Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday March 31, 2013

Weekend report for the last week in March: Saturday was a perfrect spring day, sunny skies and temperatures in the 50s. I started the day riding my retro to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I had a lot of errands to run today. My first was to go to the Kava House to get Nancy her morning coffee. I then headed to Alger Heights to pick up my lawnmower. I needed some Grand Rapids yard bags so I ended up at Rylee's. I got a call this morning that my bike was ready to pick up. I walked to Gas Light Village and rode the bike home. It rides nice with new tires. It was such a nice day that I swept out the garage and spent about an hour picking up branchs and other flotsan that accumulates over the winter. At 1600 I took a shower and got ready for dinner. Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's at a Thai restaurant. The restaurant was just a hole in the wall but the food was excellent. After dinner we headed back to our house for dessert. It was a great spring day. Sunday, the alarm goes off at 0655 and we get up for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1,500 yards. I was happy that I took 1' off my time. Meijer's was nearly empty this morning. I filled the Taurus. Gas was $3.66 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take my Sunday nap and them walked Ms P. I watched some of the UM game. Nancy is fixing ham, mashed potatoes and beans for Easter dinner. This evening we will watch 60' and read the GRP. I hope to read at least a chapter of my Pancho Villa/General Pershing book tonight. Last night I did not complete a sentence before falling asleep.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday March 29, 2013

The clear nights we have been having lately has lowered the early morning temperatures to the high 20s. I was layered up when I got on my bike and pedaled to the MAC. When I left 90 minutes later the temperature had gone up 15 degrees. I stopped at the Starbuck in Gas Light today to read my papers. Nancy bought me a groupon for $10 worth of coffee. I downloaded the Starbucks app to my iphone. The folks at Starbucks loaded the groupon to my iphone. Technology is great? When I got home I had a quick lunch and after lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to our banks. We have to change the beneficiary of our accounts to our new joint trust. We only made it two banks. It is a lot of paperwork. It is now 1630 and will suspend writing this blog so I can take Ms P on a walk. With the nice weather I have increased our walk distance by 1/2 mile. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Brandywine for dinner. I will watch the UM BB game and if I can stay awake the MSU game. Today is Good Friday. When I was a boy we got Good Friday off from school. We also got Easter Monday off. This was our spring break a lousy two days. I had the meatloaf iwth mashed potatoes for dinner. Nancy had the ham 'd' scram. After dinner we headed to Miejers to buy a ham. Actually about 1/4 ham. I will take a short walk before watching the game. Spring is here!!!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday March 28, 2013

The clear full moon at 0430 let me know we had another nice day coming. It was bright sunshine when I left for the MAC but the temperature was 30. When I left the MAC after completing my tri the temperature had risen to 45. I had my coffee today at Starbucks in the D&W in Breton Village. I only had time to read a portion of the WSJ. I had to get home early because Somerdyke Plumbing was stopping by to give me an estimate for a new water heater. I was impressed with Somerdyke. They knew what was required and unlike the guy yesterday they explained everything. I hired him. I am also saving $800. The new heater will be installed next Wednesday. The weather was so nice this afternoon that I took Ms P on an extra long walk. Nancy had to work at the Hospital gift shop this afternoon. Tonight we are runnning some errands before going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Tonight we will watch some NCAA BB before heading upstairs. 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi. Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was 50 in Ossineke at noon. He did a lot of spring cleaning chores. GGF noted that the US Senate had passed the Reorganization Bill, 49 to 42. He also was happy to report that the smelt were running. GGF had smelt for dinner. One of the joys of life is a nice bucket of deep fried smelt with cold beer.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday March 27, 2013

