Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Blog time 0945 at Panera:

Today is my easy Wednesday, no Breakfast Club.  On my easy day I do calisthenics at 50% and eat breakfast out.  Today I am at Panera.  

Nancy headed out before daybreak to MVP.  I waited until the sun came up and then got on the Bad Boy and pedaled to Panera.

A sure sign snowy weather is coming.  Cascade Twp was out driving wood stakes at the edge of the sidewalk.  Snow plow drivers use the stakes as a guide when plowing sidewalk.  Panera is adding Christmas music to their system.

Read an article in the Alpena News this morning about test scores in the neighboring city of Roger City.  Only 38% of third through eighth grade students passed the State’s standardized math test.  24% of fourth, seventh and eleventh grade students passed the Science test.  What is the reason for the low passing scores?

Will Russian athletes compete in Winter games?  The Russian doping scandal continues.  Apparently Russian athletes still are taking performance enhancing drugs.  Stay tuned.

BRexit passed because folks did not like all the immigrants.  Now it appears because of a shortage of nurses the NHS wants to hire 5,000 nurses from India and the Philippines.  

Bit Coins, Bit Coins is all the talk on business cable news.  Does anyone really understand Bit Coins?  I sure don’t.  Same for “carried interest”.

Headed home at 1100.  Dropped off backpack and headed out on a nice 10 mile ride.  Temp in low 40s with bright sun.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  After lunch I took out and trash and recyclables.  Also did two loads of laundry.  

Short nap and then took Ms P on her nature walk.  After dropping her off I continued my walk.
Light dinner tonight followed by the news.  We watched Call the Midwife show on Netflix before turning in.  Tomorrow Nancy has her cataract surgery at 0815.  We have to get up early.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tuesday November 28, 2017

Tuesday November 28, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera.

It was warm this morning, low 50s.  Nancy headed out early for her regular Tuesday swim.  This will be her last swim until January.  She is having cataract surgery on her left eye on Thursday and will have her right eye done on 14 December.  No swimming until three weeks after surgery.

I had trouble figuring out what to wear this morning because of the warm weather.  Is 50 warm?  I selected wrong because I became overheated 1/2 way through my ride.  With the Bad Boy bike in the shop I was been riding my single speed 40+ year old Nishiki.  I really like riding the single speed.  However, I do have to avoid steep hills.  I like the simplicity.

Will the proposed tax bill pass?  The GOP should end any tax breaks for the wealthy?  If this were to happen the Dems would lose their the ability to grandstand.  Also get rid of any ACA provisions in the bill.  

The Daily Mail had another snake story.  Why are they fascinated with snakes?

Measles outbreak in UK because folks are not getting kids vaccinated.  I would not allow children into school unless they had their shots.

It was 60 when I left Panera, warm but with winds exceeding 19 mph.

At home had quick lunch and then headed out to Sam’s Club.  Nancy found what she wanted.  I came home empty handed.

Ada Bike called and said the Bad Boy bike was ready.  They had installed a new sprocket and changed tires.  Tomorrow I will take it for a long ride.

Finished outdoor activities with a walk around the block.  Rain tonight with temps dropping to 32.

Nancy is warming up leftovers from Thanksgiving for dinner.  I like leftovers.  The leftovers were good.

This evening we followed our normal Tuesday routine.  Watched news, read GRP and wanted to watch NCIS except it was preemptived by Rudolf.  We watched an episode of Major Crimes on Apple TV,s TNT app.

Most folks like this warmer weather but as a high school kid I wanted below freezing weather so I could play hockey.  In November 1955 we had a cold spell and we were playing hockey on an abandoned quarry on Thanksgiving.  The City had the outdoor hockey rink ready by the first week in December.  We had good skating until St Pat’s Day.  Hockey should be played outdoors.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Monday November 27, 2017

Monday November 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Temps in high 20s and pitch black when I went out at 0645.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for MVP also in darkness.

I left at 0815 in bright sunshine.  The sun was low in the southeast sky making riding the bike in an easterly direction hazardous.  Hazard or not riding in sunshine beats cloudy anytime.

The Y was jammed this morning.  Must be folks trying the work off last week’s overindulgence.

Scanned the morning papers and found:

POTUS says tax cut bill this week.  Think so!

