Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday March 31, 2012

The last day of March and I don't know if it went out like a lion but it was sure cold as I rode my bike to Bill's. The temperature was in the mid 30s. I had Bill's oatmeal for breakfast. The WSJ seems hung up on the death of a Brit in China. The Brit had connections with a deposed leader in the Communist party. Was he killed or did he die of natural causes? I think the WSJ is creating an issue that will not generate much heat. I read an article on Stockton, CA and how they went broke. It should be required reading for most local elected officials. Peggy Noonan wrote a scathing editorial about the President. I agree with her.

After breakfast I rode the bike around Reeds Lake. My odometer said I put 11 miles on the bike. I have spent the last 3 hours just cleaning off my desk and paying bills. It is now 1430 and in 20 minutes Nancy and I are going to a movie. We are seeing the movie about Margaret Thatcher. 2015: I liked the movie. For dinner we stopped at Russ's for soup and a burger.

I am now reading the GRP and will soon head downstairs to watch the OSU game. I got my 30 in today did you?

March 31, 1938: Ossineke, Mi: Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was windy with temperatures in the 40s. He also commented that the smelt were running. You haven't lived until you have had deep fried smelt with cold beer.

Friday March 30, 2012

It got down to the mid 30s last night. Ms P had to go out at 0430. I finally got out of bed at 0640. About 0700 it started to rain. At 0800 an electrical storm rolled through. Ms P went bonkers. I drove to the MAC in the C2. I do not ride a bike in an electrical storm. The MAC was not very crowded but I did spend a lot of time just talking with all the old retired folks. One member just got back from Ireland and he gave me an update on where to visit.

After the MAC I drove to the Kava House. Since I had to put money in the parking meter I only stayed an hour. I did not have time to fully read the WSJ. I did read about Blackberry's (RIM) problems. The competition in the cell phone business is brutal. I see that junk bonds are back. I sometimes wonder if I should buy some of these bonds, no. The European countries are still struggling to get their debt problems under control. The big problem is the cost of public pensions and the inability to lay off employees when times get bad. As a friend said give backs are a bitch.

Kim came today and the house is nice and clean. This afternoon I downloaded a set of bridge plans to check. Tonight Nancy and I are having dinner at Olive's in Gas Light Village. We had dinner at Olive's and both Nancy and I gave it a C minus. When we got home we watched some TV and then headed upstairs.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Thursday March 29, 2012

It got into the 30s last night but it did not freeze. I rode my bike to the MAC today and found out that I cannot change gears. Luckily I was stuck in an easy pedaling gear. At the MAC I did my run and swim. I ended up at the Kava House and read several articles in the WSJ on the debate in the Supreme Court on the health plan. The whole health care law is very confusing. I think everyone should have health insurance but I do not want the Feds to be in charge. I have a strong distrust of the Feds. They are trying to control our lives.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then put the bike on rack and drove to GR Bike Co. They promised that they would fix my gear problem. I then headed downtown to get my sunglasses from my eye doctor.

Tonight Nancy and I will dine at Great Lakes Shipping. We will read the GRP and at 2100 watch a Person of Interest.

March 29, 1962: Ensign Scott's letter to his mother from Midway Island. I apologized to Mom for not writing sooner. I commented on the weather in MI in March and the alternating freezing and thawing. I thought this was the worst time of year in MI. The weather on Midway was getting warmer and warmer. The coldest day we had this winter was 56⁰. The winter water temperature was 67⁰. The Gooney birds on Midway are getting bigger and bigger.

Today a Dutch destroyer came in to Midway for water and fuel. The destroyer is heading to Indonesia and possible combat. Indonesia use to be a Dutch colony. I did not tell Mother that I was OOD on this day and I went out with the Navy's pilot to board the destroyer and the pilot would direct the destroyer through the reef. The pilot was a Navy Ltjg and a friend of mine. I had never boarded a ship out in the ocean. I swear the swells were 10' tall. The sailors on the Navy's tug held me until the tug was at the top of a wave and then Dutch sailors grabbed me. It was kind of scary. My friend, the pilot, said that the Dutch sailors were the best that he had seen.

When we got the destroyer docked I left and headed to my office. One of the sailors in my division was born in Indonesia and wanted to see the ship. Since I was the OOD I thought we could get a tour. The Dutch OOD was also an Ensign and about my age. He gave us a tour. The US Navy does not allow alcohol on board a ship. The Dutch Navy has no such rule and they had cases of Heineken beer on board.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday March 28, 2012

Today is my easy day. I slept in until 0730. I rode the bike to Bill's and had their oatmeal for breakfast. The temps were in the 50s but the wind was brutal. The mess in Detroit continues but a few sane heads are appearing. When I got home I got in the C2 and headed to Lake MI CU to check on a CD. LMCU had automatically renewed a CD at 0.34%. I was 2 days past the correction day but the nice lady let me start a new CD with no penalty. The interest rate is now 0.75%. I won't get rich but it is twice as good as the old rate.

