Saturday, April 10, 2021

April 9, 2021

Friday April 9, 2021

Set the alarm for 0630 because Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.  My weather app said no rain until this afternoon.

 I decided today I would not go to Y.  Did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then headed out on an 8 mile ride to Panera.  Just in case I packed a rain suit in my bike bag.  

Our recent rains have brought out the foliage.  Flowers and green buds everywhere.  A great time of year in MI.

Panera was not crowded.  Settled down for some reading and to finish yesterday’s blog.

Today Nancy is leading the discussion at her book club.

This and that:

Caitlyn Jenner might run for CA Governor if current Gov is recalled.  Is CA ready for a transgender Gov?

President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill is too expensive and it looks like the Dem’s included all their pet projects.

With the big coronavirus surge in MI our Gov has recommended  keeping that restaurants limit inside seating. Curtail High School sports and go back to virtual learning.  These are only recommendations.  I think most folks will ignore.  I sure will.

After my shower I took a short nap before lunch.  Nancy got home at 1430 and said her Book Club discussion went well.

At 1630 we left home and picked up our former neighbor Sonya.  Tonight we had dinner at First Wok.  I had the Almond Chicken, Nancy had egg rolls and shrimp and Sonya had a chicken dish.  Sonya and I each had a wine with dinner.  First Wok has great food.

Despite the Govs recommendations the place was crowded.  Folks who have had their shots just feel safer going out. 

At home we watched an episode of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Actually Nancy and I both fell asleep during the show.

It was very dark when checked the front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted all weekend.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  

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