Thursday, May 10, 2018

Wednesday May 9, 2018

Wednesday May 9, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Another Breakfast Club Wednesday, got up with the alarm at 0515.  Some mild exercises before dressing and heading downtown.  First time this year that I drove to BC in bright sunshine.  Love these long days.

We had a big turnout today.  In fact the staff had to hustle to fix several extra places.  For the first time this year my old boss Dave Despres was in attendance.  Dave is 91 and was director of the Kent County Department of Public Works for over thirty years.  I worked for Dave for nine years, 68-77.  Dave made a special effort to be in attendance because today’s speaker is the current director of the DPW.  He gave a talk on the future of solid waste management in Kent County.  Good talk.  He said some nice things about Dave.

After BC I headed to the Y for some calisthenics and stretches.  My hip has been bothering me so I am resuming my stretch routine.  On my way home I stopped at the dry cleaners to pick up my winter coats and sweaters.  

Hung up my coats and sweaters, put on my bike knickers and headed to Panera.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  Later we are attending the Spring Gala at the Garden’s.

Yesterday was VE Day ending WW II in Europe, 1945.  I was 7.  I don’t remember VE Day but I do remember VJ which was later in 45.

As soon as I got home I started my laundry, took out the trash, lunch and then a nap.  After the nap I wrote my monthly letter to the Grandkids.  I ended my outdoor activities with a walk to the mailbox.  Took Ms P with me.

1730 Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s Garden to attend their Spring Gala.  Between 500 and 600 folks were in attendance.  The Gala is a fundraiser and they had many items up for bid.  We bid on several items but were unsuccessful.  Several years ago at this event we bid on an African safari.  We won, it was a great trip.  The event ended at 2100.

No TV tonight.  We had heavy thundering and lightning accompany us to bed. 

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