Friday, April 2, 2021

April 1, 2021

Thursday April 1, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera 

Up this morning at 0700.

Nancy is heading to MVP for a swim.  The temperature this morning was 22 with wind chill in teens.  Too cold to ride bike.  Sissy

Did just chin-ups and pull-ups before breakfast.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana.  Shaved and dressed before driving to Y.

Missy FaceTimed at 0800 today.  She and AJ have major jet lag.  They got up at 0300 PST this morning.  She said Turkey was great.  Other good news was that business at her store, in her absence, was great.

At Y I finished my morning calisthenics and rode a stationary bike for 20 minutes.  Showered and on my way  out of the Y I asked the manager when they would again provide towels.  She said it was very expensive to provide towels.  Not having towels was not because of coronavirus but cost.  

Today is April Fools Day.  I think one of the great April Fools jokes was the Sid Finch baseball story in Sports Illustrated a number of years back.  I fell for it hook line and sinker.

The Alpena News use to run April Fools stories.  I remember on time they reported on the closing of Alpena’s  major movie house.  My Dad fell for it.

Drove to Panera’s for my morning coffee and read.  Once again Panera’s was not crowded.

This and that:

The attacks on Asian Americans is really terrible.  The jerks making these attacks are just plain stupid.  Jail time for the attackers should be mandatory.

The Democrats still are on a major spending spree.  If this keep up it will bankrupt the country.  To extend unemployment benefits when many jobs go unfilled is bad.  Drive around GR and “Now Hiring Signs” are everywhere.

Today is opening day for Major League Baseball.  Snow showers in Detroit this morning.

I can’t figure if March went out like a lion or lamb?

The big question on President Biden’s infrastructure plan, who pays?  I think everyone should have their taxes raised.  Richer folks should pay a higher per cent of their pay.  I would not increase corporate taxes.  We are in world wide competition for markets.  US corporations should be competitive.

As soon as I got home Nancy said she wanted to go to Costco.  We took the Escape because after Costco I will fill it up at Meijer’s.

Costco was not crowded. Our big purchases were an Easter ham and mashed potatoes.  Also purchased a package of chicken drumsticks and a package of chicken on a stick.

At home I had a light lunch before heading down to office. Today I ordered a Panera card for myself.  I have been using Nancy’s.  

After reading news headlines I hopped on bike and headed to Panera.  I wanted to add their unlimited monthly coffee deal to my new account.  It costs $8.99 per month and I can have as many coffees as I want. The manager said they could not help me.  I had to do it online.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken drumstick that we purchased earlier.  Also had corn and home made sugar fee apple sauce.

After the new we watched episode 1 of “The Morning Show” on Apple TV+.  We liked it.

Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched a Netflix South American cop show.

It was clear and cold when checked front yard at 2200.  The full worm moon is gone.  Temp will drop to teens tonight.

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