Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday February 29, 2012

This is my first blog for 29Feb. I knew a person born on Feb 29. He served in the Navy with me. In fact I tried to goggle him with no success. It started to rain hard about 0400 this morning and did not stop until 1400. Today is my easy day so I got in the C2 and drove to Bill's for breakfast. I read the WSJ and DFP. I was glad that Romney won MI and AZ last night. I was originally a Huntsman supporter.

After breakfast I ran some errands. I want to buy a pair of clip-on suspenders. I stopped at Al and Bob's a hunting and fishing store and they laughed at me. I then stopped at MC Sports and again had no luck although I did buy a supporter. On my way to Gander Mountain I stopped at the Ford dealership to see if they had any Ranger pickups. They did but they were way out of my price range. Gander Mountain did not have any suspenders.

When I got home I headed upstairs to check my email. I also talked to Missy about our DNA tests and her upcoming visit to GR and LA. I ordered suspenders from LL Bean. The sun came out at 1500 so I strapped on my GPS and went on a walk. I walked 5.11 miles in 1h30' at a pace of 17'34". My pace was great for me but Debbie can walk at a pace of less than 15'. Why am I so slow?

Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. In the past we watched MSNBC but lately it has become a front for the democratic party. Nancy dislikes Chris Matthews as much as I do. I might go to bed early and watch the last Dragon Tattoo movie. I hope you all got your 30' in today. Think Spring!

Tuesday February 28, 2012

Ms P and I got up at 0500. I got up for good at 0626. Today is a busy day for me. I have a 1100 dentist appointment and a 1540 doctor's appointment. Because of the time constraints I did all the exercises at 66%. I got to the dentist's just in time and did not have to wait. I think that the dental profession is feeling the impact of the economic downturn. I got a cleaning and checkup and everything is ok.

After the dentist I stopped at the Kava House and read the WSJ. I always read any article on Syria, energy development, and screw ups by our friends in Washington. After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to check email, etc. At 1400 I got in the C2 and headed downtown. I stopped at Perrigo Printing to get calling, business, cards for Bob and Nancy. I also ordered some 8"L x 5"W note pads of paper with my name and address on them. After the printers I headed to Dr Kutsche's office. Dr Kutsche solved my problem. I did get my 30' in by going on a 2 mile walk.

Nancy fixed salsa/chicken soft shelled tacos for dinner. They were very good. I also finished a bottle of wine we started several days ago. We watched NCIS and NCIS LA before heading to bed. I also downloaded the last Dragon Tattoo movie.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday February 27, 2012

We all got up at 0615 this morning. The mild weather continues the temperature was 37⁰ at 0630. When I got on my bike to head to the MAC I needed sunglasses. I have a busy Monday at the MAC. It took me a least 20 minutes to shave my head and face. I had not shaved my face since last Tuesday and Nancy asked if I was growing a beard. I don't think I will ever let my head or facial hair grow long. Long hair and beards on short old folks always look unkempt.

When I walked out of the MAC I was hit with a strong cold wind. I had to ride into the wind so I stopped at Breton Village to get my coffee. Neither the WSJ or DFP had any articles that I would like to comment on. Our phone at home has been ringing all day and night. I will be glad when the primary election is over tomorrow. I have already voted. This afternoon I read several chapters on Magellan's voyage around the world. He is now in Guam. I was in Guam in 1963.

Not much on TV but I did watch parts of the Daytona Race. I headed to bed at 2100. I finished watching the 2nd movie in the Dragon Tattoo series. I like lying in bed and watching movies on my itouch.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday February 26, 2012

We all got up at 0700 this morning. When we left for the MAC the sun was shining in our eyes. Today we have 11h 03' of daylight. We have gained 2h 03' since December 21. The pool was crowded this morning but we did not have to share a lane. I swam 1500 yards in 47'. I have seriously been thinking about swimming lessons. Everyone swimming in the next lane is always faster than I am. How come? After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I bought gas and it was $3.64 a gallon. In the year of my birth, 1938, gas was $0.10 per gallon. Of course the average wage was $1750. I also returned 46 bottles for a $4.60 refund. When I was a boy you could return glass bottles for a penny a bottle. I would take my wagon and knock on doors in the neighborhood and ask if they had any pop or beer bottles.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. She also bought some breakfast ham and it was really good. After breakfast I took my Sunday afternoon nap. Nancy had to go to the hospital to check on some items in the gift shop. Nancy seems to have a head for retail sales. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 3.3 mile walk. Today is a beautiful late winter's day. The sidewalks around Reeds Lake were crowded with runners and walkers.

