Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wednesday May 23, 2018

Wednesday May 23, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Alarm goes off at 0515.  It was 49 and foggy when I left this morning, however, the weather folk guarantee no rain.  Stopped at Panera to get a coffee before heading downtown.  I need a coffee when I drive.

I have a ritual I follow when go to BC.  I take a walk around the block, Lyon, Ottawa, Pearl and Monroe.  I checked out the progress on a big multi story concrete building under construction.   Downtown has changed a lot since I last worked there.  All for the better I might add.

Our speaker this morning was the owner of a small business that provides help to elderly folks wanting to find a retirement or assisted living facility.  It was very interesting.  She explained the difference between licensed and non licensed facilities.  The cost varies but is not as bad as some of the horror stories we hear.  I did not know but I am eligible for veteran’s benefits.    I would use her service.

After BC I headed to the Y where I did my stretches and some calisthenics.  Stopped at home, changed clothes and then biked to Panera.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  This afternoon, I will do the trash and a load of laundry.  Our handy man is stopping by this afternoon to give an estimate on repairs to our downstairs bathroom.

I did read the papers at Panera and gleaned this and that;

The EU is confused by the new government in Italy.

POTUS is still ranting on about the FBI and their alleged infiltration into his campaign.

Do this years primary elections indicate a Dem sweep in Nov?

China continues to militarize the South China Sea.

BRexit still remains a mystery.  Will it ever happen?
As soon as I got home I had lunch and then started chores.  Trash and laundry are standard on Wednesday.  I also washed all the outside windows that require a ladder.  Took the plunger and cleared the master bedroom toilet. Spent some time working on my bikes.

Our handyman Randy stopped by and looked at our downstairs shower.  He gave me an estimate which I thought was fair.  The work will be done in mid June.

I did take a short nap.  Nancy got home at 1700.  She said the Gardens were busy.  

Light dinner followed by the dishes and a short walk.  The temp reached 80 today and we will have more tomorrow.

We watched a single episode shown on Prime tonight.  It was called “An Inspector Calls”.  It was weird.  We were glad it was only one episode.  

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