Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday July 31, 2008

Every once in a while we all have a day like today. Today was the day I was going to follow the Lake Michigan shore line on the Hart-Montague Trail.

First I would have a big breakfast at the Brandywine. I got in the car and it would not start. The battery was dead. I called the Pontiac dealer and he sent a tow truck. The car was stuck in park and I could not get it out of the garage. The tow truck would need a battery pack to get power to the car so we could at least get it out of park.

While waiting for the tow truck I decided to move Nancy's car out of the way. Nancy's car would not start its battery was also dead.

The tow truck people got my car started but I could not drive it because a battery terminal was broken and spewing battery acid all over the engine. They loaded the car and headed for the Pontiac garage.

I decided that while I was waiting I would pedal my retro to the "Village Bike Shop" on the corner of 60th and Kalamazoo. This is an easy 8 mile trip. I would travel on the sidewalks all the way. About 52 Street I encountered construction and had to drive through some loose gravel and sand. The retro was doing quite well until I hit a bad spot and Bob and the retro took a tumble. I brushed myself off and continued on my way. On my way home my brakes seized up. I noted that the brake connection to the back wheel had come off. This had probably caused by tumble.

So I continued back home with no brakes. After a mile my back wheel came loose. Luckily I had a wrench and tightened the wheel.

I pedalled to the dealer picked up my car and left $300. Loaded the bike and got it repaired at the Fulton Street Lawn Mower and Bike Repair shop. Rented a battery charger and got Nancy's car started. Every thing is back to normal.

Tomorrow I will travel the Hart-Montague Trail.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday July 30, 2008

Last night we had an electrical storm blow through. It made a lot of noise but produced little rain. Today started cloudy and very humid. It ended sunny and warm.

After breakfast I packed up the kayak and headed to Evart about 100 miles northeast of GR. Evart is on the upper reaches of the Muskegon River. I thought this stretch of the river would be more primitive than downstream sections. Boy was I disappointed. Both banks of the river had cottages.

All summer I have been looking for bald eagles. Eagles have been seen all over Michigan. Eric, Jennifer and other engineers have seen eagles on various bridge sites. Alas I have not seen 1 eagle. Today I did not even see any deer.

On my way home I purchased a pizza to eat at home. I have some laundry to get done before Nancy gets home.

Tuesday is primary day in Michigan. We have several active races. TJ the Kirkwood's cousin is running for the State House. One of his opponents stopped by the house tonight. His name is Tietsma and his wife is Megan Burns (I think). I wish I had a grammar check.

Tomorrow after I get my oil changed I am heading for Whitehall to ride the Whitehall to Hart Trail. The trail is about 22 miles long. The total trip will be 44 miles (I can still do math). I am taking my road bike.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday July 29, 2008

Yes folks another warm sunny day in West Michigan. No alarm clock while Nancy is away. Awoke at 0645 and immediately hopped on the retro and pedalled to the Cheri Inn for breakfast. After breakfast I checked my e-mail and saw that the office needed my opinion on a design problem. I stopped by the office and discussed the problem. They had already reached a decision. The same decision I would have recommended. Who needs us old guys. I feel like John McCain. I think John M appears to most voters as the old generation and they feel it is time to pass the torch to a new generation. I think I also feel this way.

After the office I drove to Rockford and took the retro on the White Pine Trail. Tasha and I had travelled the White Pine to Rockford but had not gone further north. I pedalled north through Cedar Springs and Sand Lake. At Sand Lake the pavement ends and the trail becomes dirt and loose stones. I tried the unimproved trail for about 5 miles. It was very rough but the retro had no problems except it was slow going. The total trip was about 30 miles.

For dinner tonight I returned to the Cajun place in Eastown and had the blackened catfish. Tomorrow I am heading north to Evart, Mi to put the kayak in the upper reaches of the Muskegon River.

Gas prices have dropped to $3.89. Since Nancy has been gone I have not watched the news or TV. Thus I cannot make any sage comments on current events.

