Monday, February 8, 2021

February 7, 2021

Sunday February 7, 2021

Blog time 1430 sitting in office

Up at 0700

Dressed and drove to Meijer's to get bananas.  On way home stopped at Panera for coffee and blueberry bagel.

Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee and bagel.

 Set up iPad for 0915 Trinity Service.

Read some of the papers before Church service which starts at 0915.  Today was the 48th streaming service.  I am surprised at how many members attend the service.  Today the number was over 300. 

Drove to Dick's for warm weather tee but they did not have any. Wasted trip.

Lunch today at 1230.  Yogurt, toast with Pb, hard boiled egg and bottle of Ensure.  I love Ensure Light, vanilla.

1300 set up iPad again to attend a neighborhood Church meeting on Zoom.  About 15 neighbors in attendance.  First meeting on Zoom.  I thought it went well.

Spent some time reading Sunday papers.  At 1500 I needed a break so took a mile walk.

It being Sunday I took my mandatory afternoon nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  Also had spinach pie, prune juice and a sugar free cookie.

No 60 Minutes because of the Super Bowl.  We watched the first quarter while I finished reading the GRP.  

After the paper we moved to the den.  Watched an episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Occupied on Netflix.  

We FaceTimed with Missy and AJ today.  They are doing ok.  Cabin Fever prevails in CA and MI.

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Noticed tracks in the snow that I could not identify.  Cold night ahead, temp in single digits.

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