Monday, May 14, 2018

Sunday May 13, 2018

Saturday May 12, 2018

Blog time 1616 sitting at dining room table.

Boy did we have a big electrical storm roll through last night.  It rained hard most of the night.

The temperature was a cold 42 first thing this morning.  It appeared the rain had stopped so we bundled up and walked to Panera.  May 12 and we are wearing gloves and wool hats.  Go figure.  I had my standard Saturday fare at Panera.  We see the same folks every Saturday and everyone is friendly.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I put on my warm bike riding clothes and took an 11 mile ride.  It started to rain halfway through the ride.  I was glad for the heavy clothing.  On Spaulding there are three nurseries.  Today they were jammed with folks buying mother day flowers.

As soon as I got home I discarded the wet clothes and took a shower.  After lunch I started reading the news on my iPad.  Several times I would start reading, doze off and my head would hit the iPad.  I took this as a sign that I needed a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a hamburger.  I never get tired of burgers.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening, everything is up to date in San Jose.  

We watched some Netflix before turning in.  The wet weather will continue.

Sunday May 13, 2018

Happy Mother’s Day!  I remember Nancy’s first Mother’s Day.  It was 1966 and Debbie was just a baby, 5 months.  We were living in Redwood City, CA.  For the day we planned a picnic in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.     It was cold, damp and misting in SF.  We visited the zoo but Debbie’s was more interested in the pigeons.  Yesterday I asked Nancy if she remembered her first MD.  She did.  Some things you never forget.

Debbie, Missy and Steve all called Nancy to wish her a Happy MD. She really appreciates these moments.

I have great memories of my Mother.  She was very protective.  In High school I worked for Dad’s company.  They had recently hired a high school classmate.  I was surprised to learn that Dave was making $0.75 per hour and I made $0.50.  At lunch I told my Mom.  Much to my surprise she walked out of the house and headed to the office.  She confronted Dad and I got an immediate raise.  

Mom was also thoughtful.  In 1964 LTjg Scott was serving in Vietnam and for Valentines Day I got one valentine.  It was from Mom.  Funny thing the other four single officers in my unit also got a valentine from their Mom.

Mom also gave me good career advice.  She said I would never be happy working in a large structured company.  She said I would only be happy if I was in charge of a small unit.  She was right.

Today We followed our normal Sunday routine.  Nancy swam at the Y and I did my calisthenics.  After we attended Sunday service a Trinity Lutheran.  It being Mother’s Day the church was packed.  All the Mother’s got a rose.

Gas at Meijer’s was $2.94 per gallon.  We also purchased some groceries.  

We took Ms P on a short walk.  I had a quick lunch and then took a long nap.  After the nap I cleared my desk and paid bills.  I pumped up the tires on the San Jose, my winter bike, and biked to the mailbox.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner.  Very good.  I took a short walk after dinner.  

We watched two episodes of 60 Minutes.  Nancy turned in and I watched episode 10 of Babylon Berlin.  

It was raining when I headed to bed.  The warm up starts tomorrow.

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