Monday, April 26, 2021

April 25, 2021

 Weekend Update for WE 25 APR 21

Blog time Saturday 1730 sitting in office.

Events today

Breakfast at Gathering Place,  Nancy had eggs and toast and I had oatmeal with a scrambled egg and sourdough toast.

Drove to old Art Van Furniture store.  They are having a “Going out of Business” sale.  Purchased nothing.

Our courtyard is in need of some sprucing up.  A new layer of mulch would help.  So we stopped at Lowes to see if they had any cypress mulch.  They did.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she can start laundry.  I changed into work clothes and headed back to Lowe’s.  I purchased 10 bags of Cypress mulch.

At home is spent about three hours spreading the mulch.  It was more work than I wanted but the courtyard looks good.

Shaved and took a long hot shower.  Took a nap before starting this blog.

This and that from Alpena News

42% of adults in Alpena area have been vaccinated.

Today is the beginning of Trout, Pike and Walleye season.

Smelt season is over.

Dinner tonight was left over beef dish Nancy had Thursday night.  It was very good.  Also had a scone and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera on BritBox.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Temperature still in 50s when checked front yard at 2200.

Sunday April 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  The sun was already up.  Temperature was in high 30s.

Dressed and then drove to Meijer’s for gas.  Gas was $2.89.  Stopped at Panera to get coffees and a bagel for me.

At home I fixed oatmeal w banana to go with coffee and bagel.

At 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  A few more folks in attendance today but still far from full.

Today was the fourth Sunday after Easter.  It was called Good Shepard’s Day.

Today after church we stopped at CVS in Eastown.  Nancy bought four boxes of Fiber One which was on sale.

After CVS we took a drive through Easttown.  Next we headed to the Garfield Park area of GR.  Drove by the duplex we rented for six years.  The house looks in good repair.

Drove around the Jefferson/Garfield Park neighborhood before heading to Alger Heights.  The drive brought out old memories.

On way home we drove by the rental home Debbie owns.  It looked ok.

At home started reading the GRP.  Lunch and then at 1300 I took a 8.6 mile bike ride.  The sun was out and the temp was in mid 40s.  I forgot to put sunscreen on my face so got a sunburn.  Will have to remember to wear sunscreen whenever I bike.

After the ride I took a nap.  Tonight Nancy will fix her world famous scrambled eggs.

I had my scrambled eggs with sausage.  Also sourdough bread and an oatmeal cookie.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We quit when realized the show was reruns.  I think because the Academy Awards were on a different network CBS decided to put on reruns.

We watched an episode of New Tricks before heading to bed.

When I check the Court Yard at 2200 I keep looking for the skunk and possum who visited recently.  No critters tonight.

Temperature will drop to mid 30s tonight.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

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