Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 23, 2021

Friday April 23, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in the Panera on Lake Eastbrook.

Up this morning with the 0630 alarm.  The sun was just coming up and the temperature was a mild 37.

Nancy headed out early for two classes at MVP.

I did my calisthenics at home today, only 50%.

Oatmeal breakfast before biking to the Lake Eastbrook Drive Panera. It is 3.25 miles from the condo to this Panera.  The route is flat but a lot of driveways so I have to be very vigilant.

Ordered coffee and a bagel (actually 2 bagels) before starting my morning reading.  

This and that:

Just reading about the President Biden’s recent actions I am sure a lot of folk are disappointed.  I sure am.  We did not get a moderate.  The President seems to be complying with the left’s play book.

The EU still has not got its Coronavirus act together.  Their inoculations are not even close to the UK’s or USA.  

 A lot of the global warming actions wanted by the President do not make sense.  

The global warming folks have a big concern about the methane generated by cows farting.  Will we ban beef and milk?

Saturday President Biden is going to announce that Turkey created genocide against the Armenians during WW 1.  Is it a good idea to stick our nose into other nations business, especially after 100 years?  Turkey is an important member of NATO.

Pleasant ride home from Panera.  Temp had risen to 50s and the wind was at my back.

My Fusion needs a good cleaning.  After lunch we headed to Breton Village.  Dropped Nancy at Talbots while I got the car cleaned inside and out.  They did a great job.  Nancy did not purchase anything at Talbots.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork with mashed potatoes.  Also had coleslaw.  Very good.

My sister, Helen, texted me asking how much Scottish DNA we had.  I told her the results from my three DNA samples.  We are predominantly Scottish.  Shirley and Jerry, Don’s children, are visiting Gaylord and they wanted to know.

Debbie and Missy also FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watch two episodes of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Like this Aussie show.

Checked front yard at 2200 and not a creature was stirring.  Although I did chase a big groundhog out of our courtyard this afternoon.



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