Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday November 30, 2011

Breakfast club today and I get up at 0545. I was surprised but we had no snow last night. Todays speaker was from the MSU Med School. He spoke on their research efforts to understand and treat Parkinson's disease. It was very interesting. They are using adult stem cells for some treatment. It is promising. I read that they are also experimenting using stem cells to treat Type I diabetes.

After breakfast I head to the Kava House to read the papers. The WSJ wrote another article on how the USA is exporting petro products. I find this encouraging.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 5 mile walk. It is a beautiful day. Cool but we have sun and a blue sky. Tonight we are having cereal and then will watch a little TV and read the GRP. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Tuesday November 29, 2011

We had all kinds of winter storm warnings up this morning. However, I took a chance and rode my bike to the MAC. It was cold and windy but no rain or snow. I increased my swimming distance from 750 yards to 900 yards. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House and still no rain/snow. After lunch I took a quick nap and then worked on the computer for several hours. At 1700 Nancy and I headed downtown. We are attending Les Miserables at DeVos Performance Hall. Before the play with are having dinner with the Horlings at the Bull's Head. It was good we had reservations because the place was full at 1730. We had a great meal at the reasonable price. The play started at 2130. The play was sold out and the only seats we could get were in the balcony. The play lasted 3 hour. Nancy really liked the play. We got home at 2300 and I watched the late evening news. The areas south and east of GR got 3"+ of snow. We did not get any snow.

November 29, 1961: On this day 50 years ago I wrote my first letter to my mother from Midway Island. It cost $0.04 to send a letter from Midway to Alpena. I had alway thought that I had Thanksgiving dinner, 1961, at the Officer's Club, Pearl Harbor. However, the letter indicates that I had dinner at the Officer' Club at Treasure Island. Treasure Island is located in SF Bay between SF and Oakland. I left for Hawaii on Saturday Nov 25. The plane left for Hawaii from Travis AFB. Travis is located NE of TI and is in Solano County. I arrived on Sunday. I spent 1 day at the BOQ, Pearl Harbor. I did take a bus to Waikiki Beach and walked around. On Monday I got was called a Log Flight to Midway. Log flights to Midway are on Monday and Friday. Before the flight I was paged and given a 45 pistol and a packet containing classified documents. Would you trust important documents to a greenhorn?I had to make sure these documents got to the Island safely. They made it.

I left Hawaii at 1000 and got to Midway at 1400. I told my mother that although Midway was small the streets are so crooked and winding that it appear larger. There are 3000 people on Midway. I commented on the Gooney birds. They were numerous and everywhere.

Midway is part of the Dew Line and its main mission is to support Early Warning Planes. These planes leave Midway and head to Alaska looking for the bad guys, Soviets. There are planes in the air 24/7.

I told Mom it was hot and humid but I had not been swimming. They were playing Christmas carols and I thought it was seemed out of place in a hot climate.

There are no single girls on the island but the Officer's Club has dances and the young single officers are invited to attend and watch. Big deal. Married officers and senior enlisted men can bring their wives to Midway. However, they must spend 18 months instead of 12 months.

I was asssigned to the Public Works Dept and given the job as Transportation Officier. There are 30 sailors in my Division. In addition we have 10 civilians. The civilians are assigned to Midway from Pearl Harbor on a 60 day rotation.

Every morning I am in charge of muster. The sailors line up in formation and are read the "Plan of the Day". I am also suppose to hold an inspection, weekly.

I wrote the letter in pencil. I noted several spelling errors. I also told mom I had read "A Nation of Sheep".

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday November 28, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0445 and it was cold. I set the alarm for 0600 and I got up with the alarm. The weather man said no rain until this evening. It was really dark when I left for the MAC at 0730. I put on an extra rear light. One can't be too careful with all the drivers talking on their cellphones. Most folks don't like Mondays but I think that I perform my best on Mondays. Two days rest is good for the body. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I did not find anything new in the morning papers. I did talk to Jack Lensink, an old neighbor, at the Kava House. Jack brought me up to date on his recent bike trip in Holland, Belgium and France. He had a great time. After lunch I ran to the Lighting Center to get a special bulb for our kitchen light fixture. After the errand I got out the lawn mower and picked up some more leaves. The leaves really did not need to be picked up but I wanted to empty the mower's gas tank. I don't think it is a good idea to leave gas in the tank over the winter. I also put up the bird feeder. I read somewhere on how to squirrel proof your feeder using old CDs. I hope it works. We will have cereal tonight and then watch some TV. I have to be in bed before 2100 because tomorrow is a busy day. Right now it is 1700 and I just got a call from Meijer's that my eye medicine is ready. I will sign off. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday November 27, 2011