I am sipping a glass of single malt scotch. I am getting hooked on the single malt. Last night I watched a Jason Bourne movie on TV. During commercials I switched to Kelly's Heroes on another network, two of my favorite movies. When I went to bed I watched the sequel to Girl with Dragon Tattoo on my itouch. It is a Swedish movie with English subtitles.

Tonight for dinner we are cleaning out the reefer. After dinner we will watch 60 minutes and probably some of the Oscars.

I checked what Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing this day in 1938. It was a mild day 28-30 in Ossineke, Mi and GGF worked in the post office from 0900 to 1400. He also mentioned a marriage in Ossineke. The bride's first name was Erma. I hope that my blogs can be saved so maybe a great grandchild can get the same pleasure reading them as I get from reading GGF Sanborn's.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday February 25, 2012

Everyone slept in until the alarm went off at 0626. GR got about 1" of snow overnight. We all headed outside to shovel. Nancy headed to the MAC and after I finished I walked to Bill's for their pancake and egg special. On my walk home I stopped at the Vet's to see if I could purchase some anti-inflammatory medicine for Ms P. The Vet was not in but the nurse said she would call when she talked to the Vet.

When I got home I headed upstairs to check email. I got a call from the Vet's saying we could pick up the medicine. I got in the C2 and headed to the Vet's. Did you know dog medicine is more expensive than people medicine? I next stopped at the Gander Mountain store. Gander Mountain is a hunting and fishing store. I looked around and did not see any thing I wanted. I was surprised when I walked by the handgun area how many women were buying handguns. I don't know why anyone would want a handgun. They are not very accurate. If I want home protection I would think a shotgun would be best. It is hard to miss with a shotgun.

I kept dozing off while reading the e-edition of the GRP so I took a short nap. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's Kitchen. Not much on TV so I thought I would grab some letters I wrote to my mother in 1961 and 1962.

On George Washington's birthday in 1961 I did not have to work because it was a Federal holiday. I was working for the Army Corps of Engineers in Detroit. I was writing the letter while sitting in my $45 a month studio apartment waiting for my frozen tamales to cook. On this day off I walked to downtown Detroit and intended to go to the library but it was closed. I wrote Mom that my typical work day started with a 30 minute walk to work in downtown Detroit. We were working a lot of overtime because President Kennedy wanted to get a lot of construction projects underway to stimulate the economy. I would walk home and cook a TV dinner and read the DFP. I did not have a TV so I would listen to the radio. I was saving up money so I could buy a car. I was making $510 per month and would get paid overtime.

Nearly one year later I was on Midway Island. I was an Ensign in the US Navy and making $220.30 per month with no overtime. On February 18, 1962 I wrote my mother and told her that the rainy season on Midway was over. The temperature was in the 70s and the island was covered with newly hatched Gooney birds. In an earlier letter I wrote that we got the Asian editions of Time, Life and Newsweek. No daily newspapers. The food was good and we had a movie theater that had current releases. I also said that after 8 months in the Navy I decided that I would not make it a career. I was frustrated by the senior officers that wanted to build a golf driving range when we had a crying need for new barracks and recreational facilities for the troops. Stay tuned.

Friday February 24, 2012

I looked out the window at 0300 and the snow had not arrived. When I looked out at 0630 the walks were covered with snow. Nancy and I went out and it took about 45 minutes to get the walks cleared. The snow was heavy and wet. I think we had about 3". Nancy headed to the MAC and I headed downstairs to do my at home exercise routine. I spent an extra 5 minutes on the rowing machine because today I am not going to the MAC. I think snow shoveling burns more calories than what I do at the MAC.

I showered and then Ms P and I headed outside to again shovel the walk. It was 0900 and we had received another 3" since 0700. It took 1 hour shovel all the hard surfaces. Ms P jumped and played in the snow all the time we were outside. I got a towel and dried her off. I grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. I was so hungry that I got a big scone with my coffee. I got to the Kava House at 1100 and did not leave until 1230. Slow reader!

