Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday July 31, 2009

I think that I am all caught up on my sleep. I woke at 0630 got Nancy her coffee and then pedaled around Reeds Lake ending up at the Kava House. Today's DFP had several noteworthy articles. The first was about Monica Conyers stealing office equipment from the City of Detroit. She took about $23,000 worth of equipment. The second article was about how 44% of Michigan adults cannot read at a 6th grade level. This fact is hard to believe. When a major factory closed in Greenville thousands of workers were without a job. A new solar panel factory moved into the area but most unemployed workers were not eligible because they could not pass the minimum education level required for the jobs.

I can't believe it is the end of July. Where has the summer gone? I have so much to do but so little time to do it. This morning Nancy and I, SPS and his team loaded up and headed for Meijer's Garden. The place was crowded. I noticed a lot of mothers pushing their pre-school kids. LA had a great time playing on all the equipment. Nancy and I drove separate so that we could go to Costco and buy more supplies. Soon after we got home SPS and team got home. LA took a nap as did his grandfather.

This evening Nancy fixed baked potatoes, green beans and a Costco chicken for dinner. After dinner SPS and I walked to CVS to purchase some supplies.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Sunday. GG went to the baseball game, Ossineke 17, Wilson Township 5. At the evening church service 25 to 30 people were in attendance. The Johnsons had dinner at Venuses.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday July 30, 2009

We all slept in today. I got up at 0700 and was all set to drive to D&W to get a DFP when I noted the car was gone. Nancy went to Meijers to get some fruit. The 5 of us have been devouring mucho fruit.

Today we were going to either the Ottawa County Fair or Holland State Park. AC was a little under the weather and so was her mother, VRS. We decided to go to the fair and save the beach until everyone was feeling ok. We took Nancy's new Taurus. It was our first freeway trip and we both thought the ride was comfortable.

The rides were not open when we first got to the fair so we walked through the animal barns. LA seemed to like looking at all the farm animals. For lunch I had an elephant ear and LA had a corn dog. SPS and LA went on nine different rides. I think LA liked the giant slide best. Nancy and I both agree that everyone should attend, at least once, a Midwestern County Fair. Both SPS and LA fell asleep in the car on our way home.

Nancy fixed an Italian dinner. It was great. We spent a quiet evening at home.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Saturday and warm with rain from forenoon to 3 PM. Hazel went picking huckleberries at Mikado, 14 quarts. Cousin David arrived home from visiting my grandparents at Hubbard Lake.

Wednesday July 29, 2009

I had to set the alarm this morning because I have Breakfast Club. Fifty five people were in attendance and as usual the food was good. The new President of Grand Rapids Community College was the speaker. He presented some of the problems facing CC. This year the school will have an enrollment approaching 30,000. According to the speaker the purchase of Davenport College was a great move by CC. Davenport will provide CC with room to grow.

After the meeting, I came home and put on my grass cutting clothes. I started edging the front yard noticed that the grass was still wet. I stopped my grass cutting operation and showered and joined SPS on a trip to Costco. Today was the first time I had to fill up our new Taurus. The car has a 20 gallon tank but only required 14 gallons.

I finally finished cutting the grass. It had been 10 days since its last cutting so the grass was quite long. The grass got the deluxe treatment today, edging, cutting and blowing all the cuttings off the hard surfaces. Tonight we all had dinner at Olga's Kitchen. We sat outside and enjoyed the pleasant weather. After dinner SPS left to meet some OHHS buddies. LA watched a DVD called Bugs.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Friday and GG worked in the garden in the morning. He worked in post office in the afternoon. Hazel to Alpena home by 5 PM. GG noted it was clear with some clouds in the afternoon.

Tuesday July 28, 2009

The local weather man said that we had the possibility of showers while on Mackinac Island. I packed an umbrella for Nancy and a rain coat for myself. We caught the 1030 ferry to the Island. We rode the Arnold Line. It looks to me like they have converted their fleet to catamarans since the last time I used the service. The sun was out and LA, SPS and grandparents sat on the top deck. The trip was pleasant and fast. As we entered the harbor we noted a lot of sailboats. I think most of the boats sailed in the Port Huron to Mackinac race and were now celebrating their voyage.

The crowds on the Island were not as heavy as I have seen in the past. It probably has a lot to do with the economy. We took the carriage ride around the Island. The ride made several stops that were well timed for people travelling with young kids. It was a pleasant day for a carriage ride. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the wind was strong enough to dissipate any animal odors. After our carriage ride we walked around the downtown area and bought tee shirts and fudge. We caught the 4 PM ferry back to the mainland.

We ate at a Mackinaw City restaurant that served breakfast all day. The food was very good and prices reasonable. The trip back to Grand Rapids was very pleasant. All in all it was a great day. We have been blessed with great weather.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG had a busy day. He worked 2 1/2 hours in the garden in the morning and picked radish for the church. He worked in post office in afternoon. 1 1/2" of rain fell in the afternoon. There was a dinner at the church. GG noted that three tables were set up and 1 table was for the cooks. GG also mentioned that a Family Circle gathering was held at Mrs. Yakes.

Monday July 27, 2009

Monday is our big travel day. We got up early have a quick breakfast and start loading the van. We have everything loaded and ready to go by 0940. Our route for our trip is US 131 to Cadillac, M55 to Houghton Lake and US 127/I75 to Mackinaw City.

