Friday, April 30, 2021

April 29, 2021

 Thursday April 29, 2021

Blog time 1200 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.

This morning we both slept in until 0700.  First time in ages that I had a great night’s sleep.

This morning the temperature was in mid 40s with light drizzle.  In fact rain predicted for most of day.  No bike today.

Nancy is going swimming again today.  She left home at 0800.

This morning I did only chin-ups and pull-ups at home.  Quick breakfast and then hopped in Fusion and drove to the Y in light rain.

I had been gone from the Y for several weeks but noted no increase in attendance.  In fact this morning I thought attendance was small.

Calisthenics and then 20 minutes on stationary bike before showering.  The Y still does not provide towels.  Another reason I stay away.  

Drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and two plain bagels.  Panera was also not crowded.  

Started reading and finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

We did not listen to President Biden’s speech last night.  But according to morning news, no surprises.

Today is the 10th wedding Anniversary of Prince William and Kate.  Nancy and I were in Scotland on the day of the wedding.  I did not think the Scots made a big deal of the wedding.

The Department of Energy has pledged funds to built needed electric transmission lines from wind farms to urban areas.  Lots of luck because although the Green Weenies want to eliminate carbon they block every effort to build transmission lines. 

Our Governor said as soon as we get 70% of adults vaccinated she will open things up.  We now have about 48%.  Folks are tired of waiting.  Recall of Gov possible.

FDA plans to ban menthol cigarettes.  Apparently minorities and folks with alternative life style are big users.  As a former smoker menthol cigarettes were my least favorite.

Apple just had a gang buster quarter.  Good I like their products.  I just bought an Apple keyboard for my iPad Pro.

Left Panera at 1230.  It was still raining. 

Lunch and then got in Fusion and drove to REI.  I like this store they have several items that I put on my wish list.

Spent most of the afternoon in office checking mail and reading.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and green beans.  Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime. My favorite show.

We FaceTimed Debbie tonight.  She has been very busy.  We recommended she take Violet for a walk and get a good nights sleep.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She has been busy trying to find a camp that Akerke might like this summer.  Missy also looked tired.  We recommended a good night’s sleep.

Rain had ended when checked front yard at 2200.  Low temp tonight will be in low 40s.  

No critters spotted today.  I am beginning to worry.  I have not seen a deer in our back yard or front yard in several weeks.  Where have they gone?


Thursday, April 29, 2021

April 28, 2021

 Wednesday April 28, 2021

Blog time 1715 sitting in office.

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy gets ready for her morning swim.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  It was drizzling.  Drizzle will end later this morning.

I did some light calisthenics before dressing and heading to the Gathering Place restaurant for breakfast.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and sourdough toast along with coffee.  The food is good but their internet is weak.  I just read the headlines.

After breakfast I drove to D&W to mail a package.  At home I called our insurance agent and got our vehicle insurance squared away.

The drizzle had stopped so at 1130 I started out on a 11.5 mile bike ride.  As soon as I got home I spread a bag of mulch.

Quick shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I:

Did a load of laundry.

Took out the trash and recyclables.

Took a nap.

This and that:

Tonight is President Biden’s first address to USA public.

The actions of publishing houses to not publish books by some of President Trumps staff sure sounds like censorship.  What happened to Freedom of Speech.  Is it only for the Woke Folk.

Apple and other major companies are having great sales.

Facebook censors some posts about India’s Prime Minister.  It bothers me that a large organization like Facebook has this much power.  Who elected them.

The Coronavirus sure has taken its toll on the EU.

Tonight for dinner we had meal 4 of the pinwheel sandwiches.  They are good but enough is enough.

We watched the news before switching to BritBox.  Watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of the Swedish cop show, Backstrom.  This show is not up to what I expect of Swedish cop shows.

Checked front yard at 2200.  No critters.  Temp in mid 50s.  Rain expected tonight.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April 27, 2021

 Tuesday April 27, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting in Mudpenny Cafe in the new Ada Development. 

Up this morning at 0645.  It was 56 degrees.  Warmest morning this year.  What to wear on big ride?

Nancy left at 0800.  She is meeting friends at Calvin College for a morning walk.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  I only go to the Y on rainy days.

Breakfast and then headed out on a ride to the new development in Ada.  It is 5.5 miles from the condo.  Today I am trying the Mudpenny Cafe.  Ordered coffee and a muffin.  The cafe is nice and clean but has a limited menu.  

I read my emails and finished yesterday’s blog.  It is now 1045 and the temperature is 66.  I will ditch my jacket on the ride home.

I took a long route home, total miles today, 14.5.  Longest ride of the year.

At home I noticed that Nancy had spread 3 bags of mulch in our side yard green area.  She still need another 2 bags.

After lunch I headed back to Lowe’s to purchase 2 bags of mulch.  Also stopped Groskopfs and got a neck pillow for Missy.

Nancy’s tooth fell out today.  She has a 1645 appointment to get it glued back on.  

Talked to my old engineering friend Tom Mayan.  We reminisced about the good old days.  Tom told me that we should make an effort to attend Grandson Lucas’s confirmation in June.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in the office reading and cleaning up.  

For dinner tonight we had meal 2 of the pin wheel sandwiches we purchased earlier at Costco.  Coleslaw and pineapple were also on the menu.

We watched the news and then switched to Brit Box and watched a new show called Shakespeare and Hathaway.  A detective duo filmed in Stratford on Avon.  We will watch another episode before forming an opinion.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched a Swedish cop show on Acorn. It was called Backstrom.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Did not see the super moon when checked the front yard at 2200.  Showers possible tonight.  Low temps this evening in 50s.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 26, 2021

 Monday April 26, 2021

Blog time 1220 at the Lake Eastbrook Dr Panera

Set the alarm last night for 0630. Nancy has an early exercise class at MVP.  I must have increased the volume on the alarm because when it went off I exploded out of bed.

The temperature this morning was 37.  My watch said showers until 1000. However, I looked outside and the drives were dry.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  Breakfast and then I dressed warm for today’s bike ride.  My plan was to pedal 11.5 miles and then shower before heading to Panera.