Although I did call Nancy and asked about the earth quake in LA. She said that they did not feel the quake. She thinks it is because they (Nancy and Lucas) were in the car. Stephen said they felt the quake in down town LB.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday July 26, 2008

Another sunny warm summer day. I started to ride my retro to Wolfgangs for breakfast when I remembered I had a flat tire. I walked. After breakfast I loaded up the retro and headed to the bike and lawn mower repair shop on Fulton. They replaced the tube. While I was waiting for my bike I noticed Henry Erb of channel 8 leaving the coffee shop. We were very civil to one another. 30 years ago Henry was always on my case regarding the garbage crisis in Kent County. Time heals all wounds.

I loaded up my kayak and headed for the Flat River. I put in on South County Line Road and paddled 2 hours upstream and 1 hour down. The river was very clear and I saw lots of fish, turtles, and water birds. I also saw a muskrat and a raccoon in the middle of the river digging for clams.

After kayaking I decided to tackle the lawn. It took over 3 hours to complete. According to my Men's Health mag I burn 492 calories per hour using a push mower.

Since I burned so many calories I decided to have a beer and burger for dinner. I visited a new pub in Gas Light Village. The pub gets a c-. The food was over priced and the pub was very noisy.

Tomorrow I have to stop by the office to give some advise on a retro project. I think after the office I will try a new bike trail.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday July 27, 2008

This morning I jumped out of bed and headed to the garage to get my retro and head to the MAC for a swim. The retro had a flat rear tire. A tire that was less than 48 hours old. My flowery comments about the lawnmower and bike repair shop are history. Tomorrow I will have my words with the shop.

The new chemicals used in the pool are great. After 45 minutes of swimming I did not plug up. I swam 1500 yards in 45 minutes. Tasha swam 1 mile (1760 yards) in open water in 40 minutes. I will have to practise more.

Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal and toast. The Sunday papers were large but had little news of interest.

I took my Sunday nap and then loaded up the kayak and headed for Riverside Park for a short ride. The Sunday evening meal consisted of a peanut butter and honey sandwich and a bowl of Michigan blueberries.

For the next week I will not set the alarm but will rise when my body is ready. No rain is scheduled until late Tuesday. I will try and make the most of the nice summer weather.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday July 26, 2008

A day started foggy and very humid. The sun broke through around 1000. This AM is hoped on my retro and headed to Starbucks for coffee and the paper.

Riding home from Starbucks I noted that my new rear tire was going flat. As soon as I got home I filled the tire with air and hoped the tire would remain inflated during my bike ride.

I drove the South Haven and started on the Kal-Haven trail. The trail is on an old railroad grade and is not paved. It was such a beautiful day that I crossed my fingers and started east towards Kalamazoo. The trail was crowded with bikers. I pedalled 15 miles east and returned without any problems. I saw several turkeys but no deer.

I am now finishing the laundry. For dinner I pedalled to Big Bob's and had a pizza and beer.

Another great summer day.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday July 25, 2008

Alarm went off at 0400. Nancy has a 0530 flight. Arrive at airport at 0430. I returned home and slept until 0630. I then walked to Wolfgangs for breakfast. I walked home to check my e-mails and plan my day. I decided that while Nancy is gone I will suspend my morning exercises and just plan on biking and kayaking.

At 0830 I walked to the lawn mover and bike repair shop to pick up my retro. The new tires have less rolling resistance and thus give me an easier ride.

I packed up my kayak and headed to Whitehall on the shores of Lake Michigan. I put in on the White River and paddled upstream for 1 1/2 hours. The return trip also took 1 1/2 hours.

After a quick shower I hopped on my retro and headed to the new New Orleans type restaurant next to Wolfgangs. I had the gumbo soup and catfish. It was great. I will watch TV until nine and then head to bed. Tomorrow I am going to South Haven to ride the Kal-Haven bike trail.

Thursday July 24, 2008

Another nice sunny day. I took my retro bike into my favorite lawn mower and bike repair shop and had by back tires changed to a more streamlined tire. Now both tires inflate to 65 psi vs 40 psi for the original fat tires. I will check the bike out on Saturday on the Kal-Haven trail which has a riding surface of crushed limestone.

