Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Monday April 30, 2018

Monday April 30, 2018;

Blog being written in our hotel room in Buenos Aires at 1500,

Last day in April and our last full day of our SA tour.  After breakfast this morning we got on bus and headed to the harbor.  We took a very leisurely boat tour through Rio de la Plata and Parana.  The area is loaded with waterfront cottages.  Most homes are elevated and supported by exposed piling.  I assume it is because the river floods.  Today being a holiday we saw a lot of folks kayaking and in one and two person rowing shells.  The weather was calm and sunny with temps in 70s.  

We had lunch at a large tourist restaurant located on the water.  Too much food as usual.  

Back at the hotel Nancy and I took a walk. We walked along several pedestrian ways near the hotel.  We stopped and looked in many shops but did not purchase anything.

We had our farewell dinner tonight at Cabana Villegas a well known steak house in BA.  We started the meal with an empanada which is a traditional hot snack followed by salad, French fries and famous Argentina steak.  Too much food!  Nancy liked the steak and have developed a fondness for empanada.

After dinner we walked along a renovated river front. The area reminds me of Singapore and Capetown.  Very upscale.

Quite a few of our group are leaving early tomorrow for a post tour of Brazil.  We said our good byes and then headed straight to bed.

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