Time magazine was bought by Meredith Corp.  The Koch brothers provided funding for Meredith.  I presently subscribe to three Time Inc magazines, Time, SI and Fortune.  Time has declined since its prime in the 40s, 50s and 60s.  When in the Navy, Time was the magazine of choice for news.  In Vietnam we could not wait for the Asian edition of Time.  However, Stars and Stripes was the favorite daily paper because of its sports section.

Putin now requires Foreign Media outlets to register as foreign agents.  Apparently in retaliation for the USA actions against Russia Today in US.  Why not just let the media operate freely.  Most folks are smart enough to know when they are blowing smoke.

Will PM Merkel finally put together a government.

I arrived home at 1300 just as Nancy was leaving for Kathi’s to help her with a project.  Before lunch I took Ms P on a long walk.  The temperature had risen 20 degrees since this morning and she enjoyed her walk.

After lunch I loaded my Bad Boy bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  I needed a new tire tube and a good checkup.  I also stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Speaking of Meijer today’s WSJ ran a review on a book written by the current CEO of Meijer’s, Hank Meijer.  He had written a book about the late US Senator Arthur Vanderberg of GR.  The WSJ gave the book a good review.

Nancy got home about 1600.  I did take a short nap.  

This evening Nancy and I attended a member’s only event at Meijer Gardens.  This was the official opening of their Christmas tree display.  A food buffet was provided.  About 500 folks attended.  The Christmas trees from around the world looked great as did the other Christmas decorations.

At home we watched an episode of The Killing on Netflix.  It was 50 when we turned in.  The warm weather continues through tomorrow.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunday November 26, 2017

Weekend Update:

Blog started on Saturday November 25;

Saturday morning and the alarm goes off at 0515.  Today we are taking Debbie to the airport so she can catch her early morning flight to San Jose, Ca.

After we dropped Debbie off we headed home and Nancy and I walked to Panera in total darkness.  The sun does not come up until 0748.  We were the only folks in Panera.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I got on the bike and headed to Macatawa Bank. After making a quick stop at home I continued my ride.  Total distance 12.25 miles.  I rode my single speed and worked up a sweat climbing hills.  Showered and shaved before lunch.

Lunch and then I watched the first half of the UM/OSU game.  It did not look good.

I took a nap and when I woke I saw the score of the game so a nap was the right decision.

We called Debbie and she made it home without a hitch.  Tonight we will have dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant, LaLaguna.

We were the only patrons in LaLaguna.  The food tonight did not meet their past excellence.

We sat in the living room and watched an episode of The MidWifes followed by Wanted.  Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  She said her cats did ok while she was gone.  It was warm in San Jose.

We headed to bed early.  It has been a busy week for us old folks.

Sunday November 26:  I woke up without the alarm at 0615.  The temp was 23 when I first went out.  The grass was frost covered.

Quick breakfast and then we headed to the Y.  As usual on a Sunday morn, Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics and mile run/walk.  We left the Y in bright sunshine.  The temp had risen to the high 30s.

Stopped at home to change clothes and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  The church was crowded.  Pastor Bob gave a great Homily today.  He said immigration is a church issue.  The church’s default position is hospitality.  

Our first stop after church was JoAnn’s Fabrics.  Nancy was looking for a special item which they did not have.  Next we stopped at Meijer’s for a few supplies.  

At home I changed clothes and then walked around the block.  Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.

After the nap I put out some suet for the birds.  Took another walk around the block.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner tonight.  We will watch 60 Minutes, read the GRP, and perhaps a Netflix/Acorn show.

Eggs for a Sunday evening meal was common in my boyhood.  I can remember visiting my Grandmother and Grandfather Scott at their Hubbard Lake farm.  Grandmother would fix soft boiled eggs served in a cup.  You would cut the top of the egg shell off and add homemade butter and eat with a small spoon.  Also included was home made bread and jams.  For dessert Grandfather would go to the Root Cellar and get several jars of canned fruit sauce.  Great memories!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Friday November 24, 2017

Friday November 24, 2017

Blog time 1800 sitting at dining table:

We all got up at the same time today, 0730.  For breakfast we ate at Nonna’s.  Debbie had their big breakfast, I had the oatmeal and Nancy had an omelette.  The food was good but the coffee cold, the service mediocre and the prices high.  We gave it a grade of C.