It has been a busy week and now I will play catch up. How come if the Lord rested on the seventh day, Sunday, that calenders have Sunday as the first day of the week? It should be the last day of the week, right? Thursday November 24, 2011, Thanksgiving Day, and Bob and Nancy slept in until 0700. Nancy was going to go to the MAC for a class and I decided to take a walk. I walked around Reeds Lake. I did 7 miles in two hour, a good time for me. As I was walking I thought about past Thanksgivings. In my 73 years I have spent only 3 away from family. In my youth we spent Thanksgiving at my Grandparent's farm. About 30 family members would be in attendance. We have plenty of food. These Thanksgivings were pre TV so we did not have the distraction of a football game except on the radio. After dinner my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would all sing. Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. Starbucks in Gaslight was open so I stopped for a coffee. The place was very busy. When I got home I showered and then watched the Lions. This afternoon we had Thanksgiving dinner at the Moleski's. The Moleski's daughter, Gale, was home for the holiday. The Namey's and Tim were also in attendance. It was a great time. We were home by 2000. Friday November 25, 2011: Ms P and I went out at 0430. I got up for good at 0600. It was very pleasant this morning for my ride to the MAC. After the workout I pedaled to Breton Village Mall. I met Nancy at Jos Banks and picked out several Christmas presents. I bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and read my papers in the Mall. When I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I was surprised that Costco was not very busy. We bought shaving supplies, vitamins, mouthwash and of course peanut butter. I had a hot dog. I did take a nap this afternoon. For dinner we took a coupon and headed to the Red Ball (?) on Plainfield for dinner. The restaurant was very small. The place was jammed. The food was very good. Saturday November 26, 2011: We got up at 0700 and got Ms P in the Taurus and headed out for Michigan City and the discount mall. We did stop at the Kava House for scones and coffee. We got to the Mall at 1000, EST. The mall was just opening. Both Nancy and I purchased a lot of clothes. I bought a pair of wool dress pants at Brooks Brothers, running shorts at Adidas, tee shirts at Eddie Bauer, and button down shirts at Polo. We got home about 1500. I took a 3 mile walk. It was raining and I had to change clothes when I got home. For dinner we finished all the left overs in the reefer. Sunday November 27, 2011: We got up with the alarm at 0700 and got ready for the MAC. Nancy and I both swam 1500 yards. I bought gas at Meijers. I paid $3.14. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and then took a 3 mile walk. Nancy is fixing hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will watch 60 minutes and finishe the GRP before heading to bed. I bought a bottle of single malt scotch in Campbeltown, Scotland. I finished the bottle last week. I really liked taking a small sip after dinner and so I wondered if Springbank Scotch is sold in GR. It is at Martha's Vineyard on Union.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday November 23, 2011

