Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31, 2016

It rained all night. Light sprinkles when I went out early this morning. No bike today, I put on my rain suit and walked to the Y.

The rain suit kept me dry but it cannot breathe so I end up sweating. The Y was nearly empty today. I assume since Spring Break starts tomorrow most folks were home packing.

It was really raining hard when I left the Y. At Panera I sat near the fireplace to try and dry out my sweaty clothes.

The law of unintended consequences alway rears it ugly head. An article today in the WSJ told of banks being fined because of the possible transactions with money laundering folks. This fear has forced some legitimate money transfer firms to close bank accounts and now they must carry huge amounts of cash overseas, usually via airlines. The downside is that without bank accounts the Feds cannot track the activities of the bad guys.

Why are the GOP elites backing Ted Cruz and not Gov Kasich?

I always read about Government corruption because I hope we have enough safeguards to stop it in the USA. The top leaders in Malaysia and Brazil seem to think they are entitled to rob.

The rain had stopped when I left Panera. As soon as I got home we took a 1.25 mile walk. We know it is 1.25 miles because Nancy had her new Apple watch on the Activity app. She was able to see her pace/mi, elapsed time, distance and heart beat. I like the heart beat function.

After the walk I changed out of my sweaty clothes and had lunch. Nancy made a trip to our travel agent to pick up a package for our Ireland trip.

I took a short nap. It is now 1700 and I am sitting in my office writing this blog. Presently we are having thunder storms. If they stop by 1730 we will go to Bagger Dave's for a burger.

It is now 62 but the temp will drop sharply to the high 30s by 0800 tomorrow. A cold front will move through this weekend with snow expected on Sat.

This date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi: Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the smelt were running in the Devil's River. If you have not attended a springtime smelt fry you have not lived.

In High School I had an afternoon job at Scott Engineering, my Dad's firm. It was a fun place to work. The office was located on the banks of the Thunder Bay River between the Ninth Street Dam and the River's outlet to Lake Huron.

I remember one nice spring afternoon in the middle of the smelt run. My Uncle Jim, Dad's brother and another MSU Civil Engineer, said let's have a smelt fry. It was about 1300 and everyone quit working and got their smelt nets and headed to the dam. A huge number of smelt were caught and my Uncle cooked them in a deep fat broiler. The employees had beer and smelt, a great way to spend a work day afternoon. That is why Scott Engineering was a great place to work.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday March 30, 2016

Log time; 1940:

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and take Ms P out, empty the dishwasher and then head out to BC. Today's Speaker was the Chairman of the Kent County Commission. We had a good turnout and the speaker gave a good talk. Kent County is very well run organization. They are one of two government units in the state with a AAA bond rating.

The Speaker grew up in Nebraska and got his undergraduate degree from Nebraska. I asked him if he heard of Bob Devaney the Nebraska football coach from 1962 to 1972. He said yes and I told him that Devaney was my high school coach at Alpena HS. The Speaker said he knew Devaney's assistant Jim Ross. Jim Ross was my PE teacher in grade school. Jim Ross's wife was my senior HS English teacher.

After BC I drove to our tax accountant and dropped off the last of the needed forms. Had a quick coffee at Starbucks and then headed to the Y for a swim. I swam 30 minutes. Swimming is much more enjoyable when it is the only upper body exercise for the day.

I have found a red wine I like. Stopped at Meijer's and bought six bottles. Meijer's gives a 10% reduction if you buy six or more bottles.

Nancy worked at the Garden's this afternoon. I took Ms P on a walk before lunch. Took a quick nap after lunch.

The birds have been on a feeding frenzy lately. I made a trip to Ace Hardware to get another bag of bird seed. This is my last purchase of bird seed for the season.

I have Spring Fever. Swept out the garage, moved the deck umbrella from the garage to the deck. Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

Sure sign Spring is here:

Birds chirping in the morning.

Lawn maintenance trucks running around the neighborhood.

Small sports cars coming out of storage.

Longer days so I can take a walk after dinner.

And soon it will warm up.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday March 29, 2016

It was a cold 30 I took Ms P out this morning but I could see the sun rising in the East. Good sign!

Today I took my bike to the Y. I used the bike app on my Apple watch to measure the mileage to the Y. It is 5.5 miles.

I did my calisthenics at 100% today for the first time in about a week. I also strapped my iPhone to my arm and used the watch's indoor running app to measure the distance and time. I was surprised that the watch's distance was 1.15 miles vs the Y's official 1.0 miles. I will have to check to see how the Y measures the distance. The track has three lanes and I used the middle lane.

I was running late this morning and I got to Panera about 1120. The lunch crowd was arriving so I had to wait for my coffee.

The FBI has cracked Terrorist's iPhone without Apple. Will they tell Apple how they did it? I don't think so. Apple was right.

South Dakota is attempting to have a ballot initiative eliminating political parties. I don't think it will pass.

Nebraska has a nonpartisan unicameral legislature. Michigan has talked about a part-time Unicameral legislature but it has not gotten very far.

I do like the way CA determine the candidates in a general election. The top two vote getters in the primaries regardless of party are on the ballot. So you could have a choice of voting for two democrats or two republicans or one from each party. In GR we would probably have two republicans. I would like this because I could vote against our current representative. He is too right wing for me.