Nancy arranged for the two of us to work at a concert at Meijers Garden. For one hour work we got into the concert free of charge. The performer was Sara Evans. She has a band of six and two backup singers. The music was very loud and I thought that it was more rock than country. Bob and Nancy gave the Sara Evans a C+. Outdoor summer concerts are great.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday July 23, 2008

Continued my experiment with going without a nose covering in the MAC pool. Today I swam 30 minutes and my nose remained clear all day. I can not tell how the new pool chemical react with my skin because it has been so humid lately.

Today was another sunny July day. I took my kayak to Pigeon Lake in Ottawa County. The lake outlets to Lake Michigan. However, it was too windy to attempt going out into the big lake. Instead I paddled up the Pigeon River. The River is a winding gentle stream with no development along its banks. I saw plenty of waterfowl but no mammals until I got out of my kayak to get my car. A deer was standing in a field about 10 yards from me.

I have been impressed with the way Barack O has been handling himself on his overseas trip. He has made John M seem like so 90's. I am surprised some blogger has not made fun of Barack's initials BO.

Gas prices continue to go down. Regular gas is below $4 a gallon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday July 22, 2008

Nice and sunny this morning. After my coffee, I stopped by a lawn mower and bike repair shop on Fulton and purchased a new front wheel and tire for my retro. The new tire can carry 65 psi so it is easier to pedal. I will keep the old tire and use it in the winter when we have snow and ice on the pavement. The old tire only carried 40 psi. I am now thinking of also getting a new rear tire. The rear tire will required that I also have to purchase a new chain ring.

This PM I mowed the lawn. Typically I have been mowing every 6 days. Today was 7 days and it required a lot more effort to cut the grass. 1 day does make a difference.

As soon as I finished a short shower moved through the area. We got little rain but it lowered the temperature by about 10 degrees.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday July 21, 2008

Another hot, hazy day with no rain. I left immediately from the MAC and headed to Rosebush to visit cousin Peg. I read several entries from Grandma Hughes' log of her 1927 trip to Europe. Peg seemed to enjoy Grandmother's comments.

We had lunch at Applebees and then went to a local nursery to order some plants for the family cemetery plot. We had a good time discussing family.

It is a long trip to Rosebush (310 miles round trip) so I am taking it easy tonight.

Tomorrow is lawn cutting day. Next year I am going to buy an electric mower, unless my children give me one for Christmas.

Gas in the little city of Carson City was $3.99. In GR it is $4.09. I have noted when I travel the freeways that trucks have reduced their speed. Oh the power of the pocket book.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday July 20, 2008

Sunday started hot, humid with threatening showers. Nancy and I started the day with a 45 minute swim. The swim today was special because the MAC has changed the chemicals in the pool. Normally if I do not use a swim mask that covers my nose, I am plugged up by 3 PM. Today, I took my mask off and left my nose exposed. No plugging.

The sun came out at 11 AM and the day has turned into a very sunny day. We still have the AC on.

Friday I wrote about Grandmothers trip to Europe. At the same time Grandfather took his own trip. He left New York City on a tramp steamer, travelled down the east coast, through the Panama Canal, and up the Pacific Coast stopping in Seattle to see his sister. He took the train back to Alpena.

Saturday July 19, 2008

I already wrote this entry but it must be lost in la la land. Anyway on Saturday gas was $4.15 per gallon and a senior coffee at McDonald's was $.65. How come the cable stations I watch do not have McDonald ads but have plenty of colon cleaning ads.

Saturday was hot and humid with intermittent showers. I dropped my Kayak in Camp Lake in NW Kent County. The lake is nice and clear with almost 100% development along its shore. It took 45 minutes to travel around the lake. The next lake was Long Lake. This lake does not allow motors on the lake. The lake also has less than 10% development. The lake is very small but the lack of outboard motors and jet skis makes the trip very enjoyable.

