Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wednesday May 16, 2018

Wednesday May 16, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Walked outside this morning into bright sunshine.  We now have 14h43’ of daylight.  Love these long days, especially when the sun shines.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did my stretches and reduced calisthenics at home before biking to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Made a quick read of the news and then biked back home.  Dropped off back pack and headed out on a 10 mile ride.

Perfect day for a ride.  High 60s, sunshine  and all the fruit trees are in bloom.  Everything is green, green, green.  I even got buzzed by a goose.  Must have gotten too close to nest.

Cascade and Ada Townships are having a building boom.  Apartments, condos and free standing homes are being built on every vacant lot.

After ride, showered and had lunch before starting Wednesday chores.  First chore was take out the trash and recyclables.  Wednesday is also my laundry day so I did a load.  Of course after these chores I needed a nap.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  The Gardens is undergoing a major renovation so finding a place to park can be a problem.   Nancy like the champ she is, is adjusting.

I got a call during my nap, of course, from Ada Bike say the chain guard I ordered was in.  After the nap I loaded up the San Jose bike and headed to Ada.  I can pick up the bike tomorrow.

We had a light dinner.  After the dishes I took a mile walk.  I enjoy these evening walks.

Every evening around 1930 I fix Nancy and Ms P a cheese snack.  I eat an apple.  Last night we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

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