The President of Turkey is visiting the USA this week. The President is snubbing him. I really think this is petty. Turkey is an important Middle East ally. The President has no problem meeting with Raul Castro or the Premier of China.

On my way home from Panera I ran into Nancy and Ms P on a walk.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to the Apple store. I took my laptop in to have them straighten out a password problem. It took about five minutes. It appears I toggled on a wrong condition when upgrading the operating system.

I took a long nap this afternoon. Nancy is fixing chicken cordon-blu (spelling?) for dinner. Before settling down I will take a walk around the block. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS this evening. Lately we have been watching Harry Bosch on Amazon Prime. I like this show.

Slowly it is warming up. We have about 13 hours of daylight.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday March 28, 2016

Log time: 2058

It rained most of the night. It was raining with high wind when I took Ms P out. I decided against biking to the Y.

My activity app on the apple watch said it is 1.75 miles from the condo to the Y.

It was cold so I put on my long johns and more layers than usual.

The Y was very crowded this morning. Folks working off all the Easter candy.

Panera was very warm today. They had their fire place going full blast. I had to remove several layer and still was sweating.

I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. I decided to take a shower and change clothes.

Quick lunch and then I head to the Dentist. The Dentist took several X-rays and said for $1,000 he will fix my problem. I have scheduled a May 9 appointment.

On my way home I stopped at Talbot's to see if they had a cable knit sweater. Nancy had a favorite sweater that finally fell apart. I wanted to replace it. They did not have a replacement.

Orvis was nearby so I stopped and bought some khakis.

At home I took a short nap. We had a light dinner and watch the news. I walked Ms P around the block.

We watched Miss Fisher and Doc Martin on netflix.

It is now 2200 and we are heading to bed.

Sunday March 27, 2016

Log time: Monday @ 2041

Easter Sunday and we all slept in today. Both the Y and MVP are closed.

Started the day with a 1.75 mile walk. I used the activity app on my new Apple watch.

Meijer's was open today so we did some shopping. I filled up the Taurus for less than $20.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle.

After breakfast we all took a walk around the block. It was very pleasant. Sunny with temps in mid 50s.

Took a nap and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Kathi Kothe house for Easter dinner.

Nancy fixed a salad and dessert and Kathi cook a leg of lamb. The food was great. Kathi is good company and we had a great time.

Akerke face timed Nancy this afternoon. Nancy likes talking to the Grandkids on face time.

Steve and family are in NYC for spring break. Should be a great experience for the kids.

We also face timed Debbie on Saturday. We look forward to Debbie's weekly calls.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday March 26, 2016

Log time 1950:

Every day in every way I am getting better and better! In other words I am feeling better. The sniffles are almost gone.

Nancy told me to sleep in so I got up at 0800. Nancy left early to be at the Momma's Bakery when it opened at 0800. She bought some pastries for our Easter dinner at Kathi's house tomorrow.

For breakfast this morning we walked to Panera's. Each visit we are meeting more neighbors. I had oatmeal and Nancy had a toasted bagel.

I checked the mileage to Panera using the app on my new Apple watch. It is 0.75 miles.

I walked over to the Cascade Library. They have a nice reading area with comfortable chairs. I took out my mini and read the Saturday's papers.

It was such a nice sunny day that we all took a walk around the block.

Lunch and then a nice long nap.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Sundance. Nancy had Ham de Scram and I had a chicken/cherry salad.

I took a walk around the block before settling down to watch the Oregon/OU game.

Nancy is now talking to Debbie on FaceTime.

Spent several hours today getting acquainted with my new Apple Watch. It is a work in progress.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday March 25, 2016

Log time: 2054

The cold is not getting any better. I slept in until almost 0830. Did some calisthenics at home, showered and then walked over to Panera for coffee. I had time to read the WSJ but found nothing I want to comment on.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk.

Quick lunch and then I took a nap. I slept sound for about two hours. Must be my body fighting the cold.

Big day for purchases from Apple for Bob and Nancy. I bought an Apple watch and the new small iPhone. Nancy bought an Apple Watch.

We had pizza at JT's tonight. JT's has great pizza and according to my Apple Watch is 0.8 mile from the condo.

After pizza we headed to the Apple Store in Woodland Mall. I picked up my new watch and was given a brief introduction. Nancy's watch will be available next week.

Debbie called and wanted to know if the Apple Watch was working ok. I said I was still in the learning process.

Today is Good Friday. The stock market was closed but we still got mail.

I remember as a youth that the stores in Alpena would close between noon and 3 PM on Good Friday so folks could to church.

In the 40s and 50s we did not have a long Spring Break. Spring Break consisted of having Good Friday and Easter Monday off. That was our spring break.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday March 24, 2016

Log time: 1722, post # 2308

It started raining early this morning. I woke this morning with a sore throat and runny nose. Not a good sign.

I decided to perform my routine at 67%. Grabbed my car keys, put on my raincoat and headed out the door.