Today is my easy day. I did go out at 0430 and decided a nice day was in store. The moon was bright. I did not get up for real until 0815. Last night I spent too much time reading my Pancho Villa book. Pancho was heading for Douglss, Az. I rode my bike to Bill's for their All American breakfast. After Bill's I rode around Reeds Lake. I did notice a number of fishermen out on the lake. The temperature is suppose to get to 50 today. I would not venture out on the ice. After my ride I spent some time trying to figure out who installed our water heater. I did not find out. I do know the heater was built in 1990. I called Penning Plumbing to come out and check the heater. The said they would arrive at 1400. The first thing th Penning man said was the everything was wrong. The heater was shot. The heater and our gas fireplace were not installed properly. The bottom line was that he estimated is would cost $2,000 to install a $500 heater and bring everything up to code. I paid him for a service call and then called several other plumbers to give me an estimate. The man did not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I walked Ms P around the block and then pedaled my bike to GR Bike Co in Gas Light Village. They are taking the snow tires off and tuning the bike up. I walked home. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were really busy. Many schools up north had spring break so a lot of kids were visiting. It was also a nick sunny day. We each had a TV dinner for supper tonight. They have not improved TV dinners since the 50s. Not much on TV so I might head upstairs early to see if Pancho makes it to Douglas. This day 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi. Great grandfather said that it was mild with a high of 50. He stayed home all day and listened to the radio. He commented that the roads were getting better.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday March 26, 2013

The cold weather continues. We have had intermittent snow squalls all day. This is my last day for using my studded bike tires. Tomorrow I am getting my normal tires put on. Today I did the tri with no outstanding times. After the MAC I stopped at the Starbucks in Breton Village's D&W. I read the WSJ until 1230 when I headed home. Today Nancy and I met with our attorney to sign our new trust. The tax laws now permit us to have a joint trust instead of separate trusts. This is a major simplication. After the attorney we stopped by our accountants to get our tax returns. Nancy fixed left overs from the Sunday dinner. It was very good. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch NCIS before heading upstairs. Think spring!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday March 25, 2013

This blog will cover two days, Sunday March 24 and Monday. Sunday morning the alarm went off at 0655 and we got right up and headed to the MAC. Because of our party tonight we only swam 1,000 yards. We had to stop at Miejer's to get some supplies. I filled up the Taurus and gas was $3.77. Ater the MAC Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon getting everything in place. Nancy started cooking while I did whatever chores Nancy had for me. I did not take a nap today. The guests starting arriving at 1600. We had wine and beer plus cheese and crackers and assorted veggies with dip. We had dinner at 1530. Nancy fixed a chicken dish with asparagus and a salad. It was very good. For dessert Nancy fixed a cheesecake with strawberries. After dinner we sat around and talked. Everyone says that talking is a lost art. I don't think so. The guests left at 2030. Nancy did herself proud. We spent some time cleaning up before going to bed. Monday March 25. About 0100 my stomach started acting up. I think I was hit with a 24 hour bug. I did not go to the MAC today. I wanted to let the old bod rest. I rode my bike to the Kava House and read the papers. I texted Steve to let him know that an old Little League mate of his had his picture in todays WSJ. It was snowing lightly when I left the Kava House. I had some bread with peanut butter for lunch. I took a short nap and then caught up on reading back issues of SI. I read 7 weeks worth of the magazine. We had a very light dinner. I watched the news and then headed upstairs to finish this blog. We got an e-mail from Ms P's Vet wishing her a happy birthday. Who sends a birthday card to a dog. Not much on TV tonight so I will head to bed early to continue reading about Pancho Villa and General Pershing.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday March 23, 2013

It was cold and gloomy this morning. I pedaled to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. I read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on the Rev J Jackson plan for a rally in Detroit protesting the State's Emergency financial manager. Everyone I know who is knowledgable in municipal finance say the EFM is the only way to save Detroit. With no EFM the City Council would run the city into bankruptcy. Only a massive State bailout would save them. Outstate Mi would not approve a bailout. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake twice. I put 15 miles on the bike. When I got home I helped Nancy get ready for our party tomorrow night. We got the good table ware out and set the table. I did watch the UM and part of the MSU games today. Miss P has had an unpleasant bouquet lately so we gave her a bath. I get chilled riding my bike when the temperature in 35 or lower. I warmed up by turning on my electric blanket and taking a short nap. We stayed home tonight. I did drive to Subway to get a foot long. Nancy fixed an egg sandwich. It is now 2115 and we are switching between a BB game and a western on the Hallmark channel. The temperature is now 34 and will not get below 30 tonight. GR is warming up.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday March 22, 2013