I had a quick lunch and then I heard the EGR plows going down the street. I grabbed my trusty shovel and cleared the driveway. For dinner Nancy and I went to Brann's Sports Bar on 28th Street. We both had a salad. We watched some TV and at 2200 headed upstairs.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday February 23, 2012

Ms P and I were surprised when we went out at 0530 to see a light dusting of snow on the ground. I know we are expecting a major storm later today. TV 8's crack weather person said that the roads were icy so I took the car to the MAC. Today is my tri day and I am happy to announce that I set a PB in the 800 yard swim. However, my time in the 1.5 mile run was 15'45". Not exactly stellar. After the MAC I drove to Breton Village for coffee and the papers. The problems we are having in Afghanistan reinforces my idea that we should never have gotten involved. We are spending billions for folks that don't like us. Go figure. I also don't think we should get involved in Syria. I read with interest about how the Mayor of Chicago is closing a troubled school and letting all the teachers go. He is taking a lot of heat from the Teacher's Union but it appears to me he is making the right decision.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to my appointment with my dermatologist, Dr Mary. She shot some bad spots on my arm with liquid nitrogen. She also took her knife and removed a spot to have the lab check it out. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 2 mile walk.

Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. On our way we will stop by Blodgett's Gift Shop to pick up a pair of glasses that Nancy had left. We get a paper edition of the GRP today and I will read that tonight. At 2100 we will watch "Person of Interest". The heavy snow is expected around 1900. At 2200 when Ms P and I went out we had no snow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday February 22, 2012

Today is George Washington's birthday. According to a recent Time article George Washington in 2012 dollars would be the 2nd richest president. John Kennedy would be the richest by far. Ms P and I got up with the 0555 alarm. Today is Breakfast Club so I had to get up early. The temperatures are still very mild for this time of year. It was 34 when I headed to BC. We did not have a big turnout at today's meeting. The speaker today was an attorney who has a part time job as director of the GR Black Chamber of Commerce. His name is Pat Miles. He was a classmate of President Obama at Harvard. He was also a classmate of Debbie at OHHS. Mr Miles gave a good short talk. I got home at 0830. I walked Ms P around the block and then walked to the Kava House.

The WSJ had a good article on details in the President's new tax cut for business. When you include all the details the tax cut is not really at tax cut. What would you expect from and anti-business President. The DFP had an interesting article on the Highland Park School district. It appears the district cannot not meet next month's payroll. The Gov has appointed an Emergency Financial Manager but the court has ruled he cannot take over. Most Democrats don't like the EFM because he has the power to change union contracts. I think the State should just let Highland Park go broke. Stay tuned. After the Kava House I took a 3 mile walk.

I walked by St Stephen's and noticed that the parking lot was packed. I forgot that today is Ash Wednesday.

I had a light lunch because the breakfast was really big. I had eggs, pancakes, and link sausage. For lunch I had an apple and peanuts. I did take a 30 minute nap. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. After the nap Ms P and I got in the car and ran some errands. I stopped at Meijer's to get my prescription. We then stopped at Kentwood Cycle. I am looking for a basket to carry Ms P on the bike. They did not have anything I liked. I have spring fever so I stopped at Bill and Paul's to see if they have any kayaks on display. I was two weeks early. I don't think their ski sales have been brisk this mild winter. When leaving I noticed a new store getting ready for occupancy. The sign said Grand Rapids Bicycle Company. I bought my AT at GRBC. The folks inside said the company has been sold and they are moving to this location. They also are keeping their mechanic Eric. I like Eric because he knows what I want.

We are having a light dinner tonight and then I will read the GRP's e-edition. Not much on TV so I will get to bed early so I can continue reading my book on Magellan's trip around the world. He has just passed through the Straits of Magellan.

Tuesday February 21, 2012

It was 34⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0500. The weather folks said it would be raining all morning so I drove to the MAC. I did the tri today and ended up swimming 800 yards. After the MAC I drove to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the WSJ. I did not have time for the DFP because I had to get home and have a quick lunch. I had a 1330 eye doctor's appointment.

The eye doctor put all kinds of drops in my eyes. He did a thorough examination of both eyes. I have small cataracts in both eyes but nothing that needs attention. The doc recommended that I continue taking the rosacea pills. Overall my eyes are healthy.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 2 mile walk. My eyes were still blurry so I took a quick nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to a talk by an Albion College geology professor. They are serving light snacks. The event is being held in GR City Commission chambers.