Surprise, the rain had stopped so I walked to the Y. After completing my routine I headed out and SURPRISE, the rain had started again. My raincoat stops at my knees so the bottom of my jeans got very wet. I must buy a longer raincoat.

I stopped at Panera mainly to warm up and get some coffee. I read a section of the WSJ. The Brussels attack still dominated the news.

First thing I did when I got home was to get out of my wet clothes. In my dry clothes I got in the Cobalt and headed downtown to Mercy Health.

Mercy Health has a new app that allows me to see my health profile and all related health data. Of course the Metro app only applies to work I have done at Mercy. I also use Spectrum Health and the two hospitals do not talk to each other. I thought the ACA was suppose to eliminate all that. Anyway a nice young lady got me up and running. It appears that Metro will only send their bills via the app. I did pay a bill.

My next stop was the Sprint store. I checked out their procedure for moving data between iPhones. I was satisfied with their procedure. I plan on getting Apple's new small iPhone.

It rained all the time I was running errands. In fact it is now 1745 and it is still raining. The rain will turn to snow later tonight.

I had a quick lunch and then took a nap. My runny nose and sore throat seem to be getting worse so I took several aspirins.

Nancy took a class at the Apple store today on the use of iPhone's camera. She said it was a great class.

On this cold, rainy night Nancy is fixing me a beef and ale pie for dinner. She is having French Onion soup. Sounds good.

We have been watching some BBC shows on netflix and Acorn. We are having trouble understanding their brogue. When are they going to learn English.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday March 23, 2016

Log Time: 1845

Easy Wednesday and I was confused as to what I would do. My first thoughts were to eat breakfast in Ada and then go swimming at the Y. We have winter storm warnings up but they are not suppose to take effect until this afternoon.

It was 39 when I got on the bike and headed to Ada. I pedaled into the wind so I got chilled. Decided against breakfast in Ada. I wanted to complete the bike ride before foul weather set in.

I pedaled to Panera where it would be warm. Had an oatmeal breakfast and read the papers.

The attacks in Brussels still dominates the news and the presidential primaries.

The Obama administration is very union friendly. I disagree with most of his actions.

I am amazed at the folks who are opposed to GMO grains. I think GMO has been a game changer and saved billions of folks from starvation. The opponents are using junk science.

Good to see the President in Argentina. The new Argentina President is USA friendly and is trying to get their economy out of the doldrums.

I had planned on going swimming after Panera. Instead I did not want to get in water on such a cold day. It was starting to sprinkle when I left Panera for home.

At home I grabbed Ms P and we went on our walk before heavy rain set in.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

Tomorrow is recycle day so I had to take out both the trash and all our recycles.

Took a short nap. Fired up the Cobalt and headed to the Apple store. I checked out the Apple watch and wanted to see the new small iPhone. I talked to an Apple employee about pacemakers and the Apple watch. He said many folks with pacemakers have been getting the Apple watch on the recommendations of their cardiologist. Interesting. I am serious about getting the small iPhone.

We had a light dinner. Right now we are watch news on PBS. I am going to put on my raincoat and take a walk around the block.

Winter storm warnings up for West Mi. Rain but not snow for GR. Think Spring!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday March 22, 2016

Log time: 2030

I keep forgetting that at this time of year if the temp is 35 at 0800 and the sun is shining the temperature will increase significantly by 1030. I always overdress.

Every morning lately on my ride to the Y I encounter wild turkeys near the bike path. Today I had two large Toms in the middle of the path. As soon as I got the iPhone camera out they took off. I have to devise a quick draw method.

I did all the calisthenics and ran 12 minutes. My mile times are not getting better.

The Brussels terror attack was too late to make the WSJ. How can the EU get a handle on these attacks?

Brussels pushed the President's trip to Cuba off the front page.

Had a quick lunch and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Tangers Outlet Mall. Stopped at Brooks Brothers, J Crew, Polo and several other stores but did not buy anything. Nancy bought shoes and some clothes.

Took Ms P on a short nap as soon as we got home. I took a short nap.

Nancy fixed chicken with cheese pasta for dinner.

We watched the news and then I took a walk around the block.

It is now 2137 and we are watching Happy Valley on netflix.

Sunday was the equinox. On Sunday night we had a bright full moon. I read that Easter is alway the Sunday following the first full moon after equinox.

The EU has a problem with their aging population. Old age pensions are bleeding the economy but no politician wants to make the necessary corrections. The EU has 42 folks over 65 for for every 100 workers. It is 24 in the USA.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday March 21, 2016

Log time: 1745

It was cold, mid 20s, but sunny when I got on my bike and headed to the Y.

The Y was very crowded but I think the staff is finally getting the hang of running the new facility.

This morning I was running about 30 minutes late. When I got to Panera about 1115 the early lunch crowd was arriving. I had to wait for my coffee and banana.

Not much in the news today. I did read about the President in Cuba. I approve the President's efforts.

I always read about problems in Brazil. I find the country very interesting. Maybe I should put a visit on my bucket list.

I also enjoy reading about Angela Merkel. I just finish reading the Time article when she was selected to be their Person of the Year. Very interesting. We need a person of her caliber in US politics.

