Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday October 29, 2010

I got up at 0500 and went downstairs and took my eye pill and filled Ms P's food bowls. I went back to bed and slept until 0700. It is suppose to be a nice day today so I took my sunglasses when I headed to the MAC. Of course I did not need them on my ride to the MAC because it was dark. It was Friday but I completed my routine without much effort. I shaved again today because Nancy and I are going to the symphony tonight. I can't look unkempt.

I did need my sunglasses when I left the MAC. It was going to be another beautiful fall day. Today's DFP had several articles on the trials of several friends of the ex Mayor of Detroit. I think all the crooks are finally getting put away. Detroit still has a long way to go to restore its creditability.

I did not get home until 1330. The news channels were all reporting on the alleged bombs on the cargo planes heading to Chicago. I spent some time cleaning up my bathroom so Missy and AJ can use it when they come today. We expect them about 2300. Since we are staying up late tonight Nancy and I both took a nap this afternoon. After my nap I got a call from Missy saying they will come on Saturday instead of today.

At 1730 Nancy and I headed downtown for dinner and the symphony. We had dinner at the Amway' river side restaurant. It was a good meal at a reasonable price. We attended the lecture before the concert. It explained tonight's concert. We were using the Moleski's tickets and they have great seats in the loge. It was a very enjoyable evening. We both headed to bed when we got home at 2230.

Thursday October 28, 2010

My weird sleep patterns continue. I woke about 0200 and could not go back to sleep so I played several games on the itouch. At 0500 I woke and decided to take Ms P out. I also filled her food dish and drank my fiber drink and took an eye pill. I went back to bed at 0515 and slept to 0650.

It was misting when I headed to the MAC about 0730. It was also pitch black. Sunrise is at 0810. I can't wait for DST to end. I don't like pedaling in the dark. I increased my rowing time to 16 minutes without any noticeable pain in my shoulder. I hope by the end of next week to be back to rowing about 22 minutes. This was my time just before the face plant. I shaved this morning because I was beginning to look grubby. I normally shave about every three days. When I was in the Navy I shaved every day. I also shined my shoes every day. I think it has been about 3 months since I have shined any shoes.

It was still misting when I left the MAC. At the Kava House I read both the DFP and WSJ. I like the WSJ because there slant on the news agrees with my slant. Last night was the first game of the World Series and the SFG won. I did not watch the game. I seem to have lost all interest in professional sports. The Detroit Pistons lost their first game last night. Who cares?

I will be glad when the election is over. I did mail my ballot today. We had two state wide referendums on the ballot. I voted against both. I do not like referendums. We are a representative democracy and I think it is the job of elected official to decide all issues that are on most referendums. CA voters have approved several recent referendums that I think are stupid. I also don't like term limits. With term limits you have an inexperienced legislature resulting in bureaucrats running the show.

This afternoon I am checking our finances to see how we are doing. I think on paper we have improved since January. I finished checking and yes we have improved slightly since Dec 09.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had the French dip and a Founder's beer. Not much on TV so we headed to bed after reading the GRP.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday October 27, 2010

It is Wednesday my easy day. Last night I set the alarm on my new boom box. I was having some problems figuring out the system but the alarm did go off at the time I set it at, 0646. I have been having weird sleep patterns lately. I got up at 0500 and fed Ms P and took my pill for my eye and then went back to bed. I slept sound for the next 85 minutes and felt rested when I got up with the alarm. Maybe this is what old men do? Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and said it was windy but clear. I decided to pedal to Bill's for breakfast. It was pitch black so I had all the light blazing. The wind was very strong but I was going downhill when I was pedaling into the wind.

I had Bill's breakfast special and took some time to read the DFP and WSJ. I got home about 0900 and immediately got in the C2 and drove to Great Lakes Chemical . They are putting a special sealant on the car so I won't have to wax it for a year. I got a package of 4 applications when I bought the car. Nancy picked me up about 1015. When we got home Kim had arrived and was busy cleaning the house.