Spring is here Nancy and I saw our first Robin today. It was still cold early this morning, low 20s, but I decided to ride my bike to the MAC. No wind so the ride was pleasant. The sidewalks were still icy on my ride to the Kava House but the steel studded tires plowed right through the snow and ice. The WSJ and other business folks say the mess in Cyprus is serious for Europe. I have not lost any sleep on the crisis in Cyprus. However, I am concerned about the cost of health insurance for individuals and small companies. The cost of premiums is suppose to increase signficantly in 14. I thought Obamacare was suppose to lower premiums. Is this just a smoke screen by big insurance? When I left the Kava House the sun was out and the temperture was in the mid 30s. Kim was stilling cleaning when I got home. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We are having five folks over Sunday for dinner so Nancy wanted to buy a cheese cake. We also bought some other supplies and a hot dog. I took Ms P around the block and then put my empty growler in my back pack and walked to Harmony. I filled my growler with a pale ale. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Panera for supper. I want a bowl of soup and sandwich and Nancy just wants a bowl of soup. We will watch some tournament BB before heading upstairs. I finished my book last night and started one on General Pershing's hunt for Pancho Villa. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday March 21, 2013

The cold weather continues. We got a thin layer of snow last night. I had to shovel the drive and walks. I drove to the MAC today. I set another PB in my 1,000 yard swim, 29'. After the MAC I drove to Breton Village. The WSJ had an article on Michigan's Right to Work law. The law does not take effect until next week. Several schools including the UM and Wayne State have recently approved multi year labor contracts. The RTW law will not apply to these contracts. Some Republican legislators are mad and claiming the schools are not playing fair. What do you expect idiots! They want to cut funding to the schools. Intelligence is not a criteria for holding elective office. The DFP had an article on the trial of two folks attached to the Detroit Police and Fire Pension fund. They robbed a lot of money from the funds. Is anyone watching these funds? Nancy had a luncheon today. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Before we go, I am walking to the Harmony to get my growler filled with beer. Think Spring!

Wednesday March 20, 2013

It was very cold this morning. Temperature was in the low 20s. This is the first day of Spring!! Last year it was in the 70s. One good thing about our recent cold snap is that the sap is really running from the maple trees. Maple syrup production is the best in years. Today was Breakfast Club. Today's speaker was from the K-9 unit of the GR Police Department. It was very interesting. Did you know that all the dogs come from Europe and commands are in Dutch. After BC I came home and got some banking materials. Ater 45 years I closed our 53rd accounts. I don't think the folks at 53rd really cared that I was severing our business with their bank. After 53rd I stopped and Macatawa Bank and the Lake Michigan Credit Union. I also stopped at Best Buy and bought a small TV for the basement. I did stop at the Kava House to read the WSJ. I had a 1330 meeting with our advisor at Wells Fargo. My final stop was at Kent County Credit Union. When I got home I debated if I should take Ms P out in the cold. She has been having some joint problems. I decided she needed to get out of the house. We walked around the block and then I took a 2 mile walk. I hooked up the new TV in the basement. It was very easy. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She fixed me a pork chop with dressing for supper. It was great. We watched some TV before heading upstairs.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday March 19, 2013

I shoveled at 0500, 0730, 0915 and 1300. The snow just keeps coming. It is now 1730 and temperature is 25. We can expect more of the same on Wednesday and Thursday before we get back to normal. I drove the C2 to the MAC today. I did the 1,000 yard swim in 29'20' today, a PB. I had my coffee and read the WSJ at Breton Village. When I got home at 1300 I shoveled. We got about 3" of snow between 0915 and 1300. I had a quick lunch and then read my mail (the USPO type). I spend some time on the computer before taking a short nap. Nancy had a Dentist appointment this afternoon. She is getting a new crown. Tonight we will have a light super and then watch the news and read a paper copy of the GRP. I will go out at 1900 and shovel. At 2000 I will watch NCIS. I said last night that I planned on finishing my book. It did not happen. Maybe tonight. Tomorrow I have Breakfast Club. Today our basement TV quit. I might buy a new one tomorrow. 75 years ago today in Ossieke, Michigan. Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that is was warm with temperatures up to 50. The Devil's River was high and all the chickens were out scratching today.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 18, 2013