At home we all took a 1.25 mile walk. I had lunch and listened to CNBC's report on the announcements by Apple on their new products. I am going to buy the smaller phone. The big phone has a nice camera and is easy to read but a hassle to carry around.

After lunch I got on my bike and rans some errands. Stopped at Meijer's and Gander Mountain but did not buy anything. Last year they built sidewalks all along 28th ST. I can now get to most shopping venues without riding in the street.

I have been out twice to check on the mail and both times the box was empty. Today is a first, no mail.

I will take a short walk this evening after dinner. The longer days make the walk possible.

Not much on TV so I looks like a netflix or Acorn evening.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday March 20, 2016

Log in time: Sunday 1717

Weekend Update:

Saturday March 19, 2016: In keeping with our new schedule Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We wore warm coats because the temp was in the mid 20s with high wind. We saw some neighbors who just got back from Fl.

As soon as we got home I took Ms P on her walk. I spent some time reading the morning paper and then bundled up and took a bike ride. Today I took the Thornapple/Buttrick/36th/Cascade route because it was shorter than the Ada Dr route. This was the first time this year and I forgot about two major hills. I was exhausted when I got home.

At 1745 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Cascade Roadhouse for dinner. This restaurant has been open only since March 1. We met the Namey's. The place was very crowded. The food was very good and we all agreed that we would try it again.

After dinner we all came back to the Condo for dessert. Nancy fixed a fresh fruit dish with some great pastries.

Sunday March 20: This is the official first day of Spring. It is also Palm Sunday.

Sunday is also swim day at the Y. Nancy swam her 23 laps and I did 20.

Gas today was $2.06 at Meijer's. We bought yogurt, bananas, apples, crackers and dog food.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. She also cooked up some bacon. I love bacon.

We watched several morning news shows and read the GRP. I did take my Sunday nap.

I took Ms P on her afternoon walk. After the walk I got in the Cobalt and headed to Ace Hardware and bought a 20# bag of bird seed. Are Robins carnivores because I never see them at the bird feeder?

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner tonight. Love beans and rice.

I switched from drinking beer to red wine. Read several articles lately that most men should limit their wine intake to 1.5 glasses per day. How big is a glass? At Cascade Roadhouse a glass is 6 oz. The Namey's agreed that a glass is 6oz. That means I can drink 9 oz per day.

The first day of Spring has been sunny and mild. The temperature now is 45. 45 is very pleasant.

I got my 30 minutes in today, did you?

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday March 18, 2016

It froze last night and spitting snow when I left this morning for the Y. Luckily no wind this morning so the bike ride was pleasant.

Every day I pass a large field that usually has some wild fowl feeding. This morning I saw about 20 wild turkeys feeding in the field.

The Y was crowded this morning. The Fed and ECB are playing all sorts of games with the money supply but the stock markets are not paying attention. We are finally above water for the year.

I don't agree with the President very often but I like his Cuban policy.

Who am I going vote for? I believe in free trade and immigration. None of the candidates agree with me.

Kim cleaned the house today. Just in time because tomorrow the Namey's are coming over after we have dinner at the Cascade Road House.

We ran some errands before lunch including a trip to Costco. The place was jammed.

After lunch Ms P and I took a long walk. I finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed wild salmon for dinner tonight. We also had a sweet potato and asparagus. It was good.

Since the time change every evening I have been taking a walk around the block.

We watched some BB and then Doc Martin and Poirot.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016

Log time 2040:

The high winds continue. Wind speed was 20 mph when I left this morning. I am getting tired of pedaling into the wind.

Usual routine at the Y. Liked the ride to Panera with the wind at my back.

I get confused by the actions of the Fed. They do nothing and the stock market goes up.

Will we ever get a WASP on the Supreme Court?

In 2007 I drove through Gillette, Wy and saw the huge coal pit being developed by Peabody Coal. I was impressed and glad I owned stock in Peabody. At the advice of my broker I reluctantly sold the stock around 2012. Today I read that Peabody is thinking bankruptcy.

First thing I did when I got home was take Ms P on her walk. Nancy did not go because she had an eye doctor appointment. The wind was fierce but did not seem to bother Ms P.

After lunch I walked over to Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. She is coming to clean tomorrow.

I took a short nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for a prime rib sandwich.

At 1900 I took a walk around the block. The wind had mellowed. It was 8 mph.

It is now 2120 and we are watching Happy Valley on netflix.

Today is St Patrick's Day. My Great Grandfather Sanborn was born on this date in 1856.

On St Pat's Day in 1956 I was a senior in high school. My friend Jerry Kendziorski invited about five friends over to his house to play some cards. His mother gave us green beer. First time an adult had given me beer. We also had baloney sandwiches. Green baloney and green bread. A St Pat's day I always remember.

It is now 2130 and I am sitting in the den watching BB and writing this blog. I am also sipping some Red Breast Irish whiskey. The whiskey was recommended by my high school classmate, Bill Foster. He was also at the 1956 party.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday March 16, 2016

Log time: 1723

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and head downtown in rain and high winds. BC continues to lose members. I think mainly due to age.

