with our neighbor Sonya so I wanted a clean car.  I also stopped at Orvis and bought a pair of khakis.  The material in Orvis’s khaki’s is nice and thick.  Reminds me of the Navy issue khakis.

I finished the morning with a 10 mile bike ride.  Too cool for my knickers this morning.  I wore lined sweat pants.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog and read the papers.  With inclement weather coming I plan on spending more time in my office doing family history, etc.  I am working on a rearrangement plan.

We left home at 1730, picked up Sonya and headed to the Cork restaurant located at Watermark Golf Club.  Good thing we had reservations because the restaurant was crowded with young high school kids having a meal before the Homecoming Dance.  Great to see that the young men were all nicely dressed, ties and suits and no casual attire.  Of course the young women are always nicely dressed.

We all ordered wine and talked a spell before ordering.  I had the lake perch and it was great.

At home we watched an episode of Scott & Bailey followed by Grantchester.   For the first time this season I turned on the furnace to take the chill off the house.  I did turn it off before turning in.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Friday September 28, 2018

Friday September 28, 2018

Blog time 0940 at Panera

It was dark and cool when first went out at 0700.  Temperature might not reach 60 today.

Ada Bike called me yesterday and said my Bianchi bike was repaired.  

I plan on picking up the bike this morning.  My plan is to do my routine at home and then have breakfast at Panera.  

Nancy is at MVP and when she gets home she will call me.  She will drive to Ada so I can pick up the bike.

Nancy has lunch today with Becky Verker and Carol Masten.  Nancy and friends have been meeting at Schuler Books Cafe.  Nancy says they have a great light menu.

Critter Report:

Every morning recently I have been seeing turkeys everywhere.  They must be fattening up for winter.

I have not seen a Robin in three weeks.

Last night at sunset I looked out the living room slider and saw six deer in the back yard, four does and two big bucks.  The bucks had large racks.

At 1030 Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  Picked up my Bianchi and took a pleasant 10 mile ride home.

After lunch I got in Escape and went shopping.  First stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  I bought a storage rack for the downstairs bath.  I need a good pair of walking shoes so I stopped at Dunhams, no luck.  Finally at Costco I bought some cold weather long sleeve tees.

I did find time this afternoon for a short nap.  For dinner we finished the rotisserie chicken.  Dishes, a walk and then our evening snacks before watching, Call the MidWifes followed by DCI Banks.  

On the news tonight they showed film of a tsunami wiping out an Indonesian village.  It was frightening.

The cool weather will continue.  Temps in the 40s tonight.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Thursday September 27, 2018

Thursday September 27, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera 

0645 seems to be my default wake up time.  It was 45 when took Ms P out.

Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I biked to the Y.  I took a mile off this morning’s ride.  This afternoon Nancy and I are heading downtown to Art Prize.  We will do plenty of walking.

Exercises at the Y followed by reading the news at Panera.  Having a routine is good for us old guys.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed downtown for an afternoon of Art Prize.  We parked at the Ottawa ramp and the first venue we visited was located in the BOB.  They had a lot work especially paintings and several of these had received top 25 rewards.

We left the Bob and started our walking tour.  We headed across the Blue Bridge and stopped at the Public Museum, Jerry Ford Museum and then crossed the Gillette Bridge and stopped at the Amway Hotel, DeVos Center and Homewood Suites hotel.  It was 1630 and we were tired from all the walking.  My app said I had completed 14,000 steps.  

We stopped at Uccellos on Monroe and got an outside table.  We both had a drink and split a pizza.  Perfect afternoon to sit outside and people watch.  Downtown was crowded.  The downtown bars and restaurants love Art Prize.

The Kavanaugh hearing has dominated the TV.  Every channel was covering the hearing.  We did not watch the hearings.  It was not the Senate’s finest hour.

This evening we watched Endeavour followed by Murder in Paradise.  Our cool weather will continue.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Blog time 1050 at Panera

It is Breakfast Club Wednesday so the alarm goes off at 0515.  Stuck my head outside and the rain had stopped.  Temperature was in low 50s and breezy.

Left home at 0615 in complete darkness, sunrise today 0733.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  My eye doctor prescribed a pair of nighttime glasses.  They work great.  

After I parked the Escape I took a walk around the block.  Art Prize is in full swing.  Noted a lot of art on display.  Nancy and I will have to spent an afternoon downtown looking at the exhibits.

Small crowd today at BC.  The Speaker was the manager of the Ronald McDonald House in GR.  She gave a great talk.

