Friday, April 16, 2021

April 15, 2021

 Thursday April 15, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  It was drizzling and cold this morning, 38.  No bike ride.

April 15 has always been tax day.  Because of the Coronavirus it was extended this year.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I only did some chin-ups and pull-ups at home.  Breakfast and then stopped at the Cascade Twp office.  I explained that they had lost my check for taxes.  The Deputy Treasurer understood the problem and was apologetic.  She said because of coronavirus and their recent move to new quarters things got lost.  Despite the excuses she offered no refund.  I left disappointed.  Their incompetence cost me $130.

The Y was not crowded.  I finished my morning calisthenics, rode the stationary bike for mile, and walked 0.6 miles. Showered and headed to Panera.

In a recent blog I said that I had never seen a Robin eat a worm off a concrete surface.  This morning while pedaling the stationary bike I saw a Robin feasting on several worms residing on a concrete surface.    Once again my observation was premature.

Panera was not crowded.  Got some bad news.  Panera’s dine in area will be closed for two weeks starting tomorrow.  The drive through will still be open.  The reason for the closure is the inability to get staff.

 Read the papers, finished yesterday’s blog and checked email. Nothing in this morning’s papers I want to comment on.  Coronavirus, infrastructure and stories of the silly games our legislators play in DC.

At home I fixed lunch, yogurt with fiber one, Ensure drink and an oatmeal cookie.

The rain stopped about 1400.  I put on my bike clothes and Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  Picked up my Bianchi and pedaled home a distance of 7.7 miles.  

The bike ride home was unpleasant because Ada Bike did not adjust the seat as I requested.  I unsuccessfully tried to make the adjustment myself.  My mechanical skills leave a lot to be desired.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a stuffed chicken breast with peas, coleslaw and a dinner roll.  Good.

After the news we switched to Netflix and started watching an episode of Queens Gambit.  Halfway through the show Kathi called Nancy.  I knew Nancy would be tied up for a long time so I switched to “Who Killed Sara” a 30 minute show.

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Noted a beautiful crescent moon.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

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