It was not raining when headed out but just to be sure I put on rain pant.  Good move because the rain pants provided added warmth.

I pedaled into a brisk 18 mph wind making the wind chill 30.  My hands and feet got very cold.  It was a very unpleasant 90 minute ride.

At home I jumped in shower to warm up.  To help keep me warm I put on a pair of lined pants.  I never thought I would need them until fall.

I drove to Panera.  It was not crowded. Panera must have a system wide policy to keep their restaurants cold.  Makes for an unpleasant dining experience.

Nancy at 1100 is taking our old neighbor Sonya shopping.  She has a big shopping list and they plan on visiting several stores.

After lunch Nancy and I are heading to Costco.  We have a big shopping list.

Lunch and then we headed to Lowe’s.  Bought three more bags of mulch.

Costco today was not crowded.  Nancy picked up her prescription.  We also bought some supplies like toilet paper, mouth wash, lotion and pin wheel sandwiches.

This and that:

The Coronavirus is knocking India for a loop.  Oxygen supplies are limited and hospitals are full.  A humanitarian crisis.

Look like an election will be held in Ca to recall the Governor.  Would you vote for ex star athlete Bruce Jenner or whatever her name is now?

In my Civil Engineer’s mind most of the items in the Infrastructure bill are not infrastructure.  Looks like a shopping list for the left.

This afternoon I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight we had the pinwheel sandwiches we purchased today at Costco.  Also had coleslaw and pineapple.

After the news we watched a show on BritBox whose name escapes me.

Checked the courtyard at 2200 and saw the super moon.  Very impressive.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.

Monday, April 26, 2021

April 25, 2021

 Weekend Update for WE 25 APR 21

Blog time Saturday 1730 sitting in office.

Events today

Breakfast at Gathering Place,  Nancy had eggs and toast and I had oatmeal with a scrambled egg and sourdough toast.

Drove to old Art Van Furniture store.  They are having a “Going out of Business” sale.  Purchased nothing.

Our courtyard is in need of some sprucing up.  A new layer of mulch would help.  So we stopped at Lowes to see if they had any cypress mulch.  They did.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she can start laundry.  I changed into work clothes and headed back to Lowe’s.  I purchased 10 bags of Cypress mulch.

At home is spent about three hours spreading the mulch.  It was more work than I wanted but the courtyard looks good.

Shaved and took a long hot shower.  Took a nap before starting this blog.

This and that from Alpena News

42% of adults in Alpena area have been vaccinated.

Today is the beginning of Trout, Pike and Walleye season.

Smelt season is over.

Dinner tonight was left over beef dish Nancy had Thursday night.  It was very good.  Also had a scone and cottage cheese.

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera on BritBox.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Temperature still in 50s when checked front yard at 2200.

Sunday April 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  The sun was already up.  Temperature was in high 30s.

Dressed and then drove to Meijer’s for gas.  Gas was $2.89.  Stopped at Panera to get coffees and a bagel for me.

At home I fixed oatmeal w banana to go with coffee and bagel.

At 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  A few more folks in attendance today but still far from full.

Today was the fourth Sunday after Easter.  It was called Good Shepard’s Day.

Today after church we stopped at CVS in Eastown.  Nancy bought four boxes of Fiber One which was on sale.

After CVS we took a drive through Easttown.  Next we headed to the Garfield Park area of GR.  Drove by the duplex we rented for six years.  The house looks in good repair.

Drove around the Jefferson/Garfield Park neighborhood before heading to Alger Heights.  The drive brought out old memories.

On way home we drove by the rental home Debbie owns.  It looked ok.

At home started reading the GRP.  Lunch and then at 1300 I took a 8.6 mile bike ride.  The sun was out and the temp was in mid 40s.  I forgot to put sunscreen on my face so got a sunburn.  Will have to remember to wear sunscreen whenever I bike.

After the ride I took a nap.  Tonight Nancy will fix her world famous scrambled eggs.

I had my scrambled eggs with sausage.  Also sourdough bread and an oatmeal cookie.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We quit when realized the show was reruns.  I think because the Academy Awards were on a different network CBS decided to put on reruns.

We watched an episode of New Tricks before heading to bed.

When I check the Court Yard at 2200 I keep looking for the skunk and possum who visited recently.  No critters tonight.

Temperature will drop to mid 30s tonight.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 23, 2021

Friday April 23, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in the Panera on Lake Eastbrook.

Up this morning with the 0630 alarm.  The sun was just coming up and the temperature was a mild 37.

Nancy headed out early for two classes at MVP.

I did my calisthenics at home today, only 50%.

Oatmeal breakfast before biking to the Lake Eastbrook Drive Panera. It is 3.25 miles from the condo to this Panera.  The route is flat but a lot of driveways so I have to be very vigilant.

Ordered coffee and a bagel (actually 2 bagels) before starting my morning reading.  

This and that:

Just reading about the President Biden’s recent actions I am sure a lot of folk are disappointed.  I sure am.  We did not get a moderate.  The President seems to be complying with the left’s play book.

The EU still has not got its Coronavirus act together.  Their inoculations are not even close to the UK’s or USA.  

 A lot of the global warming actions wanted by the President do not make sense.  

The global warming folks have a big concern about the methane generated by cows farting.  Will we ban beef and milk?

Saturday President Biden is going to announce that Turkey created genocide against the Armenians during WW 1.  Is it a good idea to stick our nose into other nations business, especially after 100 years?  Turkey is an important member of NATO.

Pleasant ride home from Panera.  Temp had risen to 50s and the wind was at my back.

My Fusion needs a good cleaning.  After lunch we headed to Breton Village.  Dropped Nancy at Talbots while I got the car cleaned inside and out.  They did a great job.  Nancy did not purchase anything at Talbots.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork with mashed potatoes.  Also had coleslaw.  Very good.

My sister, Helen, texted me asking how much Scottish DNA we had.  I told her the results from my three DNA samples.  We are predominantly Scottish.  Shirley and Jerry, Don’s children, are visiting Gaylord and they wanted to know.