Wednesday and today is my easy Wed. Nancy woke up still feeling under the weather. So we agreed that today was a good day to go out to breakfast. We got in the Taurus and headed to Wolfgang's. The place was jammed and we had to wait about 20 minutes. I guess a lot of folks took today off. The food was worth the wait. It was very good. After breakfast I checked my email and made a phone call to Eric. Eric had a question about a concrete arch bridge. I gave my opinion which I think reinforced Eric's opinion. Eric is an excellent engineer and like all my ex employees I wish him well. Today is a beautiful day. So I decided to take a bike ride on the White Pine Trail. I started a Riverside Park and rode to downtown Rockford. I stopped at the Hush Puppy Outlet to look around. I rode 24 miles in 2 hours. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. I had some fruit for lunch and then headed upstairs. Nancy and I have several functions we are attending over the next two weeks. I decided to shine some shoes. I must look spiffy. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She said they had over 1,000 visitors during her 4 hour shift. Tonight we are staying home. I will finish the beans and rice. We will read the GRP, watch some TV and I hope to get to bed by 2130.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0500. After she did her bidness I headed back to bed. I got up with the alarm at 0600. It was 32 when I left for the MAC. I encountered a very strong east wind. Being Tuesday I did my row, run and swim routine. I stopped by the bank to get $50 in dollar coins. I use these coins whenever I can. I think the USA should get rid of the paper dollar bill and also the penny. I bought a coffee to go at the Omelet Shop. I sat in a comfortable chair in the Mall's open area and read the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had a story about the women in charge of disclipine at PSU. She quit because the football coach said she had no authority over the football players. In fact she did and it looks like the football team was held to a different standard than regular students. It looks like there is something rotten in the AD. The DFP reported on Detroit's City Council voting to cut over 1,000 jobs. The Council is being more aggressive than the Mayor. They are finally biting the bullet. When I got home I had lunch. While eating I was watching MSNBC and the Mayor of NYC was on. He took our President to task and said that the President should announce that he will veto any extension to the Bush tax cuts. This simple statement would take the tax isssue off the table and the congress could tackle other debt issues. I would vote for the Mayor based on just what he said today. I had several errands to run this afternoon. First I stopped by Martha's Vineyard on Union to get some wine and champagne. I also stopped by the DeVos Center to get 4 tickets for a play next Tuesday. After I got home from these errands I sat down and spit in a tube. My spit will be used in a DNA test. I ran to the PO to mail this package. After I finish this blog I am heading to Rylee's because they are having a sale that runs from 1600 to 2000. 20% off every item in the store. Nancy I fixing beans and rice for dinner. We will watch NCIS and then head for bed. Nancy says that she is recovering from her cold. She sounded pretty bad last night.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21, 2011

Sunday morning and I fixed the alarm so it would go off at the right time. We were at the MAC at 0800. The pool was empty this morning so we did not have to share a lane. We both swam 45 minutes. I bought gas at Meijer's and it was $3.25 per gallon. Nancy fixed poached (world famous) for breakfast. After breakfast I read several sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. Nancy fixed ham sandwiches for dinner. After dinner I read the GRP and watched 60 Minutes. 60 Minutes had two section about successful women. Taylor Swift at age 21 came across as being on top of her game. The second section was about the Frenchwoman who is head of the IMF. I was impressed. I watched part of the Sunday football game and at 2100 headed to bed. Monday November 21, 2011: Ms P had to go out at 0430. I was not happy. The alarm went off at 0555 but I did not get up until 0630. It was cold this morning but the sun was out when I headed to the MAC. I wore lined pants so I did not get cold. The MAC was very crowded this morning. I wonder do some places shut down for Thanksgiving week? I know that Apple is shut down for this week. I am really slowing down. 10 years ago I could run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. Last year my time increased to 15 minutes. Lately I have been getting slower. This morning my time was 16'10". Ouch. I finished the morning at the Kava House drinking coffe and reading the papers. After lunch Ms P and I headed outside to pick up some leaves. I filled three GR yard bags and also swept the garage. I think my yard work is done for the year. Nancy is not feeling well today so I think we will head to bed early.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday November 19, 2011

Saturday morning and it looks like another nice day. I set the alarm last night but forgot to check that it was set on DST. Because of my error Nancy missed her body pump class. Instead of going to "Bill's" today I headed to the Omelet Shop for a bowl of oatmeal. After breakfast I headed home and loaded my bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. Today I was going to try a circuit where I would not have to backtrack. The circuit was 12 miles long. Last week the park completed a bridge over Maynard. I took the bridge and was able to ride on a new section of road for about 2 miles. The Park has really made some great improvements this year. You can ride for two hours without encountering any vehicles. When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. I bought a CO monitor at Rylee's, a sweater at Jos Banks and I was going to buy some special beer at Russo's. However, the folks at Russo'o told me they sold out of the beer withing 1 hour. When I got home the UM/Neb game was still on so I watched the last 5 minutes. We stayed home last night and Nancy fixed some food left over from over dinner party last night. I watched some football and a movie on cable. I headed upstairs at 2200.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday November 18, 2011