While I was out paddling, Nancy was home preparing a meal for 7 people. The dinner started at 6 PM. Senior citizens always arrive on time, never ever are they late. The meal and conversation were great.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday July 18, 2008

Another hot and humid day. As I was getting dressed at the MAC this morning I had this real old guy ask me if I was Bob Scott. The old guy introduced himself as Bob Duff a fraternity brother from college. I had not seen Bob in 48 years. He just moved to GR. He and his wife also have a winter place in AZ.

Bob Duff said he recognized by voice. Everyone says I sound like Elmer Fudd. Bob and I are going to have lunch soon.

Tomorrow is dumpster day in the neighborhood. Nancy and I cleaned out below the stairs in the storage room. I filled up my car.

Today I played detective. Family legend has it that Grandma Hughes was in Paris when Lindbergh landed in May 1927. I recently stumbled across a small calendar book for 1925. It was in some of my mother's possessions. In looking through the book I found Grandma's daily entries of her trip to Europe. Grandma started the book on May 1, the day she left Alma for Europe. She was in Paris on May 21 the day Lindbergh landed, however it was 1925 and not 1927. Grandma made no mention of Lindbergh.

Today I read the book more thoroughly because I am going to read some passages to Peg on Monday. Did you know Grandma had an audience with the Pope?

Well much to my surprise Grandma did go to Europe in 1927. She was in Paris when Lindbergh landed! Grandma mentioned the year on several dates.

A closer examination of the book shows my Uncle Harold Woodley's name engraved on the cover. The book was probably given to Uncle Harold as a end of year gift by some peddler. The way I have reconstructed the events are as follows:
  • Uncle Harold throws the book in a drawer in his desk in the den.
  • Grandma leaves her home in Alpena, Michigan and stays at her daughter's home (Helen Woodley) in Alma prior to heading to Detroit. Aunt Helen tell Grandma she must keep a log of her trip and gives her the unused 1925 calendar book. Thus the first entry being made in Alma and not Alpena.
  • And that is all I will say about that.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday July 17, 2008

Today started hot and very humid. I had to hurry and finish my at home routine so I could be ready when the sprinkler man came to perform a mid-summer check. The sprinkler man came at 0700 and gave me quick lesson on how the system works.

The high humidity made my morning run and bike ride difficult. After lunch I decided to stay inside. We have the AC running full blast. The beauty of being retired is that if you feel like you need at nap in the afternoon, you take a nap.

At 4:30 PM Nancy and I headed for Meijers Garden for a volunteer picnic. Nancy was on the committee so we had to arrive early. I read the newspaper while Nancy worked. The picnic went off without a hitch.

I have always been interested in politics. I watch many of the cable political shows. Two shows that I regularly watch are:

Morning Joe: 0600 on MSNBC. I really like the show when the 2 stars Joe and Mika are not on. Mike Barnacle and Pat Buchanan are really good together.

I watch Chris Mathews in the evening. Although lately I think that Mathews is too self absorbed.

Although I am a Republican I think Bush and his gang have ruined the party. I am for limited government and fiscal responsibility. If I were king:
  • the USA would not belong to any alliances like NATO.
  • We would have no US troops on foreign soil.
  • We would place a tax on all imported oil (Canada and Mexico would be excluded).
  • A draft would be used to fill the ranks of the military.
  • After completion of 2 years service all draftees would be give a free education.
  • A special tax would be used to pay for any war.

I am still trying to figure who I will vote for president. More on this on subsequent blogs.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday July 16, 2008

Wednesdays are my easy day. I sleep an extra 1/2 hour and my exercise routine is cut in half. I also go out for breakfast. This morning I had oatmeal at Marie Catribs. I call Eric, a young engineer in our office, and asked him about kayaking in Hardy Pond. Eric highly recommended Hardy Pond. Hardy Dam on the Muskegon River creates the impoundment call Hardy Pond. Eric stated that he had seen a number of Eagles while fishing on the pond.

Hardy Dam is located in Newaygo County about 50 miles north of GR. Today was very hot (90s) and humid. I wore a sleeve less shirt to try and keep cool. Of course with exposed skin I had to put on a lot of sun screen. I was sweating profusely and worried that the sun screen would wash off. I spent 3 1/2 hours on the water. The only critters I saw were several turtles. No eagles this time. The pond is quite large and I only traversed about 1/3 of the circumference. I will return to see the remainder of the pond on another day.