Debbie and Missy also FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watch two episodes of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Like this Aussie show.

Checked front yard at 2200 and not a creature was stirring.  Although I did chase a big groundhog out of our courtyard this afternoon.



Friday, April 23, 2021

April 22, 2021

 Thursday April 22, 2021

Blog time 1045 sitting in Lake Eastbrook Panera.

Got up at 0630.  Today I have a 0830 Dentist appointment.

Nancy headed out to MVP for her Thursday swim at MVP.  

Another cold morning.  Temperature was 26.  I sure hope this cold snap has not damaged the fruit crop.  I think today will be our last day with temps below freezing until September.

Today is Earth Day.  It is also my 83rd birthday.

I arrived at the Dentist on time and the staff was waiting for me.

My reason for the appointment was that I thought I had an infection near one of the implants anchors. The dentist removed the implant (total upper).  Inspected the area, took X-rays and cleaned the plate and inserts.

The bottom line, they could not find anything wrong.  As a precaution I will take some antibiotics.

Stopped at Panera.  Got coffee and a bagel.  I also was given a birthday croissant.  Looked out the window and it was snowing.

Read email and finished yesterday’s blog. 

Kim is cleaning today.  So in keeping with past cleaning days I will pick up Nancy and we will take a ride through rural Mi.

On today’s drive Nancy and I headed NE.  Sites we saw today were:

The community of Grattan and the Grattan Irish Pub, Grattan Speedway.

Drove through City of Belding and then headed east to M66.

Headed south on M66 through the City of Ionia and finally hit I96 and headed home.

We were gone about 2 hours

Kim was just finishing up when we arrived.  Perfect timing.

After Kim left Nancy headed to an Estate Sale in our old Ottawa Hills neighborhood.  She bought one small item.

Lunch and then when Nancy got home I drove to Meijer’s to put gas in the Escape.  Gas was $2.89.  Also picked up a prescription.

No nap or exercising today.

At 1630 we drove to the Cork Restaurant for my birthday dinner. We met Becky Verker and Phil Hertel.  Phil is also celebrating his birthday today.

The food at the Cork is very American.  Becky and I had the walleye dinner, Phil had perch and Nancy beef.  Of course we all had wine with our meal.  We spent about 90 minutes reminiscing.  A very enjoyable evening.

Today I received a lot of calls from family member members.  Debbie FaceTimed as did Missy and AJ.  Veronica and Alessandra FaceTimed from their car as they were on their way to Alessandra’s batting practice.  Got a phone call from Grandson Lucas.  Steve also FaceTimed by we did not connect. Sister, Helen, called.

I want to thank all family members for recognizing my birthday.  I truly appreciate it.

Tonight we watched an episode of Murder In Paradise on Brit Box.  

The temperature was in 30s when checked the front yard at 2200.  No frost this evening.  A warmup is coming.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 21, 2021

 Wednesday April 21, 2021

Blog time 0930 sitting in the Gathering Place restaurant

Alarm goes off at 0600.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

I performed my calisthenics at 50% before dressing and heading to Panera’s Drive Thru for coffee and bagel.

At home drank coffee and waited for BC to open at 0730.  BC meetings are still on Zoom.

Today’s Speaker was the Executive officer of the Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts (UICA).  She gave a great talk on how they are surviving during the pandemic.

After the meeting I got on the Bianchi and pedaled to the Gathering Place restaurant.  Ordered oatmeal, scrambled egg and sour dough toast.  Excellent breakfast.  Nancy and I should visit on Saturday.  I really had to bundle up this morning because the temperature was 27.

Special shout out to my cousin Betty Scott.  Betty is a year and a day older the me.  Happy Birthday Betty.

Took my easy route home.  Encountered a few snow flakes on the ride. Total bike miles today = 9.45

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  Don’t think they will be busy because it is so cold.

Lunch and then started my Wednesday chores.

Load of laundry

Took out trash

Took a nap.

Nancy got home at 1900.  She said the Gardens was not busy. Didn’t I predict that!

Tonight we had our standard Wednesday dinner of cereal and fruit.

The news is still dominated by the ramifications of the guilty verdict in Minnesota.  New laws and police reform.

Tonight we watched New Tricks.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She talked about the problems associated with AJ returning to in person learning.  Not an easy problem to solve.

Temperature in low 30s when checked the courtyard at 2200.  Another cold evening with temps in mid 20s.  Looks like this will be our last night of freezing temps.


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April 20, 2021

 Tuesday April 20, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

No alarm today.  Slept in until 0700.  

This morning Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.  The temperature this morning was 32.  No snow.

I did my calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast with banana.

This morning I really bundled up for my bike ride.  Today I again took my Bianchi bike for the 3 mile ride to Panera at the intersection of Lake Eastbrook and 28th Street.  I rode into a brisk wind so I was really cold when arrived.  The good news is the route is flat.

The layout at this Panera is almost identical to the one near the condo.  I noted a number of the regulars who frequent the closed Panera.

Ordered coffee and a bagel and croissant to enjoy with my reading.

This and that:

A verdict if expected today on the trial of the Minneapolis police officer.

Rep Waters was not censored by the House for her comments on demonstrators getting more aggressive.  I certainly disagree with the Dems.

Covid cases in Mi continue to increase.  This morning’s Alpena News had an article on the increased cases in NE MI.  The local hospital has seen a big increase in COVID cases.

I sure hope the expected deep freeze tonight does not damage the fruit crops.

The ride home from Panera was easier than going because I had the wind at my back.

On way home I looked in at Starbucks and it did not have indoor seating.  Panera seems to be the only coffee shop that allows indoor seating.

I also stopped at Macatawa Bank.  Macatawa’s lobby is closed.  They let me in because I was on my bike.

At home shaved and took a long hot shower.

Nancy is spending several hours this morning helping her friend Kathi pack.  Kathi has sold her house and is moving to Indianapolis.  Nancy will miss her.

Right after lunch I took a short nap.  Actually I just wanted to spend some time under my electric blanket.

Debbie gave me Brit Box for my birthday.  I spent some time getting it loaded on my iPad and big TV.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also cottage cheese and a brisket.