At home Nancy and Debbie decided to visit Walmart.  I decided on a bike ride.  Started to blow up tires when my bike tipped over damaging a valve stem.  The tire could not be inflated so I got out the single speed.  I took a short ride to Panera.  Finished several blogs and quickly scanned the news before heading home.  Today we had bright sunshine with unseasonably warm temps, mid 50s.

Nancy and I took Ms P on her nature walk.  Quick lunch then I loaded the Bad Boy bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike Shop.  Surprise! Ada Bike was closed.  Yes closed on Black Friday?

Unloaded the bike and then walked around the block.  I did take a short nap.  For dinner we had left overs from yesterday’s feast.  It was great.

We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders on Netflix before turning in.

As I mentioned earlier I scanned the news but really don’t want to depress anyone.  It should be a family friendly weekend.

Thanksgiving weekend 1961 continued:  yesterday I wrote about Thanksgiving dinner at the Pearl Harbor Officer’s Club.  Next day, Friday, I got on a military plane and headed to Midway Island to begin my year tour on the Island.  

The flight was called a Log Flight.  We had two Log flights a week to Midway, Monday and Friday.  I remember looking out the window as we approached the Island.  I remember two Sailors saying “I can’t believe it is so tiny”.  I agreed.  

I was driven to the BOQ and assigned a room.  I had my own small room but shared a bath with the adjoining room.  The room had no heat or AC.  But because of the tropical location and the constant sea breeze, none was needed.  We had three water systems: a salt water flushing system, a brackish water system for showers and fresh water for drinking.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thursday November 23, 2017

Thursday November 23, 2017:  Thanksgiving

Surprisingly I woke up early this morning.  Decided to get my 30 minutes in early so I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  We got a GRP this morning and it was large.  I remember when the girls had their paper route they dreaded this paper.  It was so heavy.  Steve and I would help them.

Nancy was busy this morning getting the dinner ready.  I did help stuff the turkey.  Dinner is scheduled between 1400 and 1500.  Nancy did take a break so we could take Ms P on a walk.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is all family.  Until I headed to college in 1956 we spent every Thanksgiving at my Scott Grandparent’s farm at Hubbard Lake.  With family and guests over 30 folks attended.  Good food and after dinner my Aunt Bernice Scott would play the piano and we would sing hymns and oldies like Coming Through the Rye.  Great memories.

My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961.  Ensign Scott was staying at the BOQ at Pearl Harbor Navy base.  On Friday I would catch a flight to Midway Island to begin my year tour.  I had Thanksgiving diner at the Officer’s Club.  They got out their best silverware for the holiday and the meal was a feast, including big shrimp served in a huge silver bowl.  For a kid from Alpena I was overwhelmed.

Our 2017 Thanksgiving dinner was great.  Traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans and crescent rolls.  We had pumpkin pie later in the evening.  

We did read the GRP and watched some Netflix.  Again I fell asleep in my chair.

Steve and family FaceTimed us this evening.  They are spending the holiday with Veronica’s family in Arizona.  

Missy also texted us her flight schedule for Christmas.  She and Akerke and spending Christmas with us.

Wednesday November 22, 2017

Wednesday November 22, 2017

Blog time 2200 sitting in living room.  Watching a new Netflix western Godless.

This morning the alarm goes off at 0530 and I get ready for Breakfast Club.  It was cold when I left this morning, 28.  Stopped at Panera for a quick coffee.  Small turnout at BC.  The speaker this morning was from the GR Art Museum.  She gave a good talk on the current GRAM Andy Warhol exhibit and future exhibits.  Good talk.

I was reminded at BC that on this day in1963 President Kennedy was shot.  Most folks of my generation can tell you exactly what they were doing when they first heard of the assassination.

My story:  November 22, 1963, Saigon, Vietnam,  it was 0400 and I was having breakfast at the Brinks Hotel.  The US Navy had leased the hotel for housing and food service for US military.  I was early because I had to catch an Army flight from Saigon to Soc Trong in the Delta.  The Navy was rebuilding the airfield and this was an inspection visit.  LTjg Scott was the project officer.  After I ordered breakfast, creamed chip beef on toast, I was joined by an Army Major.  His name was Nowak.  He told me he had heard JFK had been shot.  I could not believe it!  When I got to the airport the shooting was confirmed and that the President had died.  A very sad day in USA history.