At 1800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. I wondered why Albion would hold a meeting in the GR City Hall. Well when we walked into the room who should greet us but the Mayor. Mayor Heartwell is a graduate of Albion. We did have light snacks and then a presentation by the Director of Sustainability and Environmental Department. I still don't know what sustainability is? The Director gave a good talk but he had a handicap in that he was promised a projector for his power point presentation but the City's one projector was being used. Steve would make sure this did not happen in Long Beach. We got home about 2015 in time to see the end of NCIS.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday Februry 20, 2012

Ms P is getting better and better about sleeping in. Today she got up at 0500. We went outside so Ms P could do her bidness. Then it was back to bed until 0626. Today is President's Day. Did you know that we did not have an official President's Day when I was a boy. In 1971 President's Day was made an official Monday Federal holiday. Congress also changed Memorial Day to a Monday. I think one other holiday was also moved to a Monday.

It was bright and sunny and 19⁰ when I left for the MAC. The temperature was in the high 30s at noon. My knee has been bothering me lately so I could not do any dead lifts today. Actually, I was glad because I hate any type of weight lifting. After the MAC I headed to Macatawa Bank but when I noticed no cars in the lot I realized that being a Federal Holiday the banks are closed. The stock market is also closed so the WSJ was not printed. I only had the DFP to read at the Kava House. The DFP is pushing to have the Wayne County Executive resign because of all the corruption in his office.

This afternoon I spent some time on the computer. I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 1.5 mile walk. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. I earlier had read the e-edition of the GRP on line. We watched House and then headed to bed.

I forgot to mention that Missy had called and said she had a job interview in LA on Monday and would we take care of AJ. Of course we said we would.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday February 19, 2012

Surprise! Surprise! Ms P slept in until 0700. We all got up and prepared for a relaxing day. Today is our swim day and for the first time in a week Nancy felt like exercising. She is feeling better. She swam 800 yards and I swam my normal 1500 yards. Nancy also spent some time in the steam room and hot tub trying to get the cold out of her system.

At Meijer's I purchased gas and it was $3.44 per gallon. On Friday gas at Costco was $3.13 per gallon. So far Michigan has not experienced the big gas price spike that other parts of the country have. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. Yes I did take my Sunday afternoon nap.

After the nap I walked Ms P around the block and then took at 2.5 mile walk. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinner tonight. We will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP. We are totally spoiled by the weather we have been having. Today was sunny and bright with temperatures in the low 30s.

Saturday February 18, 2012

Ms P like clockwork wanted out at 0500. I went back to bed and slept in until 0730. I was thinking of walking downtown to the Boat Show but because the sun was out I rode my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs and then rode around Reeds Lake.

Tonight is our dinner party starting at 1800. We are having the Masten's and Hartman's over for dinner. I did some of my cleaning chores and then Nancy and I took Ms P downstairs and gave her a bath. It took two people to hold Ms P. She does look nice.

Nancy has everything under control. I just walked Ms P around the block for the second time today so she should be ok for tonight. Stay tuned.

The guests arrived exactly at 1800. We started with wine/beer and snacks. Nancy fixed a pork loin as the main dish along with fresh veggies and a salad. For dessert we had ice cream with a great covering. We had coffee in the living room and spent an enjoyable evening just talking. Ms P was on her good behavior. The guests left at 2140. Nancy and I cleaned up and then I watched the last minute of the OSU/UM game. That is all I needed. UM won.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday February 17, 2012

We finally have a morning with temperatures below freezing. It was cold and clear at 0500. The sun was out when I headed to the MAC on my bike. After the MAC I spent time at Breton Village drinking coffee and reading the papers. I left BV at 1200. On my way home my cell goes off so I stop, unzip two layers, take off my helmet and find out the call went to VM. Bummer!

At home I checked the VM and found out it was from Eric. Eric wanted to know a standard practice in 2002. I told him. Nancy and I got in the Taurus with Ms P and headed to the Cascade Meijer's. After Meijer's we headed to Costco. Costco had a lot of free sample stations open so I had a free lunch. We came home after Costco and both Nancy and Bob took a nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Russ's. Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich. At home we got the good dishes down for tomorrow night. When I finish this blog I will read the e-edition of the GRP and then watch some TV.

Thursday February 16, 2012

It was 37⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0500. The average low for this date is 20⁰. I did my morning at-home routine without a hitch. The only problem I have is that the TV downstairs only gets NBS and no cable stations. So I must watch the Today Show and its endless stream of commercials while I am rowing. Nancy is still under the weather so she is not going to the MAC today. I got on my bike at 0830 and pedaled to the MAC. The pavement was clean and dry.