When I got home I washed my kayaking clothes. I keep a buzz off shirt and buzz off hat in the car to wear on the water. I have been wearing both all summer long. I figured it was time they were cleaned. While waiting for the wash cycle to finish, I hopped on the retro and pedalled around Reed's Lake.

After my shower I checked to see if my arms were sun burned. They looked good so the sun screen is sweat and water proof. I decided to pop out my contact (right eye only). My contact must have dropped in the drain, because neither Nancy or I could find the contact in my eye. Tomorrow I will have to open a new one.

We have the AC going full blast, and I will not leave the house for a short walk until the sun goes down.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday July 15, 2008

The day started out beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky. I performed all my excercises at home today. After a quick shower, I jumped on the retro and biked around Reed's Lake. I stopped at the Kava House for my morning coffee and newspaper.

I got home at 1200 and decided to cut and trim the grass. I started with the electric weed wacker and trimmed all the lawn edges. It took an hour. During the afternoon the heat and humidity increased making outdoor work unpleasant. It took me 2 1/2 hours to cut the grass. I took my second shower of the day and then a well deserved 40 minute nap.

Tonight was cereal night. Nancy and I have agreed that we will eat no food after 7 PM. So I have to complete the meal by the end of the nightly news.

It is now 9:45 and I just turned on the AC. This is the second time we have used it this year.

Noted that gas prices are now $4.25 per gallon. Also with the bad news from GM, Nancy and I purchased some stock. Buy American!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday July 14, 2008

What can I say, another great day in GR. The day started sunny and cool and gradually warmed up to the mid-70s. Performed my normal morning routine. In the PM I took my trusty retro bike and headed south to the county line. In Caledonia, I found the Paul Henry Trail and headed north. This stretch of the Paul Henry Trail is on an abandoned rail road grade. Like most rail road grades the Trail is nearly flat. However, this section of the trail is not paved. I wanted to test the retro on a gravel and dirt surface. The retro passed with flying colors.

This evening Nancy and I headed to John Ball Park to a jazz concert. Nancy prepared a picnic meal and we ate and listened to the concert. Summer is great.

It is 9:15 and still nice and bright outside. However, it is time for Bob to hit the sack. See ya tomorrow.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday July 13, 2008

Sunday is sunny and very windy. Nancy and I started our Sunday as always with a 1500 yard swim. It takes me 43 minutes to swim 1500 yards (1372 meters). Last week the 1500 meter time at the trials was 12 minutes. Am I slow or am I slow!

After the swim we went to Meijers. We loaded up because Nancy is preparing dinner next Saturday for 7 people. We are also going to a pot luck on Thursday at Meijers Garden.

For breakfast Nancy prepared pouched eggs. We also had fresh fruit. Summer is great.

After my nap, I went on a short bike ride on my retro bike. I think I travelled 10 miles. Tonight we are having hot dogs and corn on the cob.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday July 12, 2008

Saturday started with heavy showers. After breakfast it was still raining so I visited 2 bike shops. I was looking for a fat tired 27" bike that I could use in town and on unpaved trails. It is a sad commentary when today's salesmen do not know a potential buyer when he walks in the door. At both stores they had a bike that I would have purchased with just the right sales pitch. No such luck.

After my unsuccessful venture in purchasing a new bike, I figured it had stopped raining so I threw the kayak in the car and headed for the Knapp Street access on the Grand River. I kayaked for 2 1/2 hours. No deer or other critters were seen today.

After kayaking I took a bike ride on my road bike. The ride was around Reed's Lake.

Nancy and I had dinner at the Green Well, a new pub on Cherry Street. Nancy gave the pub a C and I gave it a B+. The sun is out and perhaps I can talk my bride into a walk around the block. See ya!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday July 11, 2008

Today was hot and very humid. Thunder storms are expected this evening.

Day 3 of waiting for the garage door repair man. Like yesterday I did most of my morning routine at home. Door repair man arrived at 1000 and was done in 20 minutes.