After BC I headed home.  This morning we visited several antique shops in Lake Odessa, Mi.  We all bought something.  I bought the sheet music to the SEABEE song.

We spent a quiet afternoon at home.  I did take a walk.

For dinner we headed to JT’s Pizza.  Nancy and I split a medium ham and pineapple pizza and Debbie had the spaghetti with meatballs.  We gave JT’s a B+.

At home we watched the new Netflix western Godless in the living room.  I feel asleep in my chair.  

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday November 21, 2017

Tuesday November 21, 2017

Blog time 2130 sitting in den.

It was a mild 44 when I first went out this morning.  I did a modified calisthenics routine at home.

Nancy’s game plan for this morning was to be at Costco when it opened so she could buy a pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes and peanut butter.  

Debbie got up earlier than expected so we decided to go out for breakfast.  We headed to Leo’s Coney Island which is 0.3 miles from the condo.  Debbie and I has their big breakfast, eggs, hash browns, sausage and toast.  Nancy had a biscuit.  Leo’s has the best hash browns in town.

After breakfast we headed to Costco.  The place was jammed.  I bought myself a pair of lined stretch cargo pants.  I will use them for cold weather bike rides.

After Costco we stopped at Sam’s Club.  The place was not very crowded compared with Costco.  No purchases were made.

At home I tried on the cargo pants and they were too big. Debbie and I headed back to Costco.  I exchanged the pants for a smaller size.  The transaction was seamless.

It started to sprinkle about 1000 so no bike ride today.  I did spent some time in the office reading mail and reading my accumulated mail.  

Debbie gave us an Apple TV for Christmas. She spent some time hooking it up to our TV in the living room.  We also got our Acorn account to work after calling Apple Support.

I did take a 2.5 mile before dinner.  Tonight we had dinner at Russ’s.  Debbie had a bowl of their great chicken rice soup with a burger.  Nancy also had a bowl of the chicken rice soup.  I had a bread bowl with corn chowder.

This evening we sat in the living room and watched NCIS and Bull.  It is now 1000 and I am heading to bed. Tomorrow is Breakfast Club. I have the alarm set for 0530.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Monday November 20, 2017

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Monday morning and sunshine.  I woke at 0630.  It was cold, 30, when I first went out this morning.  Nancy head to her Healthy Life class at MVP.  Breakfast and then I bundled up and headed out into bright sun.  Pleasant 7.5 mile ride to the Y.  The birds and animals must be taking a break because I have not seen any on my recent rides.  Several nights ago when Ms P and I did our final duty call we encountered an opossum.  They are one ugly animal.

Debbie is arriving at 1600 today.  For dinner we are going to Russ’s for a bowl of their chicken rice soup.

Debbie Update: just got a call from Debbie her flights delayed.  She won’t get in until 2318.  Our visit to Russ’s is scraped.

Read the morning papers, except WSJ, found the following interesting:

African migrants waiting in Libya for boat to EU have been sold into slavery.  The Libyan Gov says it is investigating.

Hungarian President Viktor Orban says George Soros is promoting millions of African immigrants.  Soros says absolutely not true.  Orban is known for his attacks on press freedoms and civil rights.

Angela Merkel of Germany is one of the world’s most respected politicians.  She is in big trouble trying to form a government.

Many of the world’s navies are looking for the missing Argentina sub.  

Nebraska approved the Keystone pipeline.

Charlie Rose was reported to have made inappropriate advances.  He lost his CBS job.

I am always amazed at dumb some smart men are!

The liberals will have a hissy fit if the Koch brothers buy Time magazine.  I hope it happens.
The DOJ is blocking the ATT/Time Warner merger.  Good, remember when ATT controlled telecommunications.

The temperature had risen to 45 when I left Panera.  At home lunch, walk Ms P and then headed out to run errands.  Drove to Meijer’s to buy some grooming supplies.  My Dad use to rave about Black Diamond cheese so I bought a wedge for Thanksgiving.

I did take a nap so I will be well rested when pick up Debbie tonight.  Picked up my super storm coat from the cleaners.

Missy texted us a drawing AJ had made of Bob and Nancy sitting on our living room sofa.  The detail in the drawing was awesome.

Took quick walk before a light dinner.  We watched the news and then an episode of Jack Taylor on netflix.  It is now 1010 and in 30 minutes we will head to the airport.

