Friday, May 18, 2018

Thursday May 17, 2018

Thursday May 17, 2018

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Good grief!  May is going too fast.  One of my favorite months and we are over half way through.  As the song says “slow down you are going too fast”.

Another beautiful spring day in GR.  Sun and mild temps when it headed out this morning.  Sun glasses are a must.  Took my 7.5 mile route to Y.  

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday morning swim at MVP.  After the swim she is going to her friend Kathi’s.  They are going to a paper sale.  Nancy says Kathi is recovering nicely after her recent surgery.

Recently I talked with my sister, Helen.  She and her husband Don attended Don’s 70th Homer High school reunion.  Don was the only one in his class who showed up.

They also were in Albion where Helen, Nancy and daughter, Debbie attended college.  Helen did comment on the poor condition of a bridge at the edge of Albion’s Victory Park.  I told her I designed the bridge in 1978.  As Dad always said “Doctor’s bury their problems but Engineers have to drive by theirs”.

I still don’t understand net neutrality.  What was wrong with the net before President Obama regulated it?  I am generally anti-regulation.

The political season is underway.  Every day I get about two calls asking for my vote.

Some folks say Governor Kasich will run in 2020 against President Trump.  I hope he does.  I like Kasich, in fact I voted for him in the 2016 primary.

Recently my slurred speech and difficulty chewing have returned.  I doubled my medicine dose and it helps.  Better health through chemistry.

Lunch and then some cleanup before Kim comes tomorrow to clean.  Nancy got home about 1300 and I had her drive me to the Ada Bike Store.  I had a chain guard installed on my San Jose, Bianchi, Bike.  I biked home.  It is exactly 5 miles from Ada Bike to the condo.

I took a nap before dinner.  For dinner I had a beef pot pie.  

After the dishes I took a mile walk.  Tonight we watched episodes of “The Killing and Bosch” before turning in.  

In writing this blog I used Google several time; to find the make of my bike, the proper spelling of Gov Kasich name and the name of the Netflix show set in Seattle.  Google is an absolutely great reference source.  

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