Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wednesday May 30, 2018

Wednesday May 30, 2018

Blog time 0850 at Panera

Our heat wave ends later today.  Heavy rain with thunder and lightning predicted for this afternoon.

Until 1970 today was Memorial (Decoration) Day.  The holiday was changed so folks could have a three day weekend.  I liked the single day holiday because it was focused on honoring Veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We know it is summer because the sprinklers go off on MWF.  They start about 0600 and shut off at 0700.  So I cannot take Ms P out until after 0700.  She does not like to get wet.

Our national nastiness continues.  Roseanne is canceled because of nasty comments.  Why can’t we just be civil like we were taught in kindergarten?

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I do the exercises at 50% and go out for breakfast.  My schedule today includes breakfast at Panera.  After I will head to the Y for an easy workout.  I will take an easy 7 mile ride home.  Today I am riding my 40 year old single speed.

I got home just as Nancy was leaving for her shift at Meijer’s Garden.  I had a quick lunch and then ran errands.  First stop was Macatawa Bank where I got money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  Last stop was Church’s Dry Cleaners.  I picked up my light weight summer cotton blazer.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and picked up the trash and recyclables.  I took a very short nap.

We had heavy showers roll through later in the afternoon.  Typical summer storms.  It would pour hard for 20 minutes and then be clear for another 20 minutes before starting again.  

I spent several hours in the garage changing seats on my bikes.  My favorite bike seat, a Brooks, is shot.  So I put the original Cannondale seat back on the Bad Boy (Cannondale Bad Boy or Lefty).  Every time I work on my bike it reinforces my belief that I have no manual dexterity.

We had a light dinner.  It was not raining after dinner so I took a short walk.  The heat had not abated so I turned on the AC before settling down.  To night we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  I took Ms P out one last time and then it started to rain hard. Turned the AC off at midnight and opened the sliders.  The heat wave ends.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tuesday May 29, 2018

Tuesday May 29, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was still in the 70s early this morning.  The heat and sun continues with high of 90 predicted later today.  I did turn the AC off early this morning.

We were up with the sunrise, 0605.  Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP.  Later she has an appointment with her foot doctor.

After breakfast I pumped up the tires on my Bad Boy bike and headed to the Y.  It was warm so I only needed a long sleeve tee and shorts.  No socks or jacket.  Love it.  

Noted this morning that a lot of folks are starting to commute to work on their bikes.  Memorial Day must be the trigger.

A duck and her six baby ducklings crossed my path.  Before I could get out the camera they were gone.

Did my normal routine at the Y and then headed out to Panera.  I used Panera’s electronic ordering kiosk this morning.  It works slick.  The nice thing is that no jobs are lost using this new system.

The civil engineering field in the last thirty years has seen a lot of jobs being displaced by the introduction of computer aided surveying and drafting software.  Survey crews have been reduced from 4 to 2 folks.  The need for draftsmen has dropped dramatically.

This and that from the morning news;

When will we ever understand POTUS’s position on trade?  Very confusing!  Same can be said for immigration.

Politics in Italy are a mess.  Is the EU threatened by the confusion?

Our major foreign policy problem is China.  They are the 500# gorilla in the room.

At home I showered, had a lunch and then headed out running errands.  First stop Macatawa Bank to make a deposit.  Next stop Ace Hardware to get some hooks for our master shower.  Walked next door to our Vets office and purchased heart worm pills for Ms P.

I want to install a hitch on the back of the Escape so I can carry my bikes.  The Ford dealer said it would cost $800.  Hitches by George gave me a quote of 1/3rd that amount.  I ordered their hitch.

On a hot day like today I like spending time in the office because it is at least 10 degrees cooler than the main floor. I paid our quarterly taxes and several other bills.  Turned on the AC at 1500.  

I found time for a nap.  Nancy for dinner fixed a salmon/spinach pinwheel.  It was very good.

After the dishes I walked to the mailbox to mail our taxes.  Tonight we watched two episodes of Safe on Netflix.  I like this show, Nancy is mixed.  I turned the AC off before going to bed.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Monday May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Update;

Blog time Monday 1645, sitting in office

Sunday May 27, 2018

We now are on our summer Sunday schedule.  Started the day with a walk around the blog.  It was a beautiful morning, sunny and warm.  No humans were moving.  A very pleasant walk.  We were worried that Ms P might not be able to handle the longer walk, 1.25 miles, but she did fine.  At home we showered changed clothes and headed out to the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd for a holiday weekend.