Debbie’s flight was on time 1117.  Nancy was waiting in the airport and Ms P and I were in the cell phone lot awaiting Nancy’s call.  Picked up Nancy and Debbie and headed home.  

At home Nancy fixed Debbie a ham sandwich.  We talked until 0100 before turning in.

Question of the day: in what year did cell phone lots start?  A great idea.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunday November 19, 2017

Weekend Update,

Sunday November 19, 2017,  1630 at home

Saturday November 18, 2017:

It is suppose to rain all day but for a two hour break between 0800 and 1000.  We took advantage of the break and walked to Panera.  Temp was in mid 30s on our walk but we were dry.  Oatmeal, banana, bagels and coffee for breakfast, our standard Saturday morning breakfast.  We also walked home in the dry.

Nancy started the laundry and I got out my LL Bean 27 year old storm coat and took it to the dry cleaners.  I like this coat because it is long, waterproof and super warm.  LL Bean no longer sells this coat.  It was raining hard when I headed out.

After dropping off the coat I headed to Woodland Mall.  I was going to sit at Starbucks and read the papers.  Changed my mind because I didn’t need more coffee.  I decided to become a Mall walker.  I walked two miles.

At home I did some chores before lunch.  After lunch I watched some of the UM/UW game before taking a nap.  I did watch the final minutes of the game, grim.  I think I am a curse for UM.  When I watch more than a quarter UM gets beat.

I did watch some of the MSU/Maryland game.  The game was played in East Lansing under blizzard conditions.  MSU won.

Nancy fixed soup and a burger for dinner.  Good meal for a rainy day.

We were going to watch Doc Martin on Acorn but I could not get on.  We called Acorn support and were told they would get get right back.  Never happened!

We watched an episode of Wanted on Netflix.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She wanted to know what kind of clothes to bring Monday.  Warm coat.

Sunday November 10, 2017

Finally the rain has stopped.  We were at the Y when it opened, 0800.  Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics and ran/walked a mile.  Stopped at home to put our church clothes on.  We attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.  After church we headed to Meijer for supplies and gas.

We encountered light snow most of the morning.  I did walk around the block before lunch.  Took my Sunday nap and then retired to the office.  I found the status of my Acorn account and will call tonight to resolve matter.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs and ham for dinner.  I will take a short walk before dinner.

Finish reading the GRP and watching 60 Minutes are on our agenda for this evening.

Memories from the 40s and 50s:

Favorite cowboy movie stars, Johnny Mack Brown and Hopalong Cassidy.

Favorite comic books, Looney Tunes and Captain Marvel.

Favorite radio shows,  It Pays to Be Ignorant,  Mr Keen Tracer of Lost Persons,  Hawaii Calls and the week’s top twenty songs on WGN.

First radio show I listened to,  The Adventures of Squeaky and Sputter on WJR Detroit.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday November 17, 2017

Friday November 17, 2017

Blog time 1215 at Panera

It was cold, 32, and gloomy this morning.  Performed my standard morning routine.  I am glad today is Friday.  Should a retired guy look forward to 

Last week Alpena set two daily temp records.  They had a low temperature of 9 topping the previous record of 13.  Also 1.46” of rain in a 24 hour period.

Read that composer Frederic Chopin had his heart pickled.  Recent tests on the heart revealed he died of TB.

Another example of the incompetence of the Federal Gov.  The Feds run hospitals on Indian Reservations.  The hospitals are a mess.  

I saw an aerial view of the Keystone pipeline spill.  It was very small in size.  Good grief we have much larger sewage spills nearly every day in the USA.

Zimbabwe is a mess.  Unemployment above 80%, run away inflation, and just total incompetence and corruption.  Zimbabwe use to be the breadbasket of Africa.  How did Mugabe stay in power all these years?

Left Panera at 1300.  Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.  The house looks great.

Lunch, walked around the block and then I did chores.  Replaced light bulb in office, batteries in trash can and moved TV from office to guest bed room, moved my stuff from downstairs bath to master bath.  Finished afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  I had the lobster bisque and Nancy had a turkey sandwich.  At home watched news and then The Killing on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I am now watching The Tudors.

Hero’s of a young man:

College football:  Buck Nystrom MSU lineman
Detroit Tigers: Pat Mullin
Hockey:  Gordie Howe
Detroit Lions:  Harley Sewell, offensive line
Boxer:  Carmen Basilio