I got paid yesterday so I paid the rest of our state and local taxes and the September IRS payment. It feel good to only have 1 more payment.

I then got on my retro bike and headed for the MAC. The MAC was followed by coffee and a newspaper at D&W in Breton Village.

Lunch today consisted of a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a hard boiled egg and 10 bing cherries. I finished our end of June financial statement. At 3:00 I said it's play time and loaded up my kayak and headed for Reed's Lake. It takes about 70 minutes to travel around the lake.

Tonight Nancy and I are staying home and having pork sandwiches. Tomorrow night we have a gift coupon for a new place on Wealthy, west of Fuller Ave.

Beer and sandwich time, see ya.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday July 10, 2008

July 10th was hot and very humid. Performed my daily routine at home while waiting for the garage door repair man to come. At 1100 Nancy gave home to take over the repair man watch. I went to lunch with Jennifer Dougherty, President of Scott Civil Engineering Company.

After lunch I drove to Action Glass to get my rear window replaced. I took a book along. The book is called "Paris 1919" it is about the peace conference after WW I. Great book.

When I got home I called the garage door people and they promised Friday AM. Yeah sure!

Being Thursday Night, we headed to Great Lakes Shipping to sit outside, eat and listen to the band. It is now 9:30 PM and very humid.

I have my Grandmothers log from her 1925 trip to Europe. Family legend has it the Grandmother was in Paris when Lindbergh landed. I googled Lindbergh and found out his transatlantic flight was in 1927.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thursday, July 9, 2008

Warm and sunny all day. Today is my easy day, exercise wise. Had my oatmeal and read my newspaper at Marie Cariab's. Waited around the house for the overhead door repair man. He arrived on time but did not have the needed part. He charged me $75 for a service call and said he would be back. I cut the grass and tabulated our mid year financial statement. The statement was not as bad as I thought.

Finished the afternoon with a 2.5 mile walk. This evening I met Tom Moleski at Freds for pizza. Nancy had her book club this evening. It is now 9:26 pm and I am headed for bed.

I am presently reading a novel by Senator Webb of Virginia. It is pretty good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday morning we had 1/4" of rain. Performed my standard set of exercises at home, showered and helped Helen and Don load up the car to take Shirley to the airport. The Crandalls returned about 0800 just in time for Bob and Nancy to take them to breakfast at Arnies.

After breakfast the Crandalls headed for Gaylord. Nancy worked at the hospital and Bob installed all the screens that were removed yesterday for the power washing. Bob also went for a 2 mile run.

After a short nap I was getting my bike out of the garage when I heard a loud noise. The garage door lifting assembly broke. The heavy spring landed on the rear window of my car and broke said window. Tomorrow we have the garage door repaired and on Thursday a new window will be installed.

On a brighter note today the Grand Rapids City Commission reappointed RHS to the Building Authority. While looking through some family documents in the basement I found a 1925 calender book that was used by my Grandmother Hughes on her trip to Europe. The back pages of the book listed all the cities in the US with a population over 25,000. Grand Rapids in 1925 was larger than Tampa, FL, San Diego, San Jose and Phoenix.

Monday July 7, 2008

Hot, humid and rainy. I hired a company to power wash my vinyl siding on the house. I had my schedule adjusted so that I could be home when the power washer was working. No such luck. A breakdown delayed his start to 1130.

Nancy was planning a dinner for seven at 6 PM. Guests included my sister, Don, Shirley and the Horlings. My sister arrived early. We could not open any windows because I had removed all the screens to accommodate the washing. We turned on the air conditioning and delayed putting the screens until Tuesday.

The dinner party was a success. A good time was had by all. Helen and Don will head back to Gaylord tomorrow and Shirley will catch the plane to Denver at 0700.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yes folks another warm and sunny day. Nancy and Bob started the day with a 45 minute swim at the MAC. We then went shopping at Meijers on the East Beltline. Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast. Bob took a short Sunday afternoon nap.