It was cold, 25, and windy this morning. We had a strong east wind and I had trouble pedaling against it. I followed my normal routine. It was drizzling when I left the MAC for the Kava House. I read the WSJ and DFP. The WSJ always has several articles that I find interesting. The DFP usually has nothing. I grew up reading the DFP and it is really dishearting to see how far it has fallen. The same can be said of the GRP. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then loaded our lawnmower into the Taurus and headed to the repair shop. It was snowing but I know that if I wait too long the shop will become overloaded and it will take weeks to get the mowere serviced. After the repair shop I stopped by the KCCU to make a deposit. I was so cold that I turned my electric blanket on full blast and spent 30 minutes under the covers. After a light dinner we will watch the news and some TV. I am 85% through my book and I hope to finish it tonight. The weather folks say we will get between 1" and 3" of snow tonight. Think Spring!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday March 17, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday March 16, 2013. When I went out at 0500 we had about 1/4" of wet snow. I shoveled the drive and walks. At 0830 I got on my bike and rode to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. All the roads were snow covered but I had my super duper steel studs on my bike tires. I had time to read the WSJ. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I was surprised to see so many fishermen on the Lake. I would think at this time of year the ice would be pretty thin. Last year the temperature was in the 70s and today we got snow. Go figure. As soon as I got home I watched some of the Big 10 BB tournament. I did spent some time in my office reading and paying bills. My driver's license expired this year and all I had to do was mail in a check. No test or anything. I thought they were going to get tough on senior drivers. The sun came out about 1600 and I asked Nancy what she wanted to do. Nancy wanted a nice juicy hamburg. We got in the Taurus and headed to Woodlawn Mall. The place was packed. We spent about 45 minutes looking around and then headed to the Red Robin for a burger. The burger was good. After dinner we watched some TV. Missy and AJ facetimed us and we enjoyed talking to them. Later we got a facetime call from Alessandra and we spent time talking to the Scott Team. I like facetime. When Ms P and I went out at 2200 the moon and stars were out an indication that we would have a cold night. Sunday March 17, St Patrick's Day. We got up at 0655 and headed to the MAC. The temperature was 25. We needed sunglasses. We both swam 1,500 yards. I had another PB, 44'30". Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breafast. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I did some exercises and walked Ms P around the block. I then took a 2.25 mile walk. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch 60 minutes before heading upstairs. Saint Patrick's Day 1956. I remember St Pat's day in 56 because it was the first time a parent bought beer for friends of her son. Jerry Kendziorski invited several of us over to his house to play cards. His mother provided green beer. A local bakery made green bread on St Pat's day. Mrs Kenziorski made baloney sandwiches on green bread. It was a great night. I even think I won $2. The things one remembers.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday March 15, 2013

Beware of the Ides of March said someone. It was cloudy and about 35 when I went outside this morning. We are expecting rain and snow tonight. I rode the bike today and was done with my MAC routine at 1030. I pedaled to the Kava House for coffee and papers. I read an article about the Kurds in the middle east. Apparently they are about to settle their dispute with Turkey. All the trouble in Syria, Iraq and Iran stems from religion and tribal disputes going back centuries. I don't know why we want to be involved in this area. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I continue to work on the family tree. I think I am finally getting a handle on the family. I was surprised how much info I had scattered about. I have had time to sort through this material and it is beginning to make sense. Another two rainy days and I should have all the branches back to the old world. We kept checking the weather report because we gave some thought about going over to Holland to see Amherst College Girls play basketball. We decided not to go because of the weather. If Amherst wins today they will play for the NCAA championship tomorrow. We might go to this game. Tonight we had dinner at the Brewery Vivant. They say they have Belgian Tradition. The place is like a German beer hall. I tried a beer and steak pie. Nancy had a salad. The food was subpar. We scratched the Brewery Vivant off our list. I did get my 30 in today.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday March 14, 2013