Today the speaker was the Superintendent of the GR Public Schools. She gave an interesting talk. The GR system has major problems especially with retention of students and a graduation rate slightly above 50%. GR is now the seventh largest system in MI. The system has experienced large white flight in the last 25 years. In 1990 whites made up nearly 50% of the student population and now it is 20% even though the white population of GR is 67%. The school system is now 33% Hispanic and 32% black. They appear to making progress.

After BC I stopped at Starbucks in Gaslight Village. I scanned the WSJ. I was glad to see Gov Kasich win Ohio.

I am looking for some good khakis. Stopped at Fitzgerald's, Orvis and Bill and Paul's but had no luck. I did stop at Russo's and bought a bottle of Irish Whiskey, Red Breast single pot, recommended by my high school classmate, Bill Foster. I will have a sip on St Patrick's Day. I have to celebrate my Irish heritage.

Our internet went out last night. We had some intense thunder storms roll through last night and they probably caused the outage. I unplugged all the connections to the modem and router and then plugged them back in. It worked.

Took a short nap and then Ms P and I went on a 1.5 mile walk. We had to walk into a 50 mph wind the first 1/2 of the walk but we had the wind at our back on the way home.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said a tree was blown over in a parking lot and damaged three cars.

Light dinner and then after the news I will walk around the block. Sunset is now near 2000.

Trivia from the past: I attended McPhee grade school in Alpena, Mi. At this time of year all the boys would play marbles. The school had a nice brick vertical wall. We would dig a small hole in the dirt about three feet from the wall. The players would each put a marble in the hole. Each player would bounce a marble off the wall in hope of getting it in the hole. If it went in you got all the marbles if not you put your marble in the pot. Sometimes as many as 10 marbles could be in the pot. I suppose this game would not be allowed now because it is a form of gambling?

One March I asked my Mother why it had been so windy lately. She said it was always windy near the equinox. Of course I took this as fact because my Mother told me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Log time: 2020

March 15: Do you think anyone told Donald Trump to Beware of the Ides of March?

A heavy fog blanketed GR this morning. I had to turn my bike lights on and make sure drivers could see me.

Today I am writing blog number 2,300.

I am still trying to run a 10' mile. No luck, fastest time this year, 10'09".

The mild weather continues. Mid 40s this morning with high of 57 in the PM.

The papers were all about today's primaries. I hope my man Gov Kasich wins Ohio.

Brazil's political corruption scandal is serious. I hope it does not impact the Olympics.

As soon as I got home we all took our 1.25 mile walk. It is becoming a daily ritual.

After lunch I started running errands.

Stopped at Cascade Twp to report the street light across the street was burned out. Also got some yard waste tabs.

Bought gym shorts at Gazelle, a metal marker at Home Depot, wine and prunes at Costco and finally envelopes at Staples.

Took a short nap before dinner. Nancy fixed butternut squash soup and the chicken and apples dish. Very good.

It is now 2100 and we just finished watching NCIS.

Rizzoli and Isles on TNT is next.

Think Spring!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016

Log time: 1828

We had heavy rain most of last night. Encountered fog and mist when Ms P and I went out this morning. Sunrise was an hour late, 0754. I put on my rain gear before heading out to the Y. The Y was very crowded this morning I think it was because the snow birds have returned.

Panera was also very crowded. I think for the same reason as the Y. The political campaigns are getting nasty so I ignore most articles.

Germany's Angela Merkel is my favorite EU leader. However, she is having her own problems with far right parties. Will the EU implode?

Turkey and Syria continue to dominate the Middle East news. Surprising news this afternoon that Russia is pulling out of Syria. Maybe Putin is not as dumb as most folks think. He probably realized that the Middle East was a massive sink hole. I wish the USA would finally realize this.

Before lunch we all took a short 1.25 mile walk.

Lunch and then I headed out to run errands.

First stop was Sam the Shoeman's to pick up two belts that I had shortened. Losing weight can get expensive.

Next stop was Ada Bike. My gears were slipping. They fixed it.

Bought Ms P her favorite dog food at Chow Hound.

Final stop was Ace Hardware. I bought a new shower head for our downstairs shower. The old shower head wasted hot water.

I took a short nap before dinner. Tonight we had a light meal.

It is now 1856 and we are watching the NBC news and writing this blog. Yes folks I am multi tasking.

Sun does not go down until 1948 so I might take a short walk.

Temps will reach 60 tomorrow, but snow this weekend.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday March 13, 2016

Log time 1722, Sunday

Week end update:

Woke to dense fog on Saturday morning. Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast.

For first time this year I took the Ada Dr bike route. It is 12 miles and has two killer hills.

Took Ms P on her walk.

Spent time in my office cleaning up and skimming the WSJ.

Took a short nap. At 1800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown.

We had dinner at the new Wolfgang Puck's in the Amway.

We attended a Celtic concert put on by the GR Symphony. We gave it a lukewarm B. If they had not sung Danny Boy and When Irish Eyes are Shining we would have graded it a C-.

Sunday March 13: We remembered to reset our clocks so we got up in time. However, it was dark at 0745 when we left for the Y. I swam 1,000 yards in 30 minutes and Nancy did the same.