The news tonight was totally dominated by the trial in Minnesota.

Tonight we watched Death In Paradise on Brit Box followed by New Tricks on Prime.  A great night of viewing.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was cold.  Freeze warnings are up for tonight and tomorrow morning.  Temps will drop to mid 20s.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  This afternoon Akerke FaceTimed Nancy.  They had a nice talk.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April 19, 2021

 Monday April 19, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office.

Up with the 0630 alarm.  Nancy headed out immediately for her two classes at MVP.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  At 0800 I called our dentist, Dr Lambert, to see if he could look at what I think was an infected gum.  The location of the infections appears to be near an implant screw.  I have a 1045 appointment.

Drove to Panera and bought a coffee and bagel.  Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee and bagel.

Showered before heading to dentist.  Dr Lamber took an X-ray of the infected area.  He wants me to come back on Thursday so he can remove my dental implant for closer inspection.  He will also consult with the Oral Surgeon who did most of the implant work.

On way home I stopped at Meijer’s and replenished my special food.

It is now 1300.  I will have lunch and if the rain stops I will take a bike ride.  Stay tuned.


Spent time in office paying bills and reading.

1600 the rain has stopped so headed out on a bike ride.  Today I took the Bianchi with the 8 speed internal hub.  I pedaled  8.57 miles.  

Showered before dinner.

Light dinner of cereal and hard roll.

After the news we watched a new season of Midsomer Murders.

The magic is gone because the script seemed confusing.  We will give it another week.

Temperature was in high 30s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Sub freezing temp possible tonight.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Monday, April 19, 2021

April 18, 2021

 Saturday April 17, 2021

Blog time 1630 in office

Up at 0700 this morning.  Since Panera is closed to indoor dining we drove to IHOP for breakfast.  Big disappointment the food was cold.  

After breakfast we drove to an Estate Sale.  It was crowded.  We had a tough time finding a parking place.  Nancy visited the same sale yesterday and purchased several items.  Today all items were 50% off.  Nancy bought more items.

At home Nancy started the laundry.

I took a bike ride, 9.5 miles.  Today I wanted to make a dry run to another Panera that has indoor seating.  This Panera is about 3 miles further than the one we usually visit.  However, the route is flat making pedaling easy.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALESSANDRA.  Today is Granddaughter Alessandra’s 12th birthday.  We gave her a FaceTime call.

Today is also my father’s birthday.  My dad was born in Virginia, Minnesota on April 17, 1906.

Lunch and then down to office for some writing and reading.

Ended the afternoon with nap.

For dinner tonight I had tamales.  Love tamales.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.

I phoned my sister, Helen, and we talked about today being Dad’s birthday.

For our evening viewing we watched a movie on Prime.  It was called Courier.  Another female martial arts expert was the star.  The movie was kind of gruesome.  We gave it a C.

Checked the yard at 2200.  I opened the door and I heard a noise.  It was a possum.  It looked at me but did not move.  Tomorrow I must put down some more critter repellent.

Sunday April 18, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  The sun was up but the temp was only in high 20s.

Quickly dressed and headed to Panera.  Got us our morning coffee.  Also got a blueberry bagel.  

For breakfast fixed oatmeal with banana to go with my coffee and bagel.

At 0845 we left home for Trinity Lutheran.  Very small crowd today.

After church we took a tour of downtown GR.  We were both amazed at the number of new multi-story apartment buildings.  We spent about 90 minutes driving around.

At home I got on single speed bike and took a 10 mile ride.  The temperature had risen to mid 50s.  

Spent some time spraying all possible critter holes in our courtyard.  The spray is obnoxious. Sure hope it works.

Spent time this afternoon reading the GRP. 

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also had link sausage.  

At 1900 we Zoomed Alessandra and watched her light the candles on her birthday cake.  She blew the candles out with a single breath.  We sang Happy Birthday before signing off.

Tonight we watched another episode of New Tricks. I stayed up and watched the final episode of Who Killed Sara.  It was the season’s final episode.  However, the story did not end.  It will be continued in Season 2.  Bummer.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  No possum was seen.

We had FaceTime conversations with Debbie and Missy.  Everyone ok.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

April 16, 2021

 Friday April 16, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Starbucks in Woodland Mall

The alarm went off at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP so she left home at 0700.  Later today She and Kathi are attending an Estate Sale.

Today is the first day that Panera is closed to inside dining so I will adjust schedule.  

Performed all my calisthenics at home.  Oatmeal breakfast and then headed out on a bike ride.  

Today I rode 11.5 miles.  The temperature was in the high 30s with a brisk wind.  I got very cold.

At home I took a long warm shower.  Dressed and headed to Starbucks in Woodland Mall.  

Found out I like doing my reading and writing at Starbucks.  Starbucks is located in a small island in the middle of the mall.  The lighting is great and I enjoy watching the foot traffic passing by.  In other words great for people watching.

At home I had a quick lunch.  

The saddle on my Bianchi bike slopes in the wrong direction.  I took the seat post and saddle off and headed to Ada Bike.  The chief mechanic was able to loosen the saddle bolts and realign the seat.  

Took the seat home and installed it.  Took a short test ride.  Conclusion! the seat geometry is now perfect.

At 1700 Nancy and I drove to Gander restaurant.  The Gander is located in the Double Tree hotel.   We met the Moleski’s, Linda and Tom.  

Only one table was occupied when we arrived which surprised us.  The restaurant is clean and pleasant.  Best of all the food was very good.  Tom and I had the perch basket.  Nancy and Linda had sandwiches.  Of course we all had a drink with our dinner.  We spent nearly two hours eating, drinking and talking.  A very pleasant evening.

At home we watched the final episode of “The Queen’s Gambit”.  Great show.

AJ FaceTimed Nancy before dinner and Debbie and Missy later.  Everyone was upbeat.

It was cold, mid 30s, when checked the front yard at 2200.  More cold is coming our way.  Morning temperature on Monday and Tuesday will be in high 20s.  BRR!