After church we stopped at Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $3.12.

At home I did my exercise routine I usually do at the Y on Sunday.  I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.

We left home at 1500 for a gathering at the Moleski’s.  The gathering included five book club members and Tom Moleski and your truly.  We had drinks and Tom cooked brats on the grill.  We also had corn on the cob and grilled veggies.  Very good.  We sat outside and enjoyed the warm sunny afternoon.  The party broke up at 1830.

We got home in time to watch 60 Minutes and finish reading the GRP.  We watched two episodes of Instinct before turning in.  The temp was still in the 80s.  Bright full moon.

Memorial Day 2018,  Monday May 28;

The weather folks say we will have another hot sunny day.  We got up at 0615 and immediately headed out on a walk around the block.  The early morning walks are very pleasant.

This morning we are going to Saugatuck for breakfast.  This has become a Memorial Day ritual for Nancy and Bob.  We had breakfast at the Pumpernickel on Saugatuck’s Main Street.  We sat on their screened in porch.  

The Village of Saugatuck had their Memorial Day parade pass in front of us.  The parade included marching Veteran’s Groups, the Saugatuck High School marching band, and of course Boy and Girl Scout troops.  The Village’s Police and Fire Department and their equipment brought up the rear.  Typical small town America.  It was great especially when the band played Anchor’s Aweigh.

The City of Alpena always had a Memorial Day Parade.  The route was from downtown to the Cemetery a distance of 1.75 miles.  Like Saugatuck the parade included the high school marching band, Veteran’s groups, the local National Guard Unit and Scouts.  In Junior High I was a Boy Scout and marched in three parades.  The parade was eventful because it was always hot and I had to wear long underwear.  On Memorial Day my mother let me take off the long johns for the summer.

After breakfast Nancy and I walked down to the harbor to look at the boats.  We also walked through town and visited several stores.  I bought a leather vest.

We got home at noon.  I had a light lunch and took a short nap.  After the nap I helped our neighbor prepare her AncestryDNA.  

It is now 1745 and I have spent about two hours in the office paying bills and cleaning my desk.

We will have a light dinner.  After I will walk to the mailbox.  We will watch a streaming show or two before turning in.  We might have to turn the AC on tonight.

We both watched Bosch and I watched Border Town on Netflix.  The show takes place in a small town in northern Finland.  The dialogue is Finnish with English subtitles.  I did turn on the AC before turning in.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Saturday May 26, 2018

Saturday May 26, 2018

Blog time 1730 sitting on deck

First day of Memorial Day weekend.  We had showers roll through last night.  The rain was just ending when we decided to drive to Panera.  Halfway into the trip the sun came out so we turned around and walked to Panera.  Nancy said she needed the exercise.

This morning we used Panera new electronic ordering kiosk.  It worked slick.  Panera was empty so we guess most folks were at a lake someplace.

After, Nancy started the laundry and I drove the Taurus to D&W’s gas station.  Gas was $3.05.  Next I drove to the Y to put Nancy’s membership on hold.  The new church summer schedule conflicts with the Y’s.  Trinity Lutheran won.

Final stop Dick’s to price a small inflatable mattress.  AJ likes to sleep in the den when she visits and a small mattress fills the bill.

I took a nine mile bike ride.  Today I took my 40 year old single speed.  Great day for a ride.

I took out the glass in our storm door and put in the screen.  Every year I have to go to YouTube to view a video showing how to install the screen’s retainer strip.  Very frustrating!

I did take a short nap.  For dinner we headed to JT’s for pizza.  JT’s was not very busy.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight and we got caught on the happenings in Silicon Valley.  Nancy also had a long conversation with Karen Horlings.  The Horlings spent the cold months in Florida.

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before turning in. Tomorrow we begin our new summer schedule.  The warm temps will continue.

Blast from past.