I next stopped at Home Depot and Lowes to check on tubing and bar stock for my new improved bike/kayak rack. Neither store had what I wanted. Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens this afternoon. After lunch I took a quick nap.

About 1545 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Blodgett Hospital. I am helping Nancy move furniture in the Gift Shop. We worked until 1800 and then took a short break. We had a quick bite in the Hospital's Cafe. Another husband moving furniture was Don Strobel, a dentist, he and his wife sat with us in the cafe. Don and I both roomed in South Quad at UM in 1956.

After dinner I walked home and Nancy stayed to put her merchandise back on the racks. Nancy got home about 2000. We watched Burn Notice on a cable channel. I kind of like this show.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday March 28, 2012

Last night when I took Ms P out for the last time I looked up at the sky and saw a brilliant crescent moon and Jupiter and Venus shining bright. It was a great sight. We had freeze warnings up last night and when I checked this morning it was 30⁰. North of GR the temperature got into the 20s. I hope it does not damage any fruit trees. The sun was out when I rode to the MAC. Today I did my tri. I practiced special breathing on my swim today. It worked out ok.

I had my coffee and read my paper at the Kava House. The WSJ had several articles that I found interesting. The first was the Fed Chairman saying that interest rates will stay low for at least 2 more years. That makes me mad because it forces me to invest some savings. I am a product of the depression and I want some of my money safe. But at 0.35% that is not good. The second articles was about the big health care fight in Pittsburg. It appears the University of Pittsburg's Hospital and insurance company is strong arming local doctors and the Blue Cross insurance folks. It is all about control of health care dollars and the fight appears brutal. I think doctors and their patients are losing control. Is this the new world? The same thing is happening in GR. Spectrum Health is fighting the other hospitals and Blue Cross. Spectrum comes across as a bully.

I took Nancy's car into the Ford dealer to get the tire fixed. The first thing the service man told me was I needed a new rim. A rim cost $750. I had him check the tire anyway and they found a nail. So I did not need a rim. Total cost $2.10.

Nancy fixed a chicken and rice with mushrooms and corn dish for dinner. It was very good. We watched NCIS and NCIS LA. They were both new shows. When does the TV season end? The NCIS LA is too macho for me. I was in bed by 2200.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday March 26, 2012

What a difference a day makes, it was 31⁰ at 0500 when Ms P and I went out. When I finally headed to the MAC the sun was out and the temperature was in the high 30s. Today I did the normal routine at 2/3 speed. After the MAC I stopped at Breton Village for my coffee and papers. The WSJ had many articles that I found interesting so it took 70 minutes to read.

I got home at 1300 and had a quick lunch. I got out the lawnmower and started cutting about 1330. At 1400 my computer man stopped by to check out my computer. He updated the antivirus software and malware. It was 1/2 off day so I made out. After he left I continued cutting the grass. Ms P was out the entire time I was cutting. I thought my arm would fall off from throwing her the ball. She will sleep well tonight. I finished cutting, trimming and picking up at 1700.

I had cereal for dinner tonight. I watched the news and then at 1900 I headed upstairs to read the GRP. It was a long day so at 2046 I headed to bed.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday March 25, 2012

Weekend update: The great weather continues. Saturday morning and I slept in until 0745. I got on the bike and headed to "Bill's" for an oatmeal breakfast. Bill's, surprisingly, has great oatmeal. You would not think a meat and potatoes place would make good oatmeal. On my way home from Bill's I stopped by the ATM in Gaslight to get some money for the weekend.

The low tire pressure light came on in the Taurus so I took it to the Ford garage. They could not service the car on Saturday but said bring it in next week. I then stopped by Home Depot and Lowes to price mulch. Lowes had the best price so I bought six 3 cubic feet bags. Nancy wanted to get the job of spreading the mulch done today so I spread out the bags and we started placing the mulch. We were almost done spreading when we figured that we needed more bags. I got in the Taurus and headed back to Lowes and got six more bags. We completed the project and had two bags left over. I cannot believe that we have two of the hardest yard jobs (raking and mulching) done by March 24. Next week I will have to cut the grass.