At the MAC I ran my 1.5 miles and swam 750 yards. The pool was crowded this morning but I lucked out and did not have to share a lane. After the MAC I pedaled over to Breton Village to have my coffee and papers. The WSJ had an article on gas prices going to $4.00 per gallon by Memorial Day. Gas prices in GR have remained stable at about $3.44. I am so tired of political stories that I usually bypass them. I am a little concerned about the tax increase proposed by the President. He wants to raise the capital gains tax and also the inheritance tax. Why am I not concerned about Iran and its nuclear program? The DFP had another article on the continuing saga of the Ambassador Bridge. It seems that the Owner has finally decided that he will built his end of the project connecting the freeways with his bridge. The Judge made him spend a night in jail for noncompliance. Even billionaires have to obey the law.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to read my mail. I then got in the C2 and headed downtown to talk with our stockbroker. I also stopped at "Martha's Vineyard" to buy some wine and a bottle of single malt scotch. We are having two couples over for dinner Saturday night. Tonight Nancy and I are headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

We both had the prime rib sandwich at GLS. At home we read the GRP and watched "Person of Interest". At 2200 we headed upstairs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday February 15, 2012

Ms P could not make it past 0400 this morning. However, I did not mind because today is my easy day. I slept in until 0800. Nancy has a 1000 Dr's appointment to have her cold checked out. I got in the C2 and drove to Bill's for their pancake special.

When I got home I decided to run some errand so I got Ms P and headed out. Our first stop was the Lightning Center where I bought some light bulbs. Are the new curly lights really bulbs? Our next stop was the pet store on 29th Street. I put the leash on Ms P and headed to the store. I bought Ms P a harness. I think she might like a harness better than a neck collar. When I got back to the car I could not find my keys. Yes folks I locked them in the car. Luckily, I had a spare taped under the tow bar. It took some doing to get the key out but I finally managed. I got the car started and drove to Gazelle Sports, a distance about 100'. Gazelle is having a sale. I did not find anything that I liked.

When I got home I headed upstairs to check my email and read the GRP's e-edition. About 1330 the sun came out so I went on a 90 minute walk. The temperature was in the low 40s. This has been one mild winter. I feel sorry for folks who like winter sports. I walked by Reeds Lake and noted several guys ice fishing. I would not go out on lake ice.

Nancy said that in addition to her cold she has a sinus infection. The doctor gave her a prescription. I hope it works. Not much on TV tonight so I will spend more time reading the Magellan book.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day. I remember in grade school we exchanged valentine's will all our classmates. That means that you got 30 valentine's to look over. I don't think schools do that now.

Ms P and I went out at 0500. We had a light dusting of snow over night. I went back to bed and got up at 0626. Again today I drove to the MAC. Tuesday is tri day and I am happy to say my time in the swim was a PB. I ended up at Breton Village for my coffee and papers. The DFP had a favorable article on our Governor's attempt to get a new bridge to Canada. He is bucking his party. I am strongly in favor of the bridge. I got home about 1300. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to check my email. At 1430 I changed my clothes and headed downtown to a GRBA meeting. I did stop at the Clerk's office to vote in the Republican primary. They checked my voting record for the past 10 years and it is 100%. How's that for being a good citizen.

Nancy is still feeling under the weather. She did go to the hospital this afternoon to work in the Gift Shop and she has a chicken dish in the crock pot. She has got to take it easy. I have not been very persuasive.

Tonight we will read the GRP, print copy, and watch some TV. NCIS, the original, is my favorite show. NCIS LA is only ok. Last night I spent about an hour reading the book on Magellan's trip around the world. It is a good book. Is it a book if I am reading it on my Kindle?

I did talk to Missy this afternoon and she gave me an update. I also tried to reach Debbie but had no luck.

Monday February 13, 2012

Ms P got up at 0400 this morning. Because I also had to get up we went outside. It was a cold clear morning. The past week the moon has been very bright. I went back to bed and got up at 0626. Nancy says she is feeling a little better this morning. She has a hospital board meeting this morning so she is not going to the MAC. It was cold this morning and the roads are not completely clear so I decided to drive to the MAC. The MAC was crowded and I was surprised that a tennis tournament was going on. It was a 10 and under tournament. Shouldn't the kids be in school? I spent a short time watching a match between 2 young girls and I was amazed at how good they were.

