Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Blog time 0925 at Panera

Temp was 51 first thing with fog.  Nancy headed to her swim at MVP.  After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y.  It started to drizzle after about a mile into the ride.  I made a quick detour to Panera.  Today I will reverse my normal routine.  After Panera I will go to the Y followed by a seven mile ride home.  The weather folks say the drizzle will burn off about 1100.  I sure hope so.

This afternoon Nancy and Mary will have lunch and then take in a movie.  This evening we will attend the summer monthly dinner of the three condo associations that make up our neighborhood.  The dinner is at Noto’s.

Every morning I read the “News Top Stories” in the Apple News section on my iPad.  Recently the number of articles seem to have been reduced.  Noted the same with the Telegraph section.  I think most news outlets want you to pay for their articles.  I now get most of the news from the WSJ, which I pay for.  

At 1000 I packed up and biked to the Y.  I did my calisthenics and stretch routine.  Noted that the Y now has classes on standup paddle boards.  They take up several lanes in the pool.  Standup paddling seems to have displaced kayaking as a favorite people powered water craft.

After the Y I took the seven mile route home.  Quick shower and then lunch.  At 1330 I picked up Ms P and headed to the Vets.  Ms P had several shots and a blood and urine test.  She was given a clean bill of health.

I took a short nap.  Nancy got home from the movie “Book Club” at 1600.  She said she and Mary liked the movie but said I would not have liked it.

Every morning I pass a lot of construction sites.  The preferred vehicle for workers are full size crew cab pickups.  These pickups are gas guzzlers.  I bet with current gas prices above $3.00 it must cost nearly $100 to fill up. 

At 1800 we picked up our condo mate, Sonya, and headed to Noto’s to attend the monthly neighborhood get together.  We had a big crowd.  A lot of new folks have moved into the neighborhood.  It was a very pleasant evening with good food, wine and a chance to talk with our neighbors.

We got home at 2030.  It was still light so I took a short walk.  No TV tonight.  We were both in bed by 2130.

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