We stopped at a Big Boy in Houghton Lake for lunch. It has been several years since I have eaten at a Big Boy. The food was good. We got to Gaylord about 2 PM. We visited with HC and DC at their farm. HC had invited her granddaughters, the PAM girls, to join the party. HC served ice cream and cookies. The stop was a pleasant interlude. We got to Mackinaw City about 5 PM. The motel we were staying at had a young kids water park. LA had a great time playing in the park. The adults had fun also. We all got wet. LA also took a dip in the pool. He enjoyed jumping into the pool with either a grandparent or his father catching him. We had dinner at the Dixie Saloon, a famous Mackinaw City tourist destination. It was crowded and we had to wait about 20 minutes.

The weather today was great. The temperature was in the 70s with sunny skies all day.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Today GG drove the Mrs, Laura, Julia and Glen to my grandparents farm at Hubbard Lake. They picked currents and the final tally was 25 quarts.

Sunday July 26, 2009

SPS and the team got in late last night. We all slept in this morning. Nancy and I missed our morning swim but I think we are both glad for the break from exercising. Nancy fixed breakfast for all five of us. AC is not yet on hard food. It has been a long time since two children under 4 have stayed at our place. Nancy and I are adjusting rapidly to the change. It does not appear that LA or AC have experienced any jet lag.

We spent the afternoon resting and taking some short walks. LA discovered some games of his father and enjoyed playing with them. Nancy grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and steaks for our evening meal. It was great.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Tuesday. GG worked in the garden in the morning and the post office in the afternoon. Hazel drove to Alpena.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday July 25, 2009

Our house was cleaned yesterday and clean sheets were placed on all the beds. Nancy and I slept in the twin beds in Sasha's old room. I set the alarm for 0626. When it blasted off I woke up wondering where I was. It took several minutes to become oriented. As always on Saturday morning Nancy headed for the MAC and I headed for the Brandywine for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs.

The Flat River at South County Line Road was my destination today. I have not been on this section of the Flat this year. It is one of my favorite paddles. The weather man said that the rain had passed through. I started paddling upstream when it started to rain hard. However when I looked to the west it appeared to be clearing up. I paddled for about 15 minutes in heavy rain and then it just stopped and the sun came out. I did not see anybody for the first 2 hours but then several fishermen came floating downstream. They were fishing out of kayaks. This is the new rage in fishing. I paddled between the South County Line Road bridge and the River Road bridge. Both structures were designed by this writer. The journey took 2.5 hours up and 1 hour down. The current was quite swift today and I think the next time I try the Flat I will leave my retro bike at the take-out spot and leave the Aztek at the put-in spot. By doing this I can travel further and it will be all downstream. Actually the best thing I could do is find a friend who likes to kayak.

When I got home Nancy told me that the library had a Dutch Leonard book for me. I took a quick shower jumped on my bike and picked up the book. Tonight Nancy and I sat outside at Olga's Kitchen in Gas Light Village. The food was good.

We just got a call from SPS and he and the team have just landed in Chicago. They should arrive in GR about 11 PM. I will take a short walk and then read today's newspapers. I read so slow that I anticipate just finishing the paper when the company arrives.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and it rained all morning. GG took both cars for gas. He purchased 8 and 7 gallons on time. On time means that GG is running up a tab at the gas station and will be billed later. The was common for not only gas but groceries as well. This afternoon GG attended the funeral of a friend. He noted the church was full.

Friday July 24, 2009

We woke up to heavy fog. The fog eventually burned off and it was a beautiful day. Today's exercise routine was normal for a Friday. I was glad when it ended because I am now taking 2 weeks off. I think it will be good for me. Kim, cleaning lady, was working today so I delayed my coming home by riding around Reeds Lake after the Kava House. At the Kava House I read an article about what Detroit's new mayor, Dave Bing, plans to do the get the city's fiscal house in order. He has a good plan but I do not think he can get it through. Too many entrenched interests will buck him. In fact he might have some difficulty getting reelected in November.

After lunch I decided it was too windy, again, to go kayaking so I loaded up the bike and headed for Riverside Park. I took a 15 mile ride. It was very relaxing. I am always amazed at how many folks my age use the park. Every time I visit I see people unloading their bikes and using the bike trail. A lot of people use the trail for a nice walk. So far the city has done a nice job maintaining the park. In these tough economic times I hope they can continue the good work.

After the ride I took a short nap. This evening Nancy and I attended the OHNA monthly TGIF. It was held this month in the back yard of 2 neighbors on Seminole. The attendance was great, the food was good and I enjoyed talking with our neighbors.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, cool Sunday. GG took David to a neighbors and GG attended the baseball game. Greely Grange defeated Ossineke, 5 to 3. In the evening GG attended church service. There were 7 people in attendance.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday July 23, 1009

The weatherman said it was going to rain all day. After my morning at home routine I put on my raincoat and headed for the MAC. I encountered no rain. I ran outside at the MAC and no rain. My trip to the Kava House was dry except I worked up a sweat wearing a raincoat. After a late lunch, 1300, I decided to move some articles out of the master bed room so SPS and family had room to store their clothes. We are expecting them to arrive in GR about 9 on Saturday.

I also cleaned out my office. I found a box of family documents about the Hughes family. Hughes was my mother's maiden name. If fact it was my Grandmother Hughes (McTavish) who took the trip to Europe in 1927. I reported on the trip in previous blogs. The Hughes family came to Canada in 1818 from County Wexford in Ireland. According to the records I found, two of my Great grandfathers lived 90 years.