Memorial Day, May 30, in 1966 was on a Monday.  That meant we had a long weekend.  We were living in Redwood City, California in a rented apartment.  The apartment complex had about sixty units and had a no kids policy.  Since Debbie had not yet arrived when we rented they let us stay after her birth.

The firm I worked for had several large projects and I had worked every Saturday since New Year’s.  I was looking forward to a long weekend and sleeping in.  At 0630 on Saturday, the 28th, I thought the alarm had gone off.  I told Nancy to turn the damn thing off. She checked and said it was not the alarm.  She stuck her head outside and realized it was the fire alarm.  She grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I followed but realized I had forgot my cigarettes so I went back, not a smart thing to do.

The apartment complex was U shaped and all the tenants gathered in the courtyard.  It was interesting to see how many single folks entered the courtyard from a side opposite their apartment.  We had to spend about an hour before the all clear was given.  The RCFD was able to confine the fire to just one apartment.  Some smoke damage in adjoining apartments.  Oh, the things we remember.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Friday May 25, 2018

Friday May 25, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

With the long days Nancy and I are getting up earlier.  Today it was 0615.  Took Ms P out into bright sun.  The temperature today will reach mid 80s.  

I think today is really the first day of the long Memorial Day weekend.  Memorial Day is the last Monday in May.  In my youth Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30 until 1970.  I liked the single day because the original purpose of Memorial Day was to celebrate men and women who died while in the armed service.  The three day holiday diminishes the original purpose.

I think a lot of offices are closed today because I saw several engineers that I know are still employed at the Y.  They said they had the day off.

Harvey Weinstein is arrested, Mueller continues his probe and POTUS and North Korea continue to trade barbs.  During a mass shooting a gun carrying good guy shoots the bad guy.  The NRA is happy.  

The police face more pressure as normal arrests turn confrontational.  The police were correct in the rest of the NBA player but they handled it wrong.  A sign that better training is needed.

Immigration is a big topic that is creating rifts in the GOP.  I am a supporter of immigration.  We need more workers.

At home I helped Nancy dig holes so she could plant some flowers.

Shower and then lunch.  After, I got in the Escape and ran errands.  First stop Church cleaners where I got my summer tan sport cleaned.  At Walgreen bought a tube of lotion that contains sunscreen.  Next was Chow Hound for a neck collar for Ms P.  The harness she is now wearing is rubbing on some of her age spots.  The neck collar should eliminate this contact.

Final stop was Ace Hardware where I got our grill’s propane tank filled.  Nancy can now stop grilling.  

Before dinner we sat on the deck and had a glass of wine.   Nancy fixed me a hamburger with baked potato for dinner.  She fixed herself a chicken thigh.

After the dishes I fired the the washer and then took a short walk.  We watched an episode of Bosch.  Nancy turned in and I watched the final two episodes of Babylon Berlin.  This show had a really bizarre ending.  The warm weather continues tomorrow.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Thursday May 24, 2018

Thursday May 24, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Stepped out this morning into bright sunshine.  High temp in mid 80s today.

Nancy headed out to her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I headed to the Y.  I took my 7.5 mile route.  Are folks already heading to their cottages for the weekend because the Y was empty?

Today Panera started using their new high tech kiosks?  You can order and pay at these locations.  No standing in line.  Food is brought to your table.

I will leave Panera early today because Nancy and I are going to Countryside Greenhouse this afternoon.  This is an annual spring trip for us.

The NFL’s new policy on the national anthem is creating quite a stir.  I really am against folks telling me how to act.  I think the new policy will create more problems than it will solve.  We all have choices.  I choose not to watch NFL games if I know players will take a knee. 

I told Nancy I would be home at noon.  I just made it with a minute to spare.  Quick lunch and shower and then we headed out to Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale.  Great day for a ride.  The country side was very green and all the trees now have their leaves.  

We were both amazed about all the residential construction in Ottawa County.  I know there is a huge demand for rental and single family units but it is sad to see the lose of green space.

Countryside’s huge parking lot was nearly full when we arrived.  The nice day and the upcoming holiday weekend brought out all the folks with green thumbs.  Countryside claims to be the largest greenhouse in West Mi.  They have eight covered acres.  I think we covered every inch.  Nancy purchased hanging baskets and many flowers to plant in our deck flower boxes.

