Monday, February 1, 2021

January 31, 2021

 Sunday January 31, 2021

Blog time 1740 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  It had snowed last night.  Everything was white.  Temperature was 22.

Quickly dressed and headed out to Panera.  Opened the garage door and saw a big snow removal tractor cleaning our drive.  Good timing!  The tractor did a great job.

I did shovel our short walk and got the Sunday paper before heading to Panera.  I think we got 5 inches of snow.  Tahoe Drive had not been plowed but the 4WD Fusion had no problem climbing the hill.  

Snow removal crews had just cleaned Panera’s drive.  Ordered coffee and bagel.  

Fixed myself an oatmeal with a banana to go along with the bagel and coffee.  Set up my iPad so we could watch the YouTube Trinity Lutheran service.  The church has a few technical problems with YouTube.  It made the service disjointed.

After church I headed outside to do more snow shoveling.  I like to shovel snow.  Also filled up all our bird feeders and installed a new one on our deck.  Got kdljjs;to feed the birds.

Spent time in office going over all our accounts.  Also checked our Wells Fargo and Fidelity accounts to see if tax forms were available.  They were not.

Lunch and then took a short nap.  Headed downstairs to start this blog.

For dinner Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  I will also have a piece of ham and a slice of sourdough bread.  

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  60 Minutes has lost its touch.  Stories not very good.  More editorializing than reporting.

Tonight on Netflix we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  I like this show.  I have put visiting St Johns, Newfoundland on my bucket list.

Talked with both Debbie and Missy today on FaceTime.  

The snow had stopped when checked the front yard at 2200.  A nice blanket of white snow covered the front yard.

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