Drove straight home.  Did some stretches and calisthenics before bundling up and heading to Panera.

Spent my time at Panera reading the online papers.  I usually read the Alpena News followed by the “NEWS” app on my iPad.  These apps are free and not very detailed.  

The only online app I pay for is the WSJ.  I always read the USA, World News and Opinion sections of the WSJ.  Will read the Business section if I have time.

Lately the news has been very depressing.  Nancy and I are tired of all the Kavanaugh yelling and shouting.  Like most citizens I have no idea of who is telling the truth.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  I do my Wednesday chores, trash and laundry.  Took a nap and then walked to post box to mail a letter.  Yes I still write letters.  Novel concept!

For dinner we were having our normal bowl of Cheerios with fruit.  However, the milk had soured so we drove to D&W to get a new bottle. After dinner and dishes I took a short walk.

Prepared Nancy’s cheese snack before settling down for some TV.  This evening we watched an episode of Endeavour before turning in.  The temperature will drop to the 40s tonight.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Tuesday September 25, 2018

Tuesday September 25, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera 

What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday morning low 50s and today 70 with sprinkles.

Today is Nancy’s swim day.  She left early.  After breakfast I stepped outside to check the weather.  It was still sprinkling but the weather folks said it would end soon.  I decided to use the bike.  I put on my rain pants and jacket and headed out.   Very light rain during the 7 mile ride to the Y.  The rain gear is not vented so I was sweating profusely when I arrived at Y.

Stretches and calisthenics at Y and then a quick shower.  The rain had stopped so I stored my rain gear in the backpack.

Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh dominates the news.  When this sad episode is over there will be no winners.

After a shower and lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco.  We purchased a rotisserie chicken for dinner plus wine and Cheerios.  We also each bought a quilted down jacket.  The store was empty.

Nancy, this afternoon, drove our neighbor to her Doctor’s appointment.  I continued to put away summer clothes and brought out my warm weather clothes.

Short nap and then an early walk.  For dinner we had rotisserie chicken and a sweet potato.  

I did the dishes before our cheese snack.  Tonight we watched CBS.  NCIS followed by Bull.  Rain and a sharp drop in temperature tonight.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018

Another cool evening, great sleeping weather.  Of course I had my electric blanket on.  With my sore hip I have found that to avoid pain I must sleep on right side.

I had to carry Ms P out to do her bidness.  She has difficulty walking.

Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I biked to the Y.  This morning I took my hilly seven mile ride to Y.  Perfect morning for a bike ride, cool, 59, with no wind.  We are getting a lot of color.  The deer and squirrels should be getting fat.  I noted a lot of fallen acorns, walnuts and apples.

In fact, I read in the Alpena News that the Bear kill this year is down.  The DNR said the reason is that Bears prefer this years plentiful acorns to the food in the bait piles put out by hunters.  I think the use of bait piles should be outlawed.  Very unsporting!

This and that;

Another women accuses Kavanaugh.  Bill Cosby to be sentenced today.  Enough said.

Family members are ganging up on relatives running for office.  What happened to blood is thicker than water?

The BRexit negotiations are getting nasty.  Why doesn’t the U.K. just tell the EU to stuff it.

I wonder if today’s young men are confused about the gender wars?

Did the Pope cave in to China’s demand regarding appointment of senior leaders?  China is an atheist country.

After lunch I biked to Macatawa Bank to get some cash.  My backup bike the Bianchi has an enclosed 8 speed drive.  The gears are skipping in the low range.  I took the bike in to get checked out.  Ada Bike is backed up so it will be the end of the week before I can pick it up.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.
We had a light dinner.  After the dishes and a short walk I prepared the cheese snack.  This evening we watched two episodes of Tunnel on Prime.

The temperature was 69 when I headed to bed. Rain predicted for tonight.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sunday September 23, 2018

Weekend Update;

Saturday September 22, 2018

Blog time 1400 sitting in office;

As the weather folks said it would be cool this morning.  They were right.  It was 47 when first went out this morning.

Nancy and I left on our walk to Panera at 0740.  Despite the cold we had bright sun on our walk.

Panera was empty when we arrived.  We noted that across the street at the Crown Plaza a group of Shriners were assembling for what looked like a parade.  They had antique farm tractors, fire trucks and cars.

We had our normal Saturday fare.  We did linger over coffee.

At home we got in the Escape and headed to an Estate Sale in our neighborhood.  The home is located in the Heathmoor Condo Association.  Heathmoor is part of a group of three associations in Centennial Park.  The sale was in a beautiful condo with plenty of floor to ceiling windows.  I pass it daily on my bike ride.  Nancy purchased a vase.