It was much warmer this morning but GR is under a high wind warning. I did not experience any wind problems on my way to the MAC. I was really tired today and I thought about going 50% instead of 100%. However, once I got started I decided to go 100%. On my ride to the Kava House I encounterd some very heavy winds. I had to gear down the bike. I read my papers and drank my coffee slowly because Kim is cleaning the house today. I find stories about energy, argiculture and mining very interesting. I am a commodities person. When I got home Kim was just finishing up. I had a quick lunch and then helped Nancy get ready for a dinner party we are having tonight. Nancy has invited 5 folks over for dinner. She has been working hard all week. After my chores I headed upstairs and continued working on the family tree stuff. I called the Alpena County Clerk's office to see if I could purchase death certificates for my Great Grandparents. I want this information because it will tell me, I hope, their place of birth. About 1600 I took a 30 minute nap. At 1700 I helped Nancy put the finishing touch on her dinner preparations. Exactly at 1800 all the guests arrived. We had drinks and some cheese and crackers, and fruit and nuts. At 1915 Nancy called everyone to the table. She fixed a great Italian dinner. The pumpkin dessert was really good. After dinner we retired to the living room for coffee and conversation. I think a good time was had by all.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday November 17, 2011

It was very cold this morning. On my ride to the MAC it was spitting snow. Lately a lot of folks have been using the rowing machines. So far I have not had to wait to get on a machine. While the rowing machines were busy I was the only person in the pool. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several articles on the energy boom in the US. In several years if the President doesn't interfer we even might be exporting gas. I did not finish reading the papers because I had to get home in order to be ready to pick up Ms P. She is getting a beauty treatment. I picked her up at 1400 and she looked good. Although it was cold we had little wind. Friday we are expecting winds over 20 mph. I decided I had better pick up some leaves. I got the mower out and filled up two GR leaf bags. Ms P joined me and I spent most of my time throwing to ball to her. Nancy had a luncheon today. She got home about 1500. At 1700 we headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got home in time for the 1830 news. At 1915 Nancy and I headed to the OHNA Annual meeting. The meeting was held at the new Christian Elementry School. The meeting was lightly attended. I gave my street light report and discussion followed. Most folks were in favor of raising money so we had a fund to replace the lights when required. We got home at 2030. At 2100 we watched a "Person of Interest". It has been a busy day for both of us and we were asleep by 2200.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday November 16, 2011

This morning I had Breakfast Club. The alarm goes off at 0555 and I immediately hit the snooze. I finally got up at 0615. I had to hustle because BC starts at 0700. I walked in the Women's Civic at exactly 0700. The meeting was lightly attended. Maybe members were deer hunting. Today's speaker was the director of an organization that tries to get folks to buy locally. She was a good speaker and the program has had some success. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read the papers. I had a small coffee and because I was parked at a hour parking meter I did not get to finish the papers. When I got home I headed upstairs and did some preparation for a meeting 1330 between the OHNA street light committee and the City of GR. I rode to the meeting with Tom Deur a neighbor. All five committee members were in attendance. It was a good meeting and tomorrow night we will present a report to the general membership at our annual meeting. Rick DeVries was just coming out of the meeting room as we were going in. Rick was the first engineer I hired in 1978. He is a great guy and very good engineer. Rick is now the Assistant City Engineer. After the meeting I checked my email and then went on a 3 mile walk. It was very windy and cold and I got chilled. When I got home I turned on my electric blanket and took a 30 minute nap. I was nice and warm when I got up. Tonight I had several bowls of a special oatmeal that Nancy made on Monday. We found this oatmeal on our Spring trip to Scotland. Two day old oatmeal is better than day old oatmeal. It is now 2050 and as soon as I finish the blog I am going downstairs to watch TV with Nancy. Tonight Missy skyped us and we talked with Missy and AJ. Missy is thinking of moving back to LA. Stay tuned. I did get my 30 minutes in today. Remember it is very important to get outside for 30 during the cold winter months. My Grandfather strongly believed in getting outside. He also believed that every day you should work up a barn yard sweat.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday November 15, 2011