At home we unloaded our plants.  I then drove to Ace Hardware and bought  yard waste bags and a stainless steel grab bar for our master bath.  Our handyman, Randy, will install the bar when he comes to repair our downstairs shower.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  Nancy had a turkey sandwich and I had their lobster bisque.

At I home I took a short walk.  We ended the evening watching an episode of Inspector Lewis.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wednesday May 23, 2018

Wednesday May 23, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Alarm goes off at 0515.  It was 49 and foggy when I left this morning, however, the weather folk guarantee no rain.  Stopped at Panera to get a coffee before heading downtown.  I need a coffee when I drive.

I have a ritual I follow when go to BC.  I take a walk around the block, Lyon, Ottawa, Pearl and Monroe.  I checked out the progress on a big multi story concrete building under construction.   Downtown has changed a lot since I last worked there.  All for the better I might add.

Our speaker this morning was the owner of a small business that provides help to elderly folks wanting to find a retirement or assisted living facility.  It was very interesting.  She explained the difference between licensed and non licensed facilities.  The cost varies but is not as bad as some of the horror stories we hear.  I did not know but I am eligible for veteran’s benefits.    I would use her service.

After BC I headed to the Y where I did my stretches and some calisthenics.  Stopped at home, changed clothes and then biked to Panera.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  This afternoon, I will do the trash and a load of laundry.  Our handy man is stopping by this afternoon to give an estimate on repairs to our downstairs bathroom.

I did read the papers at Panera and gleaned this and that;

The EU is confused by the new government in Italy.

POTUS is still ranting on about the FBI and their alleged infiltration into his campaign.

Do this years primary elections indicate a Dem sweep in Nov?

China continues to militarize the South China Sea.

BRexit still remains a mystery.  Will it ever happen?
As soon as I got home I had lunch and then started chores.  Trash and laundry are standard on Wednesday.  I also washed all the outside windows that require a ladder.  Took the plunger and cleared the master bedroom toilet. Spent some time working on my bikes.

Our handyman Randy stopped by and looked at our downstairs shower.  He gave me an estimate which I thought was fair.  The work will be done in mid June.

I did take a short nap.  Nancy got home at 1700.  She said the Gardens were busy.  

Light dinner followed by the dishes and a short walk.  The temp reached 80 today and we will have more tomorrow.

We watched a single episode shown on Prime tonight.  It was called “An Inspector Calls”.  It was weird.  We were glad it was only one episode.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Blog time 0925 at Panera

Temp was 51 first thing with fog.  Nancy headed to her swim at MVP.  After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y.  It started to drizzle after about a mile into the ride.  I made a quick detour to Panera.  Today I will reverse my normal routine.  After Panera I will go to the Y followed by a seven mile ride home.  The weather folks say the drizzle will burn off about 1100.  I sure hope so.

This afternoon Nancy and Mary will have lunch and then take in a movie.  This evening we will attend the summer monthly dinner of the three condo associations that make up our neighborhood.  The dinner is at Noto’s.

Every morning I read the “News Top Stories” in the Apple News section on my iPad.  Recently the number of articles seem to have been reduced.  Noted the same with the Telegraph section.  I think most news outlets want you to pay for their articles.  I now get most of the news from the WSJ, which I pay for.  

At 1000 I packed up and biked to the Y.  I did my calisthenics and stretch routine.  Noted that the Y now has classes on standup paddle boards.  They take up several lanes in the pool.  Standup paddling seems to have displaced kayaking as a favorite people powered water craft.

After the Y I took the seven mile route home.  Quick shower and then lunch.  At 1330 I picked up Ms P and headed to the Vets.  Ms P had several shots and a blood and urine test.  She was given a clean bill of health.

I took a short nap.  Nancy got home from the movie “Book Club” at 1600.  She said she and Mary liked the movie but said I would not have liked it.

Every morning I pass a lot of construction sites.  The preferred vehicle for workers are full size crew cab pickups.  These pickups are gas guzzlers.  I bet with current gas prices above $3.00 it must cost nearly $100 to fill up. 

At 1800 we picked up our condo mate, Sonya, and headed to Noto’s to attend the monthly neighborhood get together.  We had a big crowd.  A lot of new folks have moved into the neighborhood.  It was a very pleasant evening with good food, wine and a chance to talk with our neighbors.

