Saturday, May 19, 2018

Friday May 18, 2018

Friday May 18, 2018

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Another beautiful spring day in GR.  Sunny with temps in mid 50.  Despite being retired for ten years I am always glad to see Friday.

Special Fridays from my past:  

In the spring of 1959 I was finishing my junior year at UM.  I was going to go to summer school and already had a job in Ann Arbor lined up.  However, my Dad talked me in going to work for him.  They had a large job at Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda, Mi.  Dad was a great salesman and I took the job.  

I was part of a four man crew that worked on the project.  We rented a cabin in Oscoda.  Worked 10 hour days but would quit at noon on Friday.  To get to the job I rode my Vesta motor scooter the 40 miles from Alpena to Oscoda.  On Fridays at noon I would get on the scooter and head home.  I would take a detour and stop at my Grandmother Scott’s farm in Hubbard Lake.  On Friday Grandmother always baked.  She baked fresh bread and rolls.  I would eat several slices of hot bread and maybe a roll or two.  I looked forward to my Friday afternoons with Grandmother.  It was a great summer.   Never once during the summer did it rain on my trips to Oscoda.

Today as soon as I got home had a quick lunch.  We then all headed out to run errands.  First stop was Lowe’s.  Nancy was looking for weed and ant sprays.  We could not get anyone to wait on us, so we left.  Next stop Costco to purchase Cheerios, wine and a pineapple.  Final stop Ace Hardware where we purchased weed and ant spray.

We had a very light dinner before heading out to the GR Art Museum.  They opened a new exhibit tonight and had a members only event.  The event included free snacks with a cash bar.  I enjoyed both.  The exhibit was ok.

We arrived home at 2030 and had time to watch an episode of Safe before turning in.  Rain predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

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