Friday, February 5, 2021

February 4, 2021

 Thursday January 4, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Calisthenics before breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  It was 30 and sunny when I started my 1.75 mile walk to Y.  The sidewalks were 70% ice free.

This morning Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a 3 mile walk.  Nancy enjoys walking with friends.

The Y was not crowded.  I finished my calisthenics and then took a short walk.  

The temperature was 36 when I started my walk to Panera.  Some clouds had moved in and the wind was picking up.  We expect a major winter storm starting this afternoon.

Like the Y, Panera was nearly empty.  Bought a coffee and croissant.  Read some news and my emails.  

I got home from Panera at 1200.  Shaved and showered before heading out on some errands.  I took Nancy’s Escape because it needed gas.

First stop Lake Mi Credit Union.  Cashed in a CD and then took the check and deposited at Macatawa Bank.  I have too many institutions holding my finances.  I am consolidating.

Next stop was Meijer’s.  I filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.55 today.  In the main store I bought Ensure, yogurt, sugar free cookies, toothpaste, shower cleaner and Guinness beer.  Who cares?  Why did I write this?

I did not have lunch until 1430 today.  After lunch spent the  afternoon in office. No nap today.

It was snowing hard at 1700 when put our corn for deer.

The Governor just announced that winter high sports can begin. She was getting a lot of pressure from parents.  

It looks like the number of Coronavirus cases are declining in the USA a good sign.  However, the new strains of the virus are troublesome.

President Biden continues to use executive orders to move his agenda.  It will be interesting to see how the Dems can get their legislation through congress.

We called AJ before dinner to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Today Akerke is 13 years old.  We remember those teen age years?  We told Akerke she will enjoy her teen years.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her home made chili.  I had mine with a scone and salad.

We watched the news tonight before spending time on FaceTime.   Tonight we talked to Missy, Veronica and Stephen, Debbie and Alessandra on a three way call.  Stephen joined in on the Debbie and Alessandra call.

It was great tonight.  We talked to all seven family members in CA.  Another first, and we hope just the start for many more.

After FaceTime Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.

It was snowing hard when I checked the front yard at 2200.  I shoveled about 4” of new snow.  It will snow all night.  Tomorrow the snow and cold will continue.

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