After completing my cleaning I took a short bike ride, 1 hour. This evening Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat out on the deck. It was very pleasant. This week the band did not show up. All day no rain.

Neither the GRP or DFP had any articles of interest. I think everyone is taking a mid summer break. In fact both Nancy and I are looking forward to taking a break from our exercise routine.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Saturday and rained in the morning. Great grandfather went to Zephyr garage and left old car to get starter fixed. He drove the Zephyr to Alpena to purchase chicken feed. GG then noted that he went for Florence and aunt?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday July 22, 2009

We finally had a nice warm summer night. Only a light blanket was needed. Today I had a GRBA meeting that was rescheduled from 0930 to 1030. I slept in to 0730 and then had breakfast at the Cheri Inn. Usually I don't like a mid-morning meeting because it messes up my play time. Since it was suppose to rain all day, the 1030 start time was ok. After the meeting I headed for the MAC and a 1050 yard swim.

I stopped by Schuler Books to see if they had any books on e-readers (kindle). They did not. I then stopped by MC Sporting Goods and got a child's life vest so I can take my grandkids kayaking.

3 PM and still no rain. I took the kickstand off the road bike and put it on my new urban bike. The sun was out so I took a hour bike ride. I can ride around Reeds Lake twice in 1 hour. It is now 5:20 and just starting to rain. This evening Nancy and I will spend quietly at home. Lately in the evening we have turned off the TV. It is really quite pleasant. Unlike Nancy I have a difficult time multi-tasking.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Friday. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. He also wrote 3 letters. Sister (Great grandfather's granddaughter) was at the Haydens.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday July 21, 2009

According to the weather man last night was our last cool evening for a while. I think that he has it right this time. It is now 5:30 PM and the temperature is above 80. This morning I followed my normal Tuesday routine. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. This afternoon I had to run several errands. Gas at Costco was $2.29 per gallon. After the errands I loaded up the kayak and headed for Riverside Park. I spent 1.5 hours on the Grand River.

Nancy has the Weber grill fired up and she is cooking chicken for this evening's meal. We are also having corn on the cob. This is a perfect summer evening meal. I am writing this blog early because tomorrow I have a GRBA meeting and I must spend some time reading the agenda that they emailed me. As a sign of the times we no longer have paper copies. This is ok with me.

July 21, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes on a ship traveling from Scotland to USA. Grandmother Hughes wrote that it was cold and she saw three ice bergs. This is Grandmothers last entry in her diary of this big trip. Grandmother Hughes lived with us and she was always telling me about her trip to Europe. Reading the diary left me with several questions.
· Who was her traveling companion? I think it was a Mrs. Manion. However, she makes no mention of her in the logs.
· How come she spent less than a day in Campbeltown, Scotland. This was her father's hometown and she always talked about her visit. Was Campbeltown that small that you could see the entire town in under 4 hours?
· Grandmother stayed with Maggie in Ayr, Scotland. Was Maggie a relative?
· Grandmother was in Paris when Lindberg landed and yet she made no mention of this historic event.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Thursday and GG worked in the post office until 1030. Julia worked from 1030 to noon. GG attended the Farmers Picnic. He wrote that 1000 people were in attendance.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday July 20, 2009

Another cool July evening required that I put an additional blanket on the bed. I slept in until 0630. Since today is grass cutting day I took it easy on the exercise routine. I performed at 2/3 speed. After the MAC I had to stop at the bank to renew an IRA CD. The interest rate was about 1/2 of the expiring interest rate. I got to the Kava House at noon which is 1 hour behind my normal arrival. The DFP was very small and did not contain any articles of interest.

The grass was not very long so I lowered the blade a notch. The shorter grass should not be a problem because of the cool weather and the fact that rain is predicted every day this week. After cutting the grass and a shower, Nancy and I got in the new Taurus and ran several errands. We delivered Mary N's birthday present, bought some weed eater string at Home Depot and some supplies at Joan and Company.

Tonight was cereal night and Nancy washed some fresh Michigan blueberries to put on our frosted flakes. We watched the news and they showed the 1969 moon landing. I remember watching the moon landing. Nancy and I along with Sasha and Tasha had spent the weekend at a friend of my mother-in-laws cottage on Lake Michigan. We had just arrived home and I watched the landing on an old Admiral TV with rabbit ears. Our color TV was being repaired.

The pictures of the space capsule reminded me of my experience helping with one of the first Mercury orbital missions. I was stationed on Midway Island as a young Ensign in the Civil Engineering Corps of the US Navy. The space capsule landed in the Pacific Ocean a short distance from Midway. The capsule was picked up by helicopter and taken to a waiting US Aircraft Carrier (Kersage?). A tug left Midway Island and the capsule was loaded on the tug and brought back to Midway Island. Ensign Scott's Division of CB's was assigned to pick the capsule off the tug, load it on a trailer and then transport and load it on a waiting cargo plane. We were told over and over again, do not drop it, it is very valuable cargo and everybody is watching you. Our mission went off without a hitch. All the guys had on their dress whites and had even shined their shoes. I was very proud. I think a picture of us loading the capsule was in the next edition of Life magazine.

July 20, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes on a ship traveling from Scotland to the USA. Grandmothers only comment was that it was rainy.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported heavy rain last night. GG estimated 1/2 inch. Report said that Alpena got 1/10 inch and Hillman got no rain. Church dinner tonight and receipts were $11.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday July 19, 2009

Another cool night on what might be one of the coolest Julys on record. The alarm goes off at 0656 and we head for the MAC and our Sunday morning swim. The pool was crowded I had to share a lane. After the swim we headed for Meijers to purchase supplies for the upcoming visit of the scott team from LB, CA. We also purchased some supplies for Ms P. I anticipate travelling to OH to pick her up. Tasha is still waiting word.

After breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs on toast, I settled down to read the GRP. I will not be taking my Sunday nap because Nancy and I are going to a memorial service for the father of Tasha's college roommate. The memorial service was well attended. A reception was held after the service. Nancy and I thought that Ron would be proud of this afternoon's program.

This morning both Nancy and I realized that holy cow! we forget SPS's birthday yesterday. We immediately called but did not really connect until this evening when the scott team skyped us. It is great to see the family on video. Toys are great.

July 19, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes on a ship heading from her vacation in Europe to the USA. Grandmother again stated that it was a "fine day".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm and cloudy Tuesday. GG worked in the post office in the morning. GG's daughter Elizabeth has 6 girls visiting from Detroit. GG stated that the weather man has forecast rain for tonight.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday July 18, 2009

Saturday morning and of course the alarm goes off at 0626. Nancy gets up and into her new car and heads for body pump at the MAC. I get up and head for breakfast at the Brandywine. Usually at Saturday breakfast I try and finish the front section of the NYT. This morning I have to finish early so I can be at the old OHHS for the neighborhood bulk trash day. The dumpsters were available at 0800 and when I got there at 0800 there were about 10 vehicles in front of me. However, they had lots of volunteers and I got unloaded in about 1/2 hour.

This morning I decided to go kayaking on the lower reaches of the Grand River. I looked at my Ottawa County map and decided to put in at 144 Street on the south side of the river. When I got to the 144 St ramp, I found out Grand Haven Township charged a fee. I put in further upstream at about 124 St.

I was surprised at how windy it was. The wind was out of the west at over 15 mph. I decided to paddle into the wind, west, and return with the wind at my back. I was surprised that I paddled 90 minutes into the wind and my GPS said I had paddled 4.5 miles. When I got back to the ramp I had paddled 180 minutes and 9 miles. So it made no difference if I paddled with the wind at my back or into the wind. Today I used my kayak paddle and I can travel almost 1 mph faster with it than if I used my canoe paddle. In fact my walking speed and kayaking speed are about the same. It was quite cool on the river. I do not think the temperature got into the 70s today.

I took a hot shower when I got home. I also took a short nap. This evening Nancy and I got in the new car and headed to Rockford for dinner at Arnie's. We figured out how to use the satellite radio and set the temperature. The controls on the car are solid state. I noticed that the car uses Microsoft software.

This evening we did not turn on the TV but instead we spent an enjoyable time reading in the backroom. Nancy finished her book and I finished the GRP and NYT.

July 18, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes on the ship traveling to USA. Again Grandmother only said it was a "fine day".

Ossineke, MI this day, Monday, in 1938. GG said it was cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon. He also picked 1 row of potatoes. David picked 2 quarts of beans. GG caught 2 roosters and 3 hens.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday July 17, 2009

We woke to a cool, dreary day and it continued to get cooler as the day progressed. Despite being Friday I was not as tired as I expected at the end of my morning routine.

I picked up a copy of the USA Today sports page and saw an article on the new inductees into the College Football Hall of Fame. One of the new inductees was Dave Parks of Texas Tech. In 1966 when Nancy and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA, we needed more room with the birth of Sasha. We moved from a 1 bedroom furnished apartment to a 2 bedroom furnished apartment. The recent occupant of the 2 bedroom was Dave Parks and family. Dave Parks at the time was a wide receiver for the 49ers. We always commented that he must have worn his cleats around the apartment because the furniture was in tough shape.

After lunch today I visited my friendly Ford dealer and started discussions on the purchase of a 2009 Ford Taurus vehicle. After tireless negotiations an agreement was reached. At 5 PM Nancy signed the papers and she was the owner of a new Ford.

This evening Nancy and I are staying home. We will load up the Aztek with all the bulk junk we want to throw away tomorrow. The OHNA is having its annual bulk pickup day.

July 17, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes aboard a ship heading from Scotland to the USA. Grandmother only commented that it was a nice day.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and GG stayed home all day. Hazel called and asked GG to work in post office forenoons this coming week. She is going to a Sunday school convention in Tawas. There was a county league baseball game this afternoon, Ossineke vs Herron. In earlier blogs I mentioned that great grandmother Sanborn's first name was Hazel. I do not know the last name of Hazel the post mistress.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday July 16, 2009

Yes folks we had another nice summer day. However, the temperature for Friday and Saturday is not suppose to reach 70.

I rode my new urban bike to the MAC this morning. It provided a nice smooth ride. I made a good decision. Everyone must be on vacation because the MAC was nearly empty. Today's DFP had several articles on the kickback and bribery scandal in Detroit and Southfield. I hope that all the negative publicity will have an impact on the next election for City Council in Detroit. Changes have to be made for the City to have any creditability.

After lunch I stopped by GR Bike Company to have them check the wheel crank assembly. It looked to me that they left off a part. The owner said everything was ok. However, they did give me the wrong size spare tube so I got the correct one.

This afternoon I stopped by JD's office to discuss some bridge hydraulic matters. We also solved some of the world, state and local problems.

Nancy and I had our usual Thursday night dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It was so windy that we ate inside instead of on the deck. After dinner we visited the Ford dealer to look at the Taurus and Edge. We also looked at an Escape. The Escape was so nice that we eliminated the Edge. Tomorrow Nancy has give me my marching orders to perform some serious negotiations.

