Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 21, 2021

 Wednesday April 21, 2021

Blog time 0930 sitting in the Gathering Place restaurant

Alarm goes off at 0600.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

I performed my calisthenics at 50% before dressing and heading to Panera’s Drive Thru for coffee and bagel.

At home drank coffee and waited for BC to open at 0730.  BC meetings are still on Zoom.

Today’s Speaker was the Executive officer of the Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts (UICA).  She gave a great talk on how they are surviving during the pandemic.

After the meeting I got on the Bianchi and pedaled to the Gathering Place restaurant.  Ordered oatmeal, scrambled egg and sour dough toast.  Excellent breakfast.  Nancy and I should visit on Saturday.  I really had to bundle up this morning because the temperature was 27.

Special shout out to my cousin Betty Scott.  Betty is a year and a day older the me.  Happy Birthday Betty.

Took my easy route home.  Encountered a few snow flakes on the ride. Total bike miles today = 9.45

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  Don’t think they will be busy because it is so cold.

Lunch and then started my Wednesday chores.

Load of laundry

Took out trash

Took a nap.

Nancy got home at 1900.  She said the Gardens was not busy. Didn’t I predict that!

Tonight we had our standard Wednesday dinner of cereal and fruit.

The news is still dominated by the ramifications of the guilty verdict in Minnesota.  New laws and police reform.

Tonight we watched New Tricks.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She talked about the problems associated with AJ returning to in person learning.  Not an easy problem to solve.

Temperature in low 30s when checked the courtyard at 2200.  Another cold evening with temps in mid 20s.  Looks like this will be our last night of freezing temps.


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