Friday, April 30, 2021

April 29, 2021

 Thursday April 29, 2021

Blog time 1200 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.

This morning we both slept in until 0700.  First time in ages that I had a great night’s sleep.

This morning the temperature was in mid 40s with light drizzle.  In fact rain predicted for most of day.  No bike today.

Nancy is going swimming again today.  She left home at 0800.

This morning I did only chin-ups and pull-ups at home.  Quick breakfast and then hopped in Fusion and drove to the Y in light rain.

I had been gone from the Y for several weeks but noted no increase in attendance.  In fact this morning I thought attendance was small.

Calisthenics and then 20 minutes on stationary bike before showering.  The Y still does not provide towels.  Another reason I stay away.  

Drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and two plain bagels.  Panera was also not crowded.  

Started reading and finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

We did not listen to President Biden’s speech last night.  But according to morning news, no surprises.

Today is the 10th wedding Anniversary of Prince William and Kate.  Nancy and I were in Scotland on the day of the wedding.  I did not think the Scots made a big deal of the wedding.

The Department of Energy has pledged funds to built needed electric transmission lines from wind farms to urban areas.  Lots of luck because although the Green Weenies want to eliminate carbon they block every effort to build transmission lines. 

Our Governor said as soon as we get 70% of adults vaccinated she will open things up.  We now have about 48%.  Folks are tired of waiting.  Recall of Gov possible.

FDA plans to ban menthol cigarettes.  Apparently minorities and folks with alternative life style are big users.  As a former smoker menthol cigarettes were my least favorite.

Apple just had a gang buster quarter.  Good I like their products.  I just bought an Apple keyboard for my iPad Pro.

Left Panera at 1230.  It was still raining. 

Lunch and then got in Fusion and drove to REI.  I like this store they have several items that I put on my wish list.

Spent most of the afternoon in office checking mail and reading.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and green beans.  Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime. My favorite show.

We FaceTimed Debbie tonight.  She has been very busy.  We recommended she take Violet for a walk and get a good nights sleep.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She has been busy trying to find a camp that Akerke might like this summer.  Missy also looked tired.  We recommended a good night’s sleep.

Rain had ended when checked front yard at 2200.  Low temp tonight will be in low 40s.  

No critters spotted today.  I am beginning to worry.  I have not seen a deer in our back yard or front yard in several weeks.  Where have they gone?


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