Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 2, 2021

 Friday April 2, 2021

Blog time 1919 sitting in living room:

I just lost my completed blog for April 2, 2021. So this is a quick recap.

Up at 0630.  It was 19 degrees, sunny and with little wind.

After breakfast I pedaled a short 6 mile route to the Y arriving at 0900.

Calisthenics and short walk before showering.  It is only 1.8 miles to Y.

Panera was empty.  Ordered coffee and baguette 

Headed home at 1245

Lunch and then spent time in office

Nancy called several restaurants to get reservations but no luck

Ended up at Sundance.  It was empty.  Had a glass of wine and walleye dinner.  Very good.

Watched a movie called Unlocked.  Tonight, it was good.

I still don’t know where my original copy of today’s blog is.  Must be out in never-never land.  

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