November 15 is the first day of deer hunting season in Michigan. When I was in high school the guys got two days off to go deer hunting. Guys also got 2 days off for bird season. Girls got nothing. We have been having some mild weather lately. This morning it was 50 when I took Ms P out at 0550. I had to have all my bike lites on when I headed to the MAC this morning. I did the row, run, swim routine this morning. The Mayor of Detroit is very worried that the city will run out on money by April. The unions are saying this is just a scare tactic to make them make some major concessions. I tend to agree with the Mayor. The WSJ had a good article on the rising middle class in South America. The more I read the more I am becoming a free-trader. After lunch I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Her hips seemed to be bothering her today. I spent some time in my office catching up. I had to mail some packages so I walked to the PO. I took a 30 minute nap. It is now 1738 and after I finish this blog I will head downstairs. Tonight we will watch NCIS and read the GRP. I hope to be in bed early because tomorrow I have Breakfast Club. I got my 30 in today; did you?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14, 2011

The weather has been very mild for the past two days. Ms P and I went out at 0550. I did not see the skunk. I got to the MAC by 0745 today. Mondays are my busy day but I was done and on my way to the Kava House by 1015. Some day I will understand credit default swaps or whatever they are called. On the political front I am a Huntsman supporter. I like his answers he gave during Saturday's debate. Mitt turned me off with his saber rattling. I got home at 1230. After a quick lunch I headed outside to pick up some leaves. The wind on Sunday dropped a lot of leaves. I fired up the mower and picked up the front yard. Ms P was outside with me and I had to spend a lot of time throwing the ball. After completing my yard work I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped my Macatawa Bank to rent a safe deposit box. I wanted all 5 family members to have access to the box so I have to get the kids to sign several documents. I took a short nap and then sent some emails to OHNA members who will be attending the Wednesday street light meeting. Nancy had a Board Meeting this morning so she did not go to the MAC. She did, however, stop by Kohl's and bought me a new pair of bedroom slippers. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then read the GRP and watch some TV. Starting in Jan we will not have a GRP delivered on M/W/F/S. We will have to read the GRP online. Friday I was looking for some evidence that I was in the Navy and I came across some old letters that I wrote my mother. In fact I think Mom saved all the letters I wrote while in the Navy. I found a letter I wrote 50 years ago today. I was attending the Civil Engineer's Corp school in Pt. Hueneme, CA. I told Mom that on Friday, Veterans Day, I attended Disneyland with 4 classmates. Veterans in uniform got in free. On Saturday I worked at an Air Show at Pt Mugu Naval Air Station. I saw the Blue Angels. I had been assigned my first duty station, Midway Island Naval Station, and told Mom I was getting ready. I thought I would leave from San Franciso for Midway with a stop in Pearl Harbor to change planes. The estimated departure date was 22NOV61. I asked Mom if she would send me my swim suit and other warm weather gear to Midway. My Christmas list included a pair of khaki pants, size 30. Yes size 30! I asked if it had snowed in Alpena yet. I thought it would be over a year before I saw any snow. Mom loved to play bridge so I asked about her game. I also asked if Dad was ready for the start of deer season which starts tomorrow. I told her that it has not rained in CA since I have been there, Oct. I also asked what Dad wanted for Christmas. I gave Mom my new address: Ensign R. H. Scott Public Works Dept U.S. Naval Station, Midway Navy No. 3080 FPO San Francisco, CA I was excited about starting my Naval career and looked forward to actually working instead of going to school. The letter was written in pencil and I did not find any errors in grammar. But how would I know? I closed the letter Love bobby

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday November 13, 2011

It is 1542 on a windy gloomy Nov. day. I am listening to a CD of Scottish Folk tunes. I bought it when in Scotland and have almost worn it out. This morning Nancy and I got up at 0700 and got ready for our morning swim. We both swam 1500 yards in under 48 minutes. I think this is pretty good for old folks. Nancy is a great swimmer. After the swim we headed up to Meijer's for supplies. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.44 per gallon. I also returned 23 bottle for our refund. Michigan's bottle return law I think has proven very successful. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After I finish this blog I will walk to the post office to mail several survey forms that I recently filled out. Tonight Nancy is fixing barbecued pork sandwiches with tomato soup. We will watch 60 minutes and finish the GRP. I hope to be in bed by 2130 because Nancy and Bob have a busy week coming up.