I was tired from the yard work so I took a quick nap. Nancy and I went to Russ's for dinner. We were the youngest folk at the restaurant. We both had a bowl of soup and a hamburger. We watched some BB before turning in.

Sunday morning and the great weather continues. Today is our swim day. Since we are both recovering from a cold we only swam 1,000 yards. We shopped at Meijer's and then had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I bought some printer cartridges. When we got home I found out I purchased the wrong cartridges. I headed back to Costco and got the right ones.

We watched some BB and then 60 minutes. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I had to finish the paper so I headed upstairs at 2200.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday March 23, 2012

Last night we had some thunder storms pass through and Ms P went bonkers. It took some time to get her settled down. Except for taking Ms P out at 0500 I stayed in bed until 0715. I am feeling better but I played it safe by going 1/2 speed on my exercises.

I put on my rain suit for my ride to the MAC. I only encountered some sprinkles. It was raining harder on my ride to the Kava House. I keep reading about how complicated it is to implement the new health care law. Why should this surprise anyone? A law with over 2,000 pages will always be complicated.

Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop this morning. When I got home I had a quick lunch. At 1400 Nancy went to pick up Ms P and headed downtown to get sun glasses that clip on to my glasses. They optical company ordered the wrong kind so I will go back next week. I stopped by Alro Steel and bought some aluminum tubing. I am making a lighter kayak and bike rack.

Ms P got a good trim at the groomers. She also got her teeth cleaned. I think she looks good. Tonight Nancy and I will have dinner at the Sundance Grill.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday March 22, 2012

I never thought I would say this but Nancy and I agree the house was very warm last night. I refuse the run the AC in March. Ms P got up at 0430 and it was in the 60s when we went outside. I am going to take it easy today so I slept in until 0830. At 0900 I got on the bike and headed to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then checked my email.

Nancy got home about noon so we grabbed Ms P and headed to our accountant, Jerry Dykema, to drop off all our tax information. Jerry has been doing our taxes since 1982. He gave me some bad news when he said he had Parkinson's Disease. We wish him well. When we got home I dropped Nancy and Ms P off and then took the car to the car wash. I also filled the car up. Gas was $3.999.

GR Bike Company called saying that my AT was ready. I had taken the bike in to get the snow tires taken off and to get its annual checkup. I took the bike for a spin and everything was working great. I want to put 3,000 miles on the bike before Christmas.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to GL Shipping for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch a little TV before turning in.

March 22, 1961: On this day 51 years ago I wrote my Mother a letter. I was working in Detroit. I told Mom that we were working 9 hours a day and 6 days a week. I mentioned last Saturday I saw the movie Exodus and thought the movie was ok but not worth the $3 price. Last summer I had worked in Vermont and had just filed my Vermont tax returns. I had applied for Navy OCS and had just received a letter saying that it would be 4-6 weeks before I heard if I was accepted. If I did not hear from the Navy soon the Alpena Draft Board was going to put me in the Army around August.

I remember that it was hard to make any plans when the US Government wanted me in uniform soon. I did mention that if the Navy did not reply by June I was going to enroll in summer school at Wayne and take some business classes.

Wednesday March 21, 2012

Another warm night with all the upstairs windows open. Ms P and I went out at 0450 and I wore short pants. Today is Breakfast Club so I got up at 0600. Today's speaker was the President of GRCC. He gave a talk on the upcoming vote on raising our local property taxes about $25 per year in order to perform facility maintenance. He gave a good talk. I will support his request. The talk this morning at our table was the downside to all this nice weather. The fruit trees are all in bloom. Will a frost that we normally have this time of year ruin the fruit crop?

After BC I headed to Dr Mary's office to get a skin cancer spot zapped. I then stopped at the Kava House and read the WSJ. As I mentioned yesterday all the yard work has taken its toll. I now have a bad cold. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a long nap. I am glad today is my easy day. After the nap I read the GRP on line and paid some bills

For dinner I had a bowl of granola and some fruit. We watched some TV and at 2100 headed upstairs to bed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday march 20, 2012

I took Ms P outside at 0500 and it was 61⁰. It is predicted that today, the first day of spring, will be the warmest March day on record. This dates back over 100 years. I got up with the alarm and even before I started exercising I was wiped out. Too much raking! I performed at 75%. Usually on Tuesday I have to share a lane at the pool. Today the pool was empty. I ended up at the Kava House and spent 90 minutes reading the papers. It is now 1700 and I can't recall any article that held my interest so I got out the Kindle to refresh my memory. I now know that Apple will pay a dividend. The owner of the Mets must pay $162M to the Madoff Trustee. I also read that the Madoff Trustee's law firm has been paid over $200M. It seems that the only folks who will benefit will be the lawyers.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a nap. I slept for over an hour. Nancy has had a cold the past week and I hope I do not get her cold. Luckily tomorrow is my easy day. I will watch NCIS this evening and then head to bed to continuing reading the book on How the Scot's Invented the Modern World.