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 15, 2021

 Thursday April 15, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  It was drizzling and cold this morning, 38.  No bike ride.

April 15 has always been tax day.  Because of the Coronavirus it was extended this year.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I only did some chin-ups and pull-ups at home.  Breakfast and then stopped at the Cascade Twp office.  I explained that they had lost my check for taxes.  The Deputy Treasurer understood the problem and was apologetic.  She said because of coronavirus and their recent move to new quarters things got lost.  Despite the excuses she offered no refund.  I left disappointed.  Their incompetence cost me $130.

The Y was not crowded.  I finished my morning calisthenics, rode the stationary bike for mile, and walked 0.6 miles. Showered and headed to Panera.

In a recent blog I said that I had never seen a Robin eat a worm off a concrete surface.  This morning while pedaling the stationary bike I saw a Robin feasting on several worms residing on a concrete surface.    Once again my observation was premature.

Panera was not crowded.  Got some bad news.  Panera’s dine in area will be closed for two weeks starting tomorrow.  The drive through will still be open.  The reason for the closure is the inability to get staff.

 Read the papers, finished yesterday’s blog and checked email. Nothing in this morning’s papers I want to comment on.  Coronavirus, infrastructure and stories of the silly games our legislators play in DC.

At home I fixed lunch, yogurt with fiber one, Ensure drink and an oatmeal cookie.

The rain stopped about 1400.  I put on my bike clothes and Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  Picked up my Bianchi and pedaled home a distance of 7.7 miles.  

The bike ride home was unpleasant because Ada Bike did not adjust the seat as I requested.  I unsuccessfully tried to make the adjustment myself.  My mechanical skills leave a lot to be desired.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a stuffed chicken breast with peas, coleslaw and a dinner roll.  Good.

After the news we switched to Netflix and started watching an episode of Queens Gambit.  Halfway through the show Kathi called Nancy.  I knew Nancy would be tied up for a long time so I switched to “Who Killed Sara” a 30 minute show.

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Noted a beautiful crescent moon.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

April 14, 2021

Wednesday April 14, 2021

 Blog time 1035 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.

Up at 0700 I did calisthenics at 50% before dressing for my short, 3 mi, bike ride to Panera.  It was a cold 37 but sunny.

This morning Nancy headed out for a blood test at Metro Health followed by a swim at MVP.  This afternoon she works at the gardens.  Tonight she will attend a Zoom meeting for a charity called Women Who Care (WWC).  Busy day.

Yesterday being the 13th I bought a Mega Millions and Powerball lottery ticket.  Will check later to see if I can buy a house on Mackinaw Island.

This and that:

The Olympics are about 100 days away.  No foreign visitors are allowed.  The recent surge in coronavirus in Japan has made the event not very popular.

A lot of talk about the so-called infrastructure bill but so far no action.  Congress should just stick to true infrastructure and not throw in Left’s wish list.

At home a quick lunch and then Wednesday’s chores;

Load of laundry

Gather up and take out trash and recyclables.

Put out the last of the bird seed.  A successful feeding season is over.

Took a nap.

Nancy got home at 1700.

She opened the mail and found a bill from Kent County for delinquent Cascade Twp taxes.  Kent County is the collection agency for Townships.  

I was perplexed!  We are good at paying taxes.  I looked at my check book and found that I had written a check for the taxes on 29 Jan.  I remember dropping off the taxes at the Township’s office.  They have a box at the office entrance to drop off taxes. 

I decided to pay the delinquent taxes online.  Tomorrow I will stop at township office.  I am out $130 for their error.

I helped Nancy set up her iPad for her 1745 zoom meeting with WWC.  She was reluctant to attend because she was unfamiliar with zoom.  After some fiddling she figured it out.

I fixed a light dinner.  Cheerios with yogurt.

After Nancy’s meeting we watched the Shepard Smith news on CNBC. Mr Smith is sometimes too full of himself.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks, my favorite show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We asked about their concerns about the J&J shot they received.  The both felt the blood clotting issue was extremely rare.  We were happy with their positive response.

Talked with my Sister, Helen, tonight.  She is pondering several options she has for taking care of Don.  These are difficult decisions.  Our blessings are with her.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April 13, 2021

 Tuesday April 13, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.  This morning Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.

The temperature was 37 this morning with sun.  

I did all the calisthenics at home.  Breakfast, oatmeal with banana, and then bundled up and headed out on the single speed to Panera, 8 miles.  Near the Cascade Library I saw a Sheriff Deputy walking along side the road.  A deer that had recently been struck by a vehicle was struggling.  The Deputy waited for me to pass and then he put the deer out of its misery. I heard the shot.

Read the Alpena News and email before finishing yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

Had to believe but Alpena which has a declining population has a shortage of homes and rental units.  The surge in demand is caused by folks working from home.  They want to leave metro areas and live in a small town.  They can take their job with them.

This mornings news were full of reports of rare blood clotting for folks getting the J&J vaccine.  The number of instances is very very small.  Over reaction?

If Florida bans transgender athletes from playing Girls sports the NCAA might pull events out of Florida.  Good grief can you image a great athlete like Bruce Jenner participating in Women’s track.

Why is it that after every rain, worms come out of the ground and a lot of them end up on concrete or bituminous surfaces. I have never seen a Robin eat worms off these hard surfaces.  Why?

As soon as I got home I got in Fusion and ran some errands.  

First stop Macatawa bank to make deposit.   

Next stopped at Bill & Paul’s.  I bought a light weight backpack. I have been having shoulder pain with my heavy pack.  

Lunch and then headed downstairs to clean my in basket.  I had not checked in nearly a week.  Most of the mail was requests for money.

My final errand for the day was a trip to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Also filled up the Fusion.  Gas was $2.60+.

Nancy has a 1640 Doctor’s appointment. She needs a quick checkup to renew her meds prescription.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner I finished Friday’s Almond Chicken with rice.  Still good.

News and then watched a new show on Acorn whose name escapes me.  Finished the evening watching the episode on Jack Irish we recently slept through.

Temp in 40s when checked front yard at 2200.  Where have all the night creatures gone?

