Monday, May 7, 2018

Sunday May 6, 2018

Weekend Update

Blog time 1730 Saturday sitting on our deck for first time this year.

The sun was already up when I first went out this morning.  Sun and warm temps, 80, predicted.  Nancy and I had a pleasant walk to Panera.  It was great having my Saturday oatmeal breakfast.  

Chores, a bike ride and nap are on my schedule.  My first chore was bringing up the deck furniture from the basement.  Next I gathered up my winter wool coats and sweaters and headed to the dry cleaners.  

Today was a perfect day for a bike ride.  Sun, warm temps and little wind.  I started out and before I got around the block my bike chain started acting up.  Stopped at home to make adjustments and the chain came off.  I took a tumble skinning my leg and arm.  After cleaning my scrapes I loaded the bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  The chief mechanic took a look and fixed my problem in less than 10 minutes.

The temp had now reached 75 so I remove a layer of clothes and headed out on a short ride.  The trails were crowded with runners and walkers.

At home I had lunch, showered and then a nap.  Finally I have read all my mail and cleaned my desk.  It takes at least four days to catch up after a trip.

Nancy fixed me a meat pie we purchased at Trader Joe’s for dinner.  After dinner and the dishes I walked to the mail box.

Debbie FaceTimed us and we gave her the details of our trip.  It was cooler in San Jose today than in GR.   We finished the evening watching an episode of Bosch on Amazon.

Sunday May 6, 2018

The alarm goes off at 0616.  The temp was in the low 50s when first went out this morning.  The sun was up at 0627 this morning.

Because of our colds we debated on whether we should go to the Y.  Nancy said she needed some mild exercises, so we decided to go.  Nancy walked 1.6 miles and I did some mild calisthenics.

At home we changed and headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 service, first time in three weeks.  This first thing I do when enter church is to get a cup of coffee.  Yes folks coffee is available in church.  Once again Pastor Bob gave a great Homily.

At Meijer’s purchased gas at $2.75 per gallon.  Meijer’s had a special on Diet Coke so Nancy loaded up. We also bought check mix and milk.

We took Ms P on her first walk in May.  She seemed eager.  I had lunch and then read several sections of the GRP.  In keeping with my Sunday routine I took a nap.

After the nap I pumped up the tires on my 45 year old single speed bike and took a five mile ride.  Single speeds are great if there are no hills.

Nancy is fixing scrambled eggs, her world famous of course, for dinner.  I am having mine with a waffle, spinach pie and a naan.

We finished reading the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and the show that follows it on CBS.  Nancy then headed to bed and I watched an episode of Babylon Berlin before turning in.

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