With all the record breaking heat I wondered how things were in the year of my birth, 1938. I got out GGF Sanborn's log and found the day in Ossineke, Mi was warm 40⁰-50⁰. GGF went with a buddy to look at a 200' lot he was buying along US23. He paid $200 for the lot. In his later years GGF Sanborn dabbled in real estate.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday March 19, 2012

The temperature the past 3 days in GR has been warmer than CA. We had 83⁰ on Saturday, 73⁰ on Sunday and in the low 80s today, Monday. Did you know today is the last day of Winter?

On Saturday I rode my bike to "Bill's" for breakfast. When I got home from breakfast, I got in my car and headed to Meijer's. Meijer's is the only store in GR with yard waste bags. I bought 15 bags. I spent almost 4 hours in the afternoon raking the front yard. I am using a thatch rake so it is difficult to move through the grass. We were going to go out for dinner but I was too tired so Nancy cooked me some salmon burgers for dinner. We headed to bed early.

Sunday morning and Nancy and I were up at 0700 getting ready for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1500 yards. After the swim we came home and changed our clothes and headed to the Moleksi's for Sunday brunch. The Namey's and Tim Mask were also at the brunch. The food was very good. After breakfast we talked for about an hour before everyone headed home. I took a short nap and then headed outside to continue raking. I completed the east side. It took me about 3 hours. We watched some BB and then 60 Minutes before heading upstairs.

Monday morning and the temperature is going to reach the mid 80s today. After my at-home routine I biked to the MAC. I had my coffee at the Kava House. Both the WSJ and DFP had articles on Detroit's money problems. When I got home I ate lunch and then headed outside to finish raking. I did the back and west side yards. It took me 4 hours. We had cereal with strawberries for dinner tonight. It is now 2036 and I am writing this blog and Nancy is watching House. I hope to be in bed by 2130. My old boss Dave Despres several months ago gave me a book called "How the Scot's Invented the Modern World". I started reading it this weekend and find it very interesting. I spent so much time this weekend raking that I will spend tomorrow catching up. I hope to gather all our tax data for the CPA tomorrow. We are not 1%ers but we still have to pay our taxes.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday March 16, 2012

Yes it is another nice day. It is now 1700 and the temperature is 75 and the sun is shining brightly. Ms P and I started the day at 0500. I got on my bike and headed to the MAC at 0830. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. Surprise! surprise!. The City of Detroit continues to whine about how bad the State especially the Gov is treating them. I think if I was the Gov I would tell Detroit "ok it is your problem so you solve it". Unfortunately I think the City would go bankrupt and then we would have to bail them out.

After a quick lunch Nancy , Ms P and I got in the Taurus to run some errands. Our first stop was Costco. I bought a case of Sam Adams and several gallons of mouthwash. We also got some food stuff. Next we stopped at Target so Nancy could buy some coke that was on sale. Our last stop of Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy some bath and kitchen supplies.

It was such a nice day I decided to take the lawnmower in to get its spring checkup. I get to the Fulton Street shop and was told they no longer service lawn mowers. So much for buying locally. I ended up at Rylee's and they will tune the mower up.

Tonight Nancy and I are going Mexican. We are heading to a small restaurant on 28th St. I hope to watch a NCAA BB game tonight.

Fifty Years Ago, March 16, 1962: Ensign Scott wrote his mother from Midway Island. Midway Island is a US Navy Base located in the Pacific Ocean 50 miles from tomorrow. I told Mom that we have had a lot of rain lately. We got 10" of rain on Tuesday. I also reported on my crime fighting activities on Sunday. I was the OOD for the base when at 0100 we got a frantic call from the nurse's quarters. It appears that one of our female nurses was taking a shower when she noted a set of eyes staring at her. She screamed and the peeper dove through a window to get out. Unfortunately for him the window was closed. In good police fashion I questioned the nurse and she did not see the peeper. A shore patrolman noted a trail of blood on the ground. We followed the trial and it ended up at the Bachelor Officer's Quarters (BOQ). The shore patrol did not want to enter the BOQ so I alone followed the trail inside. I was hoping it was not a senior officer because I might have a problem arresting him. It was a civilian who worked for a high tech Navy contractor. I arrested him and put him in the brig. The next day he was fired and put on a plane to Hawaii for trial. Another exciting day in the life of Ensign Scott.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday March 15, 2012

Last night we slept with all the upstairs windows open. It was 80⁰ yesterday and today it is suppose to get to the mid 70s. As I walked out to my bike, I realized that I had too many clothes on. I shed my jacket. I did the row, run, swim routine today.