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April 12, 2021

 April 12, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

Performed all my calisthenics at home today.  No Y.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana. 

It was 41 degrees and sunny this morning.  Cold enough to require an added layer.

Today I planned on riding the single speed.  When I got it down from rack noted it had a flat front tire.

Took the Bad Boy bike on the 9 mile ride to Panera.  Noted today that the increased foliage is blocking my view of the wetland areas alongside the trail. Can’t see the critters in the brush.

This and that:

The police shooting of a black man in Minnesota shows poor training of the police.  

Good news about Minnesota for folks seeking a great place to live, Duluth.

Ex President Trump calling Senator McConnell a stupid SOB during a speech was just plain stupid.  Ex President Trump is a total jerk and the GOP will not receive votes from moderates like me as long as Trump is involved.

In the UK some colleges say it is elitist to mark down a students paper because of poor spelling and grammar.  I totally disagree.  As some one who has worked to overcome my spelling and grammar deficiencies I cringe when I read a report with misspelled words and poor grammar.  Shame on the teachers who don’t demand perfection.

If Israel is responsible for hacking Iran’s nuclear power network, good for them.  Why can’t the USA retaliate when our vital networks are hacked?

Panera’s dining room will close at 1600 today.  The reason being they cannot get staff.  This is not an uncommon problem in GR.  Help Wanted signs are everywhere.  Why work when President Biden will send you a stimulus check and extend unemployment benefits.  

Got home from Panera at noon.  Total bike miles today, 11.5.

Shower and then lunch.

Afternoon activities:

Removed all moveable stuff from garage and gave it a clean sweep.  The accumulated debris from the winter filled a large trash bag.  I also tossed a lot of useless stuff I had been keeping.

I took the front wheel off my single speed bike and took it to Ada Bike.  They put in a new tube.

At home reattached the front wheel.  Started to fill the rear tire and my pump would not work.

Took my pump back to Ada Bike.  They checked the pump and said it worked fine.

Returned home and once again tried to fill the rear tire.  No luck. What was I doing wrong?

Finally decided the problem was not the pump but a faulty valve stem.  Removed the tire and put in a new tube.  Pumped up the tire with no problems.  Go figure both tires on the single speed were flat.  

We had our standard Monday dinner. Cheerios with a scone.  

I had wine with the meal.  I have been having trouble sleeping.  Read that sleep will improve if no alcohol three hours before bedtime so I decided no alcohol after 1930.  Hope it works.

Watched the news and then started watching a new season of Keeping Faith on Acorn.  We gave it a B-.

Temperature in mid 40s when checked front yard at 2200, mid 30s at 0800.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Monday, April 12, 2021

April 11, 2021

 Weekend Update for WE 11APR

Blog time 1645 Saturday sitting in office.

Up at 0700

Nancy and I walk to Panera

Oatmeal breakfast and coffee.  Same Saturday crowd.

At home Nancy started laundry

I drove to Meijer’s to replenish banana, oatmeal and Ensure supply.

I took 11 mile bike ride.  

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch of yogurt, Ensure, last of soda bread and a cookie.

Measured my single speed bikes gear ratios.  Plan on an update to make pedaling easier.

Starting blog when Nancy called saying she was caught in rain.  I picked her up at Shepard’s Grill.  She only got 0.4 miles in.

As soon as we got home big thunderstorm rolled thru.

French onion soup for dinner along with ham sandwich

Watched Brokenwood Mysteries.  This was a new season and we were disappointed.

Slight rain when checked front yard at 2200.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.  Good news Debbie got her shot.

Sunday April 11, 2021

Blog time 1800 on Sunday sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for two coffees and bagel.

Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Small crowd at church.

After church we took a ride.  Headed south on Thornapple to Barry County.  Drove through Whitneyville, Middleville, and Caledonia. Ride duration was 90 minutes.  We enjoy these relaxing rides through rural MI.

Took 10 mile bike ride on single speed.  Love the simplicity of a single speed.  The recent rains have really brought out the green foliage.


Today Nancy got a message from Ancestry that her DNA results were available.  Downloaded the results but had some difficulty viewing.  The problem was that Nancy has changed email address and we have also changed internet providers. 

We called Debbie and she helped us get it straightened out.

The only surprise in Nancy’s DNA was that she only had 5% German ancestry.  Her Grandfather Hartmann was born in Germany.  

Nancy’s DNA showed primarily ancestors from the British Isles.

Debbie and Missy were identified as daughters.  She also had some distant Patton and Hartman cousins. I hope she builds her family tree.

Spent time reading the GRP.  Coronavirus still dominates the news, followed by the death of Prince Philip.  

I finished the afternoon with nap.  

For dinner we had Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs with ham.  

We watched the news and 60 minutes.  We finished the evening watching New Tricks on Prime.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Slight rain when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Cooling trend for the next week.  Low 40s for tomorrow morning.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

April 9, 2021

Friday April 9, 2021

Set the alarm for 0630 because Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.  My weather app said no rain until this afternoon.

 I decided today I would not go to Y.  Did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then headed out on an 8 mile ride to Panera.  Just in case I packed a rain suit in my bike bag.  

Our recent rains have brought out the foliage.  Flowers and green buds everywhere.  A great time of year in MI.

Panera was not crowded.  Settled down for some reading and to finish yesterday’s blog.

Today Nancy is leading the discussion at her book club.

This and that:

Caitlyn Jenner might run for CA Governor if current Gov is recalled.  Is CA ready for a transgender Gov?

President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill is too expensive and it looks like the Dem’s included all their pet projects.

With the big coronavirus surge in MI our Gov has recommended  keeping that restaurants limit inside seating. Curtail High School sports and go back to virtual learning.  These are only recommendations.  I think most folks will ignore.  I sure will.

After my shower I took a short nap before lunch.  Nancy got home at 1430 and said her Book Club discussion went well.

At 1630 we left home and picked up our former neighbor Sonya.  Tonight we had dinner at First Wok.  I had the Almond Chicken, Nancy had egg rolls and shrimp and Sonya had a chicken dish.  Sonya and I each had a wine with dinner.  First Wok has great food.

