Saturday, May 12, 2018

Friday May 11, 2018

Friday May 11, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

It was cool, 42, when I first went out this morning.  My weather app said rain would start at 0900 and last all day.  Bummer!

After breakfast I got my winter bike riding pants out of the dirty clothes, bundled up and decided I needed a change from my normal routine.  No Y today.  I will take a six mile ride to Panera.  I hoped to be at Panera before the rain starts.  I will do my calisthenics and stretches at home.

Good plan, it started to rain as soon as I pulled into Panera.  I arrived about an hour earlier than normal.  The place was jammed.  I had trouble getting a table.  

Spent some time reading the papers.  POTUS’s attorneys both for him and against him dominate the news.  The White House must be a zoo.  

Will PM May ever get BRexit accomplished?  All the EU members are furious with POTUS for pulling out of the Iran deal.  Does the average USA citizen care?

As soon as I got home I took a shower and then lunch.  Spent some time moving my summer clothes around.  It is tough thinking of summer when temps are in 40s.

For dinner Nancy and I met the Moleski’s at the old Holly’s Landing.  We left at 1715 for Holly’s and got tied up in rush hour traffic.  A normal 20 minute drive took us almost an hour.

Holly’s has changed their name but the decor and menu is the same.  The Moleski’ and Nancy had their famous Landing salad.  I had a club sandwich.  We had a very pleasant evening.

At home we watched an episode of Safe on Netflix.  The show is written by American writer and Amherst grad Harlan Coben.  It takes place in an upscale English gated community.  Nancy gives the show a B- and I gave it an A.  Several more episodes are left.

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