I ended up at the Kava House. The WSJ had another article on the plight of Detroit. The DFP was whining that since our new Governor has created a surplus he should give some money to Detroit. I think any gift to Detroit without serious conditions would meet with stiff resistance from outstate MI. I spent all afternoon checking a set of plans.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the perch. I love perch. What I really want is a nice smelt dinner. After I finish this blog I am heading downstairs to watch some NCAA BB. I got my 30 in today, I hope you did too.

Beware of the Ides of March!

Wednesday March 14, 2012

Wednesday, my easy day, except for taking Ms P out at 0500 I slept in until 0700. It is suppose to be warm and sunny today. With DST is does not get light until 0800. When it was light enough I biked to Bill's for breakfast. I had 2 scrambled eggs and oatmeal. The oatmeal was really good. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. A lot of runners only had tee shirts and shorts on. I was still layered but I did take my jacket off. I was sweating when I got home. I took a quick shower and got dressed for today's GRMA meeting at 1400.

I headed downtown at 1315. Today we had one of the shortest meetings on record. I think it was over in 15 minutes. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. It was 72⁰. Nancy has book club tonight so I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitale's at 1800 for pizza and beer.

I got home at 2130 and walked Ms P around the block. We watched NCIS and the LA version.

Letter to Mom, March 14, 1961 from Detroit. I told Mom that I had been busy. I went to an engineering meeting in Ann Arbor on Monday and on Wednesday I was going to an Engineering Society of Detroit meeting. Thursday was payday. I was spending Saturday evenings going to movies. The previous Saturday I saw Ben Hur and on the upcoming Saturday I was going to Exodus. It was a short letter and I told Mom I had to get to bed so the New Frontier could keep moving. The New Frontier was President Kennedy's name for his economic stimulus program. Sound familiar?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday March 13, 2012

We had some tornado and thunder storm warnings out last night. We gave Ms P a pill but the storms missed GR. We had heavy rain but the rain was over by 2100. I checked my itouch this morning and saw that it was still warmer in GR than in CA. In fact we have a bright sunny day with the temperature around 62⁰. What is the downside of global warming?

It must be the weather because I was really tired this morning. It was a struggle to complete my tri. It took me nearly 2 hours to read the WSJ and DFP. Lately I skip over the political news and just read the business and international news. I read the article on the USA's battle with China over rare earth metals. I will check my stocks later because I bought a rare earth index fund. Nancy woke up with a sore throat this morning so she is taking it easy today. I took a short nap after lunch. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block. I noticed some neighbors doing yard work. I think I will start raking the yard next week.

I will spend the rest of the afternoon checking a set of bridge plans. Tonight I will watch NCIS and NCIS LA. Think Spring!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday March 12, 2012

Monday morning was same-same as other Mondays except it was raining so I drove the C2. I had my coffee at Breton Village. The WSJ continues to report on Detroit's problems. They also had an article on the suffocating regulations being proposed by the new health plan. As I said last week the feds have too much power.

After lunch I walked Ms P around the block. I spent most of the afternoon reading emails and checking a set of bridge plans. About 1600 we had a break in the weather so I took a 2.5 mile walk. I just checked my itouch and it is warmer in GR than either Cupertino or Long Beach. This winter has been a non-event.

Tonight we will have a light dinner and then spend some time reading and watching TV. We are suppose to get thunderstorms tonight so I am sure that Ms P will go ballistic.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday March 11, 2012

I am a little behind on my blog. This blog will cover the weekend of March 11.

Friday March 9: Ms P slept with Missy so I did not have to take her out in the morning. Nancy and I got up at 0626. After my at-home routine I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. Friday is any easy exercise day for me. I read the WSJ and DFP at Breton Village. The City of Detroit has the interest of the WSJ. They have had several articles on their money problems. Gov Snyder does not really want to step in and take over operations. Mayor Bing has about 60 days to make some progress on controlling costs. I wish him well.

When I got home Missy and AJ were taking it easy. Missy is all plugged up. She says it is allergies. I also have a running nose problem but not nearly as bad as Missy. After lunch I took a short nap. About 1630 Nancy and I started getting ready for dinner. We are meeting the Moleski's for dinner. After dinner we are going to the symphony. The Moleski's provided the tickets and we paid for the dinner. I think it is a fair exchange. Dinner and the concert were great. We got home about 2200. We immediately headed upstairs to bed.

