Saturday, May 5, 2018

Friday May 4, 2018

Friday May 4,2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

We had heavy rain roll through last night.  Nancy and I still sang our coughing blues all night.  I do think we are getting slightly better.

I love this time of year.  Long days and warm weather.  The sun is up at,0629 and does not set until almost 2100.  Noted this morning that several lawn companies were cutting grass for the first time.

Nancy did not go to MVP this morning.  I rode my bike to the Y via my short route.  I am still on a reduced calisthenics schedule.  I did step on the scale and found I had only put on 5 pounds.

Have you noted how rambling and long my blogs have become?  When I started writing this blog 10 years ago I used my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s 1938 Diary as a guide.  My dad gave me GGF’s diary.  I treasure it and continue to read it.  The diary was significant because 1938 was the year I was born and in November GGF passed at age 82.  

Each daily entry in the diary was short, precise but gave me a good insight into GGF’s life.  I often wonder if GGF had been able to use an iPad to write his daily log if it would become rambling?  It is so much easier to type than write especially for folks in their 80s.  GGF wrote his entries with a fountain pen.  Despite having no more than an eighth grade education his English was proper.  I did not find any spelling errors.  

There is no question in my mind that GGF Sanborn like my father would have embraced all the new technology.  It is in our DNA.

While I am rambling let me mention that backpacks are one of my most important possessions.  I use one daily for carrying my iPad and clothes when on my bike.  They are almost mandatory on a trip.  Raincoats, hats, water bottles and pills can be easily carried.  I think I own about 10 packs.  Growing up I never owned a backpack.  In fact you never saw one.

We are now under a high wind warning.  The Y just send me a message saying they are closed because the winds had taken down power lines.

After lunch we headed to Trader Joe’s to replenish our wine supply.  We both like TJ’s Chilean wine.  Next stop was Walmart to purchase several packets of sugar free oatmeal cookies, breath mints and lemon fizzy water.

I took an afternoon nap.  My cold is wiping me out.  For dinner we headed to Russ’s for a bowl of chicken rice soup and burger.  On way home we stopped at Sam’s Club to get Pinconning soft cheese, bread and croissants.

We watched a new show on Netflix filmed in Norway featuring a female Norwegian detective and a male English detective.  It was only 30 minutes.  I don’t know why I wasted time explaining the show because it was terrible.

We ended up watching Bosch before turning in.

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