Saturday November 12, 2011

Saturday and this morning I am heading to Bill's for breakfast. Before heading out I waited until we had some daylight. This morning Nancy took Ms P out and Ms P started to chase a skunk. Nancy stopped her. What do you do if your dog gets sprayed. When I went out I could not see the skunk. This morning I had Bill's "Super Special". It was very good. As soon as I got home I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. It was a beautiful day for a bike ride. The temperature was in the high 40s. The highlight of the ride was when a big 10 point buck ran in front of me. I biked 23 miles. I had a quick lunch and then headed outside to pick up leaves. Today I used my mower with the grass catcher attached. It really works well. I spent about 2 hours working. Actually I spent about 1 hour throwing the ball for Ms P. Nancy also worked outside trimming a lot of our bushes and several trees. When we got done we were both to tired to go out for dinner. Nancy fixed me a Costco pizza. It was great. I spent most of the evening watching football on TV. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I stayed up until 2300.

Friday November 11, 2011

Today is 11/11/11, Veteran's Day. On Veteran's Day I usually ask all the Vets I know if they can remember their serial number. The reply is almost 100% affirmative. My number was 652654. We had snow on the ground this morning but it is suppose to warm up real fast. Of course I did the MAC/Kava House routine. I do not know why I continue to read about the problems in Europe but I do. Global warmning seems to have been pushed off the front pages. I think our President has made a bad mistake by not approving the oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf. The line would create a lot of jobs and help us towards some type of energy independence. When was the last time you heard anything about the hole in the ozone layer? After a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Alto. I had a short meeting with Jennifer Dougherty to go over a set of plans she had prepared. The plans were well done. When I got home I immediately headed downstairs to see if I could find some paper that said I was a veteran. With a little digging I sound my "Certificate of Service". I will need the certificate in order to get a free meal at Pietro's. Nancy and I did have dinner at Pietro's. It was very crowded. After dinner we watched some TV before heading to bed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday November 10, 2011

It was really cold when I started out to the MAC. In fact I encountered some sleet. My Thursday routine was again the row, swim, and run bit. Can I include my 7.3 mile bike ride (home to mac, mac to Kava, Kava to home)as part of my aero for the day? While at the MAC it started snowing but when I left the snow had stopped. Instead of the Kava HOuse I bought a coffee at Breton Village and drank it and read my papers in their open area. They have some comfortable chairs. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to continue my plan review. I even used my ACAD program to draw up some sections. I was happy that I still remember how to use the program. At 1530 I took Ms P to the Vet for a physical and her annual shots. The Vet said she was healthy. For dinner tonight we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. Lately, I have been drinking Sam Adam's Octoberfest beer. It is very tasty. We did not get a paper tonight. The delivery folks must have had a breakdown. So I watched TV. We like a Person of Interest. About 2000 Ms P started shaking. She also was very lethargic. We assumed it was a reaction to her afternoon shot. I had to carry her upstairs. It was snowing when I went to bed.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday November 9, 2011

Today is my easy day. I slept in until 0700. It was threatening rain so I put on my rain suit for my ride to Bill's. I had their "weekday special". On my way home it started to rain hard. The rain suit kept me dry except for some exposed areas. I put my wet socks and in the dryer. I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon in my office checking some bridge plans. About 1430 our furnace maintenance man arrived to perform a maintenance check. Every thing was ok. He did mention that our furnace is about at the end of its useful life. Tonight Nancy has book club. I am not going out because Tom Moleski is on a cruise. I had a turkey sandwich,a beer and a dish of ice cream. Nancy got home about 2030. We watched some TV and then went to bed and watched "Harry's Law". I don't think the show will make it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday November 8, 2011

When Ms P and I went out this morning the pavement was wet from an early morning shower. The weather folks said it would rain all day so I wore my rainsuit to the MAC. It did not rain. Today being Tuesday I did the row, run and swim routine. I did increase my swim to 750 yards. I read the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. Lately both the MAC and Kava House have not been very busy. I do not know the reason. It started to rain hard as I was pulling into the driveway. After lunch Nancy and I headed to our voting station to do our civic duty. The place was empty. I voted and kept my nearly perfect voting record intact. When I got home I headed upstairs to my office. My first duty was to set up a meeting with the City regarding the OHNA's Street Lights. The meeting is set for next Wednesday. I then took a short nap. After the nap I continued reviewing a set of bridge plans. I printed the plans out 1/2 size. I think my eyes are getting worse because Nancy came upstairs and asked if I had been crying because my eyes were all red. I pointed out that the redness was caused by eye strain. Tomorrow I will get some reading glasses. Tonight we had sandwiches and soup for dinner. I also had a beer. It is now 1934 and I must get this blog done so I can watch NCIS. Despite the rain I got my 30 in today. Did you? I feel sorry for PSU's football coach but the charges against his former assistant are very serious. Children must be protected at all costs. I do not know who to believe in the Herman Cain matter. It is a "he said/she said" matter. I think the Navy had the right approach when they said "Never, Never touch a person who is subordinate to you". Good Advice.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7, 2011

