Thursday, February 4, 2021

February 3, 2021

 Wednesday February 3, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715.  Light calisthenics and then dressed and walked to Panera.  It was 15 but with bright sunshine.

Nancy at 0800 headed to Woodland Mall for her morning walk.  She encountered several acquaintances who were also walking.  On these cold mornings Mall walking is popular.

Today at Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast with blueberry bagel and coffee.  Panera was not crowded but I had trouble finding a small table.  Several large tables were open but I don’t want to take up a table for six.  Finally the manager changed some seating so I sat at a small table for two.

During my time at Panera I read email and newspapers.  Nothing in the national news I want to comment on.  However, the Detroit News had some MI news that I find interesting.

Governor and legislature are feuding.  Our Governor likes to issue executive order so she can bypass the legislature.  A Democratic Governor not wanting to work with a GOP legislature leads to hard feelings.  Both parties are not willing to compromise.  Are they both too dumb to know that compromise is the backbone of a democracy.

Mi and Ontario are feuding over pipelines under the Straits.  The pipeline is owned by a Canadian firm.  Our previous Governor gave the company permission to build a tunnel under the straits.  The pipeline would be placed in the tunnel.  Governor Whitman has canceled the project.  Canada is mad.  I thought the tunnel was a great idea.  

GM has not made Saturn or Pontiacs in years but I see a lot of them still on the road.  I had a Pontiac Aztec and thought it was the best vehicle I ever owned.

I found time for a short nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight I had Cheerios with a blueberry muffin.

After the news we watched an episode of Blood followed by an episode of Ted Lasso.  We like Ted Lasso.  It is only 30 minutes long so we have time to view it before falling asleep.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them everything ok in GR.

Bright moon when checked the front yard at 2200.  In the summer months I usually see a critter but for the past 2 months no critters.

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