At 1115 I got on the AT and pedaled to the MAC. Today I swam 45 minutes. I think swimming is great for the shoulder. It is the dry skin season so after my swim I applied my new super duper lotion. I got on the AT and started pedaling to Great Lakes Chemical, a distance of 6 miles. I spent most of the time pedaling into the wind so that when I got to GLC I was drenched in sweat. The car looks good. Immediately after I got home I went on a 1.5 mile walk. Since I had worked up such a sweat I had to take another shower. Of course I washed off all the lotion. After my shower I took a short nap.

Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. When she got home at 1700 she said that there were fire trucks in the next block. I got Ms P and walked around the block to see what the trucks were doing. The trucks were gone.

Tonight was cereal night. I also had some pineapple and grapes. We got our absentee ballots today so after dinner I voted. In MI we have to vote for University trustees. Who has a clue as to how to vote? I think the trustees should be appointed. I read the GRP and then headed to bed at 2100.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday October 26, 2010

I got up at 0630. A tornado watch was in effect throughout the area. Several schools were closed including EGR. The weatherman said that we would be having intermittent rain and high winds all day today. I drove the C2 to the MAC. It did not seem so bad, weather wise, and I was thinking I should have taken the bike. However, it was really pouring when I was ready to leave the MAC. In fact I had to wait about 20 minutes for the rain to subside. When I drive to the Kava House I can only stay 60 minutes. The parking meters only have a 60 minute limit. The City has been giving out a lot of tickets in Eastown. This must be a way to raise money.

I got home about 1145 and had a quick lunch. Nancy had just gotten home from an appointment with Dr Kutsche. Nancy was given a clean bill of health. I spent all afternoon cleaning my office. I dusted and rearranged all my storage spaces. I also threw away many useless things like old cell phones and TVs. At 1730 I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. It was great.

We watched the news and since I needed to get my 30 in I took a walk. It was very windy and dark. We watched NCIS and then at 2100 headed to bed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday October 25, 2010

We had several major thunder storms pass through last night. Ms P went bonkers. She kept everyone awake all night. I got up at 0500 did some chores and then went back to bed until 0810. Nancy did not go to the MAC today. The weather today was unseasonably warm. I over dressed and by the time I got to the MAC I was drenched in sweat.

I increased my rowing time to 14 minutes and did not experience any pain. I also jogged 18 minutes for a total cardio time of 32 minutes. My goal is to row 24 minutes and jog 18 for a total time of 42 minutes. I did not get to the Kava House until 1130. I read both the DFP and WSJ.

I had a quick lunch and then ran several errands. I asked Ms P if she wanted to come but she would not leave Nancy's side. After the errands I took the three leaf bags that Nancy had filled while working in her garden this afternoon down to the curb. I then got on the AT and pedaled twice around Reeds Lake. It took about 70 minutes. Tonight was cereal night. I watched the news and then read an article in Vanity Fair about the fall of Merrill Lynch. As I have said before, I am amazed at how dumb smart people are. We are expecting two days of rain and very high winds. I don't know if I will be able to ride my bike tomorrow. Maybe I will stay inside and clean my office. However, I will get my 30 in.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday October 24, 2010

Sunday morning and I get up the first time at 0500. I take Ms P out and then empty the dryer of my clothes and bring my basket upstairs. I immediately go back to bed and wake up at 0646 when the alarm goes off. Nancy is still wiped out from her fall so she is not going swimming today. I get in the C2 and head to the MAC. I swam for 45 minutes with little pain. I have been doing the breast stroke but today I tried the backstroke. I was surprised that I had little pain with the backstroke. I had not shaved since Tuesday so after my shower I shaved. I got home about 0945. We then went to Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. Ms P went along. The gas gauge said we had 57 miles until empty. I put 16.5 gallons in the Taurus. Gas was $2.75.

When we got home Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a few sections of the paper and then took my regular Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I along with Ms P drove to Kohl's. Yes that Kohl's. Nancy returned several items and we purchased a comforter for the twin bed in Debbie's room. Next we stopped at Woodland Mall so Nancy could purchase some cosmetics that were on sale.

Ms P was a model passenger during our trip. When we got home I took a 3 mile walk. The leaves are going fast but this has been one of the best years for fall colors. I continue to see some Robins. Are they confused or is it global warming?

Nancy fixed a special dinner for me tonight. I had cream chipped beef on toast. It was outstanding. I also had a baked apple for dessert. All in all a great meal.

We watched 60 minutes and read the GRP. At 0845 we all headed to bed.