The weather folks said that we wil have no rain today. They recommended raking leaves and other yard work because the rain will start tomorrow and last several days. It is great to be back on regular time because it was light out when I started my ride to the MAC. Monday is my busy day at the MAC but I was done by 1000. I promised myself that I would not spend more that 1 hour reading the morning papers at the Kava House. I completed this mission. I think I am so tired reading about the debt crisis that I skipped over most articles. After a quick lunch I headed outside to pick up leaves using the bagger on the lawn mower. It took about 2 hours to get the yard clean. Most of this time was spent throwing the ball for Ms P. I think I will have to pick up leaves one more time this year. After I completed the leaf project I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I filled the C2 up and also got a gallon for the mower. I stopped by D&W to purchase some GR leaf bags. I then showered and took a very short nap. It is now 1735 and as I write this blog I am listening to a CD on Scottish folk tunes that I picked up last spring in the motherland. After dinner I will read the GRP and then watch some TV. Speaking of the GRP starting In 2012 the GRP will only deliver papers on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I guess this is the sign of the times. I like to read papers on my Kindle but I miss the funny papers.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday November 6, 2011

Sunday and Nancy and I are confused by the time change. We did make it to the MAC by 0800. We both swam our 45 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I filled the Taurus and gas was $3.25. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read several sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon working in my office. At 1700 I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 1.5 mile walk. It was very windy today and the leaves are really falling. The temperature got to 60 today. It is now 1740 and it is dark outside. We are having soup for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch 60 minutes and then head to bed. Fifty years ago on a early November Sunday Ensign Scott and several of his fellow Ensigns put on our uniforms and headed to LA. We attended a LA Rams/Detroit Lions football game. Military folks in uniform got in at 1/2 price. I think one of my fellow classmates had a car and drove us from Port Hueneme to LA. As I remember the Lions won and we had good seats. Karl Sweetan was QB for the Lions. Missy and I checked the pay for an Ensign today. They make about $2800 per month. I was making $222.30 per month. Times have changed.

Saturday November 5, 2011

Saturday and the weatherman said it was going to be a beautiful fall day. Boy! was he ever right. It was a spectacular fall day. I started off by pedaling to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. After breakfast I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I did a little exploring today. I found one new paved branch of Kent Trails that extends from the trail to under I 196. This trail was built when they were doing the Jennison/Baldwin Road Interchange. Another new paved trail extends around the north lake in Millennium Park. After doing the Kent Trail/Millennium Park routes I headed east on Wealthy until I tied into the Oxford Street Trail. I rode across the Grand River and Market Avenue using this trail. The City of GR used existing RR bridges to construct this trail. A branch of this trail located on the north side of the GR River heads west, parallel to the river, and goes through the old Butterworth Landfill. I pedaled the perimeter of the landfill ending back on Kent Trail near I 196 and the Coke Plant. I put 22 miles on my bike in 2 hours. I was a great ride and we have to thank the planners for building these trails. It is great to have these nice wild trails within the metro area. I did see several deer on my ride. I had a quick shower and then lunch before heading up to the office. This afternoon Nancy and Mary Namey are working at a sale at the Gardens. Ed Namey took the girls at noon. I picked them up at 1715. We then headed to the Twisted Rooster for dinner. Ed Namey got to the restaurant before we did and he already had a table. We were lucky that Ed got there early because when we arrived they had folks waiting outside. We had a good meal. I watched some football when we got home. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I stayed up until 2300 (actually 2200 because we go off DST). It was a great fall day. I noted a lot of spelling errors om this blog. Will someone tell me how to use word with spellcheck to write this blog. Since I installed the new explorer I cannot cut and paste. I need my spell check.