We got home at 2030.  It was still light so I took a short walk.  No TV tonight.  We were both in bed by 2130.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Monday May 21, 2018

Monday May 21, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera;

It was cool, 51, and cloudy this morning.  Rain is suppose to move in about noon.  Yes more rain, bummer!

Bob and Nancy followed their normal Monday routine this morning.  I did take a detour on my bike ride to the Y this morning.  I stopped at the ATM at Macatawa.

I enjoy my ride down Spaulding Ave every morning.  A lot of open space.  There are three nurseries on Spaulding and each have big fields.  Nancy and I commented yesterday how long the nurseries can remain in business.  Their land is worth more as residential.  Today I noted a new sign saying Single Family Homes coming soon.  Bummer, I see a lot of wildlife in the open fields.

This and that;

Gas prices are going up despite the USA being the world’s largest oil producer.  The problem is the lack of pipelines.  Environmental groups are skilled in getting pipeline construction stalled.  Some folks say that the Russians are involved in creating roadblocks.  USA production is a threat to the Russian oil industry.

Today’s Telegraph had some great photos on the Hawaiian volcano eruptions.

Did the FBI have a spy in Trump’s presidential campaign? Who knows but I am sure the conflict will dominate the news.

The weather folks have said that in the first 21 days of May we have had only 5 days without rain.

I left Panera a little after noon.  It was raining hard.  First thing I did when I got home was take a nice hot shower.

I have a 1400 dentist appointment so had to hustle to get ready.   Today I had my teeth cleaned.  After the cleaning the dentist checked my teeth and said everything was fine.  

I stopped at Meijer’s on my way home to pick up a prescription.  Also bought a baguette and a refill bottle of shower cleaner.

We had a light dinner.  After the dishes, I noted the rain had stopped so I took a mile walk.

We had our cheese and apple snack and at 2000 switched to Netflix.  Watched an episode of Safe.  After Safe Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched Babylon Berlin.  Took Ms P out for the last time and it was raining.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

Sunday May 20, 2018

Week end update;

Saturday May 19, 2018

Blog time 1015 sitting a dining room table.

Heavy rain and cool temps this morning.  I got up at 0500 this morning and I thought I heard voices.  I had, the TV was on in the living room and Nancy was watching the royal wedding.

As soon as the wedding was over we headed to Panera.  No walk today because of the heavy rain.  I had my Saturday oatmeal and Nancy only a coffee.

Weekend Update blog resumes at 1030 Monday at Panera.

At home Nancy started the laundry and after some chores I got back in the Escape and headed to Woodland Mall.  I was looking for an unlined cotton sports coat that I can use during the warm months.  I checked out Macy’s and J Crew with no luck.

After lunch I continued reading the papers.  The rain had let up enough for us to take Ms P on a walk.

For dinner tonight we picked up our condo mate Sonya and headed to nearby Shepard’s Grill.  For a Saturday night Shepard’s was not very busy.  Nancy had a bowl of Navy bean soup, Sonya had a salad burger and I had their white fish dinner.  We all thought the food was good, I especially liked the white fish.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight and we got caught up.  We watched an episode of Bosch before turning in.

Sunday May 20, 2018

Another cool rainy day is ahead.  This will be the last Sunday that we will be going to the Y until fall.  Trinity Lutheran is going on their summer schedule next week and their schedule conflicts with the Y.  So we decided to eliminate the Y for the summer.  Instead we will take a walk before heading to church.

Today Nancy swam and I did my reduced calisthenics.  After, we headed home changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Rejoice service.  Great Homily by Pastor Bob about love and forgiveness.  A great message that should be adopted by families, especially ours.

Stopped at Meijer’s for groceries and gas.  Gas today was $2.97 per gallon.  On our way home we stopped at the Chow Hound so Nancy could get some dog food that was on sale.

Lunch and then after reading several sections of the GRP I took my mandatory Sunday nap.  After the nap I put on my rain coat and walked to Meijer’s.  I bought some grooming items.  The round trip distance is 2.5 miles.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Tonight we finished reading the GRP and then watched 60 Minutes and a new show on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Babylon Berlin.