At home Nancy started doing laundry and I put on my bike clothes and headed out.  Traffic was very heavy this morning especially on 28th Street near the Cascade Library.  28th was blocked off so the Shriners could have their parade.  A lot of folks lined the street.

I wore my knickers and my legs got cold.  It is still too early to put them in storage.  Traffic on all the streets along my route was heavy.  It looked like parents taking their kids to soccer games.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog.  My nephew Jason Crandall has purchased a Brooks bike saddle for me.  I just got a call from Jason’s coworker and he is in GR.  I will meet him at Meijer’s Gas Station to make the exchange.

Picked up my new bike seat at Meijer’s.  While I was at the station I filled up but can’t recall price.

Spent several hour messing around with my bikes.  Put my new Brooks saddle on my BadBoy and put the old Brooks on my backup bike.  I would starve to death as a mechanic because I have no manual dexterity.

Nancy fixed tamales with rice for dinner.  Love tamales.  

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up on our past week’s activities.  I love FaceTime and messaging.  Today I exchanged several messages with Missy.

Tonight we watched an episode of Scott & Bailey.  It was kind of gruesome.

Today is the Autumnal Equinox, first day of Fall and equals hours of daylight and dark.  The days will continue to get shorter finally bottoming out at 9 hours in late December.

Sunday September 23, 2018

The alarm goes off at 0615.  The temperature was a cold 45.  We put on warm clothes and headed out on our 1.5 mile Sunday walk.  We both took flashlights because the sun was not up yet.

At home I had breakfast, dressed and headed to Panera for coffee.  We left for the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran at 0845.

Church was crowded.  The Celebration Band was in fine fiddle.

After church we returned to the Estate Sale.  Nancy purchased several Royal Daulton pieces and several small candy dishes.  After leaving the sale we headed to Meijer’s for supplies.

I read several sections of the GRP before lunch.  Following lunch I took my mandatory Sunday nap.

Finished the afternoon with a short bike ride around the neighborhood.  My new Brooks saddle will need some breaking in.  I hope the break in time is short.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had bacon and spinach pie.

Finished reading the GRP and watched 60 Minutes before switching to Prime.  We watched an episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched some of the Lions game.  Good grief they won!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday September 21, 2018

Friday September 21, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Heavy rain and thunderstorms rolled through this morning.  Ms P went bonkers.  It was hot, humid and raining at 0700.

I planned on driving to the Y today but at 0800 the rain had stopped.  I biked to the Y.  Took the short route.  

Normal calisthenics and stretches followed by a 2K row.  My watch says my avg heart rate for the row is 145+-.  Quick shower and then headed to Panera.

The Kavanaugh vs Ford conflict dominates the news.  I think most older folks might give the benefit of the doubt to Kavanaugh.  I would.

Our TV is flooded with political ads.  They are all negative.  

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.  Nancy said the Taurus might need gas.  As I was driving to the gas station the low fuel alarm goes off.  Prefect timing?

This afternoon we returned several bags of bottles to Walmart.   We had 72 bottles.  Used the money to purchase more fizzy water.

I am following Nancy’s diet by fasting for at least 12 hours.  That means no food after 1930.  I have my daily apple late in the afternoon.  

This afternoon I took a long nap.  I had the deepest sleep in ages.  Felt good.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken breast filled with spinach.  Very good.  We also had corn on the cob.  

Dishes, a walk, and then I fixed Nancy her cheese snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Murder in Paradise.  Nancy turned in and I watched a show on corruption in Brazil.

The warm weather ends tonight.  It was 72 when headed to bed but will be in high 40s come morning.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Heavy rain started early this morning.  It was still raining at 0630 and the temperature was in mid 60s.  

Nancy headed out at 0730 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with fellow volunteers from the Gardens.

I did all my calisthenics and stretches at home including a 10 minute row.  Showered, then breakfast before biking to Panera.  I was lucky because the rain had stopped.

I extended my stay at Panera because a big storm just rolled through.  It is now noon and the rain has stopped.

The weather folks say northern US and Northern Europe can expect great fall colors.  The reason being the very hot summer.

Nancy purchased several large potted plants and put them on our deck.  The flowers have attracted many small humming birds.  They are fun to watch.

North and South Korean leaders are meeting.  Will they be able to resolve their problems without outside help.

At home had a quick lunch and then started on a miserable project.  We think small critters have found a way into our attic.  The only way to prove this is to physically inspect the attic, not an easy job.  