Despite the Govs recommendations the place was crowded.  Folks who have had their shots just feel safer going out. 

At home we watched an episode of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Actually Nancy and I both fell asleep during the show.

It was very dark when checked the front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted all weekend.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  

Friday, April 9, 2021

April 8, 2021

 Thursday April 8, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  It was cloudy and 63.  My super duper weather app said it would start raining at 0800.  Based on this info I decided to drive to Y.

Light calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  I left for the Y at 0830 and it was not raining.  Bummer, once again bum dope made me change plans.

The Y was empty.  Calisthenics and a 20 minutes ride on stationary bike before shower and heading to Panera.

Panera was again devoid of customers.  Spent time reading the Alpena News, email and the News on my iPad.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

Kim is cleaning today.  On cleaning day Nancy and I usually take a drive through rural Mi.  Called Nancy and she said no drive today.  She is getting ready for Book Club on Friday.  She selected the book and must lead the discussion.

I drove to Bill & Paul’s sporting goods.  Looked over their selection of kayaks.  I am thinking of buying a kayak.  

At home prepared lunch.  After lunch I drove Nancy to Harvest Bread so she could get a loaf of her favorite bread.  She also bought a cookie and shared it with me.

It looked the rain had stopped so at 1500 I pumped up the tires on my 40+ year old single speed Nishiki.  Started out on a short ride when the sky opened up.  I was throughly soaked when got home.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.  Very good.

News and then we watched an episode of New Tricks. Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Who Killed Sara.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  It was still warmer in GR than CA.  That will change soon.

Temperature in mid 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  Scattered showers for the weekend.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 7, 2021

 Wednesday April 7, 2021

Up with alarm at 0600. Breakfast Club today.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

Made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee and bagel for use while I attend BC.

Speaker today from Circle Theater. She talked about current problems and surviving during coronavirus.

After BC stopped at Panera for oatmeal and short read.

1000, I have an appointment at Secretary of States office.  I got my Driver’s License changed to a real ID.  Because the SOS screwed up first time, no charge.

Stopped at Woodland Mall looking for wig wam wool crew socks.  Not available at stores I visited.

At REI bought a laminated photos of birds of MI card.

At Batteries  Plus I bought a battery tester.

Back at home took a 9 mile bike ride. The temperature during the ride was in mid 70s.  I just wore a light tee. 

Showered and then quick lunch.

Wednesday chores.

Load of laundry

Gathered up trash and took to curb.

Short nap.

Nancy  had a 1730 FaceTime conversation with Akerke.

For dinner Nancy fixed two ham sandwiches.  

We watched the news and then headed to the den to watch New Tricks on Prime.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  Everything ok.

After New Tricks Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Who Killed Sara on Netflix.

The temperature was still in 70s when checked front yard at 2200.  

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 6, 2021

 Tuesday April 6, 2021

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  Nancy headed out at 0800 to meet friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.

Temperature was in 58 when I headed out on my 8 mile bike ride to Panera.  Hard to figure out what to wear when temp in high 50s.  I made the wrong choice.  Had to stop the bike and remove a layer.

Noted this morning that bushes are starting to bloom and buds are on most trees.  The robins were noisy and noted several large turkeys.

Panera was empty.  Probably one of the reasons they had to raise their prices.  It is now 1130 and temperature is 66 on its way to 77.  Welcome to spring in MI.

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  

This afternoon I installed the new door stop for our front door.  Handyman Bob.

The actions taken by Major League Baseball to move the All Star game out of Atlanta was bush league.  A lot of folks are complaining that you have to show an ID card to vote in GA.  Good grief I need ID to visit a doctor and take an airline trip.  

Finished the afternoon with a short walk to mailbox.

For dinner Nancy fixed ham and scalloped potatoes.  Also peas and French bread.  Good.

This evening we watched another episode of “The Morning Show”.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Netflix’s “Who Killed Sara”.

The temperature was in mid 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  The high temperature for the next 6 days will be in 70s.  Our average highs this time of year are in 50s.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is getting back to normal.  Business at her store is robust.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

April 5, 2021

 Monday April 5, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera 

Set the alarm for 0630 today.  Nancy needs to leave home at 0700 so she can get to her class at MVP on time.

The temperature was in the 50s.  I got a weather warning on my iPhone saying hail and thunder storms heading our way.  No bike today.

Just some chin-ups and pull-ups before breakfast.  It was raining hard when I left home at 0800 for the Y.  

The Y was not crowded.  Today is the first day of Spring Break so I expected more young folks.  They must be sleeping in.

Calisthenics, rode the stationary bike for 10 minutes and finished with a 0.6 mile walk.  Since I have been easing back on walking my hip pain has diminished.

After Panera I will stop at Home Depot to look for a door stop.  Next stop will be Meijer’s for supplies.

This and that:

Michigan is leading the nation with its Coronavirus surge.  This despite the continual lecturing of our Governor.

President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan sure looks more like a liberal wish list.  Very little actual civil engineering projects.  The unions are the main beneficiaries.

Panera has raised their prices on most items.  Why am I not surprised.

As mentioned earlier I stopped at Home Depot.  Found exactly what I wanted.  Of course I only wanted one door stop but got a package of two.  What do you expect from Big Box stores.

Meijer’s was not very crowded so I was able to get my yogurt, cookies, bread and pudding in record time.

Lunch and then headed down to office.  Today I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.

The sun came out late this afternoon.  Got on my bike and pedaled to Macatawa Bank.  Returned our Trust Documents to our lock box.  Also put Nancy’s master password in box for safe keeping.

Took a short nap this afternoon.  For dinner I had Cheerios with pineapple and a ham sandwich.

After the news we watched the final episode of Blood Land. We were not satisfied with the confusing ending.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Who Killed Sara.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave positive reports.  It was warmer in GR than LA.

It was still in mid 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  No sign of skunk.  The repellent worked?

Monday, April 5, 2021

April 4, 2021

 Weekend update for WE April 4, 2021

Blog time 1250 on Easter Sunday sitting in office.