I knew it was going to be cold because last night the stars were out and the moon shown bright. It was in the mid 20s this morning with a very bright sun. It was a pleasant bike ride to the MAC. I had a PB for my 1,000 yard swim, 29' 20". After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The selection of a new pope dominated todays papers. It is nice to hear pleasant news every once in a while. Nancy had to work at the hospital this afternoon. In fact she had already left when I got home at 1330. I had a quick lunch and then because I got cold riding the bike I turned my blanket on full blast and took a 30' nap. After the nap I spent some time in the office. My sister did call me today and wanted to know if Dad had worked on the Manhattan project in Chicago. I told her I did't think so. I think Dad was involved with the expansion and maintenance of Army bases located in the US Army Corps of Engineers Chicago district. Nancy got home about 1630. Tonight we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Nancy had a prime rib sandwich and I had salmon. We watched the news and then I headed upstairs to do this blog. Veronica just called. She was at Lucas's baseball practice. The temperature was in the 70s. At 2100 we will watch "Person of Interest" before heading upstairs. 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi. My Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was 22 in the morning. The Devil's River was quite high and was over Bingham's fill. He mentioned that the radio and papers were full of a lot of foreign news. Interest in news must be a family thing. I am always amazed at how good a speller my Great grandfather was. I don't think he went to high school.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday March 13, 2013

This is my easy Wednesday so I set the alarm for 0655. Of course I slept through it. We got a trace of snow last night so I had to shovel this morning. Despite the snow I still wanted to ride my bike. I got it out and rode to Bill's for breakfast. I was glad that I had my studded snow tires still on the bike. I had oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. The wind had picked up so it was cold when pedaling into the wind. At the start of winter I purchase a pair of insulated rubber boats. The boots are great when riding my bike on cold days. My feet stay warm. When I got home I got in the C2 to run some errands. My first stop was Meijer's. I bought some apples, shaving cream, trail mix and a new pooper scooper. This is my second scooper in two months. After Meijer's I stopped at a place called Bath Refix. The name is a misnomer. They do not reglaze tubs or make liners. All they do is rip out the old tub and put in a new one. This is not what we want. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. Nancy and I wanted to upgrade our trusts so I contacted our attorney. He recommended that since we originally established the two trusts the law has been changed and we should consolidate into one. It sounds like a good idea so I gave him the go ahead. I decided to do some exercises downstairs so I turned on the TV. It was 1406 and white smoke was observed at the Vatacan. I watched TV until they announced the new pope. I think it is great that they have someone from South America. I think there are over 300 million Catholics in SA. I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the family. I am finally getting a handle on the Scott side on the family. The Scott/Rayburn branch of the family have roots in Scotland. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She has book club tonight and must lead the discussion on MacBeth. I am going out for pizza with Tom Moleski. After pizza I hope to update the family tree before going to bed.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday March 12, 2013

I set the alarm for 0655 and got right up. We had a light dusting of snow on the ground when I pedaled to the MAC. I did twice weekly triathlon. I rowed 2,000m, ran 1 mile and swam 1,000 yards. My total time was 55'. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House for coffee. I thought the DFP would have a lot of articles on the verdict in the Mayor Kilpatrick trial. They had only two and those said "let's move on". I agree. I got home about 1330. At 1400 Nancy and I sat down with two sales folks from Bath Fitter. We are looking at either re-glazing our blue tub or having a plastic liner placed over the tub. I would like a new liner and walls. Nancy favors reglazing. The Bath Fitter folks were selling a liner. I thought they made a strong case for a liner. They spent about 90 minutes givng their pitch. It has snowed most of the afternoon. The temperature is above 32 so it is not sticking. The temperature tomorrow is not suppose to get above 30. Tonight I will finish the beans and rice. We will watch the news and read the GRP. This is a good TV night with the NCIS shows. I have been staying up late reading my Ken Follett book. My Kindel says I am 65% complete. I got my 30 in today did you?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday March 11, 2013