Saturday October 23, 2010

I got up a little before 0700 to take Ms P out to do her bidness. It was raining so she did not want to get wet. I asked Nancy if she wanted coffee and a scone. She said yes so I drove to the Kava House and got breakfast. Nancy's head still hurt this morning. She and Ms P stayed in bed and watched some TV, ate breakfast and dozed. We purchased a electric sheet at Kohl's for a twin bed in Debbie's room. I put the sheet on and also took a short nap. I also got the boom box for my itouch to work and I listened to my tunes.

Nancy did a load of laundry earlier and I am doing one now. Today is an easy day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy right now, 1320, is reading a book and watching the MSU game. I spent most of the afternoon getting my fall clothes out and rearranging my closets. Nancy took a nap and I did several loads of laundry.

Nancy and I filled out our absentee ballot applications and so I decided to walk over to the post office and mail them. I continued my walk so that I had walked 4.5 miles by the time I got home.

Nancy had a light dinner. I got in the C2 and drove to D&W Gaslight and purchased a deli sandwich and Neptune salad. I also had a Guinness beer with my dinner. We watched a little TV and by 2100 we were all upstairs.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday October 22, 2010

The temperature was 33 when I got up at 0710. I layered up and headed to the MAC. I did 30 minutes of aerobics, my abs and balancing exercises but have not yet been able to do pushups or pull-ups. My goal is to be able to get back 100% on the pushups and pull-ups by Christmas. I got to the Kava House at 1055. I have to hurry today because I have to take Ms P to the beauty shop by 1230. I got Ms P on time and she did not seem nervous. I came home and took a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy is having lunch with Linda Moleski today. She got home about 1330 in time for us to pick up Ms P. As soon as we got Ms P we headed to Costco to buy some supplies. We purchased peanut butter, dishwasher soap, vitamins, pizza and cereal. I also bought some Guinness beer.

I took a short nap and then we headed to Russ' for dinner. I had the meatloaf dinner and Nancy had the chicken dinner. With the coupon we our bill was $7.00. We were planning on stopping at Kohl's and then Woodland Mall.

At Kohl's we had picked out our purchases and were ready to check out when Nancy called my name and then she fainted. She hit her head on the concrete floor real bad. She was out about 20 seconds. I could feel the huge bump on her head. She said she was ok and she walked to the car while I checked out. When we got home I gave her some aspirins and took her blood pressure. We talked about going to Emergency and I called her sister, Peg, to get her opinion. She said go to Emergency. We drove to Blodgett's Emergency because it is so close. They booked her in quickly and then they started a series of tests. Ekg, blood, etc. All tests were okay. They think that Nancy was dehydrated and this caused the fainting. We left Blodgett a little after midnight.

The folks at Blodgett said because of the head injury I should check on Nancy every 90 minutes. I set the alarm on my phone and checked as directed. We also changed the ice pad at this time. The night went fine and we will prevail. God Bless!

Thursday October 21, 2010

It rained last night but this morning is suppose to be sunny and cool. I got up at 0650, got dressed and pedaled to the MAC. It was very dark and I cannot wait for DST to end. Today I rowed for 12 minutes and ran for 18 minutes for 30 minutes of aerobics. This is the most minutes since the face plant. The sun was out when I left the MAC but the wind was very strong. I was glad I had plenty of layers on.

I read both the WSJ and DFP at the MAC. The WSJ had an article on an unintended consequence of the Feds new health care bill. It appears that a large company could save money by dropping its health insurance and having their employees join a State's uninsured health pool. The company would pay a fine of $2000 per employee but it would still result in a cost saving for the company. I think the Health Bill was too complicated and tried to be all things to all people. How many legislators read the over 2000 page bill?

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then started installing the new digital TV boxes. Of course I needed more extension cords than I had in the house. Nancy wanted me to go to the post office to mail some packages so I walked over to the PO. On my way home I stopped at CVS and bought more electrical connections. I called Comcast to get the TVs activated. Everything is working well.

