Friday, May 11, 2018

Thursday May 10, 2018

Thursday May 10, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with the sun, 0622, this morning.  The temperature was 57 and my phone said no rain.  

Nancy has a busy morning.  She headed out early for her swim.  She has a 1000 dentist appointment and a 1130 lunch with friends at Rose’s.

After breakfast I headed out for my bike ride to the Y.  My weather app was wrong it was sprinkling.  I put on my raincoat and pants before heading out.   Took the five mile route to Y.

Still on my reduced exercise routine.  I will continue this routine for the rest of the week.  Both Nancy and I are feeling better.

I did read the news today but saw nothing I want to comment on.  I think my lack of interest in current events is because Spring is in full bloom.  Our neighborhood has blooming fruit trees and flowers.  I see bright green everywhere I look.  A truly spectacular time of year.  The older I get the more I notice my surroundings.  

I have a 1400 appointment with my eye doctor.  So as soon as I got home I showered, had lunch and then headed downtown.  Dr. Anderson spent nearly an hour checking my eyes. Except for some minor problems my eyes are healthy.

I did stop a Costco on my way home.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog Thursday must be senior’s day at Costco.  At home Nancy and I took Ms P for a walk.  

After my recent episode with a rusty bike chain I spent some time this afternoon oiling my chain.  Biking is now my main aerobic exercise so I have to keep the bike ship shape.

I took a short nap before dinner.  After our heavy meal at Meijer’s Garden last night we decided to go light tonight.  After the dishes I took a mile walk.  My time for a mile walk has gone from 20’ to 23’.  

This evening we watched a new show on Netflix called Safe by Harlan Coben.  We might give it another look.  We also watched another new show call Indian Detective.  I liked it, Nancy did not.  

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