Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Monday May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Update;

Blog time Monday 1645, sitting in office

Sunday May 27, 2018

We now are on our summer Sunday schedule.  Started the day with a walk around the blog.  It was a beautiful morning, sunny and warm.  No humans were moving.  A very pleasant walk.  We were worried that Ms P might not be able to handle the longer walk, 1.25 miles, but she did fine.  At home we showered changed clothes and headed out to the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd for a holiday weekend.

After church we stopped at Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $3.12.

At home I did my exercise routine I usually do at the Y on Sunday.  I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.

We left home at 1500 for a gathering at the Moleski’s.  The gathering included five book club members and Tom Moleski and your truly.  We had drinks and Tom cooked brats on the grill.  We also had corn on the cob and grilled veggies.  Very good.  We sat outside and enjoyed the warm sunny afternoon.  The party broke up at 1830.

We got home in time to watch 60 Minutes and finish reading the GRP.  We watched two episodes of Instinct before turning in.  The temp was still in the 80s.  Bright full moon.

Memorial Day 2018,  Monday May 28;

The weather folks say we will have another hot sunny day.  We got up at 0615 and immediately headed out on a walk around the block.  The early morning walks are very pleasant.

This morning we are going to Saugatuck for breakfast.  This has become a Memorial Day ritual for Nancy and Bob.  We had breakfast at the Pumpernickel on Saugatuck’s Main Street.  We sat on their screened in porch.  

The Village of Saugatuck had their Memorial Day parade pass in front of us.  The parade included marching Veteran’s Groups, the Saugatuck High School marching band, and of course Boy and Girl Scout troops.  The Village’s Police and Fire Department and their equipment brought up the rear.  Typical small town America.  It was great especially when the band played Anchor’s Aweigh.

The City of Alpena always had a Memorial Day Parade.  The route was from downtown to the Cemetery a distance of 1.75 miles.  Like Saugatuck the parade included the high school marching band, Veteran’s groups, the local National Guard Unit and Scouts.  In Junior High I was a Boy Scout and marched in three parades.  The parade was eventful because it was always hot and I had to wear long underwear.  On Memorial Day my mother let me take off the long johns for the summer.

After breakfast Nancy and I walked down to the harbor to look at the boats.  We also walked through town and visited several stores.  I bought a leather vest.

We got home at noon.  I had a light lunch and took a short nap.  After the nap I helped our neighbor prepare her AncestryDNA.  

It is now 1745 and I have spent about two hours in the office paying bills and cleaning my desk.

We will have a light dinner.  After I will walk to the mailbox.  We will watch a streaming show or two before turning in.  We might have to turn the AC on tonight.

We both watched Bosch and I watched Border Town on Netflix.  The show takes place in a small town in northern Finland.  The dialogue is Finnish with English subtitles.  I did turn on the AC before turning in.

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