Saturday, February 6, 2021

February 5, 2021

 Friday February 5, 2021

Blog time 1245 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  We were blanketed with about 6 inches of new snow.  The temperature was in the low teens but with wind speeds above 20 mph the windchill was in low single digits.

I was curious about the new depth of snow since I shoveled at 2200 last night.  Put on my coat and boots to check.  Our sidewalk only had a thin layer of new snow.  On further checking I noted that our sidewalk and drive had been cleared earlier this morning by the Condo Association crew.  I think we got another 4 inches over night.

No Y for me today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Showered and put on my warm clothes.  Spent some time outside cleaning the bird feeders and shoveling the edges of the drive.  The Condo’s plow driver only cleaned the center of the drive.  I cleaned off the edges.  In some places the snow was about 9 inches deep.

Fixed myself a cup of coffee and then cooked oatmeal.  Nancy got me a scone out of the freezer.  Breakfast was oatmeal, banana, coffee and a scone.  Very good. Obviously no Panera today.

Headed downstairs for my morning reading.  Read all the papers I subscribed to.  Found nothing that I want to comment on.

After lunch I took a nap.  My only outside exercise today was shoveling.  I cleaned the drive and walks about 4 times.  I didn’t want to spend too much time outside because the wind chill was near zero.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed one of Trader Joe’s Cod meals.  I had mine with a salad and peas.  Also had my glass of prune juice.

Tonight we watched the news before switching to Prime TV. We started watching a cop show, Cloth.  About 40 minutes into the show we realized it was a satire on serial killer shows.  It was terrible so we did not finish.  We did watch an episode of Ted Lasso.

Light snow on the walks when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Shoveled the walk and cleaned off the bird feeders.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them about our cold winter weather.  They preferred CA weather.  

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