Friday November 4, 2011

Friday and today I have nothing planned. I do my MAC and Kava House routine. I do spend some extra time reading at the Kava House because Kim is cleaning the house today and I do not want to get in her way. I get home about 1300 and Kim is still cleaning. Nancy mentioned she wants to go to Costco so we get in the Taurus and head out. Costco was very busy today. They also had a lot of free samples. I quess the free samples means the Holidays are coming. After shopping I have a hot dog. Costco does have good hot dogs. I spent the rest of the afternoon working in my office. We stayed home Friday night. Nancy fixed ham sandwiches for dinner. We also had mashed potatoes and peas. We did watch some TV. We watched the Gifted Man. I kind of like this show. We headed upstairs about 2130.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday November 3, 2011

We all slept in today until 0630. I did take Ms P out at 0510 to do her bidness. Today was swimming day at the MAC. I increased my distance to 750 yards. It was raining when I left home so I had to wear my rain suit. However, it had stopped when I left the MAC. I read several articles on the Greek debt and I still think the PM made a smart move. I also found out that the PM is a graduate of Missy's college, Amherst. Today's DFP had an article on the problems the City of Detroit is having. Mayor Bing is saying that the City might require a State appointed fiscal manager. A fiscal manager is the last step before bankruptcy. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to read my mail. At 1430 I got in the C2 and headed to Great Lakes Chemical. I have a contract for them to put a paint sealer on the C2. The C2 now looks nice and shiny. I finished a Spenser book while waiting for my car and started reading Lord Jim. Tonight Nancy and I are eating at Great Lakes Shipping. I think "Person of Interest" is on tonight. I like this show. If it is not on I will be in bed by 2100. I got my 30 in today.

Wednesday November 2, 2011

I had to get up at 0555 because today is Breakfast Club. The speaker today was from the Sylvan Learing Center. She gave a very good explanation of what Sylvan does locally. After Breakfast Club I stopped by "Martha's Vineyard" on Union Avenue. Martha's is a wine store that also sells bakery goods, all kinds of cheese and other speciality items. I bought two bottle of wine. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. I spent several hours in my office. Late in the afternoon I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 4 mile walk. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. I was very tired so I was in bed by 2100. I did not even read the WSJ or DFP today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday November 1, 2011

Missy said she was leaving at 0600 so I set my alarm for 0555. Missy and AJ left for Ohio shortly after 0600. Today I did my tri. I am really reaping some benefits from my swim so I think I will increase my time to 30 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday's WSJ had several articles on Greece's PM calling for a referendum on his austerity measures. I think it is a smart move politically but he sure got the EU in an uproar. HIs actions probably caused the dip in the stock market. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to work on the computer. Late in the afternoon I walked Ms P around the block and then took a 1.5 mile walk. Around 1700 our power went out. It was still light enough for Nancy to make ham sandwiches but she could not heat up yesterday's soup. I checked with several neighbors and they also were without power. We got out our flashlight and spent several hours reading. At 1945 the power came back on. We were able to watch NCIS and read the GRP. At 2130 we headed to bed. Ms P is slowly making adjustments to her new lodgings.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday October 31, 2011

I can't believe that it is the end of October already. Where has the year gone? The day started dark and cold. The MAC was not very crowded and I finished in record time. I did my ususal coffee and paper at the Kava House. When I got home Missy and AJ were gone. They were visiting a family that had adopted a child from Kazakstan. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to my office. At 0245 Missy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Hudsonville to meet with Doug Brackmann. Doug is an attorney who has provided me and SCECO with good legal advice. Missy is thinking of trying to market some USA products in Central Asia. It was a good meeting. Nancy fixed a pot of chicken noddle soup for dinner. It was very good. At 1800 Missy, AJ and I headed out Trick-or treating. AJ was dressed as a tiger. Ms P wore her hot dog costume. Ms P was the hit of the neighborhood. We spent about an hour walking around the neighborhood. It was a very pleasant evening. The street were very crowded with a lot of kids from outside the area. In fact we had a traffic jam of visiting cars. Nancy ran out of candy in an hour. She had over 200 kids and adults visit our house. We watched a little TV and by 2100 we were all in bed.