Nancy attended a 1600 Wine and Cheese party for the hospital guild. She got home about 1800 and we headed for Great Lakes Shipping. The place was empty. I had a chicken salad sandwich and Blue Moon beer. At home I read the GRP and then headed upstairs to finish my blogs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday October 20, 2010

Wednesday, Breakfast Club day, and the alarm goes off at 0545. I take Ms P out and then get ready for the meeting. It was cool this morning so I wore a sport coat to the meeting. I got to the Women's City Club at 0650 and it was still pitch black. This morning's attendance was great. Maybe it was because everyone knew the food wood be good. We had an egg dish, hash browns, sausage, fruit, homemade scones and a yogurt with granola. It was very good.

After the meeting I headed directly to Comcast to get a new remote and two digital boxes for our upstairs TVs. I then came home and got Ms P and we headed to Best Buy to return the itouch boom box I bought last week. They gave me my money back no questions. I then bought a better boom box and hope this one will work. Nancy was home when Ms P and I arrived and she was heading out at 1230 to go to the gardens. She will also work at the dinner tonight so I am on my own for dinner. At 1115 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC and a swim. I swam for 30 minutes. My shoulder felt fine.

I had to be home by 1300 because the furnace man was stopping by to inspect our furnace. While waiting I got a call from Ed Namey. His wife is also working at the Meijer dinner and he asked if I wanted to get at pizza and beer for dinner. I never turn down a pizza and beer. While waiting for the furnace man I programmed the remote and it worked.

The furnace man spent about 30 minutes checking the furnace. He said everything is fine. This afternoon I put the storm windows on the back and side doors. I also removed the downstairs screens. We are ready for winter. Since I got up so early this morning I took a 30 minute nap. It is now 1618 and I am going on a 2 mile walk.

Dinner tonight with Ed is at 1800. I arrived at 1755 and Ed was already drinking his beer. I have never arrived before Ed. He is Mr Prompt. We talked, ate, and drank beer. It was a great evening out.

I got home about 1930 and Nancy got home shortly after I did. Missy skyped us and talked about a new organization she has founded. It is called Dream Prosperity. Missy explained how sad she was about all the children left behind in orphanages. She is proposing making personalized pillow cases for these children. The pillow cases belong to the child and hopefully follow the child through life. I recommend that folks go to the web site called "". It is a great concept.

Lately I have been reading Jennifer Dougherty's blog called "Dougherty Update". The blog details how the Dougherty family is dealing with little Caleb's health problems. Caleb was born with a congenital

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday October 19, 2010

It was another 0700 morning. It got cold last night but did not freeze. Tuesday morning and the MAC was empty. Most folks are MWF types. It was forty when I left home and about 50 with bright sun when I left the MAC. I read both the WSJ and DFP. I will really be glad when the election is over. I am embarrassed by some of the attack ads. In fact I have given up watching MSNBC.

After lunch I called Comcast to see if they could get the remote to work. The operator was nice and we tried several codes but to no avail. She claims I have the wrong remote and must get a new one. Nothing is easy. I spent an hour trying to get my mail read and my desk clean. I was not been successful. At 1630 I said enough and went on a 3 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork tenderloin. It was tasty. Nancy had a OHNA meeting tonight so Ms P and I watched NCIS alone. I have Breakfast Club tomorrow so as soon as Nancy got home I headed to bed. 0545 comes early.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

We all slept in until 0700 this morning. I think it is the change in weather especially the short days. It was pitch black at 0700. I had to use all my lights on my ride to the MAC. I completed all my morning routine by 1015. The Kava House was nearly empty this morning. I read the WSJ and DFP. I thought it was interesting that a large petroleum deposit was found off the coast of Israel. If developed it will meet Israel's energy requirements for 100 years. Of course Lebanon says that the deposit is also in their territory. The deposit is at the same depth as the recent oil spill in the Gulf. I think Israel will develop this find without any internal opposition. Israel needs energy independence.

After a quick lunch I load Ms P in the C2 and started to run some errands. Our first stop was the post office. Next we stopped at Comcast to return our bad remote and get a new one. They are now using a different model remote. The girl told me to read the instructions and put in the right codes. I followed directions and I still can't get the thing to work. I called their 1 800 number and was told the wait was real, real long. I will call tomorrow.