Saturday March 10: Nancy got up at 0626 and headed to the MAC for her body pump class. When I got up neither Missy or AJ were stirring so I got on my bike and took a ride around Reeds Lake. When I got home Missy and AJ were up so we got ready to go out to breakfast. Nancy came home in time to join us. We ate at Bill's. It was very crowded and we had to wait a long time for our food.

At 1115 Nancy headed to Gas Light Village to meet some friends for lunch. Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1230. I put my bike rack on the C2 and headed to GR Bicycle to have the snow tires removed and some minor repairs done. It was a beautiful spring day. I stopped by Bill and Paul's to see if they had their kayaks on display. They did not, they were still trying to sell some ski gear. It has been a bad year for skiing.

I finished the afternoon off with a 2 mile walk. We stayed home and Nancy fixed soup and pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. We headed upstairs early because DST starts tonight. I set about 3 different alarms so we would not over sleep.

Sunday March 11: Ms P and I went outside at 0500 DST. The moon was very bright and all signs said it would be a beautiful day. We got up at 0656 and headed to the MAC. I swam my 1500 yards as did Nancy. After the MAC we followed our normal Sunday routine and headed to Meijer's. Gas was $3.999. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my nap. After the nap I walked to the post office. I was over dressed because the temperature was in the low 60s and I had to shed several layers. Nancy is watching the OSU/MSU game. I will join her as soon as I finish this blog. Tonight Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. I love beans and rice. We will watch 60 minutes read the GRP before heading upstairs.

March 11, 1962: Fifty years ago I wrote my mother a letter. I was stationed on Midway Island. I was an Ensign in the Navy's Civil Engineer Corps. On March 11 I was standing the Officer of the Day, OOD, duty. This means I was the Navy Base chief cop. It was a real short letter. I told mom that our department, Public Works, got another shop building. We were happy because we had a serious space problem.

The previous Monday was the Seabee's, CB, birthday. All the CBs on the island (about 300) marched in a parade and I was in charge of building two floats. One float showed the CB's best invention, a beer can opener. It was very popular. I told mom that the weather was beautiful and that last week I received a bad sunburn. I was very happy that starting April 1 I would be getting an additional $50 per month. The Navy paid once a month and in cash. We would stand in line and usually they would give us a shot before paying us. The paymaster had stacks of bills lined up. I had never seen that much cash, especially $2 bills. The Navy had a branch of a Hawaiian bank on the island so I would deposit most of my pay. You did not need much cash on Midway.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday March 8, 2012

Ms P and I got up at 0355 and went outside so she could do her bidness. It was raining so Ms P did not dilly dally. I finally got up at 0626 when the alarm went off. Nancy is taking AJ with her to the MAC today. When I finished my at home routine they were gone. I rode my bike today. I did the my tri today and was happy with my time for all 3 events.

I ended up at the Kava House and for the first time this week I had time to read both the WSJ and DFP. I get nervous reading about the middle east. I would like us to get our troops out of the area right now. The Presidential candidates are doing a lot of saber rattling. They should cool it. Let the folks in the area solve their own problems. I also am concerned about all the power (and debt) the federal government has assumed in the last four years. As I have said many times the feds are the most incompetent of the 3 levels of government.

When I got home I ate a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to read my email and pay some medical bills. This afternoon we are taking AJ to a movie. It will be her first. I think the name of the movie is Lorax. Missy comes in tonight and I will pick her up about 2130.

We arrived at the movie on time and bought popcorn for AJ so she could savor her first movie experience. The movie was shown in the big theater at cinemax. We got to share the theater with one other couple. AJ got a little restless in the movie but we stayed to the end. After the movie we went to Russ's for dinner. I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy and AJ and Nancy had burgers.

I was kind of relaxing in my easy chair waiting for 2130. I would then leave to pick up Missy at the airport. Nancy checked her schedule and said she was arriving 1 hour earlier than I expected so I frantically got my things and left for the airport. Missy called when I was about 1 mile away so she did not have to wait too long. We got home at 2100 so I watched "Person of Interest" and then at 2200 headed upstairs.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday March 7, 2012

Ms P and I went out early this morning, 0430. The alarm went off at 0555 and I got right up because I have breakfast club today. The temperature was in the high 50s when I left for BC. We also had a bright full moon. The speaker today talked about Kent County's effort to preserve farmland. It is a public/private effort. I found it very interesting that farming in Kent County is an international business.