Gas is up to $1.91 at Meijer's. Since Fresh Thyme has opened Nancy has been purchasing a lot of their fresh fruits and vegetables. Our shopping cart was not too full this morning.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies before taking a nap.

It has rained all day so Ms P does not want to go outside. I took a solo 3.5 mile walk.

I watched the end of the MSU game. Good to see a MI team win. Yesterday and Friday I watched some of the UM game. The IU game was fun but Purdue was a blow out.

Nancy is fixing butternut squash soup and ham sandwiches for dinner. Sounds good.

The all day rain has brought earth worms to the surface. The Robins are having a feeding frenzy.

Trivia from the past. 1940 was my first leap year. In 1956 we were still playing hockey outdoors. In 1956 about this time I bought a $1 ticket (#13) on a jeep. I won the jeep. It was a 1941 jeep that was made by Ford. During WWII Ford also made jeeps. I drove the jeep from Mi to Ca. Good memories.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday March 11, 2016

Log time: 1915

The temp briefly reached 32 but did not stay long. I got on my bike in bright sunshine and headed to the Y for my daily exercise routine.

The European Central Bank's action has created a lot of news. I really don't understand the European economy.

Political movements like that of Donald Trump are not unique to the USA. Far right parties are gaining strength in Germany, France, Poland and several other EU countries. These folks are anti-immigration, anti-free trade and anti-EU.

I am a dedicated free trader. I certainly would not get many votes.

I am also pro immigration. I think we always needed new blood.

Nancy was running errands when I got home. I took Ms P on a short walk.

After lunch I headed downstairs and did some banking. I changed to bank where my Social Security check is deposited and where my credit card is paid. I did it all on-line.

It was such a nice day that Nancy and I took a walk around the block.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed a chicken with apples dish. It was great.

Not much on TV tonight so it looks like a netflix evening.

Weather folks say tomorrow will be another nice day. Rain is predicted for most of nest week.

St Patrick's Day is next Thursday. Tomorrow night Nancy and I are going to an Irish music and Celtic dancing concert.

Did you know that my Great Grandfather Sanborn was born on St Patrick's Day in 1856.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday March 10, 2016

Log time: 2020

Sure sign Spring is here, I saw four Robins. We had another mild day.

Rode my backup bike, Bianchi, to the Y. After climbing several hills I decided I miss my Bad Boy.

Y was not very busy today. Most folks must be MWF types.

I have always been a believer in free trade. It looks like both parties are against free trade. Am I out of touch or what.

Is the EU about to implode?

We sign a nuclear deal with Iran and they start testing missiles with " Death to Israel" written on its side. Nice guys!

At home we all take a 1.5 mile walk.

After lunch I drive to the Ada Bike Shop to pick up my Bad Boy. Next stop Meijer's to pick up prescription.

I spent some time establishing a Social Security account.

Short nap and then Nancy and I head out to Shepard's Grill for dinner. Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a perch sandwich.

We are watching the Big Ten BB tournament. UM won and it looks like OSU will beat Penn State.

Finish the evening watching a netflix show.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

Log time 1939

Easy Wednesday: We had a light rain last night. It stopped about 0700.

Nancy's email crashed last night. She talked to Apple and sbcglobal last night with no luck.

I emailed my computer guru last night at 2230. He replied at 0030 that he would call in the morning.

I rode my bike to Panera for breakfast this morning. I had oatmeal, read the WSJ and waited for a call from the guru. Nothing in the WSJ that I want to comment on. Got a call about 1000 and we talked about the problem.

I headed home and Nancy and I headed downstairs with all her Apple products. Ken, the guru, checked out our problems and fixed it. We did have to change Nancy's passwords, The email seems to be working fine now. I am glad that I have a guru to call. It is worth the money.

I took Ms P on her daily walk before lunch.

After lunch I loaded my bad boy bike on the rack and headed to Ada Bike. I am having the steel studded snow tires changed to the regular tires. They will also do a check up.

At home I did a load of laundry and took a short nap. After the nap I headed out to the garage and got my Bianchi bike down. This was my main bike before I bought bad boy. It was originally a single speed but I added an eight speed internal hub. I pumped up the tires and took it for a spin.

Tonight Nancy has her book club. I met Ed Namey at Uccello's for dinner. Ed just got back from two months in Florida. We had a good meal and talk.

Nancy has a 1930 appointment at the Apple Store. She wants answers to her email crash.

It is now 2000 and I am waiting for Nancy to get home so we can have our nightly cheese. We will watch the Mysteries of Laura and then Netflix. The Mysteries are not on.

Nancy just got back from the Apple Store. They said our problem is typical for sbc users.

The mild weather will continue for another week.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday March 8, 2016

Log time: 1718

Good grief it is mid-March and the temperature in GR is warmer than San Jose, LA area and Tucson. No long underwear today.

I pumped up my bike tires this morning before taking off on my six mile ride to the Y. Once again I over dressed. It might take a while for me to figure out what to wear on mild spring days.

I was surprised that I was the only bike in the Y's bike rack. I did the calisthenics and ran 12 minutes.

The talk today in the locker was about our El Nino winter and what type of weather we will we have this summer. Does cold summer follow a warm winter? Nobody knew!