Access to the attic is through a trap door located in our den’s closet.  First we must take out all the clothes in the closet.  Next we took down the two full length shelves.  With the way clear to the trap door I put up our step ladder and boosted myself in.

The attic is covered with about 12” of blown in insulation.   I don’t think the insulation has any asbestos but it is very dusty when disturbed.  

It is impossible to stand up.  I wore knee pads so I could crawl along the wood bottom chords of the roof trusses.  I inspected every roof and eave vent.  They were all properly screened.  I saw no tracks or other critter signs which is great news.

I was covered with dust and sweat when I exited the attic.  We had to vacuum the den before putting every thing back.  I will never return to the attic.

Showered and changed clothes.  For dinner tonight we headed to Brann’s.  Nancy and I relaxed with a margarita and glass of wine.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich and I had a bowl of lobster bisque.  

At home we watched the news and then an episode of Endeavour.  It was warm and humid when we turned in.  Rain tonight but tomorrow the warm spell will end.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Blog time 1950 sitting in den

Spent the night at my Sister’s home in Gaylord.  Temperature got down to high 40s last night.  I even used the electric blanket.  Slept in until 0700.  Helen and Don were already dressed and up.  I had a banana and then headed home.

Light rain when I headed out.  Stopped at McDonald’s for an Egg McMuffin and coffee.  I had forgotten how good the Egg McMuffin was.  

It rained for the first hour of my trip home.  When I entered Kent County the sun came out.  Arrived at home at 1100.

Today is my easy day so no exercises or stretches.  I started my Wednesday chores.  Trash, recyclables and then a load of laundry.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  She left at 1230.

After lunch I took a short nap and then got on my bike and ran errands.  First stop Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim.  At Meijer’s bought two bottles of wine and a brick of cheese.

Light dinner tonight followed by dishes and a short walk.  Fixed Nancy a cheese snack.  We watched DCI Banks and then Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Better Call Saul.  It was hot and humid when I turned in.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday September 18, 2018

Tuesday September 18, 2018

Blog time Wednesday September 19 at 1720 sitting in office

Today is a busy travel day for me.  I am driving up to Gaylord to my Sister Helen’s place.  We are then both driving to Alpena to attend a Visitation for Lloyd Aikens and his Wife Beverly.  Beverly passed on February 2 and Lloyd on August 30.  Lloyd was 94 and Beverly was 88.  They were both cremated.

This is not the first time that Helen and I had attended a joint ceremony.  My Uncle Bill Scott and his wife Pauline had a joint ceremony several years ago in Hubbard Lake, MI.  Both Uncle Bill and Pauline were cremated making the joint ceremony possible.

Lloyd was either the second or third employee of Scott Engineering.  He worked his entire career at the firm.  My mother was Lloyd’s sixth grade English teacher.  Aren’t small town great.  The best way to describe Lloyd is to say is was a truly nice guy.

Lloyd, during WW II, fought in the Battle of the Bulge.  He froze his feet and was wounded.  He said he wore out two belt buckles crawling across Germany.

I left home a little after 0700.  Stopped at Panera for a quick bowl of oatmeal before driving to Gaylord.  Gaylord is 175 miles north of GR.  As I proceeded north I noted more color in the trees.  I did not see any critters on my drive north.

Arrived in Gaylord at noon.  Helen fixed me a BLT for lunch.  Good BLT.

Helen drove to Alpena which is 72 miles east of Gaylord.  It is a pretty drive.  Helen did make a short detour to show me her daughter Jennifer’s house in Johannesburg.  It is a small stone farm house.  Jennifer and her new husband, Sean, are spending a lot of time renovating the house.

We arrived early in Alpena so spent about an hour driving around town.  Alpena has had some hard economic times but the parks, boat harbor and municipal green spaces are well maintained.  I was impressed.  We even stopped at Walmart so I could buy an AHS Wildcat tee shirt.  
Helen and I knew several folks at the Visitation.  We met Lloyd and Beverly’s family.  I spent some time visiting with two women who were in my AHS class.  They both live in the area so I got caught up.

For dinner Helen and I ate at “The John A Lau Saloon” on North Second Avenue.  Helen had the fish and chips.  The fish was Lake Huron white fish which Helen said was great.  I had a bowl of soup and sandwich.  We both had wine and spent some time reminiscing. 

Pleasant drive back to Gaylord.  We both had another glass of wine and told Don about our day in Alpena.  I was in bed by 2200.  The temperature will drop to high 40s so Helen showed me the electric blanket controls.