Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 6, 2021

 Tuesday April 6, 2021

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  Nancy headed out at 0800 to meet friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.

Temperature was in 58 when I headed out on my 8 mile bike ride to Panera.  Hard to figure out what to wear when temp in high 50s.  I made the wrong choice.  Had to stop the bike and remove a layer.

Noted this morning that bushes are starting to bloom and buds are on most trees.  The robins were noisy and noted several large turkeys.

Panera was empty.  Probably one of the reasons they had to raise their prices.  It is now 1130 and temperature is 66 on its way to 77.  Welcome to spring in MI.

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  

This afternoon I installed the new door stop for our front door.  Handyman Bob.

The actions taken by Major League Baseball to move the All Star game out of Atlanta was bush league.  A lot of folks are complaining that you have to show an ID card to vote in GA.  Good grief I need ID to visit a doctor and take an airline trip.  

Finished the afternoon with a short walk to mailbox.

For dinner Nancy fixed ham and scalloped potatoes.  Also peas and French bread.  Good.

This evening we watched another episode of “The Morning Show”.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Netflix’s “Who Killed Sara”.

The temperature was in mid 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  The high temperature for the next 6 days will be in 70s.  Our average highs this time of year are in 50s.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is getting back to normal.  Business at her store is robust.

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