Today is election day in MI. Many articles on the election. I am tired of the primaries already.

The Flint water problems still dominates the news. As I said before the crisis was a Civil Engineering failure.

I often wonder is the North Korean government stable? Kim Jong Un seems a loose cannon.

I hope the problems in Brazil are solved before the Summer Olympics.

As soon as I got home we all went on a 1.5 mile walk. Great day for a walk.

After lunch I walked over Macatawa Bank to straighten out a credit card problem. Problems solved in less that 5 minutes.

I wanted to get some questions answered by Social Security so I got in the Cobalt and drove to their office. As I was walking in a man leaving said "I hope you got time" because he had to wait two hours to get his questions answered.

The SS office was jammed. Folks waiting to just get a number had been in line for over an hour. Not a good sign so I picked up a brochure and decided to get my questions answered on-line.

I did take a short nap. Nancy is fixing ham for dinner tonight.

I just checked my Great grandfather Sanborn's diary for this date in 1938. It was zero and clear in the morning but 34 at noon. The March sun has some warmth. GGF did not mentioned if the smelt were running in the Devil's river, Ossineke, MI.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday March 7, 2016

Log time: 1930

The temperature last night never got below 32. It was 39 at 0800. I did not know how to dress for my walk to the Y. I chose to be prudent, put on long underwear. Not a wise move.

It was 50 degrees when I left the Y for Panera.

Tomorrow is election day in MI. I already voted for Kasich. Most folks say he does not have a chance.

Sad to hear about Nancy Reagan's passing.

Iraq is a mess. The Sunnis don't trust the Shiites and neither like the Kurds. However, the USA thinks the Kurds are the good guys. It is a real mess. Meanwhile ISIS still holds Mosul. What is our National interest? I think we should just get out.

The WSJ had an interesting article on Europe' social security type pensions. They are all underfunded and the problem will just keep getting worse because of their aging population. In Europe there are 42 folks over 65 for every 100 workers. In the USA it is 24. Most countries fund their pensions out of their general fund. After paying the pensions not much left over for running the country.

At home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran errands. First stop was Ace Hardware to buy a 20# bag of bird seed. Next we headed to Costco. We bought peanut butter, wine, Cheerios and cheese. Nancy and I eat more peanut butter than any other food.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. The temperature was now 59.

After lunch I walked to Macatawa Bank to get a new debit card. Next stop was at Sam the Shoeman. I wanted a new zipper on my raincoat. He looked at it and put in a stitch and declared it fixed. No charge.

I did take a short nap before dinner. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch Major Crimes.

Another mild night with temps in the high 40s. Tomorrow's high temps will be in the high 60s.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday March 6, 2016

Log time: 1730:

The alarm goes off at 0645 and Ms P and I head out so she can do her bidness. The temperature was in the low 20s. This is the last morning for at least a week with sub freezing temps. Big thaw is coming. The sun was coming up so no need for a flashlight. Next week at this time it will be dark. A downside to DST.

The pool was crowded this morning but we each got a lane. Nancy said the water was too warm and I said it was just right. I swam 20 laps and Nancy swam 25.

Gas at Meijer's today was $1.91. I still filled up for less than $20. We used the express check out this morning, less than 12 items. Since Fresh Tyme and Trader Joe's have opened we do not buy as much at Meijer's.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle. We also had link sausage. Great breakfast.

Read the funnies and sports page before taking my nap.

Nancy, Ms P and I took a walk around the block. It is 1.5 miles around the block. I continued for another two miles.

I wear khaki pants nearly every day so I spent some time ironing. Yes folks I know how to iron. What I really want to learn is how to grill a fish fillet. Meijer's, Costco and Trader Joe's have good looking fillets. I love fish. Nancy hates fish.

Nancy is fixing chili and a tamale for dinner tonight.

We will watch 60 Minutes and then switch to netflix.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Saturday March 5, 2016

Log time 1930:

The winter does not want to end. It was 19 degrees with 1/2" of new snow on the ground when Nancy and I walked to Panera. We had bagels, sourdough, coffee and oatmeal. We encountered a light snow on the walk home.

Nancy and I did some juggling of funds to pay for our Ireland trip. I walked to Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. I continued on to the Cascade library. I found a comfortable chair and got out my iPad and read the WSJ. The Cascade Library was very busy. It acts as a community center.

Not much new news in the WSJ today.

Both the Democrats, Clinton and Sanders, are not young. Sanders is 74 and Clinton will be 69 at election time. Trump is 69. What happened to the youth movement.

The corruption scandals in Brazil and Malaysian involve billions of dollars. I would like to think scandals of this size would not happen in the US.

Free speech is taking a dive in China and Turkey.

I had a quick lunch and then retired to the office. I cleaned my desk and wrote short notes to family. I walked to the post box on Charlevoix and mailed the notes. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

Tonight Nancy fixed chili for dinner. We tried watching House of Cards on netflix but we could not open it. We are now watching the new episodes of Midsomer Murder. Debbie just facetimed us and we are catching up.

Speaking of talking to family Nancy talked to Missy and AJ this afternoon.