After BC I came home and got on the bike and rode around Reeds Lake. I stopped at the Kava House for coffee and to read my morning papers. I had to get home early because Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. After AJ had her lunch we took Ms P on a walk around the block. We then got in the C2 and headed downtown to pick up our business cards and notepads from the printers. Next AJ and I headed to the Gardens to see the butterflies. After AJ saw enough of the butterflies we went to the Children's area and AJ ran and climbed for about an hour. We did stop at the cafe for a cookie. AJ fell asleep on our way home so I drove around for about 45 minutes.

Missy skyped us about 1730. I think AJ enjoyed talking with her mom. Nancy is fixing a pasta for AJ this evening and I am having salmon burgers. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday March 6, 2012

Both Ms P and AJ slept through the night. Today Nancy has an early class at the MAC which means the day care will not be open. I will take AJ to the MAC after I finish the at home routine. AJ seemed to have a good time at the MAC. Nancy fixed her a snack and she ate it all.

After the MAC AJ and I headed to the Kava House. I bought her a hot chocolate and M&M cookie and this kept her busy for most of the WSJ. When AJ finished her cookie I gave her Nancy's itouch so she could play some games. We got home about the same time as Nancy.

It was a beautiful spring day so we all got in the Taurus and headed to the zoo. The zoo was crowded and although not all the animals were on display we saw enough. Nancy fixed a fried baloney sandwich for AJ and I had a couple of turkey sandwiches for dinner.

We watched NCIS and NCIS LA. Nancy put AJ to bed about 2000 and she again went right to sleep. I did not head upstairs until 2200. I got my 30 in today did you?

Monday March 5, 2012

Ms P was with Missy last night so I did not have to take her out this morning. I got up with the alarm at 0626. Nancy had to work at the gift shop today so she did not go to the MAC. It was cold this morning, 18⁰, but no wind and clear skies. I rode my bike. After the MAC I got on the bike and headed to the Kava House. Who should I meet at the Kava House but Missy who had just purchased her morning mocha. We sat and talked for about 40 minutes. I did not read much of the WSJ today because I had to get home to take Missy to the airport.

At 1400 Missy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the airport. I gave her a kick in the pants for good luck. When I got home I filled Missy's Kia up and gas was $4.04 per gallon. AJ, Ms P, and I walked around the block. It was still below freezing at 1600.

We had a light dinner. Nancy gave AJ a bath and put her to bed about 2030. She went right to sleep. I stayed up and watched a western on TV.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom! Today would have been my mother's 105th birthday. Later today I will call my sister, Helen.

Ms P and I went out at 0500 and I was surprised that it did not snow after we got home last night at 2130. I ran my super wide shovel up and down the driveway 3 times and removed most of the snow. We all got up for good at 0645. We finished shoveling and then headed to the MAC. The pool was crowded this morning. After our swim we headed to Meijer's for supplies. Gas was $3.99.9 per gallon. That is as close to $4 as we have had this year. We bought a lot of supplies because AJ and Missy are coming today. AJ is staying with us while Missy flies to LA for a job interview tomorrow.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. I read parts of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my nap. After the nap I walked over to the post office to mail a letter. I watched the last 10 minutes of the MSU/OSU game. It was a barn burner. I was cheering for MSU. Like to see locals schools do well.

Missy got to GR about 1830 last night. Nancy fixed a meat loaf dinner for us and it was great. It is hard to beat good meat loaf. It is truly comfort food.

Steve and the kids face timed us last night and we talked to them for awhile. Missy brought her computer so we sat side by side and opened up our DNA files. After some playing around Missy figured out how to unlock the data that showed us as father and daughter. Apparently the DNA company does not make this information readily available because some folks don't want to know.

We were all tired so we headed upstairs early. I got my 30 in today did you?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday March 3, 2012

We had winter storm warnings up for our area last night. The wind whistled and howled all night. Ms P and I went out at 0430. It was very windy and Ms P did not dilly dally. The alarm went off at 0626 and Nancy got right up. I did not get up until 0715. I was not snowing when I went out so I rode my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs. The west wind was very intense but likely I was going downhill on my west portion of the ride. I took my time reading the WSJ and DPF. As I was getting to leave Bill's I looked out the window and saw it was snowing hard. However, it was above 32⁰ so it was not sticking on the pavement. I did ride to Gaslight Village to use the ATM. When I got home I headed upstairs to read the GRP. The high school basket ball tournaments are starting so the sports page was filled with last night's action. The girl's District's were last night and the boy's start on Tuesday. Both OHHS and AHS girls were eliminated in the first round.

