Sunday, May 27, 2018

Saturday May 26, 2018

Saturday May 26, 2018

Blog time 1730 sitting on deck

First day of Memorial Day weekend.  We had showers roll through last night.  The rain was just ending when we decided to drive to Panera.  Halfway into the trip the sun came out so we turned around and walked to Panera.  Nancy said she needed the exercise.

This morning we used Panera new electronic ordering kiosk.  It worked slick.  Panera was empty so we guess most folks were at a lake someplace.

After, Nancy started the laundry and I drove the Taurus to D&W’s gas station.  Gas was $3.05.  Next I drove to the Y to put Nancy’s membership on hold.  The new church summer schedule conflicts with the Y’s.  Trinity Lutheran won.

Final stop Dick’s to price a small inflatable mattress.  AJ likes to sleep in the den when she visits and a small mattress fills the bill.

I took a nine mile bike ride.  Today I took my 40 year old single speed.  Great day for a ride.

I took out the glass in our storm door and put in the screen.  Every year I have to go to YouTube to view a video showing how to install the screen’s retainer strip.  Very frustrating!

I did take a short nap.  For dinner we headed to JT’s for pizza.  JT’s was not very busy.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight and we got caught on the happenings in Silicon Valley.  Nancy also had a long conversation with Karen Horlings.  The Horlings spent the cold months in Florida.

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before turning in. Tomorrow we begin our new summer schedule.  The warm temps will continue.

Blast from past.

Memorial Day, May 30, in 1966 was on a Monday.  That meant we had a long weekend.  We were living in Redwood City, California in a rented apartment.  The apartment complex had about sixty units and had a no kids policy.  Since Debbie had not yet arrived when we rented they let us stay after her birth.

The firm I worked for had several large projects and I had worked every Saturday since New Year’s.  I was looking forward to a long weekend and sleeping in.  At 0630 on Saturday, the 28th, I thought the alarm had gone off.  I told Nancy to turn the damn thing off. She checked and said it was not the alarm.  She stuck her head outside and realized it was the fire alarm.  She grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I followed but realized I had forgot my cigarettes so I went back, not a smart thing to do.

The apartment complex was U shaped and all the tenants gathered in the courtyard.  It was interesting to see how many single folks entered the courtyard from a side opposite their apartment.  We had to spend about an hour before the all clear was given.  The RCFD was able to confine the fire to just one apartment.  Some smoke damage in adjoining apartments.  Oh, the things we remember.

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