I did get my 30 minutes in today. Hope you did too!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday March 4, 2016

Log time: 2040

Today March 4 is my mother's birthday. She was born on this date in 1907. Many happy memories. Every year I call my sister, Helen on Mom's birthday. She knew immediately the reason for my call.

The days are getting longer, 11h30'. I left home at 0800 into bright sunshine. It was 9 degrees probably our last single digit degree day this winter. Actually most weather folks think winter ended on March 1.

When I left the Y the temp had risen to 32. The March sun has some warmth to it.

Panera is still having trouble controlling the heat. It was extremely warm today. Actually I shouldn't complain because I like warm restaurants. Politics still dominates the news.

Kim cleaned the condo today. Ms P is attached to her so I had some difficulty getting her to go on a walk. After much pulling and tugging we completed our daily 1.25 mile walk.

At 1330 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. First stop was the eye doctors to pick up my new sports glasses. We left the Taurus in the Doc's parking garage and walked to the Home and Garden show. We are looking at getting guartz counter tops in our kitchen. We stopped at several vendors and listened to their sales pitch.

We spent about two hours at the show. "Reserve" is a wine bar downtown. We stopped and had a glass of wine and shared a cheese platter. It was all very good.

Nancy fixed me fried eggs for dinner tonight. Nothing on TV so we watched Rake and Doc Marten on Netflix.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday March 3, 2016

Log time: 2040:

Another very cold morning, 10, when I headed out this morning. I bundled up for my walk. I weighed in at the Y and found I had 18 pounds of clothes on.

Cascade Township had all the walks plowed so walking was easy. Panera unlike most restaurants keep the place very warms. I worn fleece lined jeans and they were uncomfortable.

Marco Rubio says Gov Kasich should drop out. Rubio is wrong. Gov Kasich is 1,000 times more qualified than Senator Rubio. Kasich is the man!

I disagree with Donald Trump on most things but I think he is right on the Middle East. The Iraqi war was wrong. We spent billions of dollars to no avail. It is a bottomless pit.

Before lunch I took Ms P on her walk. We had to stick to the sidewalk because the snow on each side was over Ms P's head. After lunch I grabbed my backpack and walked to the Tailors to pitch up some shirts I had altered. On way home I stopped at Macatawa to get money for Kim. She is coming to clean tomorrow.

Took a short nap and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's. Nancy bought grapes. We had dinner at Vitale's in Ada. Good food.

We are now watching a new episode of MidSomer Murders on Netflix.

Temperatures in the low teens tonight. A warm up starts tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday March 2, 2016

Log time: 1918

Breakfast Club Wednesday: The snow stopped early this morning. It was 19 when I stepped out at 0645 this morning. Our drive and sidewalk were cleared but Tahoe Drive was not plowed. I had trouble getting out to 28th Street. Not many folks at BC and I blame the weather. In fact the Speaker, a Fed lawyer did not make it. Several BC member took over the program and talked about the problems with pain killers. They did a great job.

After BC I drove to Woodland Mall. I took a short walk with all the other old mall walkers and then got a coffee at Starbucks and read the newspaper. Super Tuesday dominated the news.

At 1000 I packed up and headed to the Y. I swam 20 laps or 1,000 yards.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. This afternoon I did a load of laundry, took out the trash and made a wood box to put the mineral block in. I wanted to get the mineral block off the ground. I think the deer are beginning to like the mineral block. Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

We had a light dinner. It is now 1955 and we are watching Charlie Rose on Bloomberg cable. At 2000 we will watch the Mysteries of Laura.

I got my 30 minutes today, did you?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday March 1, 2016

Log time: 1718

Boy did March come in like a lion. It started snowing early this morning and it is still snowing at 1718.

The storm is coming out of the East. My Dad always said our worst storms come out of the East. It looks like he was right.

My first time in GR was in early March 1965. My Dad and I drove down from Alpena in a driving snow storm. This storm was also out of the East. We were attending a meeting of County Road Commissions. We stayed at the old Pantlind. I thought the Backroom Saloon was great, especially throwing peanut shells on the floor. Great hamburgs.

Today I put on my Costco snow pants and snow boots and headed out into the snow and 20 mph wind. First time this year that I had the wind at my back on the walk to the Y. We seem to be having many days with winds over 15 mph. Is this because of El Nino or climate change?

Despite the weather the Y was crowded. I did the standard routine. My walk to Panera was into the wind and not pleasant. Temps in the low 20s and none of the sidewalks were plowed. I had to plow through about 5" in snow.

Donald Trump is sure upsetting the GOP elites. The WSJ savaged him today in an opinion piece. The results of today's primaries will be interesting.

Other news of interest: Apple won its case in NY. Malaysian leader is under fire because a billion dollars was put in his personal account. The FCC's decision on "Net Neutrality is under attack. I really don't know what net neutrality is? Free speech in China is taking a hit.

The birds are really hungry, I filled the feeder twice today. I shoveled our courtyard walk twice so far today. Tahoe Drive still has not been plowed. We bought a condo so we did not have to shovel snow. The condo association still has not plowed our drive or the private roads in the neighborhood.

Snow is suppose to end about 2200 tonight. Attendance at Breakfast Club tomorrow is not a sure thing.

Think Spring!