I was so frustrated trying to get the remote to work that I took a break. I walked 2 miles. This evening was cereal night. I had a bowl of raisin bran with yogurt. It was good. We watched the news and the 7-8 Fox new. At 2000 we watched House. I scanned the new Vanity Fair and saw several articles that looked interesting. Maybe tomorrow. We have frost warnings up for tonight. Fall weather is finally here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday October 17, 2010

The alarm went off at 0646. I got out of bed and headed downstairs to let Ms P out and also to fill her food and water bowls. The pool was empty this morning. I swam 45 minutes using only a modified breast stroke. I think swimming is good for my shoulder. It had been exactly 4 months since the face plant. Every day in every way the shoulder gets better and better. (thanks to Peter Sellers)

After the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. In addition we purchased leaf bags and bird seed. In a couple of weeks we will start feeding the birds. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap.

It was such a nice day Nancy wanted to go for a ride to apple country. Maybe we could find a stand that sold apple cider and donuts. We drove north to Kent City and Casnovia. We saw several small stands but nothing offering cider by the glass let alone donuts. The colors were great. We drove over to Sand Lake and then down old US 131 to Rockford. We took the back roads home. Ms P went with us.

I took a 2 mile walk when we got home. Tonight we are having hamburgers with beans. I will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP. Speaking of the GRP, today they had an article on Pat Miles who is running for congress. They mentioned that he was a 1984 graduate of OHHS. Debbie graduated in 1984. I got my 30 in today, I sure hope you did too.

Saturday October 16, 2010

The weatherman said it was going to be a beautiful fall day. So I drag myself out of bed at 0700. I get dressed and get on the AT and head to Bill's. It was very dark when I left so I had all my bike lights on. I had the pancake and eggs special for breakfast. After breakfast I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran several errands. I had to stop at Master Cleaners to pick up my fall sports coats and at the bank. I then loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park.

The weatherman was right it was a beautiful day for a bike ride. I rode 30 miles. THis was my first ride with the new 5 speed. I really needed the additional speeds when I encountered some strong headwinds on my way home. I had it in the lowest gear.

When I got home I watched some of the UM/Iowa game and then headed upstairs to read some mail. Nancy and I went to dinner at Russ'. We were the youngest folks in the restaurant. I had the meatloaf and Nancy had the unlimited soup and salad bar. We had a coupon so the total bill was less than $7. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday October 15, 2010

I seem to be getting over jet lag. I was up at 0700 and off to the MAC by 0745. It was cold this morning so I layered up. In fact I had too many layers on because I worked up a sweat on my ride. At the MAC I completed my normal routine and even rowed 1400 meters with little pain. I hope on Monday to row 2000 meters.

I left a jacket at the MAC and headed for home. It was sunny and about 14 degrees warmer than earlier. I let Ms P out and then had breakfast. I ended up at the Kava House and started reading the DFP when Mark, who also goes to the MAC every day, stopped and talked. Mark suffers from PTS he received during his time in Vietnam. He still attends group sessions. He is a nice guy and we talked about the 60s.

When I got home I had to run several errands. I stopped at the MAC to pick up my jacket and leave off some workout clothes. I also stopped at Best Buy and bought a speaker for my itouch.

I was really tired so I took a short 30 minute nap. The colors were so good Nancy and I took a short ride. We ended up at Honey Creek Inn. I had their smelt dinner. I love smelt. The maple trees this year have spectacular colors. Someone said it is because of all the recent sunny days. I don't know the reason but they look great. I read the paper and then headed to bed.

Yesterday and today I did not use Word to write the blog. I must go back to work because it does check my spelling.

Thursday October 14, 2010

I had to get up before 0700 because the sprinkler man was stopping by at 0730 to winterize our sprinkler system. He was right on time and he completed the task in about 30 minutes. I rode my AT to the MAC with its new 5 speeds. I did not notice much difference. After the MAC I headed home for breakfast and to take Ms P outside. I then headed to the Kava House for my usual coffee and papers.

It rained hard last night but at 1400 the grass was nice and dry. I got out the mower and cut the grass. Although the grass was long it did appear that the growing season is over. I hope. I completed the grass cutting at 1700. I cannot cut the grass is less than 3 hours.

I took a quick shower and then Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We both had the prime rib sandwich. It was great. Not much on TV so after the paper I headed to bed.