It is a good day to stay inside. Nancy is reading her book and read several chapters of my book before falling asleep. I think I will walk Ms P around the block and then go on a 2.5 mile walk.

Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's for dinner at Pietro's. After dinner we are going over to the Namey's for dessert. We are going to New York City with the Namey's in May. We also trying to figure out how to use our miles for a trip to LA.

March 3, 1938 GGF Sanborn reported that it was 0⁰ and snowing in the morning and 10⁰ the rest of the day in Ossineke, Mi. GGF worked in the post office in the morning and then took GGM to a friendly circle meeting in the afternoon. Life was simple in rural USA in 1938.

Pietro's was jammed we were glad that we had reservations. We had a pleasant evening with the Namey's. It was snowing hard when we left the Namey's at 2115. I reset the alarm so we could have time to shovel before leaving for the MAC.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday March 2, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0530. It was mild and the morning should be nice but rain and snow are expected for late afternoon and evening. I did all my exercises at home today. Instead of rowing 15' I rowed for 5,000 meters and it took 23'. Our cable box has been acting up so I unhooked it and headed to Comcast to exchange it. Comcast opened at 1000 and I got in line at 0955. There were 9 folks ahead of me. When they opened the gates they said people paying their bills get in one line and folks with technical problems get in another. I was surprised that all the people in front of me were paying their bills. They all paid in cash probably meaning they did not have checking accounts. I was out of Comcast in 10'.

When I got home Kim was busy cleaning the house. I hooked up the TV with little problem. We now have a workable cable box. After the TV work I got on the bike and pedaled around Reeds Lake stopping at the Kava House for coffee and papers. Ms P and I went on a short walk to a neighbor's house to deliver a package. About 1500 Nancy and I headed downtown to the Home Show. We spent two hours walking around the show. I am always impressed with some of the clever developments like stay in place insulated forms for concrete basement walls. I also like all the free standing ornamental block walls. We were looking for a coating that can be applied to ceramic bath tubs or sinks. We want to change the color of the sink and tub in an upstairs bathroom from blue to white. We left the show about 1730.

When we got home Nancy fixed a pizza and I opened a bottle of wine. We watched some TV and I read the e-edition of the GRP. At 2100 we watched a Gifted Man. I understand that the show will be cancelled. After last night's show I can see why.

March 2, 1961, fifty one years ago I was working in Detroit waiting to be drafted or for the Navy to come through. I wrote my mother a letter. I wished her a Happy Birthday, March 4, and said her present was in the mail. I had just gotten paid and said I would be debt free by the end of April. I had just opened a bank account with Public Bank. Life was settling down and I said it took 35 minutes to walk to work. I walked down Jefferson Ave from Belle Isle to downtown Detroit. I fixed my own lunch, two sandwiches, and had TV dinners for dinner. My big problem was getting my laundry done. The laundries were not open when I went to work and closed when I headed home. Saturday night I was going to a movie. In a couple of week I was going to take a bus to Detroit to see my dad's, Uncle John in Detroit. Oh the life of a swinging single!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday March 1, 2012

March came in like a lamb. That means it will snow on March 31. On my bike ride to the MAC I swear that I heard robins. In fact I have heard them all week, however, I have not seen one yet. Thursday is my tri day so at the MAC I ran and swam. I do my rowing at home. After the MAC I stopped at Macatawa Bank and then headed to the Kava House. Today's WSJ had an article on several green energy businesses going broke because it takes so long for the Feds to approve their loan application. It doesn't take months but years. The article did a great job explaining the frustration of applicants. It always takes one more piece of paper. Anyone who has worked with the federal government knows that it is the most incompetent agency of government. State governments are nearly as bad but it has been my experience that local agencies are easiest to deal with. They are also the most competent. Maybe being on the bottom of the food chain helps. The DFP had several articles on the Emergency Manager law. This law allows the State of MI to appoint an emergency manager to local units that are nearly bankrupt. The law gives the manager considerable power. Public unions are opposed to the law and recently got enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot. I am pro-EM.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to start this blog and read my email. This afternoon I am going to read several chapters of the Magellan book. After reading several chapters I took a quick snooze. I had to deliver a package to a neighbor so Ms P and I took a walk. I just checked the daily average temperatures for March. Starting on the 5th the mean temperature is 32⁰. Spring is on its way.

I just got an email from a friend in Los Altos, Ca and he was saying how dry it has been in CA this winter. He is an avid skier and he said that he has been skiing on artificial snow. However, his favorite ski area just got 50" on new snow. That is a lot of snow.

We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We watched some TV then I headed to bed to watch the final Girl with Dragon Tattoo movie on my itouch.