July 16, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Glasgow, Scotland. Today Grandmother left Glasgow about 4 PM and headed for Greenock. They boarded the boat about 6 PM. (I am assuming this is the boat (ship) home. Greenock is about 25 miles west of Glasgow and is located on the Firth of Clyde.)

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool morning but warmed up by noon. Julia went to garden. Car gave out, took to Zephyr shop. Cleaned out 2 rows of potatoes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday July 15, 2009

Breakfast club Wednesday means I have to set my alarm for 0545. I get to the club early and notice that no one is there. The meeting starts at 0700 and today they have invited the new editor of the GR Press. At 0655 the attendance was 5 at 0700 the attendance was 50. They had an overflow crowd. The new editor explained all the problems facing the print media. A lot of good questions were asked. This was perhaps one of the best programs.

After the meeting I continued my banking errands. The best interest rate for a 12 month CD is 2%. I cashed in one CD I started yesterday so that I could get the more favorable rate at another bank. High finance is difficult.

I hurried home so I could meet the sprinkler man who was going to perform a mid-year check. He said he would stop by between 1130 and 1430. Nancy was home when I got home and said she would leave for Meijers Gardens at 1230. She agreed to cover for me so I could go swimming at the MAC. I swam 1050 yards and got home at 1230. Nancy left a note saying that our sprinkler system checked out ok. What do people who work do about service appointments during the day? It must be difficult. Nancy and I have enough trouble scheduling these events and we are both retired.

After lunch I head north to Plainfield Ave to visit the Ford and Chevy dealers. I was surprised at how little inventory both dealers carried. I was also surprised at how little effort the salespeople made in trying to sell me a car. Where have all the good salesmen gone?

I also stopped by GR Bike Company and looked at a single speed urban tired bike. The bike in question is not a mountain bike but has bigger tires than a road bike and is ideal for riding in a city. This bike has 27 inch tires while a mountain bike has 26 inch tires. Tire pressure on a road bike is 120 psi, a mountain bike 60 psi and the urban bike 80 psi. I took the bike for a short spin and decided to buy it. The company took my measurements and fitted the bike for me. I took the bike on a 10 mile ride and it worked great on city streets and sidewalks. I also tried it out on gravel shoulders and it performed well.

This evening Nancy and I were going to the Ford dealer to look at an Escape and Taurus. However, I fell asleep in my chair so we decided to cancel the trip.

July 15, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Glasgow, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes for the second day did not make an entry in her log.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 58 degrees first thing in the morning but warmed up to 80. GG pulled weeds in 2 rows of potatoes. GG mentioned that a girl from Flint and another from Alpena drowned in the lake at the park. They drowned in 4 feet of water.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday July 14, 2009

Yes folks, another nice, sunny and warm summer day. I had a very uneventful morning. Even the DFP did not provide any new scandals in Detroit. After lunch I had to run some banking errands. Since I have a few CD's (who wants to be in the stock market) they always seem to be coming due. Interest rates are at an all time low. The highest rate I could find was 2%. The expiring CD's had rates near 4%. I really don't think I should complain. After all I am not missing any meals.

This afternoon I resumed my search for a new car to replace Nancy's 7 year old Taurus. I stopped by the Pontiac, Chevy and Ford dealer. Tonight after dinner I took Nancy to the Chevy and Pontiac dealer. She was able to eliminate the Pontiac. It appears that we might choose between a Chevy Equinox and a Ford Taurus. Stay tuned.

Tonight is the baseball All-star game. I remember when I was a boy the All Star game was always played in the afternoon. One year my favorite player on the Tigers made it to the game. His name was Pat Mullin. I was working on my grandparents farm and so I could not listen to the game (no TV in Northern MI). My grandmother was a big baseball fan and she listened to the game. When I came in after cutting hay my grandmother let me know that Pat Mullins had hit a home run. The year was probably around 1953. For you fans that are checking the accuracy of my baseball facts, please note that I was completely wrong on Pat Mullin. He played in the 1948 All Star game and did not get a hit. So much for my steel trap mind.

July 14, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Glasgow, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes made no entry in her log today.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported they had heavy rain last night, 1/2 inch. The rain made the garden look good. He noted that the squash blossoms popped out. There was a church dinner this evening and GG had to pick up and take home several widow women.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday July 13, 2009

Another super summer day, we had blue skies and sun all day. I eased off some on my morning routine because today is grass cutting day. I still visited the Kava House and read the DFP. The DFP seems to be getting smaller and smaller each day. Will we soon be reading newspapers on a Kindle like device?

Speaking of toys a Doctor friend at the MAC was showing me his fully developed Apple iPhone. He had google earth, email, itunes and a whole bunch of cool applications on his machine. I might have to get one.

Nancy and Mary N drove to Grand Haven to have lunch with a friend. It was a great day for a drive to the lake. After I completed my lunch I started mowing the grass. The grass was not very long so I don't know if my lack of exhaustion is because of my reduced exercise load or the short grass. Any way I finished the cutting is a little over two hours.

Tonight was cereal night. I had shredded wheat with strawberries. We also had some banana bread. We watched the evening news and I then started watching Chris Mathews but came upstairs because of all his whining. Are we being saturated with too much cable news? I have lost interest.

July 13, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Grandmother spent morning in Edinburgh and then went to Glasgow in the afternoon.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote he had Geo Kitten down and they sewed a 1/2 bushel of buckwheat and then dragged the field. GG was sick with summer chaliry (?).