Wednesday October 13, 2010

Wednesday and I experienced some major jet lag last night. I did not sleep most of the night. Luckily today is my easy day so I slept in until 0700. I got on my retro and pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. After breakfast I headed home. I got in the C2 and headed to GR Bike to pick up my AT. The AT was not ready so I came home. Today Kim cleans the house and she brought back Ms P. Ms P was in good shape and I think she was glad to see me.

At 1130 I drove to the MAC for a 30 minute swim. After the swim I headed to City Hall to attend a GRBA meeting. The meeting lasted an hour. I stopped by GR Bike and picked up the AT. I now have a 5 speed bike. I bought an internal hub with 5 speeds and a coaster brake.

Tonight Nancy has Book Club so I met Tom Moleski at Fred's for pizza and beer. It was enjoyable. My first day back from CA was a busy one. I did get my 30 in, did you?

Tuesday October 12, 2010

Tuesday was a travel day. We left LB at 0845 and headed to LAX. We returned our rental to Alamo and headed to the terminal. We got through security without too much of a wait. I was worried because LAX has a bad rap for long delays getting through security.

Our flight to Chicago was fairly smooth. We flew in United's Economy Plus. The extra five inches between seats makes the flight much more comfortable. We had a short wait in Chicago and then headed to GR. We got home a little after 2100. We unloaded our bags and headed to bed. It was a long day.

Monday October 11, 2010

Monday morning and today Nancy and I are babysitting Alessandra. We also are taking Lucas to school and picking him up. We had breakfast at McDonalds. It was an experience. After breakfast we drove to Lucas's school. I could not get over all the folks driving their kids to school. They had a mini traffic jam. Doesn't anyone walk to school.

After we left Lucas at school we drove to Huntington Beach. We put Alessandra into the stroller and walked along the pathway that parallels the beach. We did stop and took Alessandra's shoes and socks off so she could walk on the beach. She really enjoys the beach. In fact Grandpa also enjoys the beach. I told Nancy I would like to rent an apartment along the beach and spend my days riding along the miles of paved beach pathways. It was a perfect day to walk the beach. Sunny and warm.

After the beach we headed home to let Alessandra rest. About 1330 we headed out again to pick up Lucas from school. For an after school snack we stopped at the McDonalds and got an ice cream cone. We spent a quiet evening at home.

Sunday October 10, 2010

Sunday and it can only be described as a lazy day. I did go to Starbucks and read the LA Times. When I got home Lucas was starting to open presents. He got some really great gifts. I especially liked the Legos.

The rest of the day was spent resting. I did take Alessandra for a walk. Later I accompanied Steve as we drove Debbie to LAX. It was early to bed for Luca and Alessandra. Everyone needs a lazy day once in a while.

Saturday October 9, 2010

I am writing Saturday's blog from the comfort of my home office on Wednesday October 13, 2010. Saturday was the big day for Lucas's birthday party. Like every day we were in CA the weather was warm and the sky was blue. I started the day by walking to Starbucks for my morning coffee. I obtained a free two week subscription to the LA Times so I read the paper on my Kindle. I also bought Nancy a decaf coffee. After I got back to Steve's I tried not to get in the way.

I did take Alessandra for a long walk. She fell asleep after about 30 seconds in the stroller. Martha, Nancy, Veronica, Debbie and Steve were busy getting ready for the party. The party was to start at 1500. About 1400 Debbie and I headed to Costco to pick up the pizza. Steve had ordered eight pizzas. We also picked up another bag of ice.

At 1500 all the kids started to arrive. Steve had rented a jumper and every kid tried out the jumper. I had forgotten how noisy little boys can be. Star Wars was the theme of the party. Nearly all the kids had a costume. Every boy also had the light sword. The kids played real hard and I was amazed at their energy. Everyone talks about obese children. I did not see any overweight kids. Veronica was in charge of the games and she had everything from the limbo to a sack race. Prizes were given to all participants. The final game was the breaking of a piñata. All kids got a chance to break the piñata and it was not until the second round that the piñata broke and spilled all the candy on the grass. Paper bags were provided the kids to store their candy.