My time for the mile keeps getting slower. Today my time was 10'40". A year ago it was 10' and 10 years ago it was 8'. Pretty soon my running time will equal by best walking time of 15'. Yesterday was my 1200th blog. Last night we spent some face time with Steve and Lucas. I think that soccer has finally caught on. My Grandson would rather have a tee shirt with an English league soccer star's name on the back than almost any other sport. He is also into maps. Steve has downloaded a map's app for his ipad. I love facetime.

I did go on a walk in the afternoon. I also dragged Ms P around the block. I started doing our yearend financial statement. It looks like we might take a hit for the year. After dinner and the news I came upstairs and read the GRP online. We watched "House" and then at 2100 headed to bed.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday February 12, 2012

Today is Abe Lincoln's birthday. We use to make a big deal out of his birthday when I was in grade school. We would cut out silhouettes of his head on black paper and paste is to a white sheet of paper. I think Lincoln and Washington deserve a special place in our history. They are examples of the right person at the right place at the right time.

Ms P got up at 0500 and outside we went. On these cold mornings she does not dilly-dally. I went back to bed and got up with the alarm at 0656. Nancy is still under the weather so I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam 1500 yards. After the MAC I filled the C2 up with gas at $3.33 per gallon. I then stopped at the Kava House and got Nancy a scone and coffee. I also got a scone and coffee. Nancy made a list of groceries that we needed and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up. In cold weather it is important to keep the gas tank full to avoid condensation in the tank. Meijer's was crowded and it took awhile to fill the list. When I got home I had some toast and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. It is now 1600 and since it is a nice sunny day I am going on a walk. I have to get my 30' in.

I walked 3 miles and it was a perfect winter's day. We had beans and franks for dinner tonight. We watched 60' tonight and I read the GRP. I prefer the GRP's email edition to the paper copy. We both headed to bed at 2030. Nancy is still fighting her nasty cold.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday February 11, 2012

I think it quit snowing about 1100 last night. Ms P and I got up at 0515 and went outside. The EGR plows had been through so I grabbed the shovel and cleared the drive. It was really cold, about 7⁰ so Ms P did not want to help me shovel. I let her in and then finished shoveling the walks and drive. I was awake so I walked to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I had pancakes and eggs. Pancakes and eggs were what my Grandfather Scott always served in his logging camps. When I stepped outside of Wolfgang's the sun was shining bright. I walked home in sunshine and crisp white snow. I decided that I must spend more time outside so I walked to Gas Light Village to do some banking.

It was in single digits but I was surprised at the number of folks who were outside either shoveling or walking. It was a great morning for walking. I did take a short nap this afternoon. It is now 1515 and as soon as I finish this blog I am going to walk Ms P around the block.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner at the Namey's. The Moleski's and Tim Mask will also be there. The Namey's were great hosts and we had a great. Nancy is having a rough time shaking her cold so she went directly to bed as soon as we got home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday February 10, 2012

Today I have lunch with Jennifer Dougherty in Lowell so I drove my C2 to the MAC. I hurried through my routine and then headed to Breton Village. I read the WSJ and DFP and also talked to Mr C an old Ottawa Elementary teacher who had all the kids. He said that he attended last week the birthday party for Dave Huyser's father. Dave Huyser was another Ottawa Elementary teacher. Dave's dad was 94 and still going strong. Another role model.

It was snowing when I left Breton Village. I arrived at Keiser's Restaurant in Lowell right on time, 1230. We had a good lunch and I gave Jennifer my thoughts on a difficult project she is working on. When I left the snow was starting to stick. I got home and started shoveling. Ms P came outside and she really likes playing in the snow. I almost threw my shoulder out throwing the ball. I think the snow was 3" deep. After the walks wear clear we came inside and I had to remove all the snow balls from Ms P's legs. I also took a towel and dried her off. Nancy was working at the gift shop this afternoon.

When Nancy got home we decided to go to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I shoveled the walk again before we left. It was snowing hard during the dinner hour but GLS was crowded. If you live in Mi you cannot let snow get in the way of your social activities.

We watched some TV and I read the GRP on Nancy's ipad. I took Ms P out before going to bed and gave the walks a final shovel. It was good to have a typical February day.

