Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April 12, 2021

 April 12, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

Performed all my calisthenics at home today.  No Y.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana. 

It was 41 degrees and sunny this morning.  Cold enough to require an added layer.

Today I planned on riding the single speed.  When I got it down from rack noted it had a flat front tire.

Took the Bad Boy bike on the 9 mile ride to Panera.  Noted today that the increased foliage is blocking my view of the wetland areas alongside the trail. Can’t see the critters in the brush.

This and that:

The police shooting of a black man in Minnesota shows poor training of the police.  

Good news about Minnesota for folks seeking a great place to live, Duluth.

Ex President Trump calling Senator McConnell a stupid SOB during a speech was just plain stupid.  Ex President Trump is a total jerk and the GOP will not receive votes from moderates like me as long as Trump is involved.

In the UK some colleges say it is elitist to mark down a students paper because of poor spelling and grammar.  I totally disagree.  As some one who has worked to overcome my spelling and grammar deficiencies I cringe when I read a report with misspelled words and poor grammar.  Shame on the teachers who don’t demand perfection.

If Israel is responsible for hacking Iran’s nuclear power network, good for them.  Why can’t the USA retaliate when our vital networks are hacked?

Panera’s dining room will close at 1600 today.  The reason being they cannot get staff.  This is not an uncommon problem in GR.  Help Wanted signs are everywhere.  Why work when President Biden will send you a stimulus check and extend unemployment benefits.  

Got home from Panera at noon.  Total bike miles today, 11.5.

Shower and then lunch.

Afternoon activities:

Removed all moveable stuff from garage and gave it a clean sweep.  The accumulated debris from the winter filled a large trash bag.  I also tossed a lot of useless stuff I had been keeping.

I took the front wheel off my single speed bike and took it to Ada Bike.  They put in a new tube.

At home reattached the front wheel.  Started to fill the rear tire and my pump would not work.

Took my pump back to Ada Bike.  They checked the pump and said it worked fine.

Returned home and once again tried to fill the rear tire.  No luck. What was I doing wrong?

Finally decided the problem was not the pump but a faulty valve stem.  Removed the tire and put in a new tube.  Pumped up the tire with no problems.  Go figure both tires on the single speed were flat.  

We had our standard Monday dinner. Cheerios with a scone.  

I had wine with the meal.  I have been having trouble sleeping.  Read that sleep will improve if no alcohol three hours before bedtime so I decided no alcohol after 1930.  Hope it works.

Watched the news and then started watching a new season of Keeping Faith on Acorn.  We gave it a B-.

Temperature in mid 40s when checked front yard at 2200, mid 30s at 0800.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

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