Tomorrow night we are have the Horlings, Crandalls and Shirley over for dinner. Nancy had to have some additional supplies so we went to Costco and stocked up. Actually, I bought some beer. Costco has 28 bottles of Molson's beer for $16. Best bargain in town. My keyboard was kaput and so we stopped and bought a new board at Staples. The new keyboard still is a lousy speller.

Today is Veronica's birthday. We tried to call but no one was home. We will try later.

I am going to try and sell my 15' kayak on Craig's List. Yesterday I took a photo. I will need Melissa's help in setting up the sale.

Tomorrow Debbie starts her new job in downtown SF. We all wish her good luck.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another warm and sunny day. Started with breakfast at the Brandywine, hot cakes, eggs, toast and the New York Times. Because of the heavy rain I decided to put my kayak in on a nice gentle stream. I drove to New Richmond on the Kalamazoo River and found the stream was a raging torrent. So I moved to Douglas and put in at the mouth of the Kalamazoo. Paddled around the harbor at Saugatuck and looked at all the boats.

When I got home I cleaned out the garage and removed the screen door in Stephen's old room. Monday is the day we get the outside of the house power washed.

At 7:00 pm Bob and Nancy drove to Tom Apels cottage on Bostwick Lake to watch the fire works. Talked with Jim Walthers the retired teacher at Ottawa and also the Kravitz's, old neighbors. We had a good time and Tom was a great host.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

We awoke on the 4th to a bright blue sky and temperature of 55. We attended the Hollyhock Lane 4th of July parade. This being an election year all the local politicans were at the parade. The organizer of the parade was Mary Ester Lee. She has remarried and I can not remember her new name. The parade was great.

Bob and Nancy walked over the the Brandywine for breakfast. The Brandywine was crowded and we had to wait but it was worth it . Breakfast was great.

The rest of the day is a lazy day. I did take out several screens in preparation for the power washer coming on Monday. We are getting our entire house power washed. The vinyl siding is beginning to look dingy. Nancy is cooking steaks on the grill along with corn on the cob.

This evening we will watch the Olympic trials. Tomorrow night we are invited to Tom Apels home on Bostwick Lake to watch fireworks. Tomorrow I am going kayaking.

Happy fourth to all.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We had 5" of rain overnight. This rainfall represents a 1 in 100 event occurrence or a 100 year storm. We were lucky no power outage.

Nancy fixed Helen's (my sister) three grand daughters scrambled eggs for breakfast. Helen, Shirley and the kids left at 0800 for their big adventure. Got on my bike and headed for the MAC (Michigan Athletic Club) for my morning routine of exercises. I can right home after the MAC to get ready for lunch with an old employee, Rick DeVries. Rick and I discussed the world according the logic only available to civil engineers.

Thursday evening we headed to Fifth Third park for a company picnic and a ball game. Because of the Wednesday night storm we got to see a double header. A beautiful night for baseball. Nancy and Bob did not stay for the completion of the second game.

Overall a great day.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday started warm and cloudy with chance of rain late in day. Started day at Maria Carob's for a bowl of oatmeal. Took my road bike to Riverside Park in Grand Rapids and rode 15 miles north on the White Pine Trail. The trail was crowded but still managed to see deer along the trail. After my 30 mile bike ride, I edged the lawn with my weed wacker. I had just finished and it started to pour down rain. We had three separate storms blow through GR. The weather service said we had 5 inches of rain. Power was out to over 40,000 homes.

During the storm my sister arrived in GR with her three cute grand daughters and her step daughter Shirley. We had dinner at Village Inn Pizza. A good time was had by all.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday, 07/01/08

Today was again sunny and warm. Started the day with my usual workout which includes a bike ride to the Michigan Athletic Club and then to the coffee shop.

After lunch (peanut butter/honey sandwich, hard boiled egg and apple) I took the weed wacker and trimmed the edge of the lawn. Had to stop at the office to sign some paperwork and then I dropped my kayak in the Grand River for a 1 1/2 hour ride.

For dinner Nancy cooked her world famous beans and rice dish. It was great. We are picking up the house because tomorrow my sister and family is coming for a visit.