Thursday February 9, 2012

I had to get up at 0430 to do my bidness so I took Ms P out to do her bidness. Nancy is still under the weather so she is not going to the MAC today. It was below freezing this morning but the sun was out when I got on the bike and pedaled to the MAC. I was ahead of schedule but I spent over 40 minutes talking to other retired folks. So much for a schedule. I did the tri today and then pedaled to the Kava House. I read several articles on the situation in Syria. It looks like Turkey might make an effort to get Assad to step down. If they succeed this will be a real feather in their cap. The President has really made the Canadians mad by rejecting the KL pipeline. Canada might sell this oil to China. I really think the President does not want any fossil fuel development. He is still funding an electric car manufacturer that might not open the 2500 man factory in Delaware that they promised when excepting a big loan. Electric cars get their power from coal fired plants. Go figure. Will they ever find the money missing from MF Global accounts?

I did not get home until 1315. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. Yesterday I started to purchase a Death Certificate for my great grandmother McTavish. Alpena County has contracted with a service to provide this data. I started ordering the certificate when they asked for my SS#. I stopped and canceled out or at least I thought. They sent me an email asking for me to complete the application. I called them and said no way are they getting my SS#. I called Alpena County and they said that all I had to do is write a letter and they will send me the certificate.

Nancy had to attend a 1600 farewell party for a gift shop worker. I decided to walk over to Harmony Brewery and get a beer. The place was crowded and most folks liked their beer and pizza. Last time I went I had their most popular beer. Today I had beer number 2. It was also good. I hope the place makes it. Since I was Eastown I stopped by the Subway and got a sub for dinner. I had my sub and watched the news. Nancy got home at 2000. We watched a "Person of Interest" and then went to bed.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday February 8, 2012

I set the alarm for 0555 and Ms P slept in until 0550. As far as I am concerned that is almost perfect. I got ready for 0700 BC. Nancy was feeling under the weather so she is not going to the MAC today. We had a great turnout at BC. The speaker was the retired director of the GR Public Museum's Planetarium. He gave a power point talk on major discoveries in astronomy from 1880 to 1930. It was very interesting. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read my morning papers.

We are finally getting some cold weather. My car's thermometer said it was 21⁰. I think we need at least a week of below freezing temperatures to kill all the bugs. I don't know if we will get it. When I got home I read the agenda packet for today's GRBA meeting. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon and I have a 1300 GRBA meeting. Tonight is also book club night so we will both be going out.

I just got a call from the City saying the meeting was cancelled. I decided to take a nap. No FRP today so I read the on-line edition. I like this edition. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's for pizza and beer. I met Tom Moleski at Fred's. We had a pleasant evening. I got home at 1930. Nancy got home at 2000. We headed upstairs at 2030. I continue reading my book on Magellan's round the world trip.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday February 7, 2012

I have got to get Ms P on a schedule. She got up at 0430 and outside we went. I must have been tired because I slept in until 0700. It was another gray (grey?) day but the temperature was above 32. I rode the bike to the MAC. I did my tri today. I am working on my breathing when doing the freestyle. I try breathing every third stroke. Today I had no problem. I think it is about time because I have practicing about 5 years. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several articles I found interesting. The first was about the situation in Syria. Russia's involvement is interesting. If the Syrian government is defeated Russia could take a PR hit. An Editorial in the WSJ highlighted some items the Republicans could use when they talk about the failures of the current administration. I am surprised they are not currently being used.

I did not get home until 1300. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to work. You may call it goofing around but I call it work. The temperature might be above freezing but I still get cold riding the bike. I turned on my electric blanket and took a short nap. I warmed up.

I am now listening to a CD I bought in Scotland. The CD contains Scottish folk tunes. It really lifts my spirits. Nancy is fixing soup and sandwiches for dinner tonight. On Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday we get a paper edition of the GRP. I will read the GRP and at 2000 I will watch NCIS. I might take Ms P on a walk around the block. She seems to have perked up today. A good walk might get her to sleep until 0530. I will try to get to bed early because tomorrow I have Breakfast Club and at 1300 a GRBA meeting. Tomorrow night is Nancy's Book Club so I am going out for pizza and beer. I would like to read at least a chapter on the Magellan book. My Kindle is loaded with books I want to read. You would think a retired guy could find the time. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

Monday February 6, 2012

Monday and I am catching up on my blogs. We left Friday morning for Lakewood, OH to see Missy and AJ. We left about 0800 and bought bagels and coffee to take on our ride. It was a great day to travel. The roads were dry and not very crowded. We made good time. We made only one stop and that was the first service plaza on the OH Turnpike. We made the 300 miles in 4.5 hours. Missy and AJ had just gotten home from AJ's dentist appointment when we pulled into the driveway. Missy had everything under control so I had no projects to do. I did the next best thing I took a nap. Since Missy might be moving soon I wanted to go to one of the small bars on Detroit and have their Friday fish fry. We ate at the Rush Inn and it was a very enjoyable experience. I will miss all the great local bars along Detroit Street.

