Friday, May 25, 2018

Thursday May 24, 2018

Thursday May 24, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Stepped out this morning into bright sunshine.  High temp in mid 80s today.

Nancy headed out to her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I headed to the Y.  I took my 7.5 mile route.  Are folks already heading to their cottages for the weekend because the Y was empty?

Today Panera started using their new high tech kiosks?  You can order and pay at these locations.  No standing in line.  Food is brought to your table.

I will leave Panera early today because Nancy and I are going to Countryside Greenhouse this afternoon.  This is an annual spring trip for us.

The NFL’s new policy on the national anthem is creating quite a stir.  I really am against folks telling me how to act.  I think the new policy will create more problems than it will solve.  We all have choices.  I choose not to watch NFL games if I know players will take a knee. 

I told Nancy I would be home at noon.  I just made it with a minute to spare.  Quick lunch and shower and then we headed out to Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale.  Great day for a ride.  The country side was very green and all the trees now have their leaves.  

We were both amazed about all the residential construction in Ottawa County.  I know there is a huge demand for rental and single family units but it is sad to see the lose of green space.

Countryside’s huge parking lot was nearly full when we arrived.  The nice day and the upcoming holiday weekend brought out all the folks with green thumbs.  Countryside claims to be the largest greenhouse in West Mi.  They have eight covered acres.  I think we covered every inch.  Nancy purchased hanging baskets and many flowers to plant in our deck flower boxes.

At home we unloaded our plants.  I then drove to Ace Hardware and bought  yard waste bags and a stainless steel grab bar for our master bath.  Our handyman, Randy, will install the bar when he comes to repair our downstairs shower.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  Nancy had a turkey sandwich and I had their lobster bisque.

At I home I took a short walk.  We ended the evening watching an episode of Inspector Lewis.

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