It was dark with temperatures in the mid 40s at 0800. I rode my bike to the MAC. The roads and sidwalks were 90% clear of ice and snow. After the MAC I headed to Starbucks in Breton Village. The WSJ began the first of a series of articles on claims against asbestos funds set up by bankrupt Asbestos firms, especially John Mansville. Todays article detailed how lawyers and some con artists are plundering the fund. Asbestos was considered a great material when I was young. The material was fireproof and was widely used for roof shingles, insulation in homes, car brake lines and for insulating high pressure steam lines in ships. Folks who worked directly with asbestos on a daily basis ended up with badly damaged lungs. Death was often the result. The wide spread use of asbestos was banned many years ago. Unscrupulous folks are raiding the fund. It was a good article. I left Breton Village at 1230. I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed downtown to meet with our financial advisor. The meeting lasted 90 minutes and I think we got some good advice. I walked Ms P around the block before coming upstairs to work on this blog. Tonight the temperature will drop below freezing with snow possible. I will have a TV dinner for super. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday March 10, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday March 9 and I decided the roads were dry enough to ride my bike. I rode to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. It was a pleasant ride because we had no wind and the temperature was near 40. After breakfast I rode the bike around Reeds Lake. I was pedaling down Wealthy when my phone goes off. I pull over to the curb and take the call. I had a facetime call from Grandson Lucas in CA. I showed them some of the snow on the ground. I talked Lucas, Alessandra and Steve. Facetime is so great because you have a real time picture of the family. Folks must have spring fever because there was a steady steam of runners and walkers going around the Reeds Lake. I spent most of the afternoon working on the Scott/Rayburn family connection. I composed and sent an email to Rosalie Rayburn in New Mexico. Around 1600 I walked Ms P around the block and then showered and shaved and got ready for dinner. Tonight we met the Namey's at the Spinnaker. The place was not very crowded. The food was excellent. Nancy and I commented after dinner why we don't go to the Spinnaker more often. After dinner we drove to the Nameys for dessert, coffee and conversation. It was a pleasant evening. We got home about 2130. I watched a western on TV before going to bed. Sunday March 10. Despite the time change we got up in time to head to the MAC for our swim. It was very dark when we left at 0730. Every lane in the pool was filled. Nancy and I both swam 1,500 yards. We did not have to go to Meijer's this morning so I drove Nancy home and then drove to the Kava House for coffee. I stopped at the Eastown BP and got gas. Gas has dropped to $3.75. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap. Ms P and I started our walk and got 1/2 through when it started to rain. We were wet when we got home. I got an email today from Rosalie Rayburn. Rosalie gave me some Rayburn family information that was very useful. The most important being that Rosalie's dad and my father were 2nd cousins and not first cousins as I assumed. Her father graduated from Alpena High in 1925 and from West Point in 1933. Rosalie was born in San Diego and then at 9 moved to France. Rosalie attended boarding school in England. They moved to England and lived there until 1971 when her father bought a farm in Ferns, Ireland. Rosalie and her brother both graduated from Trinity College in Dublin. She has lived in Scotland, Norway, Houston, Saudi Arabia and Australia. She now lives in NM. The Rayburns fled Scotland because they were Quakers. Pretty interesting! This evening Nancy is fixing beans and rice. We will read the GRP and watch 60'. At 2000 I will watch the "Bible" on the History channel.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday March 8, 2013

It was cold, 16, at 0530 but the stars were out in full force, a sure sign a nice day was coming. When I sat down for breakfast the sun was shining bright in the kitchen. For the first time in several months I did not have to turn on the light. The MAC was very crowded today. Friday is an easy day for me at the MAC. The hardest thing I have to do is run 1.5 miles. I stopped at Breton Village for my coffee. Today is Kim's day to clean the house. When I got home we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. The most important thing we had to buy was peanut butter. Today I bought Skippy although Nancy said I liked Jiff better. Our shredder broke down so we stopped at Staples and bought a cheap one. I dropped Ms P and Nancy off and then headed to Mr Thang, the tailor, to pick up my topcoat. They had to sew up a rip in the lining. I walked Ms P around the block and then took a two mile walk. It was a perfect day for a walk. The temperature was 41 with not a cloud in the sky. Tonight we are going to Russ's for a bowl of soup. We will watch CSI, NY before heading to bed. 75 years ago on this day in Ossineke, MI. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was zero in the morning but warmed up to 34. They drove to Hubbard Lake and took my Grandparents out for dinner. The County roads were in good shape. Aunt Laura celebrated her birthday today. Aunt Laura was my Grandmother Scott's sister.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday March 7, 2013

