Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Monday May 21, 2018

Monday May 21, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera;

It was cool, 51, and cloudy this morning.  Rain is suppose to move in about noon.  Yes more rain, bummer!

Bob and Nancy followed their normal Monday routine this morning.  I did take a detour on my bike ride to the Y this morning.  I stopped at the ATM at Macatawa.

I enjoy my ride down Spaulding Ave every morning.  A lot of open space.  There are three nurseries on Spaulding and each have big fields.  Nancy and I commented yesterday how long the nurseries can remain in business.  Their land is worth more as residential.  Today I noted a new sign saying Single Family Homes coming soon.  Bummer, I see a lot of wildlife in the open fields.

This and that;

Gas prices are going up despite the USA being the world’s largest oil producer.  The problem is the lack of pipelines.  Environmental groups are skilled in getting pipeline construction stalled.  Some folks say that the Russians are involved in creating roadblocks.  USA production is a threat to the Russian oil industry.

Today’s Telegraph had some great photos on the Hawaiian volcano eruptions.

Did the FBI have a spy in Trump’s presidential campaign? Who knows but I am sure the conflict will dominate the news.

The weather folks have said that in the first 21 days of May we have had only 5 days without rain.

I left Panera a little after noon.  It was raining hard.  First thing I did when I got home was take a nice hot shower.

I have a 1400 dentist appointment so had to hustle to get ready.   Today I had my teeth cleaned.  After the cleaning the dentist checked my teeth and said everything was fine.  

I stopped at Meijer’s on my way home to pick up a prescription.  Also bought a baguette and a refill bottle of shower cleaner.

We had a light dinner.  After the dishes, I noted the rain had stopped so I took a mile walk.

We had our cheese and apple snack and at 2000 switched to Netflix.  Watched an episode of Safe.  After Safe Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched Babylon Berlin.  Took Ms P out for the last time and it was raining.  

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