Wednesday, February 10, 2021

February 9, 2021

 Tuesday February 9, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  The temperature was in single digits.

Calisthenics at home followed by an oatmeal breakfast before driving to the Y.  This morning after calisthenics I rode a stationary bike for 20 minutes.  Ended my session with a mile walk.

Drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a blueberry bagel.  Only two other folks sitting down at Panera. I only read no blog writing.

Checked the Alpena News before reading my email and reading the N on my Ipad.  Weather, impeachment and coronavirus still dominates the news.

At home I shaved and showered.  Quick lunch and then headed to Advanced Oral Surgery for a 1400 appointment.  Today they took a scan of my new upper implants.  Also took a photo requiring me to me to show my teeth.  It is unnatural for me to show teeth.  I am a grinner not a smiler.  I was out of the office in less than 5 minutes.  

On way home stopped at Meijer’s.  Bought wine, cookies, soap, and shaving lotion.

As soon I got home I took a mile walk.  Ended the afternoon with a nap.

This and that:

You know that winter has finally set in when I am wearing long underwear every day.  In my youth I wore a union suit from Thanksgiving until Memorial Day.  Yes, a union suit is a body suit with a bottom flap.  Standard wear for per teen boys.  Happiest day of my life was when my Mother said I did not have to wear winter underwear.  I think I was in 8th grade.

Speaking of Grade School.  Alpena had three elementary schools, K-8.  Every February, 7th and 8th graders would take an afternoon from classes and have an speed skating contest.  Alpena had a standard Olympic style speed skating outdoor rink. Boys and girls participated in races over many distances.  Great memories.

Speed skating was a big sport in Alpena.  We even had several national champs.  Our big rink was open all day until 2200.  I loved to skate.

For dinner tonight we finished Saturday’s pizza.  Nancy also fixed a salad.  

Tonight we watched the only network TV show we enjoy NCIS.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was cold 15 when checked the front yard at 2200.  I keep seeing tracks in snow of a critter I can not identify.  Will have to take a photo and check on line.


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