Please note that I placed the July 13 entry, above, in my July 12 log. For July 12 GG took Sister and the Rauger girl to Alpena to get their hair done. It cost GG $2.30.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday July 12, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I sleep through the first snooze. At 0745 we head for the MAC and our Sunday morning swim. The pool has just been cleaned so we were worried that it had not reached a warm temperature. Our worry was unfounded, the temperature was 80. After the MAC we head for Meijers and our Sunday shopping. We are stocking up for SPS and family when they visit. It is another warm, sunny summer day.

After breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read a few sections of the GRP and then take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. This evening Nancy is grilling outside. I am having both a hamburger and several hot dogs.

This weekend I have been catching up on my reading. I had issues of ENR and PC World that dated back to March. I am now caught up.

July 12, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Grandmother saw places in City, saw changing of guard at Holyrood Palace, John Knox house, Heart of Midlothian, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh Castle (wonderful view), High St and Cannongate, Princess Street and Garden, saw King and Queen again, Princess Mary and some Duke.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote he had Geo Kitten down and they sewed a 1/2 bushel of buckwheat and then dragged the field. GG was sick with summer chaliry (?).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

We had some serious thunder boomers roll through last night. The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy gets up and heads for the MAC. I head for the Brandywine and breakfast. It was still raining when I went to breakfast but at 0900 the rain had ended and we had another beautiful summer day.

I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Kalamazoo River at New Richmond. I planned on paddling up the Kalamazoo looking for eagles. When I got to New Richmond the boat launch area was closed. Allegan County is improving the launch area. I head for Douglas and put my kayak in at the City's Riverside Park.

Today I used my lightweight kayak paddle. This is the first time this year I have used a kayak paddle versus at canoe paddle. Using my super duper GPS I determined that I can go 2.9 mph with the kayak paddle and only 2.3 mph with a canoe paddle. I like the feel of a canoe paddle but I might continue using the kayak paddle because it is more efficient. If I have no back pain tomorrow morning the kayak paddle wins.

It was a beautiful day for a trip around all the boats tied up in Saugatuk. This is the first time this year I have observed people on most of the boats. It was windy so a lot of the sailboats were heading out to the big lake. I noted that the price of gas in the marina was $3.50 per gallon. I told Nancy that I noted 3 houseboats for sale. She was unimpressed. I spent 3 hours on the water and paddled over 8 miles. Kayaking is a great way to spent a summer day.

When I got home I showered and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's. We sat outside and had a great meal. After dinner we took a ride around town and looked at the new deck on the Wealthy Street Bridge and the progress made in demolishing the old OHHS.

July 11, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Today Grandmother took a suburban ride seeing Craigmiller Castle where the Scottish Historical Pageant was held.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Monday, cool, 60, and clear. GG worked in the garden on his corn and Julia planted some flowers in the morning. GG worked on the potatoes in the afternoon. He also picked some raspberries.

It is interesting to note that Grandmother is enjoying herself in Europe in 1927. Two years later, 1929, the stock market crashed and the Hughes family could never afford another trip to Europe. GG is writing is diary in 1938 which is in the midst of the depression. GG occupies his days growing food in his garden.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday July 10, 2009

Friday, I still slept in until 0630. Nancy had to get her own coffee. I think I will have to go back to setting the alarm clock. My morning routine was accomplished without a hitch. Today's DFP was all about GM getting out of bankruptcy. There was also an article about Congress trying to undo GM's decision to eliminate unprofitable dealers. The DFP said for Congress to buzz off. I agree. This afternoon I got a wimpy reply from my congressman on why he is supporting the bill in congress. I think he should retire.

Kim our cleaning person is back from hand surgery so I bugged out so she could work. I ran several errands. This afternoon has been cloudy and warm so I stayed indoors and read and worked on the computer. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Sundance. It was the first time we had been there is several months. The food was good.

July 10, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is difficult to read Grandmother's diary because she has not sharpened her pencil in several days. The best I can determine she took a 200 mile trip to the Highlands. She visited Loch Lomond, Rob Roy's Cave and the place he was buried. She also visited Sterling Castle and several other sites.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and the weather was cloudy with some rain. No baseball game. David was sick all of Saturday night. GG took a ride to visit some friends on US 23 south of Ossineke. Church in the evening with 20 in attendance.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday July 9, 2009

I am going to have to change my ways. This morning I slept in until 0700. I was about an hour behind schedule. It must be summer vacation time because the MAC was empty this morning. I read an article in the DFP this morning that made me mad. After all of the politicians ranting and raving about how they would stay out of GM business, there is a bill that will rescind GM's decision to close unprofitable dealers. It was supported by my congressman. I am mad not only because of the meddling of congress but because as a GM stockholder I took my lumps. The free enterprise system is about risk and all dealers should know that. I will email my congressman this afternoon. After I complete my correspondence I will go on a short bike ride. It is another beautiful day in GR.

This evening Nancy and I sat outside at Great Lakes Shipping and listened to a folk/bluegrass local band. They were good. This evening is another quiet evening of reading and watching TV.