Of course what is a birthday without ice cream and cake. Every one sang Happy Birthday to Lucas and then tore into the cake and ice cream. I even had a big piece of cake and some ice cream. Nancy figured about 60 people were in attendance. About 1800 most everyone had left. Steve and I stacked all the rental chairs and broke down the tables. It was a great day and I hope when Lucas gets older he will appreciate all the work his mom and dad put into making this a great day.

P.S. Steve and I did watch the UM/MSU game. The birthday party cheered us up.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday October 8, 2010

Friday the day before the big party. Steve and Veronica are taking the day off. Nancy, Debbie and I went with Steve when he took Lucas to KG. Earlier I had walked to SB for coffee. Everyone was busy getting ready for the party. I took Alessandra on a long walk. In the afternoon I spread some mulch around the flower beds.

Debbie drove Steve's SUV to Luca's school in the afternoon to pick him up. Nancy, Alessandra and I also went along. We stopped at Jamba Juice for treats. We all had dinner in Belmont Shores. It was a great night out. Later the rental dropped off the tables and chairs and we set them up. Another busy day.

I am using the itouch to write this blog.

Thursday October 8, 2010

Today is a travel day. We are up at 0400. The taxi picks us up at 0445. Our plane was on schedule and we left at 0600. First stop was Chicago. Once again we departed on time. We arrive at LAX at 1000. We picked up the rental and headed to Long Beach. In the afternoon we picked up Alessandra from day care. After work Steve picked up Lucas. Lucas licks KG. Veronica picked up dinner on her way home from work. Veronica's mother, Martha, was also staying with the Scott Team. Later Steve and I drove back to LAX to pick up Debbie. It was great to see Debbie.

It was a long day and Nancy and I headed to bed about 2200.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday October 6, 2010

Wednesday morning, Breakfast Club, and I am up at the first buzz of the alarm clock. I take Ms P out and then get ready for BC. I left home at 0630 and it was pitch black. Breakfast Club was crowded today. The speaker was from the Kent County Airport and he gave a great talk on airport operations. After BC I stopped at the Kava House and read the paper.

I had a few bills to pay today so I spent about 1.5 hours in the office. At 1130 I got on my retro and pedaled to the MAC. I spent 30 minutes in the pool. Because of my shoulder, I only do the breast stroke. I think swimming is a great exercise for an injured shoulder. I head right home because Kim is stopping by between 1400 and 1500 to pick up Ms P. She came at 1430 and Ms P seemed happy to go with her. I spent the next hour packing for our trip to Long Beach tomorrow. About 1630 I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon and she got home about 1700.

For dinner tonight we ate a Russ's. I had a hot turkey sandwich and Nancy had the double burger with soup. We had coupons so it cost only $9.50. We watched the news and I called the cab company to pick us up at 0445. Nancy headed to bed and 2000 and followed at 2030. It is going to be a short night.

Tuesday October 5, 2010

0703 is the new wake up time for me. I quickly get dressed because it was so cold. We had frost on the ground. Today I increased my rowing to 1500 meters and I also ran 2 miles pain free. After the MAC I came right home for breakfast. After breakfast I loaded Ms P and started to run errands. Our first stop was the Kava House where I got a large coffee to go. Next, I stopped at the office to put some money in the Miah Rickert gift fund. I also talked to all the guys. I do miss talking with the young engineers.

Ms P and I stopped at Grand Rapids Bike Co. I am getting an internal six speed hub installed. The hub will also include a coaster brake. I left the AT at the shop and will pick up next Wednesday. Finally Ms P and I head to the third world Meijer's to get a prescription filled. We got home about 1400. I checked my email and read some real mail. I also talked to Jerry Dykema, our CPA, about IRA payouts. I am in compliance.

Nancy got home about 1430 and I got in the C2 and headed to Ebliing Blacksmith Co. to pick up Aunt Judy's dinner bell. They did a great job and we are going to install it in our backyard. Finally I stopped at 53 to do some banking. As I was leaving 53rd I got a call from Nancy to pick up her Costa Rica tee shirt that she had left at the MAC. After all the car time I thought I needed a walk so I finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

Tonight Nancy is fixing pulled pork sandwiches. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS. I will head to bed at 2100 because I have to get up early tomorrow to attend Breakfast Club.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday October 4, 2010

It is October 4, 2010 and Lucas A. Scott's birthday. Lucas is 5. I remember the date because it is 10-04 the CB call. I also remember because it is the fourth day of the month. Other family members with a 04 birthday are my mom, AJ and of course Lucas.