Spring is coming folks. The temperature was above freezing all day. Ms P did not wake me so I slept in until 0700 today. Despite the late start I got to the MAC at 0900. Today is my tri day so I swam 1050 yards. Nancy also went swimming and she also swam 1050 yards. After the MAC I headed to Breton Village to read the papers. I read several articles on Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and what his death means to the area. I looked up the population of Venezuela, 29,300,000. I was surprised it was that small. Columbia, it's neighbor, has 47,000,000 folks. Both the WSJ and DFP had articles about the proposed emergency financial manager for Detroit. Detroit is a mess. After a quick lunch I took Ms P around the block. Nancy headed out for a doctor's appointment. After the walk I went upstairs and did some work on the family tree. I am concentrating on the Rayburn family. My great grandmother Scott was a Rayburn. I did find out that the Scott and Rayburn family emigrated to Caledon, Ontario from Scotland. My branch of the Scott/Rayburn family left Caledon and settled near Hubbard Lake, MI. I met my dad's first cousin, Robert Rayburn, in the early 80s when he was visiting Alpena. He stayed with Dad. Robert, a retired US Army Lt Col, lived in Ireland. I also found some great photographs from Grandfather Scott's lumber camps in MN. Tonight we are goint to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Before we headed out I walked to the PO to mail some letters. We left GLS about 1830 and the sun was still out. It will be even brighter next week with DST. It is now 2034 and I will head downstairs to watch "Person of Interest". I think I will also have a sip of scotch. I have been drinking Springbank which is made in Campbeltown, Scotland, the birthplace of great grandfather McTavish.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday March 6, 2013

The big storm missed us. It was in the mid 30s today but no snow. I had breakfast club today so I was up and out of the house by 0640. The club has a membership crisis. Five years ago they had over 100 members but today they have 50. Today we had a small turnout but I think a lot of folks were in warmer climes. For the past three years Gilda's Club in GR has been sponsoring a laughfest. The event lasts about 10 days. The Club brings in comedians to perform. The proceeds go to the Club which is involved in cancer issues. Laughfest has been a success. Today's speaker is the exective director of Gilda's Club and he gave a great talk on Laughfest. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House to read the papers and drink some coffee. I took the time to read both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP like the GRP only has home delivery three days a week. I think both papers have really gone down as far as quality reporting. It might be the sign of the times. I see that TimeWarner is trying to sell their magazines, Time, SI and Fortune. I subscribe to all three. The Kava House is usually cold in the winter. Today it was especially cold. I think I will change coffe shops until it warms up. I got the last bit of tax data in the mail today. I bundled up all the info and took it to our accountant, Jerry Dykema. Jerry has been doing our taxes for over thirty years. When I got home I took a short nap. After, I did some exercises and then took Ms P around the block. With above freezing temperatures the sidewalks are getting cleared of ice. After I dropped Ms P off I turned on my pedometer and took a walk. The pedometer said I walked 3.36 miles in 1h03'. I also took 7,200 steps. I don't know if I need all this data. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. Nancy said they had over 1,000 visitors today, mainly to see the butterflies. A big rumor going around GR lately is that Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are moving into town. The rumors are false. Too bad. For dinner tonight I finished the sloppy joes and Nancy fixed oatmeal. I watched the evening news until heading upstairs at 1900. Not much on TV tonight. I might watch a Bourne movie for the nth time.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday March 5, 2013

We now have 11.5 hours of daylight. Today the historical mean temperature reaches 32. It was bright and sunny when I left for the MAC at 0900. However the temperature was still in the teens. Today I did the tri and I hit all my milestones. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. Today's WSJ had an article on the EU making Cyprus present some data that its banks are not laundering money. I find the mechanics of money laundering very interesting. According to the article Russian gangsters are using Cyprus banks as their vehicle to clean up their illegal funds. I would like to read a good book on international money laundering. The jury is still out in the Kilpatrick trial in Detroit. When I left the Kava House the sun was gone and we were left with a cold wind. We might get some snow tonight. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and spent the afternoon cleaning my desk. I got the income tax data ready to take to the accountant tomorrow. We are switching banks so I got my new credit card activated. I continue working on the family tree. I have no data on my great grandmother Scott's family the Rayburns. I called my sister and she gave me the email address of Robert Rayburn's daughter who lives in NM. Robert Rayburn was my dad's first cousin. He graduated from West Point and retired to Ireland. That is all the data I have on the Rayburns. Nancy gave me a frantic call about 1500. Ms P had an accident. She threw up. I cleaned it up. I told Nancy that I am good at some things. Tonight Nancy is fixing dinner in the crock pot. It smells great. In fact she just called me to dinner. Tonight is our NCIS night.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday March 4, 2013