July 9, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "took an auto ride with Maggie in the morning. In the afternoon went to Glasgow where Flora stayed". Grandmother then went to Edinburgh, arriving at 6 PM. At 7 PM she saw the King and Queen arrive, then took a ride to Queensberry to see Fourth Bridge.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn worked in the garden today. Julia also worked in the morning. Hewey sprayed potatoes in the morning and Jim C finished spraying in the afternoon. Laura paid $6 and got ice for Ella. Had peas and potatoes from garden for dinner.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday July 8, 2009

Wednesday, I love Wednesday especially when it is sunny, warm with no wind. After breakfast at the Brandywine I load up the kayak and head for White Lake which is north of Muskegon. I spent 1 hour paddling around the lake. They had a lot of boats moored along the shores. White Lake and its easy access to Lake Michigan must be a good spot to sail because there were a lot of anchored sailboats. After paddling among the boats I headed up the White River. I spent 2 hours on the river. The water was like glass and the reflections on the water were neat. At times it was difficult to tell the shore vegetation from the reflection.

I got home at 3:30 and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy has book club so Tom M and I are going out for pizza. Beer and pizza is the perfect way to end a nice summer day.

July 8, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes wrote the following: "went to Campbeltown, nice trip. Campbeltown, Scotland is the home town of Grandmother Hughes father, James McTavish. I am surprised that this is the only comment she made. Did she try to find any records of the McTavish family? Did she look up the family home? When I was a boy, Grandmother Hughes would talk to me for hours about her Scottish heritage but she only made a 5 word entry in her log when she visited her father's hometown.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm, muggy day. GG wrote that he started to dope the potatoes. (is dope a chemical?) He also hoed the squash. GG worked in post office in afternoon. GG also wrote "Preacher house cat perhaps came home. (?)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I was really tired this morning. In fact I slept in until 0645. Nancy had already gone downstairs to get her coffee. I feel derelict in my coffee duty. I did perform my normal exercise routine without too much difficulty. It is very windy outside so I might go for a bike ride this afternoon instead of kayaking.

After lunch I decided that I would take a nap before a bike ride. After the nap I changed my mind again and took a 4 mile walk.

Nancy had to deliver some OHNA checks so we got in the Aztek and delivered them. We drove by the old OHHS and it is gone. An interesting fact about the demolition of the school is that homes across the street from the school can now see the afternoon sun. The removal of the tall building has let the sun shine through.

We spent a quiet evening watching TV and reading. I read an article in Vanity Fair about AIG and the credit default swap scandal. I am still amazed at how dumb smart people are.

July 7, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother is visiting her friend Maggie. They visited Burns home (Robert?) and they had tea.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm 80 degree day. GG picked bugs in the garden until 1100. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. He picked up several women for the church dinner.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday July 6, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0333. I get Tasha up so she and Ms P can get to Cleveland in time for work. Surprisingly, Tasha leaves at 0355. We enjoyed having her for the weekend. Nancy and I slept in until 0630. I had several chores to do this morning so I did not get to the MAC until 0930. I am usually well rested on Monday so I am not as wiped out after the workout as on Friday.

This afternoon I had a dentist appointment. They performed a cleaning and gum check. They claim my teeth are in ok shape. Monday is grass cutting day. I started about 4 PM and finished at 7 PM. I was wiped out. I decided that on days I cut the grass I will reduce the intensity of my morning workout by 1/3. Today is VRS's birthday. Nancy and I called and wished her a happy birthday.

July 6, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in England. Grandmother Hughes spent the night in Leamington. This is a spa resort NW of London. She departed in the morning for Ayr, Scotland and arrived in Ayr at 7:30 PM. After she arrived she went to see Maggie. Apparently, Maggie is a friend.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn and Julia worked in the garden in the morning, thinning veggies and picking bugs. GG worked in post office in the afternoon. Hazel (great grandmother) visited the Suells. GG left a light burning for her. Great grandmother was staying out late.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday July 5, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I hustle and head for the MAC. It is going to be a busy day so we only swim 30 minutes. After the swim we head for Meijers for weekly supplies and some donuts. I also returned 80 bottles and cans. We needed the donuts because at 1030 Tasha's college room mate, two children and mother are visiting. We got out some old toys and sat in the breeze way and drank coffee, talked and of course ate the donuts.

After the visitors left I took a short nap. At 3:45 we got in the car and headed for the Gull Lake Country Club. HC is putting on an 80th birthday party for her husband of 42 years, DC. All of DC's family were there including 2 great grandchildren. We got to meet all of DC's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was great. It was a perfect summer day for all the activities.

July 5, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes went sightseeing in the morning and then in the late afternoon she left for Leamington.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG worked in the garden in the morning and post office in afternoon. Rev Snell and family stopped on their way to Norway, their location this year. I don't know if it is Norway, MI or Norway the country.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday July 4, 2009

Nancy, Tasha, Ms P and I slept in this 4th of July morning. We got dressed and left the house at 0800 and walked over to the 75th Hollyhock Lane Parade. The parade was great. They had fire trucks, police cars, antique cars, decorated floats made by the local neighbors, boy scouts, cub scouts, church groups, lots of decorated bikes, politicians and the neighborhood marching band. After the parade a ceremony is held in the backyard of a neighborhood resident. You reach the backyard by walking through an alley. As always the place was packed.

After the parade, we walked over to the Brandywine for breakfast. The place was packed. When we got home Tasha and I fell asleep in our chairs while reading the newspaper. This afternoon Nancy went shopping and Tasha and I loaded up our bikes and headed to Montcalm County and the Heartland Bike Trail. We rode 25 miles. It was a great day for a ride and we saw 5 deer, 25 chipmunks and 1 ground hog. We were surprised that the trail was not busy.