I slept in until 0705 this morning. It was quite cold and so I got out a pair of lined gloves to wear . I have also changed to a cold weather bike helmets. I was comfortable on my ride to the MAC. I was glad I wore my sunglasses because the sun was really intense as I rode east. My routine at the MAC went off without a hitch. When I left the MAC I headed home in order to have breakfast and take Ms P on a walk around the block. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House.

This afternoon I had to cut the grass. I started at 1400 and finished at 1700. I cannot finish in under 3 hours. I think I might have to cut the grass one more time this season. After my shower I checked my email and at 1800 headed downstairs for dinner. I had cereal for dinner.

Lucas called about 1830 to tell us that today is his birthday. He was on his way to Disney Land.

We watched the news, read the GRP and filled out a questionnaire about our recent river cruise. AT 2030 I headed upstairs to catch up on my blog.

In addition to Lucas's birthday there are several other happy events today. I was notified that Eric Rickert, an excellent fellow and engineer, and his wife, Meghan, now have a new baby girl. She is named Miah. Jennifer's blog indicated that Caleb had another good day. We wish all these youngsters good health.

Sunday October 3, 2010

Sunday morning and the alarm goes off at 0646. I get up take out Ms P and bring my laundry basket upstairs from the basement. We head for the MAC at 0745. The swimming pool was busy this morning and I had to share a lane. Nancy and I both swam for 45 minutes. Since we will not be in GR all week it was not necessary to go to Meijer's today. I dropped Nancy off and then headed to the Kava House to get us each a coffee. Nancy, of course, fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I took a short nap and Nancy ran some errands. After my nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. It is a beautiful fall day, sunny but cool. Missy and AJ skyped us this afternoon and we talked awhile. This afternoon I will check some calculations that Jennifer sent. Jennifer is spending a lot of time in Ann Arbor. Everyone who knows Jennifer and Phil are keeping a good thought. Yesterday on Jennifer's blog she posted a family photo. It was a great photo.

At 1630 Nancy and I are headed to Charlie's Crab for their Early Bird Special. We are meeting the Moleski's, Namey's and Tim Mask. It should be a good time. The evening at Charlie's Crab was great. We enjoyed the food and company. When we got home we watched some TV and at 2100 headed to bed.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday October 2, 2010

It rained hard last night. When I took Ms P out this morning I thought it might continue raining. I put on my rain coat and packed the rain pants in the backpack and pedaled to Bill's. It did not rain but it sure was cold. Bill's was very busy this morning. I had their Saturday Special and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I went upstairs to the office and starting cleaning up my desk. At 1130 I pedaled to the MAC and ran two miles on the track. This is the first time I have run 2 miles since the nose plant. I had no pain. I spent some time in the hot tub because I got very cold on my bike ride.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning my desk. I also got some fall clothes out and put away all my summer clothes. At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Grand Rapids Brewing Company to have dinner with the Molenaar's, Neal and Kay, and their daughter Ruth Ann. The Molenaar's use to be our next door neighbors but they moved to Washington State several years ago. Ruth Ann still lives in GR. We also invited the Kirkwood's and Tom Pritz but they could not make it. We had a great time catching up on what everyone was doing. We got home about 2000 and watched a little football on TV and then headed to bed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday October 2, 2010

Friday October 1st and I am up at 0710. Today I am working on the OHNA tree planting crew. We start work at 0800. Nineteen trees will be planted in the neighborhood. There are nine folks working on the project. The nursery had an auger that dug the holes for the trees. We completed the project at 1130. Everyone was pretty tired.

Kim came today to clean so when I got home I decided to run some errands so that I would not be in Kim's way. After the errands I took a shower and then a short nap. About 1500 Nancy and I headed downtown to look at some more artprize entries. We walked around town until about 1730 and then decided to get some food. We ate at the GP Sports Bar in the Amway. After dinner we continued our walk. Downtown was very crowded. I know the owner of Flanagan's and he said Artprize increased his business about 30%. We got home about 1930. We watched a little TV, read the GRP and at 2100 headed to bed. It was another beautiful fall day.