On Saturday morning I got up about 0730 and walked to the Caribou Coffee Shop for my morning coffee and newspaper. The last time I walked across the Rocky River in February the river was loaded with men ice fishing. On Saturday there was no ice in the river. On my way home Nancy called and told me that we had some errands to run. When I got to Missy's we grabbed AJ and headed to Costco to get AJ's birthday cake. It was not ready so we headed home. AJ's party was starting at 1400 and Missy had the house looking good. At 1300 I got in the Taurus and headed back to Costco to get the cake. It was ready and really looked good. At 1400 the guests started arriving. AJ really enjoyed her party. The cake and pizza were really a hit. Missy also had beer and wine for the parents. At 1600 the clown arrived and he entertained the kids by making balloon animals and doing magic tricks. The last guest left about 1700. It was a great party. Everyone was tired from the party so we spent a quiet evening at home.

Sunday, Nancy and I left for GR about 0800. We did make a stop at a suppliers show in Livonia so Nancy could look over the merchandise to see if she wanted to purchase any item for the gift shop. I forgot to mentioned that we brought Ms P home with us. She was kind of feeling sorry for herself so she just slept in the back seat. We got home about 1500 and after unpacking I went on a 2.5 mile walk. I did watch the entire Super Bowl. I headed upstairs after the game ended.

Monday morning and I have to get back in the Ms P morning duties. She wanted out at 0530 and of course I complied. I went back to bed and got back up at 0630. I got on the bike and headed to the MAC at 0845. Like most Mondays I shaved my head after the workout. I then headed to the Kava House. The roads were clear and dry. Monday afternoon I got in the C2 and ran several errands. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. No printed GRP today so I loaded the e-version on Nancy's ipad. I also loaded it on my computer. The e-edition is really quite good. I fell asleep reading about Magellan's around the world trip.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thursday February 2, 2012

Feb 2 and today is Groundhog Day. I guess we will have 6 more weeks of winter. When is winter going to start? It was in the high 30s when I got on the bike and headed to the MAC. I will take the next three days off so I made an extra effort to get all exercises done today including ones that I do on Friday. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The super snow tires I have on the bike make pedaling harder. I read the papers but did not have any articles that I thought were worthy enough to report on.

I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to start packing for our weekend trip to Cleveland. It did not take long. I also took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to the GR Art Museum for a special show. Nancy bought me a tuna salad sandwich for dinner. I will get a beer at the museum.

The GR Art Museum show was interesting but not something that really took my fancy. However, the beer and snacks were good. We got home in time to watch "A Person of Interest". At 2200 we headed upstairs to get our beauty sleep. We have a long drive tomorrow.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Today is a truly free day for me. I did get up at 0600 but after I got Nancy her coffee I went back to bed and did not get up until 0730. It is another mild day. I rode my bike to "Bill's" for their pancake special. After Bill's I pedal home to drop off my Kindle and then took a bike ride around Reeds Lake.

When I got home from the bike ride I got in the C2 and headed to Woodland Mall. I looked at the Apple Air notebook and also visited Barnes and Noble and North Point. I did not buy a thing. I did see a Carl Hiaasen book that I will download to my Kindle. I checked the review on Kindle and found out I had read the book. Later this afternoon I will walk over to the new micro brewery to sample their beer. Today is their grand opening.

At 1630 I walked over to the new brewery. It is called Harmony. They make their own beer and it is made on-site. I was surprised but the place was jammed. I had their premium beer and it was very good. The place can only seat 80. The menu is very limited. They serve only pizza. However, several folks told me the pizza was great. Harmony is owned by two brothers and their sister. They are all under 30. I think most of the folks drinking beer came from Eastown. About 6 bikes were tied up to the lone street light. A bike rack might be needed. I wish them well.

I had turkey breast sandwiches for dinner. Nancy and I watched some TV and read the GRP. The GRP tomorrow starts their new delivery schedule. No GRP will be delivered on M, W, F and Sat. We watched some of the Middle and at the same time the UM/IU BB game. UM won. We were in bed by 2130.