Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 26, 2021

 Monday April 26, 2021

Blog time 1220 at the Lake Eastbrook Dr Panera

Set the alarm last night for 0630. Nancy has an early exercise class at MVP.  I must have increased the volume on the alarm because when it went off I exploded out of bed.

The temperature this morning was 37.  My watch said showers until 1000. However, I looked outside and the drives were dry.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  Breakfast and then I dressed warm for today’s bike ride.  My plan was to pedal 11.5 miles and then shower before heading to Panera.

It was not raining when headed out but just to be sure I put on rain pant.  Good move because the rain pants provided added warmth.

I pedaled into a brisk 18 mph wind making the wind chill 30.  My hands and feet got very cold.  It was a very unpleasant 90 minute ride.

At home I jumped in shower to warm up.  To help keep me warm I put on a pair of lined pants.  I never thought I would need them until fall.

I drove to Panera.  It was not crowded. Panera must have a system wide policy to keep their restaurants cold.  Makes for an unpleasant dining experience.

Nancy at 1100 is taking our old neighbor Sonya shopping.  She has a big shopping list and they plan on visiting several stores.

After lunch Nancy and I are heading to Costco.  We have a big shopping list.

Lunch and then we headed to Lowe’s.  Bought three more bags of mulch.

Costco today was not crowded.  Nancy picked up her prescription.  We also bought some supplies like toilet paper, mouth wash, lotion and pin wheel sandwiches.

This and that:

The Coronavirus is knocking India for a loop.  Oxygen supplies are limited and hospitals are full.  A humanitarian crisis.

Look like an election will be held in Ca to recall the Governor.  Would you vote for ex star athlete Bruce Jenner or whatever her name is now?

In my Civil Engineer’s mind most of the items in the Infrastructure bill are not infrastructure.  Looks like a shopping list for the left.

This afternoon I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight we had the pinwheel sandwiches we purchased today at Costco.  Also had coleslaw and pineapple.

After the news we watched a show on BritBox whose name escapes me.

Checked the courtyard at 2200 and saw the super moon.  Very impressive.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.

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