Monday, April 5, 2021

April 4, 2021

 Weekend update for WE April 4, 2021

Blog time 1250 on Easter Sunday sitting in office.

Saturday April 3, 2021

Up at 0700.  Quickly dressed and then we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Temperature above freezing with sun.  Pleasant walk.

Panera was not crowded.  Nancy ordered coffee and I had oatmeal, coffee and a croissant.  We enjoy these relaxing Saturday mornings just sipping coffee and talking.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  

I ran several errands.  First stop was Staples.  I got our Vaccination cards laminated.  We might need them when we travel.

Next stop was Ace Hardware.  Our front door’s door stop was destroyed by continual impacts.  We needed a 4” long stop.  The longest Ace had was only 3”.  Will check Home Depot next week.

At home I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  It was sunny but windy.  Great with the wind at my back but a beast pedaling into the wind.  Noted no critters on the ride but encountered a lot of Robins.  The Robins seem very numerous this Spring.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  This afternoon I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  Also had Irish Soda Bread and homemade apple sauce.

 We watched an episode of  “The Morning Show” on Apple A+. Good show.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched  a Netflix show about a South American family member who was in jail for 18 years for a crime he did not commit.  Good show whose name escapes me.

Started to check the front yard when I encountered a big skunk in our courtyard.  Immediately closed the door and went to bed.

We FaceTimed Debbie this evening.  Everything ok.

Alessandra called Nancy this afternoon.

Missy is back taking her 5 mile walks on the beach. Today she also got her coronavirus shot.  She got the J&J one shot vaccine.

Easter Sunday April 4, 2021

Slept in this morning until 0730.

It was sunny with temperature in low 40s.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana before dressing for Church.  Left for church at 0845.  We expected a large crowd today but it was only slightly larger than last week.

Pastor Bob gave a great Homily today.  I look forward to the day we have live music at the service.

Today we took a ride after church.  Drove to Lowell and took Grand River Drive home.  

At home I took a 2.25 mile walk.

It is now 1315 and Nancy said Easter Dinner in 15 minutes.  Ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and Irish Soda bread are on the menu.  We will both have a glass of wine.  

Easter dinner was very good.  I think that in my 82 years I have only spent 4 Easters away from family.

Spent some time this afternoon reading the GRP.  Also put some skunk repellent around possible homes for skunks.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  It was warm enough that I did not turn my electric blanket on.

After the nap Nancy and I took a 0.75 mile walk.  No jacket needed the temp was near 70.

Since the Easter Dinner was my main meal, I only had a yogurt for evening snack.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then an episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the South American family crime show on Netflix.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  No skunk sighted.  Rain predicted for tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  Nancy also got a call from Alessandra.

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