Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday May 15, 2018

Tuesday May 15, 2018

Blog time 1135 at Panera

We had some big thunder boomers roll through last night.  Nancy was in a deep sleep and did not know about the storms.  Ms P got nervous but she is not as hyper during a thunder storm as several years ago.  Must be her age?

The temperature this morning was in low 60s.  Finally a decent morning temp.  After breakfast I got on my bike and rode my normal summer 7.5 mile route to the Y.  

It took awhile but I am finally back at my pre-cold workout level.  My recovery time increases dramatically with age.  Why should this surprise me.

The Y has a large number of physical trainers on duty every day.  I am surprised how many are overweight.

Panera is becoming a popular spot for business meetings.  Each morning I see several groups with their laptops and notebooks talking business.  I know this because I am a world class eavesdropper.

I did read the papers.  Stormy Daniels is finally off the front page being replaced by the father of the bride.  Why is this important?

I did not get home until 1300 so I had lunch before doing any afternoon activities.  First activity was to take Ms P on a short walk.  My next chore was to pay our car and home insurance bills.  I got on my bike and mailed the bills.  Next I stopped at Macatawa Bank to put Nancy’s ring in the lock box.  Also got some money for Kim who will clean the house on Friday.

With all the rain we have had lately my bike chain is showing rust.  I lubed my chain.  All my bike lights are rechargeable.  Removed the lights and put them on the charger.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner.  After the dishes I took a short walk.  It started to sprinkle half way through the walk.  I am tired of all the rain.  I think all the moisture contributes to my difficulty speaking and chewing food.

We watched NCIS and then Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Babylon Berlin before turning in.  Warm and sunny is predicted for tomorrow.  Warm and sunny is good.

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