For dinner Nancy grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. She also fixed corn on the cob. It was a great 4th of July dinner. Nancy and Tasha are now watching a James Bond movie.

When I was a boy we spent 4th of July at my Grandparents farm. We had a picnic with the entire family present. In the afternoon we played horse shoes and my uncles would make ice cream. It was a great family day.

When Nancy and I were first married and living in Redwood City, CA we spent our first 4th helping the Newcomer's Club make a float for the parade. Nancy, Sasha and I sat on a curb and watched the parade. I remember that I had not seen so many horses in a parade. Sasha was fascinated by the horses.

July 4, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "went downtown in morning. Left at 2:30 PM for Stratford, big pageant on there. Went to see Mrs. Townsend. The girls took us to see Ann Hathway's cottage". Grandmother Hughes made no mention that this was the 4th of July.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG wrote: we went to McReals for picnic dinner. We drove west from Scott's, 2 miles, to end of road and past farm, Hadds, then 2 miles north where they kept bus. GG entry does not make much sense. Of course he probably never thought that 71 years later his great grandson would be reading his diary.

Friday July 3, 2009

We had another cool night. We had to add a blanket to the bed. Usually when I do my morning row I watch "Morning Joe" on TV. Today is a holiday for many businesses so there was no "Morning Joe" or "Squawk Box" on CNBC. I watched CNN and it wasn't bad. I noticed on my ride to the MAC that traffic was very light. I assumed that most people had the day off. Even the DFP took a day off reporting on the troubles in Detroit.

It was a quiet afternoon. I had to go to the bank and much to my surprise it was open. I always thought that if a holiday fell on a Saturday that most places gave their employees Friday off. I always followed that formula. If the holiday fell on Sunday I gave the employees Monday off.

This afternoon I received an email from Gary B a high school classmate. He has owned a company for 43 years and is still working.

Tasha arrived with Ms P about 6 and around 6:30, we headed to Bostwick Lake. Tom A invited us to his cottage on Bostwick to watch the fire works. I was surprised at the number of people I knew. Jim W a retired OHHS teacher gave an update on Rick J who is spending some time in prison. He appears to have adjusted to this life. It has been 18 years.

I also talked to George W who used to be on the GRBA with me. George has a daughter living in Switzerland and George spent last march in Switzerland. He said the weather was very mild. I am always amazed at the mild European weather because most of Europe is north of GR.

July 3, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. This was Grandmother Hughes easy day. She rested in the morning and in the afternoon she went down to Westminster Bridge and walked around.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and no church service in Ossineke. Great grandfather Sanborn paid Ed Schiske, $10 and Geo Kitter $8 for work in garden. GG and the Mrs (Hazel) drove to Wilds for 2 quarts of strawberries. They had new potatoes for dinner. GG had a limited formal education but he was a better speller than this writer. How do you capitalize great grandfather?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday July 2, 2009

It got cold last night. I had to get up and put on some heavier clothes. I slept in this morning until 0630. I followed my normal routine. My bike ride to the MAC was cool with a gentle mist. I did not get very wet. The Kava House has their outside seating area set up. However, it is too cold to sit outside. My ride home from the Kava House just got easier because EGR has placed new bituminous on some badly deteriorated road. The ride was nice and smooth.

After lunch Nancy and I headed for Costco. Nancy needed gas, $2.61 per gallon, and some supplies. I needed mouthwash. After Costco we headed to Walmart and Nancy bought some glasses. I finished this afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

I have been getting some play on my facebook page. This afternoon I emailed a high school friend I haven't seen in over 50 years. It is fun reconnecting with old friends.

July 2, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes went down to Cook's and fixed up about our sailing. Then came out near our and visited the British Museum. We are staying at one of the Whitehall Hotels at 13 Woburn Place, Russel Square. Grandmother refers quite to "Cook's". I think Cook's is a well know English travel agency.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Worked in garden in the morning. Drove to Alpena with Laura and purchased 100# scratch at Mill got home at 3 PM. David home, Glen got chicken pox.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday July 1, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0545 and I bounce out of bed because today is breakfast club. Today's program was put on by several members who are history buffs. They discussed the drama involved in getting the Declaration of Independence ratified. A short clip from the play "1776" was also shown. It was a good program.

After breakfast club I hurried home so I would be home when the AC man arrived. He checked our AC and said everything was ok for now. We have a compressor beginning to show signs of age and when it goes we will need a new unit. We should budget about $2500 for a new unit. It never stops.

It has been raining off and on all day. It is also quite cool for the first of July. High temperature is expected to be about 64. This is 16 degrees below normal. Since it was too wet for kayaking or biking I decided to go swimming. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes. After my swim I stopped by the 28th Street Meijer's to get some apples and yogurt.

This afternoon and evening I will try and get caught up on some reading. I will also try to figure out facebook. Today I got a facebook message from the sister of a high school mate of mine. She said her brother, Gary, wanted to know if I still had the green jeep. In 1956 I purchased a $1 raffle ticket from Gary on a jeep. I had ticket #13 and I won. The jeep was one of the reasons I was able to accomplish my big adventure in the summer of 1956.

July 1, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "spent morning in stores and afternoon at Tate and National Galleries, came home at 5 PM to rest, and in the evening went to see "Yellow Sands" ".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote it was a cloudy morning. He planted 40 boughauos (?) cabbage, drove to Scott's (my grandparents) with Laura, Mrs Brown, and the Mrs. GG worked in post office in afternoon. Hazel (my great grandmother or the Mrs) drove to Alpena and GG washed the car.