Today would be my mothers 106th birthday. She was born in 1907. March 4 prior to 1933 was Inauguration Day for the new president. I remember my mother's birthday in 1943. My dad was working for the US Army and was stationed in Chicago. He sent my mother a big birthday package. I don't know what he gave mom but he wrapped the gift in the funny papers from the Chicago Tribune. I spent hours looking at the funnies. Happy Birthday Mom! Today was another bright sunny day. We still have a nice covering of white snow. I don't think the temperature got above 32. We are expecting a big snow tomorrow. We have had some really big storms in March. At lot of folks were taking advantage of the nice weather by taking a walk. The sidewalks are still icy but the streets are clear and dry. I just got back from a 2.5 mile walk. This morning I did my normal Monday exercise routine. I drove to the MAC but I bet next Monday I will be able to use the bike. After the MAC I stopped at Breton Village to read my papers and drink coffee. This afternoon I had a denist appointment. I got a cleaning and quick checkup. Every thing is ok. Tonight we are deviating from our normal routine by having TV dinners. We will watch the news and do some reading before heading upstairs. 75 years ago on this date in Ossineke, Mi my great grandfather Sanborn noted that it was 0 in the AM. He drove to Alpena and both 300 bulbs. He paid $1.70 per 100. It warmed up to 20 by evening.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday March 3, 2013

Good grief I slept in until 0800 Saturday morning. This is the day we are going to the Detroit area for shopping. We started at 0900. Our first stop was a bagel/coffee shope to get some coffee and bagels. It was bright and sunny when we started but as we got closer to Detroit we ran into some snow. Our first stop was Ikea. We bought some wine glasses and several tools for the kitchen. I always like to look at the displays Ikea has of small ffurnished apartments. They had one for 600 square feet and another for 392 square feet. I could live in 600 sq ft but not 400. Nancy said if we lived in 600 sq ft we would be divorced in 6 months. I don't think so, maybe 9 but not 6. I keep reading that micro apartments are the rage in NYC. After Ikea we stopped at Trader Joe's. We bought a case of two buck Chuck. We bought some better wine to take as a gift when someone invites us to dinner. We also got soup, ginger snaps, trail mix and crackers. Our last stop was at a discount mall near Howell. Nancy bought several items. When we got home we had put almost 300 miles on the car. It was a nice winter's break. Nancy fixed turkey sandwiches and soup (Trader Joe's) for dinner. We also opened a bottle of 2 buck. Sunday morning was bright and sunny when we headed to the MAC. We both swam 1,500 yards. Gas ta Meijer's was $3.91. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I gathered all our inclome tax data to take to our accountant. Tonight we are having sloppy joes. It is now 1641. I will check to see the score of the UM/MSU game before going on a walk. Tonight we will watch 60 Minutes and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday March 1, 2013

March came in like a lamb today. Although the temperature never got above 30 we had a lot of sun. I got carried away with my rowing this morning. I did 6,000 instead of my normal 4,000. I decided because of my extra effort that I did not have to go to the MAC. I showered got dressed and walked to the Kava House. I had time to read both the WSJ and DFP. Today the Governor is suppose to appoint an emergency fiscal manager for the City of Detroit. I am sure he will get a lot of flack. For some unexplained reason the Kava House was jammed today. I walked home in bright sunshine. After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. We attended the Home and Garden Show. We walked around and the only thing we signed up for was an estimat to put a liner over our blue bathtub. As soon as we got home I took a quick nap. Tonight we are going a the OHNA's TGIF. We won't stay too late because we have to get up early tomorrow. We are driving to Detroit to shop at Trader Joe's and Ikea. We will not have any meatballs at Ikea. I got my 30 in today.