Saturday April 3, 2021

Up at 0700.  Quickly dressed and then we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Temperature above freezing with sun.  Pleasant walk.

Panera was not crowded.  Nancy ordered coffee and I had oatmeal, coffee and a croissant.  We enjoy these relaxing Saturday mornings just sipping coffee and talking.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  

I ran several errands.  First stop was Staples.  I got our Vaccination cards laminated.  We might need them when we travel.

Next stop was Ace Hardware.  Our front door’s door stop was destroyed by continual impacts.  We needed a 4” long stop.  The longest Ace had was only 3”.  Will check Home Depot next week.

At home I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  It was sunny but windy.  Great with the wind at my back but a beast pedaling into the wind.  Noted no critters on the ride but encountered a lot of Robins.  The Robins seem very numerous this Spring.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  This afternoon I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  Also had Irish Soda Bread and homemade apple sauce.

 We watched an episode of  “The Morning Show” on Apple A+. Good show.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched  a Netflix show about a South American family member who was in jail for 18 years for a crime he did not commit.  Good show whose name escapes me.

Started to check the front yard when I encountered a big skunk in our courtyard.  Immediately closed the door and went to bed.

We FaceTimed Debbie this evening.  Everything ok.

Alessandra called Nancy this afternoon.

Missy is back taking her 5 mile walks on the beach. Today she also got her coronavirus shot.  She got the J&J one shot vaccine.

Easter Sunday April 4, 2021

Slept in this morning until 0730.

It was sunny with temperature in low 40s.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana before dressing for Church.  Left for church at 0845.  We expected a large crowd today but it was only slightly larger than last week.

Pastor Bob gave a great Homily today.  I look forward to the day we have live music at the service.

Today we took a ride after church.  Drove to Lowell and took Grand River Drive home.  

At home I took a 2.25 mile walk.

It is now 1315 and Nancy said Easter Dinner in 15 minutes.  Ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and Irish Soda bread are on the menu.  We will both have a glass of wine.  

Easter dinner was very good.  I think that in my 82 years I have only spent 4 Easters away from family.

Spent some time this afternoon reading the GRP.  Also put some skunk repellent around possible homes for skunks.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  It was warm enough that I did not turn my electric blanket on.

After the nap Nancy and I took a 0.75 mile walk.  No jacket needed the temp was near 70.

Since the Easter Dinner was my main meal, I only had a yogurt for evening snack.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then an episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the South American family crime show on Netflix.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  No skunk sighted.  Rain predicted for tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  Nancy also got a call from Alessandra.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 2, 2021

 Friday April 2, 2021

Blog time 1919 sitting in living room:

I just lost my completed blog for April 2, 2021. So this is a quick recap.

Up at 0630.  It was 19 degrees, sunny and with little wind.

After breakfast I pedaled a short 6 mile route to the Y arriving at 0900.

Calisthenics and short walk before showering.  It is only 1.8 miles to Y.

Panera was empty.  Ordered coffee and baguette 

Headed home at 1245

Lunch and then spent time in office

Nancy called several restaurants to get reservations but no luck

Ended up at Sundance.  It was empty.  Had a glass of wine and walleye dinner.  Very good.

Watched a movie called Unlocked.  Tonight, it was good.

I still don’t know where my original copy of today’s blog is.  Must be out in never-never land.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

April 1, 2021

Thursday April 1, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera 

Up this morning at 0700.

Nancy is heading to MVP for a swim.  The temperature this morning was 22 with wind chill in teens.  Too cold to ride bike.  Sissy

Did just chin-ups and pull-ups before breakfast.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana.  Shaved and dressed before driving to Y.

Missy FaceTimed at 0800 today.  She and AJ have major jet lag.  They got up at 0300 PST this morning.  She said Turkey was great.  Other good news was that business at her store, in her absence, was great.

At Y I finished my morning calisthenics and rode a stationary bike for 20 minutes.  Showered and on my way  out of the Y I asked the manager when they would again provide towels.  She said it was very expensive to provide towels.  Not having towels was not because of coronavirus but cost.  

Today is April Fools Day.  I think one of the great April Fools jokes was the Sid Finch baseball story in Sports Illustrated a number of years back.  I fell for it hook line and sinker.

The Alpena News use to run April Fools stories.  I remember on time they reported on the closing of Alpena’s  major movie house.  My Dad fell for it.

Drove to Panera’s for my morning coffee and read.  Once again Panera’s was not crowded.

This and that:

The attacks on Asian Americans is really terrible.  The jerks making these attacks are just plain stupid.  Jail time for the attackers should be mandatory.

The Democrats still are on a major spending spree.  If this keep up it will bankrupt the country.  To extend unemployment benefits when many jobs go unfilled is bad.  Drive around GR and “Now Hiring Signs” are everywhere.

Today is opening day for Major League Baseball.  Snow showers in Detroit this morning.

I can’t figure if March went out like a lion or lamb?

The big question on President Biden’s infrastructure plan, who pays?  I think everyone should have their taxes raised.  Richer folks should pay a higher per cent of their pay.  I would not increase corporate taxes.  We are in world wide competition for markets.  US corporations should be competitive.

As soon as I got home Nancy said she wanted to go to Costco.  We took the Escape because after Costco I will fill it up at Meijer’s.

Costco was not crowded. Our big purchases were an Easter ham and mashed potatoes.  Also purchased a package of chicken drumsticks and a package of chicken on a stick.

At home I had a light lunch before heading down to office. Today I ordered a Panera card for myself.  I have been using Nancy’s.  

After reading news headlines I hopped on bike and headed to Panera.  I wanted to add their unlimited monthly coffee deal to my new account.  It costs $8.99 per month and I can have as many coffees as I want. The manager said they could not help me.  I had to do it online.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken drumstick that we purchased earlier.  Also had corn and home made sugar fee apple sauce.

After the new we watched episode 1 of “The Morning Show” on Apple TV+.  We liked it.

Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched a Netflix South American cop show.

It was clear and cold when checked front yard at 2200.  The full worm moon is gone.  Temp will drop to teens tonight.